Yes, Master (12 page)

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Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

BOOK: Yes, Master
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The rest of our Saturday is spent playing board games and watching movies on cable.

“Daddy, I think I’m going for a shower then bed,” Lucy says as she stands up.

I look at the time, and it’s nearing 8.30pm.

“Okay, Lani. I’ll come and tuck you in when you’re ready.”

“Bye Uncle Mason. Thank you for taking all those pictures. The girls at school are going to go crazy when they see them.”

“I’ll make you a deal. Next time I’m in, I’ll come with your dad to pick you up from school. I can’t tell you when, because I don’t know myself. Then the girls will really go crazy with both of us there.”

“Eeeew, Uncle Mason. That’s just gross.”

Stella chuckles but looks away to hide her smirk.

“Thank you for showing me how to make tomato soup, Stella. It was so yummy.”

“You’re more than welcome, maybe next time I’ll show you how to make the best spaghetti sauce ever.”

Lucy throws her arms around Stella’s neck and kisses her on the cheek.

“Pinkie promise?” Lucy says holding her pinkie out.

“They’re the only promises I make,” Stella replies linking their fingers together.

Lani then goes to Mason and gives him the same kiss and cuddle she gave Stella.

“Good night everyone,” Lucy says as she heads to the bathroom.

We hear the shower start and Stella stands up.

“We’ve got to go, too. Mason’s got an incredibly early flight.”

Mason stands next to her, and I get up to see them off.

“Ryan, make sure you’re not late on Tuesday night. 7pm, and not a moment after.”

She gets her handbag and Mason takes her medical bag. I open the front door waiting for them to leave.

Mason leans in first to kiss me and when his tongue traces my lips, my cock awakens and stirs. Mason’s hand goes to the back of my neck as he holds me to his mouth. Desire floats through my body and I moan into his mouth as he laps at my lips. He lingers for a moment as I feel Stella step up to us.

Mason and I widen our stance to include Stella. I feel her go up on her toes, as Mason and I lower our heads to meet her mouth. I kiss her as Mason tenderly trickles his lips down to the hollow of her neck.

She pulls away from me, and lifts his head to be close to mine.

With a hand to the back of Mason’s head, she leads him in to kiss her, and with her other hand to the back of my head, she encourages me to do the same.

Closing my eyes I just,

Three mouths are teasing, licking, feasting and kissing as we worship each other. Drawn like magnets we unite as one. Combined we’re all lost in the euphoric and heavenly stolen moments.

Stella pulls away first and my eyes half open. Her own eyes lids dreamily uncover her piercing orbs as a lust gaze is adorned to both Mason and myself.

I want this.

I need this.

Stella wants this, too.

Chapter 14

On Monday morning I drop Lani off at school and head off to work.

Other than Amanda giving me annoying subtle flickers of her eye lashes and irritating giggles as I walked past, Monday was quite redundant and hum drum.

Monday night was a little more interesting. When I got home from work, after a shower and dinner, I did some research on BDSM.

I had no idea where to start, so I simply put BDSM in the search engine and was lead to some very colorful photos and even more disturbing websites. After hours of clicking onto sites that will stay with me for a lifetime, I clicked on one that required me to sign up and to verify my age.

When I entered my details, I was relieved to find, that what I was looking for was met by fetlife. The website was interesting and intriguing and held an array of information. Doms describing their roles for a sub, and subs outlining how they feel toward their Dom’s. There were photos, videos and even poems. Some were of interest to me and some, not so much.

The common theme I saw as I scrolled down the endless page, was trust and arousal. For a lot of people on this particular site, I noticed that both those things meshed together, and where trust was given arousal soon followed.

Reading every scrap of information I could on the lifestyle from this site was a huge eye opener. I never knew the huge scale that falls under the BDSM banner.

Everything from mild and tame, which I’ve learned is called vanilla with add ons, to full Master/slave roles. I also realized that being in a very intense Master/slave environment must be quite overwhelming; however after friending and talking to some slaves I found there’s always downtime.

They’ve assured me that even the most assiduous relationships all have periods where they can freely speak and discuss the events that have taken place.

As I’m exploring the lifestyle and reading about hard limits and soft limits my phone vibrates with a text message.

Immediately my face breaks out in a grin when I see that my Master’s name is on the screen.

My blood pumps a little faster through my veins with excitement and anticipation of seeing what my Master’s said.

I’ll have dinner ready by 7pm. ~ S

With the small directive written, my body comes alive. My palms start to sweat and my heart begins to fucking flutter. Like a damn horny teenager, my body instantly reacts to my Master and her words.

“Does my toy like being whipped?” I close my eyes with the thought of me being bound to the cross as Master wields the fine leather of a flogger around my cock. Yes, that feels so good.

“I’m going to try my new short tailed on you tonight, but I want you restrained over the bench.”

“Yes please, Master,” I answer but the moment I open my mouth Master lets two licks of the whip come down hard over my cock. It fucking hurts, but the pleasure that follows is out of this world.

Beep beep.

My phone buzzes again and it snaps me out of the short fantasy of being under Stella’s control. I didn’t even realize that I’d been stroking and rubbing my cock as I was in my little daydream of what I hope my experience of
the lifestyle will be.

Don’t be late because it won’t do you any good to keep your Master waiting. ~ S


I reread the message and it makes my already rigid cock, stiffens up further. Cum is starting to bead at my slit, and all I need to do is grasp my shaft and find a relaxing rhythm with my long caressing touch.

My breathing’s short and rapid as I begin to pant.


I can’t do this without Master’s approval.

Quickly I type out a message and hope that she allows me the relief.

May I spurt my cum into my hand please, Master? ~ R

I don’t have to wait for long for a reply.

My toys don’t ask, they wait for my command. ~ S

No no no, please let me come, silently I chant over and over. I’ve gripped my cock and I’m pulsating my fingers around the thickness wishing to get the go ahead, but Master’s reply doesn’t come.

Which means, neither do I.

I go to bed unsatisfied and I lay between the cold sheets just thinking about the pull that Stella already has over me.

There’s a draw and seduction that’s been present from the moment I met her at Mason’s award night. Her allure’s so vivid and so forceful that I can’t help but be compelled by her,
to her

But I have to remember that regardless of what I want, she’s still only my Master.

We’re solely an arrangement, like she and Mason have. They have an agreement that benefits them both without crossing the boundary to where hearts are touched and emotions develop.

She’s just my Master.

But as I close my eyes and my mind starts to drift, a small question arises.

What if?

Chapter 15

Tuesday is spent almost the same as Monday, except I wasn’t researching BDSM.

Amanda was still doing that annoying cute eye lash flutter as she tried to get my attention whenever I walked past her, completely ignoring her as I always did.

With a spring in my step and a smile on my face, I know as the day closes that I’ll be going to my Master’s home to give myself over to her.

By 5pm I leave and drive home. I ensure that I shave again so that I have no stubble and that I’ve cleaned thoroughly.

I don’t know what to expect from tonight, but I’m going to do everything in my power not to piss my Master off.

When I get in my car to go to Stella’s I find I’m in a total state. My heart’s sitting up in my throat as adrenaline is gushing around my body in spiraling waves.

TomTom navigation sees me go from one suburb to the next. When the TomTom announces my arrival in an affluent and up market part of town, I look around and take in my surroundings.

Stella lives twenty-five minutes from me on a huge estate. Her house is white and grand and surrounded by a perfectly manicured lawn. There’re aged trees that fringe the overtly large house, partially protecting it from exposure to the elements of the weather and to prying eyes.

I drive up to the gates and press the buzzer waiting for whomever to answer the call.

“You’re punctual, you’ve pleased me,” Stella’s silky smooth voice says over the intercom. “Drive up to the house and park to the left of the main doors.” The gates open and I follow the driveway up to her home.

When I get to what I suspect are the front doors, I park my car where I was instructed.

I sit in the car for a moment and think about the voyage I’m just about to undertake.

Stella’s told me she can help me escape the torture that’s plagued my life for such a long time. But can she?

Can she take it away?

Can she make me forget?

Can she give me the strength so I can move forward?

I don’t know.

The only thing I can say with certainty is that, I believe she’s going to try her hardest.

God, please let me find peace. Please, let the humiliation lift.

Let me finally heal.

As I exit the car I take one huge deep breath in and allow the fresh night air to fill my lungs. When I exhale, I make the decision to give myself over to Stella. She’ll command me and I’ll follow.

When I get to her front door, I knock once and wait for my Master to appear.

She opens the door dressed in a purple thigh high silk robe. It’s tied at the waist so I can’t see anything, but fuck, her legs are slim and so toned as they taunt me from beneath her robe. She’s bare foot and I notice her toe nails are painted in a blood red polish.

As I drag my gaze up her body to her face I can’t help but see her breasts are sitting high and perky under the thin covering. Her hair’s out and part of it falls over her shoulder.

But, damn her eyes.

They slice through me so effortlessly; they reach into my heart and rip the ugly away.

“Ryan,” Stella addresses me.

“Stella,” I say barely able to contain my reaction to her scantily clothed body.

“Please, come in.” She steps aside and opens the door wider for me to enter.

I take two steps in, and the moment the doors close I can’t fucking help myself. I drop the bag and turn around closing the gap between us, I gently push Stella up against the door. Bringing my mouth down to find hers as I hungrily captivate her lips with my own.

She opens up and lets me explore as I massage her tongue with mine. She tilts her head up and catches my lip between her teeth. She applies pressure as she pulls on it and I feel a thrill at the enticing and enthralling pain she’s causing.

Her leg comes up over my hip and I move it so her heel is digging in to my ass. With my other hand I wrap her hair around it and tug it down, hard. She lets out a small cry into my mouth and I know she loves what I’m doing to her. I pin her to the door with my hips, and she curves her back pushing her hot tits into me.

“Stop,” she commands me as she breaks away from my mouth and drops her leg from around my waist.

I take a step back and immediately I lower my eyes.

Shit, she’s going to be pissed off at me.

“Ryan, you don’t top me,” she says looking me straight in the eyes before she walks away.

What the hell? I wasn’t trying to top her. I just needed to kiss her.

Oh shit, maybe I was trying to top her. Damn it. She didn’t tell me I could kiss her, I just sort of did it.

I follow her to where ever she’s going and find her in her extravagant kitchen. It’s so crisp and clean with splashes of color. The kitchen itself is white and abundant with every possible amenity that anyone could ask for.

Stella goes to the stove and mixes something that’s creating a heavenly aroma.

I stand at the entrance and wait to be told what to do, because frankly, I don’t want her pissed off any more than she already is.

“Sit on one of the stools at the bench,” she instructs me without even turning around.

I move to sit down and she flips a look over her shoulder to me.

Damn it.

She’s fucking sexy with that tiny little robe and her hair out. I just want to grab her hair and pull it hard as I bury myself deep inside her and fuck her ‘til she screams.

But, that’s not going to happen.

She calls the shots, and I have to let her, or she’ll be angry with me.

I quietly sit and watch her as she moves around the kitchen with so much grace, it’s almost like she glides on air as she travels between stations finishing dinner.

“In the fridge is a bottle of white could you please open it and pour us a glass each?” she asks me.

“I’m not a wine drinker, do you have beer?”

She turns her body around to face me and leans her hip onto the counter and lifts her foot to rest on her other knee. Her robe falls open more and her leg is totally exposed which is not making my erection settle down.

She brings the spoon up to her mouth and tastes the white sauce that’s simmering away in the big black pot on her stove top, but her eyes don’t leave mine at all. Her tongue slowly licks the spoon and my eyes are drawn to her mouth, I can feel myself panting over the way her mouth caresses the implement in her hands.

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