You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)
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“I did think about you and us before I went in.” Her voice was rough; she looked down at her hands clasped on the table in front of her. She was holding them so tightly that her knuckles hurt. “I had the fire extinguisher in my hand, and I stopped in front of the door to Wes’s office. I realized that what I was doing was insane.” She had to swallow again, her throat was so dry. “I thought about you, about what I was throwing away because I was pretty sure that Phelps was going to kill me.” She felt the tears fall, raising her eyes to his. “I thought about everything that I was going to miss.” Her chest was heaving with her strangled breaths. “Our wedding, us sitting on the porch on a warm spring night and about us growing old together. It hurt my heart, Finn.” She sobbed. “It hurt so much. Those were the things that I always wanted, and I wasn’t going to get them. I wasn’t gonna have them with you.”

She could clearly read the pain he was feeling. “I heard yelling in the office, and I knew that I had to do something or Wes was going to be dead. I love you with all of my heart but I had to try to save Wes.”

Finn was on his feet, and around the table. He dropped to his knees by her side. “Is that the truth?”

She nodded her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I was so scared, Finn. But I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he had killed Wes and I was standing outside waiting for someone else to help.”

He pulled her roughly into his arms and he rocked her as she sobbed.

“I didn’t want to go in there, but I had to.”

“It was insane. Really dangerous.” He was still holding her. He said the words against her hair, but he didn’t sound as angry.

“I know,” she whispered. His arms felt so good around her.

“But I know that you are fiercely protective of those you love.”

She nodded a few more times, praying that he understood her need to intervene.

He stood, lifting her out of the chair. He moved to his chair and sat down, positioning her on his lap. He rested his forehead against her temple as he held her close. “You scared me,” he whispered. “I can’t remember ever being that terrified. When you didn’t answer me at the hospital, it got mixed up with my frustration and my fear. I’m sorry, really sorry. It seems that I have a problem with lashing out at you when I’m frightened. Plus I am a selfish bastard.”

She’d file that away for the future. “I do love you, Finn. I do even though you can be a jerk.” She burrowed into his body. “What do I need to say to make you believe me?’

“Well, I can think of a good way to convince me.” His tone was still a little sharp, but his arms around her were gentle.

She put one hand on his chest and gently pushed away, creating space between them, so that she could clearly see his face. “What do I need to do?” She would dance naked on the table if it would ease the pain that she had seen earlier in his eyes.

He smiled. “Just say yes.”

“Say yes to what?” Hale searched his face.

“Say yes to me. Marry me, Hale. Say yes to us.”

She relaxed in his hold. “Yes.” She started laughing. “Yes, yes, yes.”

He joined in the laughter, then he kissed her or maybe she kissed him.

“So you’ll marry me even though I act like an idiot around you?” He was smiling but his eyes said that he was nervous about her answer.

“You work on being less of a jerk and I’ll stop trying to be a super-hero. How’s that?”

“Deal.” He was still smiling but now his eyes were filled with warmth.

She didn’t know how long they stayed in chair, kissing.

Finn eased away and put both of his hands at the sides of her neck, holding her still. “I want this to happen soon, before I do something stupid that makes you run away.”

“No running this time. I’m not going anywhere.” She knew that was the truth, just like she knew that she was finally getting exactly what she wanted.

“I’m serious. I want to get married soon, unless you want time to plan a huge wedding production?” He looked a little frightened at that thought.

Hale was rubbing her hand over his heart. She started drawing designs with her fingertip as she pulled the plan together in her head. “Well, there’s going to be a huge party at my house on New Year’s Eve. We could get married during the party.”

“I see the wheels turning, what are you thinking?” He watched her with squinted eyes.

“Well…” She gave him a mischievous smile, “It could be a surprise. We don’t tell the guests beforehand and then we have a little ceremony. That way we could start the New Year as husband and wife.”

“So we’d get married at the stroke of midnight. I like it.” Finn’s smile stole her breath. “But, I want fireworks, lots of fireworks.” He demanded.

“Oh God, poor Miller.” She shook her head, but started a list. What would they need to change in the party plans?

“He can stay here if it’s going to bother him that much.”

“Are you kidding, Miller has to be in the wedding!”

“You’re having your dog in the wedding?” He shook his head, laughing at her.

“I know exactly what I want. No bridesmaids, Miller can sit at the bottom of the steps with Lily Rose. He can hold our rings. Moe can escort me down the foyer steps, delivering me to you.”

“Sounds perfect.” He kissed her again.

Her entire body stiffened. “Oh my God, We have so much to do.” She started to climb off his lap.

“Babe, its one thirty in the morning, you need to get some rest. I need to get some rest. Tomorrow, we can start planning. But now, let’s go to bed.” He helped her to her feet, pulling her close. “I love you, Hale. It’s been you, always.”


Climbing Finn’s stairs had been slow going for Hale. She didn’t complain but he had felt her body tremble from the exertion. He helped her into his bed. “Do you want me to go back over and get your meds?”

She shook her head negatively. “No, just get a couple of ibuprofen and I’ll be fine.” She was propped up against his thick pillows.

“You sure?” He watched her closely. If she made anything close to a grimace, he was going across the street.

She smiled sweetly. “I’m good, really.”

“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” He teased. He jogged down the steps and made sure both doors were secure, stopping to grab the pills and a bottle of water for Hale.

He hurried up the stairs and sat beside her, making sure that she took the pills.

After he watched her swallow and take another sip from the bottle, he got up and walked to his chest of drawers. He crouched down to open the bottom drawer, and his hand dug in the back and found the velvet box.

“What are you doing?” Hale shifted to see more clearly.

He stood and showed her the box.

The look of surprise turned to wariness on her face. “Uh, that isn’t from before, is it?” she was squeezing the comforter so tightly that her knuckles were white.

He considered teasing her for a moment, but decided that it was a bad idea. “Open it, and find out.” He moved back to the bed facing her.

She looked at his hand for a few beats, then took the small light blue box. She slowly opened it and her intake of breath was audible. “It’s beautiful.” Her hands started to shake. “Oh my God, Finn, it’s perfect.” She held the open box to her heart. “I love it.”

“You sure?” He gently pulled the box from her hands. He took the diamond ring from the insert and grasped her left hand. “Let’s see how it looks.” He slid the ring onto her third finger. He glanced at her to check her reaction. She was looking at him, not the ring. He pushed it past the second knuckle. “What do you think?”

“I love you and I’m gonna be your wife.”

“Good to know, but what about the ring?” He gently squeezed her hand.

Hale looked down at her hand in his. “Perfect, just perfect.”

“You can exchange it. I want you to be happy with it, because you aren’t taking it off.”

“No, it’s perfect.” She smiled at him. “I don’t ever want to take it off.”

The ring looked good on her hand. It was a large round cut diamond in an antique setting with smaller diamonds surrounding the center diamond, and there were pave diamonds completely circling the band.

“Tell the truth, you thought I was going to give you the old ring. You thought that I had kept it all these years.”

She bit her lip before answering. “Just for a second, but that would have been OK.”

“This ring fits you better. It’s understated, yet it still catches the eye with its beauty.” He kissed her hand.

“I’m glad that I still catch your eye.” She giggled as she moved her hand, checking the ring from all angles.

“I started shopping for it the day after the Fall Festival.” He confided.

“You are a nut.” She shook her head at him. “I wasn’t even into you.”

“Ha, you were into me. I think you were fighting it, but you were.” He pulled her closer.

“You’re probably right.” She leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose. “I did fight it, and you. I was scared.”

“I knew it, but I was determined. I knew that I was going to get you.”

“So very confident.” She ran her finger over his lips. “I’m glad that you were, because there were times that I was so confused and lost…”

“I love you, Hale. I’m going to do my best to make you a good husband, and give you a happy life.” He tilted her chin up so he could kiss her.

She ran her hand through his hair. “Being with you will make my life happy. I love you too, Finn.” She kissed him. “The bad news is that I need to lie down. I’m starting to feel really tired.”

Finn released her gently, and watched her settle. “Do you need me to go get your pills from the Benton’s?”

“No, I think I just need to sleep. Plus, we need to get up early, like in a few hours. I want us to be sitting at the table when Jasmine gets up in the morning. I can’t wait to show off my ring.”

“I can’t wait to tell them that you said ‘yes’.” He moved closer to Hale’s back, she pulled his arm over her waist, entwining her fingers with his.

Chapter Fifteen

New Year’s Eve


Ashley approached as Hale was chatting with Drake Ondine. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but something’s come up that need’s Hale’s attention.” Ashley flashed the attractive older man an apologetic smile as she grabbed Hale’s wrist and pulled her toward the doors at the far end of the room.

“What time is it?” Hale asked quietly as she smiled, yet kept moving past the guests.

“It’s ten-fifteen. Jasmine says that it’s time for you to come upstairs to finish getting ready.”

She let out a sigh. “I swear she is going to drive me crazy before this night ends.”

“She is taking this very seriously. Just think if she’s this crazy for you, then what’s it going to be like for poor Lily Rose.” Ashley made an “eek” face, breaking into giggles.

“When Lily Rose’s time comes, I’m going to bribe her to elope,” Hale joined in. “I don’t know what all the fuss is about. My makeup and hair are done. I just need to change.” Hale was currently wearing a gown that had a lavender bodice leading into an ombre effect down the long skirt, ending in a deep plum. Her hair was pulled into a French twist and she had on a diamond and amethyst necklace that had belonged to her maternal grandmother.

It was amazing how everything had worked out for tonight. The plan was that she would begin the night dressed for the party. She had ordered this gown in late October, and it was pure coincidence that Finn’s favorite color was purple. As part of her duties during the probate period, she and Poppy had inventoried the family jewel collection. She had never seen most of the pieces. During her lifetime, there had been few events in which Hale would need to wear the heirlooms.

“Maybe she wants to talk to you about what is expected of a bride.” Ashley teased. “Understanding your wifely duties on your wedding night.”

“Oh, I hope there’s a video.” They opened the door to the back hallway and climbed the back stairs. At the top, they met Maria who was holding a clipboard.

“Everything is running on schedule, now that you made it up here.” The housekeeper frowned in Hale’s direction.

“And I told you that you were to enjoy the party and not run around with your damn clipboard.” Hale pointed at the offensive item. The Four Horsewomen of the Weddipocalypse, as she and Finn had named the group planning their wedding. Maria, Poppy, Jasmine, and Ashley, had taken over the event with relish and driven everyone involved insane.

“How’s Finn holding up?” Ashley asked, cutting Maria off before she could review the timetable, again.

“Finn is standing at the entrance and welcoming the guests, Izzy and Moe are with him. A few people have inquired as to why you are not using the main entrance but the men are handling things quite well.” Maria made a mark on her clipboard.

“Well, they’ll understand when we open the doors to the foyer,” Hale remarked. The dual staircases were draped in silver and white ribbon, on every other step there was a battery-operated candle in a hurricane glass cover. “Maria, please promise me, that you will take a moment and enjoy tonight.”

The older woman stiffened. “Of course I will, after everything is taken care of. I want tonight to be special for you.”

Hale wrapped her arms around the woman who had taken care of her for most of her life. “It already is. Thank you for everything, for all of your hard work tonight, and for all of these years. I love you so much.” She hugged the older woman and Maria let out a little sob.

“You are like a daughter to me. Be happy.
Te amo, mi pequenita
.” She kissed Hale’s cheek. “I love you, little one. Now go to your room and get ready. You can’t be late to your own wedding. The mayor would not like it.”

She smiled at Maria and walked down the hallway. She nodded at the man standing outside of her bedroom door. Finn had insisted on hiring security for tonight. He claimed that it was to keep the guests from wandering throughout the house. Hale knew that he was still concerned about the Phelps family and their threats. Vernon had survived his head trauma but he would never fully recover.

She walked into her room, Poppy and Jasmine were sitting on the loveseat drinking wine. Hale walked to her closet and kicked off her shoes. Next, she moved to the edge of her bed and sat down, enjoying not standing in her heels. She flexed her feet a few times and did some leg raises. The reality of the moment hit her and she began to feel a little shaky.

“Do you want a glass of wine?” Jasmine asked, as she pointed to the top of her chest of drawers where they had set up a mini-bar.

“No, I just want to sit down for a minute and collect myself.” She stretched her shoulders and neck.

“Still worrying about the steps?” Ashley poured a glass of wine, then joined her on the bed.

“A little, my dress is so heavy. If I lose my balance, I will drag poor Moe with me.” Hale had endured several nightmares about falling down the foyer steps.

“Hush. You won’t fall. I gave Moe strict instructions to move slowly down the steps.” Poppy stated.

“We ran into Maria at the top of the back stairs. She’s keeping everyone in line.” Hale told her friends.

“What I wouldn’t give to see Matt and Caleb dealing with your dog.” Jasmine chuckled. They were to attach ribbons to Miller’s collar and make sure that he was drool free.

“I thought it was a perfect job for Matt. I told Finn that I didn’t want to see his scowl before I pledged myself to him.” Hale had worked to ingratiate herself with Finn’s right hand man but so far, he had not warmed to her.

“Ashley, you deserve a raise for working with him these past few weeks.” Jasmine observed.

“I’m sure that it wasn’t that bad. He comes from a good family, and has always been very polite in my company.” Poppy gave a slight sniff in disapproval.

“No really, he’s an ass. You have to be a major jerk to be told to only communicate through the assistant. He has such a superior attitude and I’m
so lucky
to have the honor of working with him this past month. Yay me.” Ashley finished her wine.

“I did notice that after you took over, Ash, he seemed to have to call and stop by an awful lot,” Hale teased.

“And I hated every minute of it,” Ashley protested.

Hale and Jasmine’s eyes met and they smiled. Did Ashley protest a little too much? The blush on her cheeks was a little suspicious.

Poppy cleared her throat so that she had the ladies’ attention. “I think you should start getting changed. The photographer is coming in to take a few casual photos in twenty minutes. I know that you don’t want to be in your underwear.”

“I don’t know about that. Have you seen how sexy my underwear is?” Hale laughed, low and throaty. “I think Finn might like a few of those shots.” Talking to her friends was helping with her nerves.


Finn watched Maria approach with her two sons. The plan was that Miguel and Enrico would take over the greeting of any last minute guests. Finn and Izzy were to go to the first floor guestroom, to wait until it was time for them to take their places. Moe had already gone to the second floor to check in with Hale.

He thanked the men, shaking their hands and smiling at his fellow conspirators. He and Izzy made their way to the back hallway.

“There has to be over three hundred people out there,” Izzy proclaimed as they walked down the hall.

“I didn’t count. I’m happy that there is such a great turnout. It will mean a lot to Hale.” Finn nodded at the security guard to open the guestroom door.

“I think you’ve pulled off the surprise. I haven’t heard any whispers or rumors.” Izzy walked straight to the mini-bar in the corner of the room.

“Grab a water for me, please.” Finn took off his tux jacket. He hung it carefully over the hanger on the closet door as instructed by Poppy.

“I see Hale put out some of Joe’s finest whiskey, sure that you don’t want any? You know, to bolster your courage.” Izzy pointed to the bottle.

“Water first, then just a splash, not that I need any courage tonight. I’m getting exactly what I’ve always wanted.”

The two longtime friends smiled at one another. Izzy poured two glasses and walked to the sitting area of the room. There were two wingback chairs for the men to relax in. Izzy removed his coat and hung it before sitting. He didn’t want to catch hell from one of The Four.

The men sat in silence for a few minutes. Izzy checked his watch. “Forty minutes.”

“You don’t need to do a countdown, just set an alarm for ten minutes before, so that that I can piss, put my coat on, and go.” Finn tasted the aged liquid.

Izzy cleared his throat. “I’m glad that you two are finally together.”

Finn smiled. “Thank you. Are you going to give me a “dad” type speech next?”

“No, but I
going to share a little bit of wisdom so pay attention. Marriage is hard, no matter how much you love one another. Keeping it going takes work.” Izzy leaned his elbows on his thighs.

There was a long pause so Finn spoke. “Keep working, got it.”

“No matter how much you love one another, things can get rough. I just want you to remember that.” Izzy stared intently at Finn.

Finn was missing something, but he didn’t know how to ask his best friend, so he said, “OK, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Izzy nodded at him. He sat back in his chair, lightly swirling the amber liquid. Neither spoke for a bit, each lost in their own thoughts. Izzy continued. “You know, Hale was right.”


“She needed to go, escape, and grow up. This town would have smothered her and your marriage. She isn’t that same person now, that princess. She came back a confident woman who knows what she wants.”

“I loved that princess, but you’re right, I would have probably fallen out of love with her. This adult version, well, I love her more. Plus, she’s a certified badass and sexy as hell.” He had to shift as his cock stirred at the thought of just how sexy Hale was when they were alone.

Izzy smiled at his friend. “I’m glad that you got this second chance.”

“Me too, buddy, me too.”


There was a knock at Hale’s bedroom door, Jasmine went to answer it. “Hey, Moe, come on in.”

Hale had changed into her wedding gown. Two days after Jasmine found Finn and Hale sitting at her breakfast table waiting to share their good news, she made arrangements to fly to New York City to find the right dress for Hale. They both knew the minute they saw the gown that it was perfect. It was antique white with clear, gray, and white stone embellishments throughout. She would shimmer in the candles’ glow during the ceremony. The bodice was very low cut—Finn liked her cleavage.

The older gentleman stopped abruptly. “Oh Lord, Hale, you look magnificent. Truly, one of the loveliest brides that I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you.” Hale continued looking in the mirror as Ashley straightened the heavy skirt. “You look very handsome, yourself.” She looked over her shoulder and winked at the man who would escort her down the stairs to Finn.

“The photographer fellow said that he would be ready for you in about ten minutes.” Moe started to sit and Poppy gave him a stern look.

“No sitting in your coat, Moses Benton. I don’t have time to steam out the wrinkles.” Poppy collected the wine glasses and put them on the mini-bar. Then she helped Moe out of his jacket and hung it up for him.

Jasmine was checking Hale’s hair. She’d decided against wearing a veil; instead, the tight roll against the back of her head was decorated with jeweled hairpins. The style complemented her cheekbones and blue eyes.

“Shake your head a few times, I want to make sure nothing moves.” Jasmine ordered.

Hale did as asked. “Nope, it feels good. Looks good, it’s perfect.” Hale smiled at her friend in the mirror.

The others had moved closer, surrounding her in a semi-circle. Poppy again cleared her throat. “I know that you probably think that it is an old fashioned custom, but some things should be passed down from generation to generation.”

Hale turned away from the mirror and gave Poppy a huge smile. “Agreed.”

“I will begin with “Something Old.’ Do you recall when we went through your Grandmother Cameron’s jewelry?” Poppy was holding a box. “I must confess that I borrowed a piece.”

“We did that right after I got back from New York,” Hale recalled. She had welcomed Poppy’s help with identifying each piece in the bank’s vault. “Very sneaky, Miss Poppy.”

“She reported it to me right away,” Moe explained. Once a lawyer, always a lawyer. He had to clarify that there was no problem with Poppy borrowing the piece.

Poppy seemed very pleased with Hale’s summation. “Well, I saw this and knew that it would be perfect with your gown. Harrison and I added a little bit to the necklace for this special night.” Poppy opened the square box.

“Oh my God, Poppy!” Hale exclaimed. “It’s so beautiful.” Hale took the box from Poppy’s hand and looked more closely at the necklace. The pearl necklace was long enough to rest against her collarbone. Now there were new diamonds used as spacers between the pearls. The others moved in for a closer look. “Poppy, I don’t even have words, I love it so much.” Her voice caught.

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