Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It (17 page)

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“Ugg..Please!” she said almost yelling.

I circled her nipple with my tongue and gently bit down on it, she sucked in a breath and bucked her hips up.   “Are you mad about Vegas still?” I asked then kissed across to her other hard nipple.

“NO!” She yelled.

“Don’t lie, I said I was sorry.” It said then bit the other nipple.

“I’m going to be VERY mad if you don’t fuck me, but you’ve got to undo the cuffs please.  And
...And my ankles.”

“What do you say?” I said with smile.

“Please!” she said with a smile.

I reached over to the end table and grabbed the little pink key, unlocked the handcuffs, and untied her ankles.  Before I knew what was going on she had us flipped over so I was on my back underneath her.  With my cock in her hand she positioned it at her pussy entrance and sank down. 
I let her ride me until another orgasm tore through her body, then I flipped us so she was on her hands and knees and I was behind her. 

“Jet…I can’t…” she sighed as I pushed back inside of her.

I gripped her hips hard enough I knew there would no doubt be small bruises, with each thrust inside of her she pushed back against me.  I reached forward and wrapped her hair around my hand, she gasped and her pussy walls started to contract even more.  The harder I pumped into her the louder she would moan and say my name.

“Stop!” she said.

I stopped, and was just about to ask why when she rolled over on to her back so we were chest to chest.  I wasted no time pushing back inside of her, “Fuck, I’m ready to cum.” I said.  When she brought her knees up to her shoulders, we both looked down at where my cock had her pussy stretched. 

“Harder…oh fuck…” she said and threw her head back.  Her neck muscles were tense and her pussy flooded with more cum.  With one more thrust I knew I was going to cum, I quickly pulled out and straddled her stomach.  I stroked my cock one time and grunted with each st
ream of cum that landed on her chest. 

“I see what you did…now there’s no question is there?” she said and laughed.  Then she slid her fingers through the cum on her chest and put them in her mouth licking the cum off. 
She closed her eyes and moaned as she swallowed the cum.

Nope, no question I HAVE cum on your chest now.  You keep that up and it’s going to be a long fucking night, literally.” I told her. 

The rest of the night we had ha
rd sex, made love, and I let Chassis handcuff me to the bed.  I ended up pulling on the handcuffs to hard and snapped the little wooden pillar on the headboard, “You’ll have to pay for that!” she told me but continued riding my cock like her life depended on it.



I couldn’t believe how the track owners were
treating them.  Then when James spun Jet out on the last lap I was so mad I was ready to strangle both him and Kyle.  When I made it down to the pit area I discovered that James had claimed Jerod’s engine. Of course all of us were mad, I made it very clear to both James and Kyle that I had no respect left for them.  Kyle made a point to say that Jerod and Jet could try to claim it back in Vegas.  I had heard the mention of Vegas but nothing else had been said about them going.  I was pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised when Jet said they were going.  I couldn’t go because there was no way I could miss any more school, I had a bad feeling about them going but I knew Jet wouldn’t understand. 

We went back to the hotel and ended up having sex until the sun was coming up, Jet had to pay for a new headboard.  The cleaning lady looked at us suspiciously as we grabbed our bags to leave while she started stripping the bedding off. 

On the drive to mom’s house Jet kept asking if I was really okay with him going to Vegas.

“I don’t care Jet, we aren’t married.” I said more rudely than I should have.

“Really, so you’re being pissy because?”

“I just would have liked to find out from you, not from
Kyle, that’s all.”

“We’ll only be gone a few days, and it’s not near as wild as Boone.  You don’t have to worry about that.” He said and squeezed my hand.

I nodded my head and rested my head against the head rest as we finished the fifteen minute drive.  Jet called Jason and gave him directions to moms house, we were going to have lunch together then follow them back to Ohio. 

All of the guys went out back to the barbeque grill, while all of us women stayed inside and made the side dishes.  We spoke very little about the races because we were all still mad at how the owners were treating people.  I went outside long enough to hear my Uncle cussing about the night before
I turned around and went right back inside. 

Asher showed up with Mitch right before lunch was about to be served, as we all sat down to eat the doorbell rang.  I pushed away from the table and walked to the front door. When I opened there stood
Kyle, “Hey, I want to talk to you.” He said to me.

“About what?” I asked and walked out shutting the door behind me.

“Chass, I don’t like how things ended between us.  I’m really sorry for how things went down last night, you know how competitive we get.  I don’t know what you’re doing with a complete asshole like Jet anyways.”

“Go to hell

He shook his head and grinned at me, “I was going to wait to surprise you but, I’m transferring to Ohio State I’ll be there Monday.”

“Why?!” I asked completely pissed off.

“I changed my major and they’ve got better Agr
icultural Business program than Wesleyan.” He shrugged a shoulder and stared at me.

I shook my head, just when I got ready to say something my mom walked out, “Well hello
Kyle, did you come to apologize for you and your brother’s actions last night?”

“No Mrs. Heart, I actually came to tell Chass that I’ll be seeing her on campus Monday.”

She stood there blinking, “Um, I thought you were attending WSU?”

“I’m not happy with their Ag Business so I did some research and Ohio had an outstanding program.”

She shook her head, “Please don’t go there just to bother my daughter, I’m sorry but we are in the middle of lunch, goodbye Kyle.” She pulled me back into the house and quietly shut the door.

“You know that Jet and Jerod are going to have a big problem with him being there!” she whispered.

“I know, I’ll go tell them..”

“No, you can break the news to Jet on the way back, please don’t ruin lunch.  I can’t believe
Kyle, he’s doing this just to get to you.”

“I know…but I have numerous friends that’ll watch out for me, don’t worry.” I smiled then we walked back into the dining room.

“Who was there?” Uncle John asked.

Mom looked at me then back at him, “
Kyle, he came to visit with Chassis but I told him we were busy with lunch.”

ut of the corner of my eye I saw Jet pause with his glass of water against his lips, he took a drink then sat his glass down with a thud.  The four hour drive back to Ohio was going to suck.

We finished lunch and all said our goodbyes to my family, when mom hugged me she whispered.  “You stay away from
Kyle.” I nodded my head and kissed her cheek before we all got in our vehicles.  Jet smiled big when I handed him my car keys, “You wreck it and I’m going to kill you.” He rolled his eyes and opened my door then walked around the front of the car, got in and started it.  He revved the engine a couple of times before he reversed out of the driveway to follow the pulling rig.

Not even twenty minutes into the drive he asked me, “So what did you
r ex-lover boy want?”

“Nothing, he just stopped by and wanted to visit.”

“Chass you’re a shitty liar, what did he want.”

I blew out a breath, “He came to tell me he’s transferring schools.”


“He’s leaving
Wesleyan and will be in Ohio Monday morning to start classes.”

Jet whipped his head to look at me, “Are you being serious?”

I nodded my head ‘yes’ and leaned my seat back so I could take a nap.

“You’re not going to sleep now!  Why the fuck is he coming to Ohio?”

“I guess the Ag Business program is better than WSU, according to what he said.”

“Un fucking believable!”
He grabbed his cell phone out of the cup holder and called Jerod. 

I blocked out the conversation and fell asleep, Jet woke me up when we stopped for fuel.  I went into the gas station, used the restroom, got a snack and a bottle of water. When I came out Jerod was leaning against my car, Jason and Jet were still inside waiting to pay for their stuff.

“So, lover boy is coming to college huh?”

“Jerod he’s not my lover boy, I don’t know what you guys expect me to say!  He’s going to come no matter what.”

“Chass I guarantee you he’s doing it for a different reason, he’s going to cause problems between you and Jet. You mark my word.”

“He won’t cause problems because I’m not going to have anything to do with him.” I told him and crossed my arms over my chest.

Jerod looked me up and down, “We’ll see won’t we.” He said then walked to the semi and got in the passenger side and slammed the door.

I got in my car and waited for Jet, I knew he was going to want to talk more about
Kyle.  I pulled my cell phone out and text Kyle:

  You do know that Jerod and Jet think you’re coming just to cause problems.

  It’s a free country, is he worried that you’ll wake up and realize he’s a total d-bag?

  Really?!  You don’t even know him OR Jerod!

  They can think what they want I’ve known you longer than they have.

  Just to make sure we are on the same page here, we aren’t going to BFF’s I’m not going to sleep with you, I’ll be civil but that’s it.

  We will se
I know that you miss me!

  KYLE we’ve been broke up for how long?! I haven’t had feelings for you in a long time!

  I’m not coming there FOR you I told you I’m coming there for the AG Business program so tell your little friend and his cousin they can chill the fuck out.

  Okay, please just don’t try to start anything with them.

take care see you tomorrow!

I didn’t respond back, I silenced my phone.  “This is going to suck.” I said to myself right before Jet got in the driver’s seat.



The drive back to Ohio was filled mostly with silence, if Chass wasn’t sleeping she was texting somebody on her phone.

“Who are you talking to?” I glanced over at her then back to the road.

“Uhmm...Kyle.” She said quietly.

“What?  Are you serious?” I practically yelled.

“Jet, just calm down.  I’m trying to make sure he knows that there’s not going to be a big friendship reunion between him and me.”

“Did you not see the way him and his brother fucking looked at you like you were some kind of dessert?”

She rolled her eyes, “I’ve known both of them most of my life.  I think Kyle has it figured out now that there’s nothing between us.”

I shook my head and decided it was better if I just shut my mouth, I’d find
Kyle first thing Monday and have a fucking chit chat with him.  My gut was telling me he was up to no good.

we got back to Ohio we went to the race shop to unload the race cars.  Jerod didn’t say much about the fact that he now had no engine, but he kept glancing over at Chass each time her phone beeped with a new text message. 

“I’ll give you a ride back to the house.” Jerod told me.  I went over to Chass and stood in front of her for a couple of minutes before she finally looked up from her phone.

“Jerod’s going to give me a ride back to the house, we’ve gotta wash the cars still and see if we can find another engine for him.”

“Oh, ok.  I’m going to go back to the dorms and go do my laundry, do you want me to take yours too?”

“I’ll just do it this week.” I pulled her up and bent down to look her in the eyes.

“I’m not kidding Chass, you stay the fuck away from him.  Do you understand me?
  I’ve already gotta worry about Brody now Kyle…”

She wrinkled her eyebrows together, “I’m not a god damn two year old, I’ve already told you he’s not going to cause problems.”

“Then why are you texting him still?” I asked.

“I’m not text
ing him!” she turned her phone to show me she was group texting Lawrence and Carley.  She grabbed her purse and walked past me out of the shop and to her car.

I walked back over to start helping the guys wash the cars, Jason looked over at me.  “You don’t trust her do you?”

“I trust her, it’s the mother fuckers around her I don’t trust!”

“Don’t do anything stupid Jet, if he starts bothering her she’ll tell you.” Jason told me.

I nodded my head and started pulling body panels off so we could wash my car next.

About midnight we finally left the race shop, Jerod dropped me off at my pickup since I had left it at Chass’s dorm.  It was too late to call her so I went home, I took a nice long hot shower then went to bed. 

I woke up early Monday morning and went to the college track to run with Chassis.  She never showed up so I went back to the house and changed clothes, I called her as I walked up to the first hour building.  She didn’t answer so I sent her a text, I saw Asher and asked why Chass wasn’t answering her phone.  She told me that Chassis was exhausted and that she had already emailed her professors to let them know she wouldn’t be in class today.

“Nice of her to let me know.” I mumbled then walked into class. 

I checked my phone throughout the morning to see if she had replied to my texts or called me back but she hadn’t.  At lunch I tried calling her again but she didn’t answer so I went to her dorm.  I knocked a few times when she never answered I found the spare key along the top of the door frame and let myself in.  I quietly walked through the dorm to her bedroom, she wasn’t in bed then I heard the shower was on.  I put my ear against the door and listened, I could hear what sounded like her crying so I gently opened the door.  She was sitting on the shower floor with her knees pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting on her knees with her arms wrapped around her legs.  Her shoulders shook with each small sob.


Her head snapped up and she wiped the tears from her eyes, “Go away Jet…”

“What? No, why?”

She sniffled and her shoulders shook when she looked away from me, “My period is late by two weeks.”

I stood there motionless and speechless, I cleared my throat, “Uhm okay, have you uh…taken a pregnancy test?” I asked.

“No, I’m too scared to, I don’t know what I will do if I am…how could I just now realize this?!”

“Do you want me to go buy one?”

She sniffled, “No there’s some under the sink.” She told me.

I cocked my head to the side, “Have you had this happen before?” I asked her and knelt down to look for the pregnancy test.  I found a box in the back of the vanity.

“I haven’t but Asher did, Jet just leave please.  I don’t want to do this right now.”

I stood up and looked at her, “Why are you treating me like shit?  I think if you’re pregnant I have every right to know! Unless…”

“Fuck off Jet get out of here, I don’t want to even talk about it right now.  I’ll take the test when I’m ready to, if it’s positive I’ll let you know.”

“No, I’m not leaving!”

She stood up, shut the shower off, grabbed the towel off the rack and wrapped it around her body.  “Please, I’m exhausted and feel like crap I don’t want to deal with you right now.” She said and tried to walk past me.

I grabbed her by her upper arm and spun her around, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?  You don’t want to
deal with me
right now?” I was pissed and wasn’t going to leave until we had things worked out.

“It means I’m not in the mood to talk right now.” She tried to pull her arm away from me but I wasn’t letting go.  “Jet, you’re going to leave a bruise if you grip me any tighter, I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW!” she annunciated each word.

“You don’t want to talk to me about you possibly being pregnant, is it because you lied about not having sex with Brody?”

Her eyes got big and with her other hand she reached up and slapped me across the face, “Get the fuck out!” she spat out.

“NO!  Take the fucking test Chass!  If you didn’t fuck Brody and you haven’t slept with anybody else then what’s the big deal?” I yelled at her.

She yanked her arm out of my grasp and stormed out of the bathroom into her bedroom and tried to slam the door in my face but I stopped it with my hand.

She spun around, “The problem…is YOU!”

“What the fuck did I do?!” I asked while trying not to laugh.

She rolled her eyes, walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and one of my old t-shirts.  She looked at the shirt threw it at me and grabbed another one out of her dresser that was hers.  “I just want you to leave, I’ll take the test when I’m ready to.  We are going to take a break though, you can go do whatever you want until I decide if I want to be with you.”

“Excuse me?” I took a step towards her, “Don’t I have a say in this?  I think you need to take the test NOW!”

She shook her head, “Fine, I’ll take the test then you’re going to leave and we are going to take a break in this relationship.” She walked past me and into the bathroom.  A few minutes later she came out and walked back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

“So, you’re being a bitch to me because there’s a possibility you MIGHT be pregnant?”

“I’m mad at myself Jet, if I’m pregnant it’s my fault and yours because we didn’t use protection.  I don’t think I’m ready for a baby, no … I know I’m not ready for a baby!” she said and started crying.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, I didn’t know what to say.  Chass, looked at the time on her cell phone, got off the bed and went back into the bathroom.  When she came out she looked at me, “Negative.” Was all she said.

I smiled, “Ohhhkay, so do you want to talk now?”

“Nope!” was all she said.

“Chassis seriously what the fuck is going on in that head of yours?” I asked and tried to sit down on the bed beside her. She quickly stood up and started pacing her bedroom.

“I’m tired of
your jealousy issues, I’m tired of the way you think everything can be fixed with sex.  I’m tired of how everything centers around racing…”

“WHAT?” I yelled and laughed at the same time.  “You really need to elaborate on all of those issues you have with me.  Because for starters, my jealousy issues?  This is about
Kyle I take it?  Jesus Christ if you want to be friends with him then do it, the shit him and his brother pulled is a low blow to any racer!  Second, you’ve never fucking complained about the sex before and sure as fuck have never tried to stop me!  Third, not one time have I EVER said everything is centered around my racing, I offered to give it up for you if I recall.” I said and leaned against the headboard of her bed.  “If this is about a pregnancy scare then fuck, I’ll wear a condom but it’s nothing to get all fucking bent out of shape about and break up with me over!”

Chassis stood there looking at me, “It’s not about
Kyle, you get mad and possessive when I talk to any guy.  You just accused me of possibly being pregnant by Brody when I told you we never had sex.  That means you don’t trust me.  Brody is a friend, he is a good guy that I can’t even talk to now because you get pissed.  I’ve never complained about the sex because it’s really good, but the one time I told you to wear a condom you got so mad you wouldn’t even finish.  I love racing I really do but you have to realize when my dad passed away I quit going for a reason Jet.  I miss him so much and being around all the racing brings back all the memories good and bad.”

“Okay Chass that last part makes no sense at all, are you looking for a reason to break up with me or what?

She shrugged a shoulder, “I just think we need a break…”

“Whatever Chass, I don’t know what brought this on but I’ll fucking leave and you let me now when you get shit figured out in your head, because right now nothing makes fucking sense that you’re saying.”   With that I walked out of her bedroom and out of the dorm.

I didn’t bother going back to class, I had been at the dorm for almost two hours arguing with Chassis so instead I went to my place.  I changed into some workout clothes and went to the fitness center at the college.  I worked my way through the weights, then moved to the kickboxing bags.  I had been there for almost an hour when Jerod came in looking for me
, “Where’d you run off to earlier?  Why are you here, the only time you come here is when you’re pissed off.”

“Chass and I are taking a break.” I said as I continued punching the bag.

“What? Again? ” He asked in shock.

“Just what I fucking said!” I replied.

He crossed his arms and stared at me as I continued kneeing, elbowing, kicking, and punching at the bag. 

“Okay you’ve been at it for an hour since I’ve been here, I’m sure you were doing this long before I showed up.  Go take a shower then we’re going to the race shop.” He said and sauntered out of the fitness center.

Once we got to the race shop we went into Jason’s office, Jerod grabbed us each a bottle of beer and twisted the caps off.  He slid one to me, then propped his feet up on the desk and leaned back in the chair waiting for me to talk.  I took a long swig of beer then propped my feet up on the desk mirroring him, “She had a pregnancy scare and I guess that triggered a shit ton of other things about me she doesn’t like.”

He shook his head, “You’re dancing with the devil man, I’ve told you time and time again to wrap it before you tap it.” Jerod said with a laugh.

I told him everything that she said she didn’t like about me, he took the empty beer bottle and handed me another one.  “Just give her some space you have to remember you’re her first “Love”, I don’t think she really knows what to expect out of the whole relationship thing.  She dated what two other guys before you, including the d-bag Kyle?  I’m sure in no time she’ll be apologizing.”

“What if she doesn’t?” I asked.

He shrugged a shoulder, “I don’t know what to tell you man, and if she doesn’t you’ll just have to move on.  I honestly have no doubt in my mind that this is just a little phase for her.  I’m telling you, just give her the space she wants.”

I shook my head, “I can’t, I’ve had to fucking fight for her since the first time I laid eyes on her.  I love her to much just to give her space so she can walk away from me over stupid shit.”

“Well, I say let’s get Vegas out of the way, by the time we come back you two will have had some time apart to think about things.”

I looked at him, “That’s two fucking weeks!”

“And in those two weeks you won’t die I promise.” He said and laughed.


I did what Jerod suggested, for two FUCKING weeks I avoided Chassis.  I didn’t try calling her or texting her.  During class I sat as far away from her as I could, if the professor had us group together I asked to NOT be paired up with her.   I kept an eye on her to see if she was hanging out with Kyle, thankfully she wasn’t.  She would visit with Brody and some of the other football players. I know she could feel me staring at her because she would always look around then see me and turn her back to me.  Jason and Jerod tried to keep me busy at the race shop so that I would sit around and drink nonstop. I would watch her walk from building to building while talking to Asher.  “You really are kind of a stalker now.” Jerod had told me. 
I thought to myself! 

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