Yes, Master (10 page)

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Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

BOOK: Yes, Master
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“Fuck, you two together are sexy. You’re my toys to command and do as I please with. But no more, because now’s not the time to play,” Stella instructs us in her low sensual tone.

Both Mason and I pull away from each other and our lips curl up to a smile.

Stella gives me a chaste kiss and leaves, and Mason does the same thing.

When I close the door behind me, I walk into the kitchen and go to the cabinet that houses my once very good friend, Jack. I take the bottle out and a tumbler, and pour two fingers.

Walking back into the family room I sit my tired self on my favorite chair. I swirl the liquid around and just stare at it, totally mesmerized by the fluency of the small waves.

I’m not sure how long I sit and look at the tumbler; all that I know is that I don’t bring it to my lips to consume it.

For the first time in a long time, I don’t find solace and comfort in the artificial liquid.

I don’t want it, and I don’t need it.

Getting up, I take Jack and tip him down the drain. He’s of no importance to me anymore.

“Daddy,” I hear Lucy call for me.

When I walk in my room, she’s curled up on her side looking at me.

“How are you feeling, my Lani?” I kiss her on the cheek as I sit on the side of the bed.

“My throat’s still sore, but I’m not as cold as I was,” Lucy says as she rubs her eyes with her hands.

“That’s because a friend of mine came and helped you.”

“Was that the woman who was here?”

“Yeah that’s right.”

“She told me I’m pretty.”

“Well she’s not wrong,” I say as I move her hair away from her face and stroke her cheek.

“She also said she can’t wait to become friends with me.”

This surprises me immensely. Actually, I’ll go as far as to say that it’s shocked me that Stella would say that. She comes across with such a hard and proper exterior, that I didn’t expect that from her.

“How would you feel about that?”

“I told her I’d like that, too.” Lucy lets out a huge yawn. “You should ask her out. She’s nice.”

I smile and shake my head.

Thankfully, Lucy’s too young to understand.

“I might just do that. Now, you best go back to sleep. But, we can’t go out tomorrow because you’re still sick. So I think Uncle Mason’s coming over here instead.”

“Okay. I’m tired. Night, love you.”

“Love you, too.” I lean down and give her another kiss.

I get up and get my boxers and a t-shirt and head to the bathroom.

Master told me to shower, and to enjoy myself.

So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I’ll be thinking about my Master, and her pet.

Chapter 12

“Daddy,” I hear Lucy call for me.

Opening my eyes, I find myself stretched out on the sofa. My feet are hanging off the end and my left arm’s flopped to the floor. My six foot three inch frame is way too tall for the couch, but Lucy had my bed so I slept out in the family room.

Lucy’s standing next to the sofa looking down at me.

I sweep her up in a hug and she collapses on top of my body.

“How are you feeling this morning?”

“I’m alright, my throat’s still pretty sore. But I’m really hungry, Dad.” She nuzzles her head into my chest and completely relaxes into my body. My arms enclose her to me, and I kiss the top of her head.

“Does that mean I need to make you breakfast?”

“You’re a dork. You know you’re going to anyway,” she says without moving her head.

She’s right, of course. I’d do anything for her.

“Okay, well get up and I’ll go make you breakfast, you also need to take your medicine.”

“Alright.” She moves off from me and sits on the end of the sofa picking up the remote and turning the TV on. Lucy flicks through the channels until she puts on some teenage girly show and sits back and watches it.

I go into the kitchen and start preparing her breakfast, when I reach for my phone to check the clock. It’s 9.12am, I’ve not slept in like this for as long as I can remember. Matter of fact, I can’t recall the last time my body or mind allowed me to sleep past 6am.

I also have a text message from an unknown number, but it doesn’t remain unknown for long.

When I open it, my cock gets semi-hard and I smile at the message.

‘Mason and I will be over by 10am. Lucy can’t go out today, so we’ll come to you. I want to check on my patient, and my new toy. ~ S.’

I save Stella’s number to my phone and continue making Lucy’s breakfast. In less than an hour I’ll be seeing my Master and Mason.

“Lucy,” I shout from the kitchen.


“Stella and Uncle Mason are coming over in a little while. Is that alright with you?”

“Is Stella the lady from last night?”

“Yeah she is,” I say as I butter her toast and smile.

“You like her right?”

How the fuck does she know?

“She’s a friend of mine and we like each other. But we’ll see how things go. There’s no rush about anything.”

“You need someone, just like Mom does, too. I might only be ten, but I know you’re both unhappy.”

I bring Lucy her toast and sit next to her on the sofa.

Her maturity shouldn’t surprise me. She’s an only child and always made friends with older kids, so really there’s not too much that she doesn’t see.

“Lani, you’re right. I’ve been sad, but now I think all that’s going to change. And I really hope that your mom finds her happiness soon, too.” I watch her as she nibbles on her toast.

“Can I have a glass of water please?”

“I think you’re milking your sore throat for everything now.” The conversation’s changed, and I’m pleased with that.

“I like it when you do things for me, means I can watch my show without having to get up.” She beams.
Cheeky girl.

I stand and go toward the kitchen, when I hear the front door unlock and Mason steps through, followed by Stella.

“Uncle Mason,” Lucy shouts as she jumps up off the sofa and runs into Mason’s awaiting open arms.

“Hi there, Beautiful. How are you feeling? You were pretty sick last night,” Mason says as he peppers her cherub sweet face with kisses.

“Uncle Mason, I’ve missed you. Your hair is so long. You know, the girls at school think you’re really cute. I told them that you’re just my Uncle Mason, and they didn’t believe that you are.”

“Really, well we better take some photos to show everyone that I really am your uncle then,” he says as he’s arms tighten around her giving her more of a squeeze.

“Hi there, Lucy. I’m Stella. I came last night and helped you. You were really sick,” Stella says as she feels Lucy’s forehead, obviously checking for a fever.

“You told me I was pretty.”

“You’re a very pretty girl, Lucy. Daddy best get ready for the boys that’ll be knocking on the door.”

“Eeeeew. Boys, yuck. No thanks, I don’t like them,” Lucy says with her nose scrunched up.

“Is it okay if I check you over? Just to make sure you’re doing alright?”

Lucy nods her head as she lets go of Mason.

“Can I take her to your room, Ryan?” Stella asks me.


Stella takes Lucy’s hand and leads her to my bedroom, where Mason follows holding Stella’s medical bag.

Just as I take Lucy’s half eaten toast back to the kitchen, Mason come’s down the hallway toward me.

He takes the plate and places it on the small coffee table he then entwines our fingers together. He leads me over to the wall that’s to the right of the front door and gently pushes me against it.

He leans in and gives me a small chaste kiss.

“Stella said we’re allowed to kiss, and I’m taking advantage of that because tomorrow I fly back to Australia. Last night drove me crazy, Ryan. I’ve wanted my tongue inside your mouth from the moment Stella and I left.” He connects our lips, and his stubble is slightly scratching at my face. But fuck, it’s sending me into emotional overdrive.

“I want that, too.”

“Shut up and let me kiss you,” he says as his lips find mine again.

I get lost in his touch, as his tongue gingerly draws the curve of my lips. He doesn’t need to beg, I’ll let him kiss me anyway he wants.
Anywhere he wants.

“Shit,” I moan as he trails kisses down my jaw toward my neck. One hand has our fingers entwined, and with the other I’m pulling him closer to me as his free hand is rubbing my cock through my jeans.

“I’m going to be taking these from you all day, because I’m not sure when I’ll be back from Australia again. But fuck, Ryan, I can’t wait until Stella allows us to explore each other,” he murmurs as he keeps his mouth latched onto mine.

“Here you are, exactly where I thought I’d find my two toys. Lucy’s just gone to the bathroom, she’ll be out in a moment. Mason, let me enjoy him, too.” Mason steps aside and Stella takes his spot.

Her touch is so different, so warm and soft. My cock is hyper aware of all the lust and erotic emotions coursing through this room. And damn, he’s happy.
Just like I am.

“I’m fucking wet, if we could, I’d have you taste me.”

My balls tighten and a shiver runs through my entire body.

“Please let me,” I say as Stella’s warmth shifts away from me.

My heart’s damn well taken off and I’m only moments away from coming.

“Control your urges. I’ve not given you permission to come yet.”

“It’s harder than you think,” Mason says as he saunters back from the kitchen with a cup of coffee for himself and one for Stella.

What a strange and unconventional situation I’m in.

Two men and one woman, but I have a feeling Stella’s more than enough to handle both Mason and myself.

And the most bizarre part of this is, that it’s not a love triangle. There’s no jealousy and no ill feelings, no one has to choose just one person. It seems that even though it’s not customary for three people to be together, it may just work if envy doesn’t find its way into our lives.

“Daddy,” Lucy catches me off guard for a moment.


“I’m a little tired, can I go lie down?”

“Of course, your bed is made and waiting for you.” Lucy comes over and hugs me.

“Uncle Mason, will you and Stella still be here when I wake up?” Lucy asks as she wraps her arms around my waist.

“We still need to take some photos to show the girls at school that I’m your uncle. So I have no plans on going anywhere.” Lucy giggles at Mason.

“You’re a dork too, just like daddy,” she says through her giggles.

I love hearing that sound, the happy and healthy sound of my beautiful heavenly Lani.

“C’mon, you need your medicine.” I lead her toward the kitchen

“Give her a dosage of Tylenol too, she’s running a small fever and I want it to be under control,” Stella says from the sofa.

After giving Lucy her antibiotic and pain relief, I take her into her room and watch as she climbs into bed.

“You don’t have to stay with me, Dad. I know that you don’t get to see Uncle Mason often, and you must miss him,” she says as she brings the covers over her body.

“You’re such a beautiful girl, when you wake up I’ll get out some board games for us to play.”

“Okay.” She stretches and turns over to face the wall.

Within moments, her breathing’s evened out and she’s fast asleep.

When I leave, I close her bedroom door. I don’t want her to hear what we talk about.

As I approach the family room, Stella and Mason are sitting beside each other and they’re innocently holding hands.

“Hey,” I say as I advance into the room.

Stella looks up and smiles, and Mason does the same thing.

I stand for a second looking at them not really sure where to sit.

What do we do? Do we jump in and grope and fondle each other? If Stella and I were together I’d sit beside her, hold her hand and kiss her. If Mason and I were together, I’d do the same thing.

As it turns out, I’m sort of with both of them, and they’re both with me.

“Are you confused?” Mason asks as he wanders his gaze up over my body.

“I know what we have is different, but I don’t know where to sit.”

“Ryan, this is your home. Sit where you want,” Stella says as she continues nuzzling with Mason.

“I’ll sit over here.” I indicate to the single chair. “Can the three of us talk?”

“What’s on your mind?” Stella asks.

But I can’t damn concentrate because Mason’s kissing her and I want to join in, too. I want to be kissing Stella as Mason is touching her body. I’m desperate for Mason and I to bring her pleasure, to kiss her, taste her and fuck her together.

Damn it.

I move in my seat to readjust myself and Stella’s eyes go directly to my crotch.

“Are we making you uncomfortable, Ryan?” Stella asks as she smiles in a sexy little vixen way.

“Yeah, but in a good way,” I candidly answer.

“Do you want to enjoy my body too, Ryan?”

“God, yes.” She said no lies, and I’m not going to start now.

I can’t help but stare, I watch as Mason’s hands run through her long blonde hair, and how she tilts her head back a little, exposing her neck for him to ravish.

Stella’s beautiful elongated neck joins to soft sinful shoulders. She pushes her breast out and through her blouse I can see her nipples peeping through. I just want to take them in my mouth and suck on them as my hands grab on to her ass and squeeze the flesh tightly. My fingers can slowly make their way to her tight little ass ring and carefully push inside her as my mouth falls to her silky smooth pussy lips. Just opening her up and tasting her, munching her perfect little pussy with my tongue as I finger fuck her ass.

“Ryan,” Stella says as she snaps me out of another damn fantasy. “Did you enjoy where you went just then?”

I look at them and they’re both staring at me with small smiles and sex glazed eyes.

“I, um……..”

“What did you want to talk about?” she says as I get all thoughts of the three of us together, out of my mind.

“What sort of relationship do you two have?” I point between them.

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