You're All I Need (12 page)

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Authors: Karen White-Owens

BOOK: You're All I Need
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Andre reached Nia first and enfolded her in a bear hug. “Hey, little girl.”

He released her and Nia was instantly engulfed in Andrew's embrace. “How you doing?”

Grinning at her brothers, she handed the box to Andrew. “Here, take this. Put it with the rest.”

Tia studied her twin. They may have come from the same egg, but that's where all similarities stopped. Tia and Nia were completely different. Their personalities and philosophy about life were worlds apart. Tia took life very seriously. She planned every move and made decisions based on what she wanted to accomplish.

Nia let life happen. She didn't plan, nor did she intend to start.

They shared the same features and coloring, but Nia tamed her wild, curly mane into a slick bob that brushed her shoulders. Tia allowed the soft curls to flow freely. Tia preferred conservative business suits for work and tailored slacks and blouses for play. Nia wouldn't be caught dead or alive in the outfits Tia favored. Nia preferred her clothes so tight that the garments practically squeezed her to death. She wore loud, funky, colorful fabrics and outfits.

Today was a perfect example. Nia wore a pair of form-fitting, low-rise denims that revealed a large portion of her flat, pierced belly and tramp stamp. Her blue-green-yellow-pink strapless silk confection cut across the swell of her breasts, drawing attention to her curves.

“Hey, Tia, baby!” Nia's gaze swept over the guests, toward her sister. She raced across the room to her twin, throwing her arms around her. “Good to see you.”

Laughing, Tia swayed back and forth within her sister's embrace.

Chris moved alongside Tia. “Hi, Nia.”

Instantly, Nia turned to Chris. “Well, look at this.” She turned to her sister. “When did you two start seeing each other?”

“Recently,” Tia responded.

“Good. I couldn't stand Darnell anyway.”

Tia laughed. It was a relief to have some positive feedback.

Junior joined the small group. “Hey, Nia.”

“Hi, brother-man.”

He laughed. “You know you're the only one I let call me that.”

Grinning, Nia stated in a snappy tone, “As if you've got a choice.”

“Maybe you should follow in your sister's footsteps,” Mrs. Edwards suggested.

Rolling her eyes, Nia said, “Hi, Mother.”

“Hello, Nia-Pia. I'm glad you pulled yourself away from that shop long enough to celebrate with your family.”

“Yes, Mother. I made it.”

“Oh!” Jackie Edwards shook her head sadly, examining her daughter from head to toe. “Why do you have on those god-awful jeans? Don't you have anything special to wear? Maybe we should take up a collection for you.”

Nia rolled her eyes. “I have clothes, Mother.”

“You don't act like it.”

“Jacqueline!” Greg Edwards stated in a low, warning tone he reserved for moments just like this.

With round, surprised eyes, Jackie Edwards twirled around, facing her husband. “Yes?”

“Don't reveal all of our family secrets. Remember, this is a party.”

Her husband's comment put Jackie Edwards in check, and she immediately changed her tune. “I'm sorry. You're right, honey.”

Mr. Edwards opened his arms. “Nia, baby, come give your father a hug.”

Saved by her father, Nia hurried into his embrace. “Good to see you, Daddy.”

“You, too, baby.” Mr. Edwards brushed a hand over Nia's soft, glossy hair. “You too.”

Their mother's lips were pinched so tight they looked as if they'd been flattened by an iron. “You always spoil her, Greg.”

“Why not? She's one of my girls. Come on, people. This is a party. Why don't we act like it? Nia, go get yourself something to eat and say hello to your grandmother. Tia”—he pointed a finger at a table across the room—“you've got presents to open for your grandmother. Junior, you get to make the announcement and help Tia open the gifts.”

“Will do, Dad.” Junior dropped his hands onto Tia's shoulders and steered her between the guests to the front of the room. He pushed her into a chair next to the gift table.

Greg Edwards wrapped an arm around his wife and pulled her along beside him. He helped her into a chair at the table with Grandma Ruth, grabbed a chair, and scooted it next to his wife, giving Tia a conspiring wink from across the room.

Grinning, Tia winked back. Her father always came through, putting an end to the family squabbles by taking charge and smoothing everyone's ruffled feathers.

Junior turned down the volume on the CD player and said, “Grandma, all of your grandchildren wanted to see you before your surgery. But we also wanted to give you something that would make the experience easier.”

One of Tia's aunts said, “There's nothing that'll make it easier. That little woman is going to turn the hospital upside down.”

“No, she won't,” Tia replied.

Junior nodded. “Anyway, we've gotten you something that will help out.” He handed the brightly wrapped package to Grandma Ruth. “Why don't you open it?”

She took the box from Junior and tore the paper off. Grandma Ruth pulled the gift from the box. “Cell phone?”

“Yeah. We thought you could call us whenever you need us. Take it with you wherever you go and call us.”

“What am I supposed to do with this?” Grandma Ruth asked, leaning back in her chair while turning the cell phone over and over in her hands.

“Call us,” Andrew stated firmly.

“How do I do that?” Grandma Ruth asked.

“I'm going to program everyone's number into your phone,” Nia replied. “All you'll have to do is hit one button.”

Andre piped up. “Yeah. When things aren't going right, punch in our number and we'll be there.”

With a mischievous look on her face, Tia's grandmother dialed a number. Instantly, Jackie Edwards's cell phone went off. Laughing, Grandma put the phone to her ear and said, “I need your help.”

Jackie Edwards replied, “I'm on my way. Be right there.”

Chris put an arm around the back of Tia's chair and cupped her shoulder in his large hand. “I like your family.”

Surprised, Tia stared at the man. “After the way they've treated you?”

He shrugged in that way of his and answered, “They are only protecting you. And I understand that.”

“Do you? Then you understand better than I do. Junior started off coolly and the twins, I don't know what they think. Don't forget, Grandma Ruth has been downright mean.” She touched his forehead. “Do you have a fever? Maybe you're delusional.”

Smiling, Chris took her hand in his and kissed the palm. “Your family's words don't bother me. I would worry about my sister in the same way. But it doesn't change the way I feel about you.”

Tia cupped his cheek and kissed Chris tenderly on the lips. “Thank you.”

“No thanks needed,” he answered, watching her family's antics.

Unable to resist, Tia glanced at Chris's handsome face. Her heart pounded in her chest as she remembered the things her family had said to him today. He'd been pleasant and taken everything they dished out without letting their words upset him.

She wondered where this relationship was headed. Would she be happy with Chris? Could her family accept this Frenchman with the nice disposition? Tia turned away, certain that wherever they were headed, it would not be a smooth ride. There would be some potholes and roadblocks that would make the drive uncomfortable and difficult at times, but she believed Chris was worth all of the aggravation.

She slipped her fingers between his, linking them together. Chris glanced at her and smiled. Tia felt her heart open and welcomed him. Yes, indeed, this was going to be one interesting adventure.


“I've bet everything on my wedding ring. I'm giving you the best that I've got,” Tia harmonized with Anita Baker as she relaxed in the passenger seat of her SUV. Beside her, Chris hummed along while he navigated through the late Saturday afternoon traffic on Woodward Avenue in Detroit. He pulled into the driveway and stopped Tia's vehicle next to the valet shack at The Whitney restaurant.

Chris climbed out of the SUV and tossed the keys to the attendant before hurrying around the front to the passenger door. A huge grin of approval spread across his face as his warm and inviting gaze danced over her frame, which was covered in a low-cut peach sleeveless dress. The bodice curved into a hip-hugging pencil skirt. Chris took her hand and helped her from the car. Admiration filled his voice. “You look magnificent.”

Delighted by Chris's compliment, Tia stood in the circle of his embrace and caressed his cheek. She gazed at his charcoal suit, yellow shirt, and gray, green, and yellow striped tie. “Thank you. You look pretty good yourself.”

Tia took a deep breath and let it out slowly, nervously clutching her handbag. This was their first appearance as a couple in front of the Gautier staff. Tia felt uncomfortable with the prospect of revealing this portion of her private life. Many of her coworkers knew about her relationship with Darnell, and she didn't feel up to the questioning looks and stares. She had always maintained a line that divided her personal and professional lives. She wanted to hold the new relationship close and not let anyone else in, but she knew she and Chris couldn't stay a secret forever. “Are you ready for this?”

“Absolutely. I want people to understand how important you are to me.” Chris tucked her hand inside his elbow and led Tia up the stairs to the entrance of the restaurant. A woman directed them to an elevator secluded from the main portion of the first floor. The moment the doors shut, Chris wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against the length of him. “You are too beautiful to resist.”

Anticipating his kiss, Tia lifted her head. From the first light touch of his lips against hers, her body responded, tingling and heating up. Chris nibbled the corners of her mouth. His tongue swept the interior of her mouth, exploring and tasting. She rubbed her breasts against the hard contours of his body as her tongue made contact with his. He tasted so sweet. She never got enough of him. Chris drank deeply from her. His fingertips drew petite patterns on her back, touching, stroking, and seeking. She responded in kind, caressing his back and arms. The unexpected ding of the elevator bell brought them back to earth. Slowly, Chris moved away, releasing her. Tia glanced into his eyes and her heart galloped. Desire, hot and intense, blazed back at her from the depths of his pale blue eyes. Something primal spoke to her. But they were far from home, and there would be embarrassing questions if they tiptoed away from this event before it began.

With a gentle finger, Chris pushed a lock of Tia's hair behind her ear. “It's time to meet the masses.”

They turned to the door and exited the elevator into a large room. Helen, Wynn's assistant, waited with a basket filled with programs. She smiled at the couple and said, “Welcome.”

“Hi, Helen.” Tia gave the woman a quick hug. “This is my friend Chris Jensen. Chris, Helen Jenkins, Wynn's office manager. Helen, Chris is from our office in France.”

“Nice to meet you.” Helen handed them programs and then waved her hand toward the left section of the room. “The ceremony will begin in a few minutes. You better hurry and find seats.”

Cream-colored chairs were arranged in two sections with an aisle down the center. A gold arch sat at the front of the room, decorated with white roses and lavender ribbons. Lilac fragrance offered a gentle aroma while a gentle piano medley entertained the guests.

To the right, dinner tables were set up with white table linens. A crystal vase of white roses sat on each table. Lavender fabric covered each chair. Five servers dressed in uniforms of black and white moved around the floor, straightening tables and arranging cutlery.

A white frosted, five-layer wedding cake decorated with flowers of deep violet, purple, and lavender sat in a corner of the dining area. A huge lavender
topped the cake that shared space with serving plates, cutlery, and lavender napkins. In the opposite corner, brightly wrapped gifts and packages were piled high atop a long table. A glittery white birdcage hung from a hook, stuffed with envelopes.

A mahogany bar ran the length of one section of the room. The bar staff scurried back and forth, filling a fountain with bottles of champagne. There was an air of expectancy and excitement throughout the room.

Tia and Chris weren't the first to arrive. Family and friends were packed into the rows of chairs. Heads turned as they approached. Among the guests was JerrDan Hill, who sat alone. Krista and Brennan Thomas were accompanied by Liz and Steve Gillis. Tia and Chris waved to the couples as they searched for two empty seats. Members of the legal staff of Gautier International Motors and its affiliates were sprinkled among family and friends.

Tia hesitated, overwhelmed by the sight of so many of their coworkers. Was she ready to go public with her relationship with Chris? As if he understood what was going through her head, Chris placed a reassuring hand at the base of her spine and urged Tia forward. She turned to him and met his warm and reassuring gaze.

Chris leaned close and whispered into her ear, “We can do this.”

Reynolds and Michelle Gautier were seated in the center of a row near the arch. Their boss beckoned Tia and Chris to their row, pointing at the two chairs next to them.

With a hand on her back, Chris guided Tia to the two end chairs next to the Gautiers. They quickly dropped into the seats. “
Michelle and Reynolds.”

Christophe and Tia,” they replied. Reynolds leaned close to Tia and greeted her in English, “Hello. Good to see you.”

“Hi, Reynolds, Michelle.” Tia leaned forward to greet Reynolds's wife. “It's a beautiful day for a wedding.”

“Yes, it is,” Michelle responded, smiling warmly at Tia.

Reynolds glanced at his watch and said, “The wedding should start pretty soon. You know how Adam wants everything on time.”

Tia nodded, remembering Adam's constant desire for promptness. The beat of the music changed. The guests turned in their seats to find Adam's father, Mr. Carlyle, escorting his wife down the aisle. The rose-colored gown and silver jacket made her look like a regal queen as she carried two roses in her hands, one white and one lavender. Mr. Carlyle looked equally handsome in a dove-gray tuxedo with a lavender rose in his lapel. Hands intertwined, they sat together in the front row on the right side of the room, smiling happily at each other.

Next came Wynn's mother and father. Peg Evans wore a teal-colored tea-length dress and matching shoes. Just like Mrs. Carlyle, Mrs. Evans carried two roses in white and lavender. Mr. Evans's tux matched Mr. Carlyle's suit with a lavender rose in the lapel pocket. Like the Carlyles, they took their places in the front row, but on the left side of the room.

Adam's sister, Sherry, appeared at the back of the room, dressed in a lavender tea-length dress. A wide cream-colored sash emphasized her waist and was tied into a large bow at the back. Jimmy Harrison, Wynn's eight-year-old son, escorted Sherry down the aisle and led her to a spot to the left of the arch. Jimmy discreetly disappeared. Minutes later, he returned with a second woman. This woman looked a great deal like Wynn, and Tia suspected this was Wynn's sister Kayla. Again, Jimmy led the woman to the left side of the arch where Sherry stood.

The flower girl started down the aisle. Dressed in a replicate of Sherry's and Kayla's dress, she stopped at every row and handed an item to each person. Whatever she was giving them made the adults grin and laugh. When she reached Tia and Chris, the child placed a silver item in her hand and closed her fingers around the woman's before moving down the aisle to the front of the room. She took her place next to Sherry.

“What is it?” Chris asked slowly. His lips grazed her ear, sending a current of delight surging through Tia as she opened her hand and revealed a Hershey's chocolate kiss. They laughed together at this surprising and wonderful treat. Chris wrapped an arm around Tia and hugged her close. “Absolutely magnificent. You are sweeter than any chocolate treat.”

At the front of the room, the child's attempt to whisper reached the ear of the audience. “Can I eat a piece of candy, Momma?”

Sherry shook her head. “No. Save it for later.”

As the ring bearer made his way down the aisle, Adam entered from a separate entrance. He stood tall and handsome.

The wedding march began. Everyone stood. At the back of the room, Wynn stood with her sons, Jimmy and Kevin. The boys flanked their mother and led her down the aisle. She made a radiant bride. Her cream strapless bodice was beaded. A large lavender sash fit tightly at the waist and tied into a large bow at her side. The fabric flared into a full skirt that reached her ankles.

Slowly and deliberately, mother and sons moved down the aisle. Wynn gazed directly at Adam. When he looked at her, a huge smile spread across his face. She returned the smile as she moved closer to him. The boys led their mother to Adam. When they reached the altar, Kevin offered his mother's hand to Adam and then stepped to the left of his mother where Jimmy stood.

Dressed in white robes, the minister waited at the opposite side of the arch. Wynn and Adam moved forward, facing the minister.

“Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Pastor Ford,” the minister began. “This is a great day. It's the day Wynn and Adam have chosen to become a family.” He talked about family and what it meant.

Chris reached over and took Tia's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her palm. As usual, his touch sent her heart racing.

“Marriage is more than being in love,” Pastor Ford stated. “It's a commitment to be with one person, to hold that partner's life as dearly as you hold your own…to be with them when they are ill or in the best of health. To listen.” He paused and then repeated, “To truly listen to what that person has to say and answer honestly. There will be times when your partner won't agree with what you are saying or become upset with the answer you give. But that person will always be the one you turn to when you need advice, help, love, and support.”

Chris squeezed Tia's hand. The feel of his hand cradling hers told her how much he understood the importance of the minister's words. He leaned close and said, “I feel that way about you. You're always the person I choose when I need advice or help.”

“I want to be there for you,” Tia admitted.

“And I want you there,” Chris answered gently.

“So,” the minister said, “who gives this woman?”

“I do,” Jimmy answered.

“Me too,” Kevin seconded.

The wedding guests laughed aloud.
How sweet,
Tia thought.

Adam grinned from one boy to the other and then said, “Thank you. I promise to take good care of your mother.”

Nodding, Kevin seemed to consider Adam's declaration very seriously before answering, “Okay.”

“You better,” Jimmy warned instantly.

The rest of the ceremony went off perfectly. When the minister asked for the rings, Jimmy reached into his pocket, removed a round silver band sparkling with diamonds, and handed it to Adam.

Kevin reached in his pocket and handed his mother a plain silver band.

Wynn and Adam handed the rings to the minister. He held them in the air for the wedding guests to see. “These rings symbolize Adam and Wynn's commitment to this marriage. The rings offer a visible link to each other.”

Adam and Wynn exchanged their vows.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I now present the Carlyle family: Wynn, Adam, Jimmy, and Kevin. Congratulations. Be good and kind to each other.”

The family turned to face their guests. Tia had never seen Adam look so happy, and she realized at that moment that she wanted the same thing for her life. She offered a silent prayer that Wynn and Adam's life would be happy and drama free.

Adam turned to Wynn and took her face between his hands. He leaned down and lightly touched her lips with his. “I love you.” Drawing away, he smiled down at his wife before leaning in for a second, more thorough kiss. Wynn wrapped her arms around Adam's waist and drew him against her. Her moans of pleasure were heard by their wedding guests. The guests clapped, whistled, and laughed.

Minutes later, Tia and Chris stepped up to the front of the receiving line to congratulate the new couple. Tia hugged Wynn. “Welcome to the Gautier family.”

Wynn grinned broadly. “Thank you. It's good to see you.”

Tia moved to Adam and hugged him tightly. “I wish you all the happiness the world has to offer.”

“And you too,” Adam replied, looking past her to Chris. “How long have you and Chris been going on?”

Embarrassed, Tia tugged a loose lock of hair behind her ear, taking a quick glance at her date as he conversed with Wynn. “A few weeks.”

“No more Darnell?”

She shook her head. “No. Been there, done that. Don't want to do it again.”

“Okay, then. I wish you and Chris all the best.”

“Thank you.”

Chris grabbed Adam's hand and pumped it enthusiastically. “Beautiful ceremony. I wish you and Wynn the best.”

“Where are you headed for your honeymoon?” Tia asked.

Grinning, Wynn answered, wrapping her arms around Adam's waist, “Two weeks in Hawaii.”

“Oh, man! That's great.” Then Tia frowned. “Who's going to keep your sons?”

“My mom and dad.” Wynn pointed toward the elder Evanses.

Tia hugged the couple. “Have a wonderful time.”

Grinning at her new husband, Wynn winked and answered, “We will.”

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