Wrapped in Silk (20 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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Emma and London sat on the couch and played with the
ir new electronics. London was going through the music and every Kids Bop album was on the iTunes account. London was so delighted she almost could not sit still. Emma smiled softly at her.

“Mom he shouldn’t have done this, right?” she asked trying to contain herself.

“No he shouldn’t have and I will pay him back, it’s too much,” Emma said as she hugged her.

clicked on the photos and shrieked, “Mommy look,” she handed it over.

Emma flipped through the pictures, there where ones of the carriage ride, of them at dinner, and of the night they went to the show. All pictures of London and Brody. There was one other of when Emma was doing London’s hair for dance.

“London they are amazing, I don’t think you should share these with anyone, he is very private.”

“I know Mom, I promise. I shouldn’t let Dad see them, he will get mad hu?” London stated.

“You and Dad are going to hang out tomorrow. Just hang out he and I will talk about the move, my job, and everything else. These are not choices that you need to be worried about okay. The only thing I want to know is that you want this, if not we can figure it out here.”

“Mom, I think it will be perfect,” London sad and hugged her.

“I will be happy wherever we are together. If we hate it we can always come back okay?” Emma asked.


Brody sat in first class waiting for the other passengers to board when he noticed Ariel walk into the cabin. She sat next to him, “Hello Brody.”

“Ariel, what are you doing here?” Brody asked coldly.

“I have a shoot in London, you are going to finish your album right?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said and turned away.

“Brody, I miss you,” Ariel said placing her hand on his leg.

He laughed as he pushed her hand away, “We are divorced, you got what you wanted. Keep
your hands off me Ariel.”

Brody stood and walked past her and asked if there was another seat.

“I am sorry Mr. Hines the flight is booked,” the blonde flight attendant informed him.

“How about coach?” he asked through his teeth.

“I am sorry,” she said nervously.

“Fuck!” he yelled.

Brody sat down, “Brody are you seeing that woman, the one in all the pictures?”

“That is none of your fucking business,” Brody said looking straight forward.

“Good choice for a rebound, she is the total opposite of what I know you like,” Ariel began, “Very safe.”

“Are you quite finished?” Brody asked as he stood up and walked past her again. “Miss could you kindly go ask another
passenger to switch with me, I will not spend even a second next to her let alone seven bloody hours.”

Mr. Hines we need to take off, I will see what I can do when we are safe to move around,” she assured him.

Brody took his seat and buckled his seat belt. He put
his ear plugs in and listened to some new music. He was exhausted from the past couple days. Brody fell asleep. He woke and Ariel was smugly sitting next to him.


Emma was asleep in London’s room when her phone vibrated, she jumped up and smiled when she saw the picture.

“Hang on one second please,” she said with a smile in her voice.

She kissed London and covered her up and walked out closing the door.

’re there safely,” she said softly.

“I am, I miss you,” Brody said in a deep tone.

“See ya Brody,” Ariel said as she walked by.

“Bitch,” he snapped.

“Brody is everything alright?” Emma asked.

“No, I spent seven hours and
forty five minutes in a damn plane that had no extra seats sitting next to my ex wife,” Brody said furiously.

“Oh,” Emma said and then was silent.

“Emma, I had no idea. I truly don’t think it was planned on her part either, how could it have been I changed my damn flight. You believe me right?” Brody asked.

“Sure,” Emma answered quietly

“Please don’t,” he whispered softly.

Emma cleared her voice, “What time is it there?”

“Five AM,” he answered, “Emma I didn’t know and I love you. You can trust me, just like I do you. I need you to remember that neither of us were the reason our
marriages did not work. I will never hurt you.”

“Okay Brody, I love you. I miss you, and I wish you weren’t so far from me,” Emma said softly.

“Thank you. I feel the same. So we should have talked about this when I was there but the time difference, it’s midnight there right?” Brody asked.

“Ya, it’s okay I am glad you called. I am glad you are safe,” Emma whispered.

“Thank you,” Brody said sincerely, “Alright at eight thirty your time its one thirty my time, will that work for you?”

“Sure,” she yawned.

“Sleepy Em?” he asked.

“Yes very I was worn out today or yesterday, but in a very good way,” Emma giggled.

“I was too, I slept the entire flight. Why don’t you go to bed and I will call you at one thirty my time,” Brody suggested.

“Hey you need to sleep Brody,” she laughed. “Why don’t you call me before you go to bed so I can say goodnight to you. It’s the weekend, I can manage. Besides I am going to be stuck with my ex tonight as well, hearing your voice will make it better.”

“Anything you want Emma, I love you, sleep now,” Brody said soothingly.

“Goodnight, love you,” Emma said and waited for him to hang up.


Emma spent the morning cleaning, a chore she had neglected all week since she had been preoccupied. She called her mother and told her she would like to start moving some of their things on Sunday,
Caroline was ecstatic. Emma packed some of their things in boxes. She was grateful that she had not pulled out any of the holiday decorations and winter items, at least they were already boxed.

Emma and London had talked extensively ever
y night about the move and what the change would mean to London. London was very happy to be able to have her grandparents there everyday. Even though they lived so far away they were extremely close. Emma knew how lucky she was to have parents that were such a strong presence. London would be going to the same school that Caroline worked at. Caroline was a librarian. She would be taking her to and from school every day. Emma knew Caroline would keep her safe; she had lost a child to a deranged convict that held a vendetta against Henry, Emma’s father, who at the time was a detective. Emma was three when her sister was taken from the mall in Florida. Elizabeth was five and beautiful and full of life. Had she been in the stroller she would have been safe. Caroline and Henry were at the department store buying bedding and turned for two seconds and that was all it took. Elizabeth was never found. Emma’s family moved from Florida to New York running from a constant reminder of the beautiful child that was now in heaven with the angels. Neither blamed each other, what would have normally tore a family apart bound them even tighter together. It also made them cling tightly to Emma and shower her with more love than any one child could ever wish for.


Emma’s phone rang bringing her back to the here and now. She saw the picture ID and smiled.

“Brody you should be sleeping,” Emma answered.

“I missed you Em, and I needed to warn you that there are some pictures popping up on the internet of Ariel and I. Lila was going to call you however I prefer to do it myself. Now don’t get the wrong idea but could you get online and Google my name, it should pop up,” Brody requested.

Emma opened the link and saw the first picture. Brody looked annoyed as he spoke to her. The next he was asleep and she was holding his hand, the next
Ariel’s head rested on his shoulder and her hand high on his upper thigh as they both slept, and the last was his head resting against hers.

“Emma can you say something?” Brody asked gently.

“Sure, they make my skin crawl,” Emma said quietly, “I wonder if London’s friends have said something to her yet, which would upset her, she certainly doesn’t need anymore stress than she will be dealing with over the next few weeks. This is too much Brody…”

“Ok I agree
Emma, I didn’t ask for this rubbish either. I hope you know by now I would not want to hurt her, ever,” Brody said urgently. Emma didn’t know what to say so she said nothing. “Are you still on the line Emma?”

“Yes,” Emma said and he sensed the distance in her voice.

“I love you and I am so sorry. Emma when you move no one will know, she won’t have to deal with this. I am sorry,” Brody said softly.

“You didn’t wake up when she was laying on you, or her hand was
…” Emma spoke in a whisper.

“No Emma, I told you I was exhausted. I have no idea how she ended up on the same flight and I can assure you I tried to get the seat changed,” Brody spoke in almost a whisper.

“Okay, I will figure out how to deal with it for her. Brody I think this needs to slow down,” Emma said with a quiet laugh.

“No, you just need to trust me. And I need to let you know when shit like this happens, because it will Emma. Fuck,” he yelled.

Emma swallowed, “Can this just be between us and not London.”

“What’s that supposed to mean Emma?” Brody asked in an agitated tone.

“Well, you shouldn’t have said I love you in front of her for starters. You shouldn’t be buying her things or me for that matter. Brody we have only known each other for two weeks this is all moving fast,” Emma said nervously.

“You are kidding right?” Brody asked in an angry tone. Emma didn’t respond she was trying not to cry. “Fine Emma, maybe in three weeks we can discuss this, have a good fucking time with prince fucking charming tonight,” he yelled and hung up.

Emma sat and cried, all she wanted was to get through the next few weeks and be strong for her child.
Maybe this is exactly what was supposed to happen, she thought
trying to calm herself down when her phone rang again. It was Brody and she pushed decline and walked away. She received a text minutes later.

-Emma please call me back I am sorry, please don’t do this. I can come back now and walk away from all this, I love you…MM

-I am trying to get things done around here. Don’t come back your work is important and so is my sanity. I need to be strong for her Brody please understand that…Emma

-Your sanity and your daughter are important to me Emma, and BTW two weeks was enough for me to realize that…MM

-I am having a very rough day Brody, very emotional. Please understand that I am going through some things. You need to focus on your album and I need to focus on here. Please call me tonight and please excuse my very jealous nature...Emma

-Whatever you need, but as previously determined you don’t need to control everything. You don’t like being the one to always make the big choices. I however love every part of taking care of you and making choices for you, all of which have your best interest at heart. If I remember correctly twenty four hours ago you quite enjoyed it as well. Stop being difficult Emma…MM

-How is it you made me go from angry and jealous enjoying my miserable existence to hot and damp in two seconds. By the way your going to have to stop being so bossy I am someone’s mother…Emma

phone rang and she answered.

“Much better Emma,” Brody said seductively.

“No not really,” Emma breathed out.

“Hmm, I did buy you a gift to take care of that for now,” Brody said in a deep voice that made her hair stand on end.

“Brody I am very busy I can’t be, stop please this is too much,” Emma said exasperated.

“I love you,” Brody said softly, “I need to hear you Emma I want you to make yourself

“Brody I won’t and you need to stop,” Emma said in a whinny tone.

“You will before three weeks is up or I am going to torment you when I see you again,” Brody laughed. “Are we all better now?”

“Yes, I love you,” Emma said tenderly, “I do trust you, I just wish you were like the UPS man or something. I also want to know how she knew.”

“Delivering you a package,” he moaned.

“Brody!” Emma snapped.

“Sorry Em, I don’t know how she knew and I don’t care. She did ask me about you and I ignored her. I will never give you a reason to not believe my package is yours alone. This is going to get easier, I promise,” Brody assured her.

“Before you called I was thinking about Elizabeth, my sister I told you about. Is your ex sane Brody, I mean I don’t have to worry about
London’s safety do I?” Emma asked anxiously.

“She isn’t crazy, or never gave me the impression she was anything but a gold digging whore. But I will look into it if it makes you feel better Em,” Brody said calmly.

“How did she know you where on that flight?” Emma questioned.

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