Wrapped in Silk (8 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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Emma sat at the kitchen island drinking a cup of tea and saw Brody walk down the hall, he was trying not to smile.

Lila and the other guys walked into the kitchen, they all stood and looked at Emma. Emma laughed, “So he hit on
you Lila?”

“Sorry Emma, I would have told you but you had just miscarried and I didn’t want to
upset you anymore,” Lila said cautiously.

“Alright then. So what are we going to do tonight?” Emma asked forcing a smile.

“I thought you already made plans Emma,” Brody said trying to hold back his amusement.

“No, I guess I could get ready for my interviews. You guys have fun,” Emma said and turned towards the hall.

“Emma I am going to order dinner in tonight, the guys are staying to avoid the press. Don’t go back in there please. Have a drink with us,” Lila asked.

“I don’t want to interrupt,” Emma said and smiled. Lila handed her a glass of wine and she sat and listened to Brody and his friends talk as she thumbed through her

“Emma would you like to listen to Maroon 5 or Kids Bop?” Brody said and laughed as he handed her a beer.

“How about Brody Hines,” his friend Joe asked.

“No, she doesn’t care for my music,” Brody laughed
without smiling.

“I never said that,” Emma said apologetically.

“What do you mean you don’t like his music?” Joe said laughing.

“It’s not fun enough, not Poppy,” he laughed.

There’s that P again Emma thought and smiled to herself.

She threw
him a silly look, “Its great just not happy and upbeat.”

“So music that you would make love too?” Joe asked.

Emma choked on her drink and Brody laughed. “No, more like watching someone through a window as they have sex, right Emma?”

“Wow, that’s
pretty awkward if that’s what you got out of our conversation,” Emma said and laughed uncomfortably.

, awkward would be the conversation I heard while using the restroom and you and your ex were talking…” Brody laughed obviously loosening up after a few drinks.

“Do tell,” Lila said laughing as Emma closed her eyes and tried not to laugh.

“Well apparently Emma is going to make some Rock Star very happy. Lots of sex, blowjobs, and possibly…” Brody started and Emma threw a pillow at him, he laughed.

“Emma dear were you talking about me?” he laughed.

“Troy brought it up and I was trying to make him mad,” Emma said and turned red.

“Well I think you succeeded,” Brody

“Were you sp
ying on me?” Emma asked smirking.

“No I truly had to use the restroom, however w
hen I went to leave that ass was being rude and I was afraid he may hurt you,” Brody said sincerely looking into Emma’s eyes.

When he loo
ked at her like that she felt vulnerable and nervous. She cast her eyes down hoping to find something humorous to say to make this less uncomfortable.

“That is very sweet Brody, isn’t it?” Lila said looking at his friends.

Joe smiled, “Brody man, you’re pretty intense.”

“Or pretty d
runk,” Emma said and smiled at them, trying to lighten the conversation that was now making her uncomfortable.

“I am not drunk,
” Brody said insistently and sat back. “I do not like him.”

“Well me either,” Emma laughed and stood up. “Anyone want a drink?”

“I do,” they all said.

“Turn on some music,” Emma yelled over her shoulder.

Emma handed out drinks and sat down and listened to the music.

Her foot was tapping and Joe noticed, “You like this song Emma?”

“Yes actually it’s upbeat,” Emma smiled.

t’s Brody,” Joe said and grinned.

“Okay, what changed from then and now?” Emma asked looking at Brody.

“I was younger,” Brody said and sat forward and looked at his friends. “We had a lot of fun then hu?”

“Sure did, that was before,
” Joe said and laughed.

“Yes before,” Brody laughed and ran hi
s fingers through his hair.

“Before what?” Lila asked

“Before that whose name we cannot mention,” Joe laughed.

“Well then we won’t,” Emma laughed. “So why not live like you did then, happier times?”

“It was in England,
five years ago. We were twenty three then,” Brody smiled looking down. “So you two were thirty?”

Lila laughed, “I was
, Emma was twenty nine.”

“Happier time
s,” Emma said and smiled as she grabbed her phone and sent a text to London.

-I miss you London, cant wait to see you….Mommy

-Miss you too. I am having a great time with Grandma. I am tired and going to bed I will call you tomorrow…London

-Sweet dreams, make sure you say your prayers…Mommy

“Are you texting London?” Lila asked.

“Yep,” Emma smiled.

“You know people in London?” Joe asked.

“Her daughter’s name is London,
” Brody told him.

“How old is she?” Joe asked.

“She is seven,” Brody and Emma said at the same time.

Brody smiled, “She is a beautiful girl Emma. You miss her.”

“Thank you and yes very much,” Emma said.

She looked at her watch and it was only eight o

“Are we keeping you from something? Maybe a date with a Rock Star,” Brody smiled
making her uncomfortable.

“Hmm is Maroon
Five playing here tonight?” Emma laughed, “Or no how about Pearl Jam.”

“Eddie Vedor,” Emma and Lila said and laughed.

“Isn’t his music quite serious?” Brody asked.

“Yep, he was a favorite in college,” Lila answered.

“Greenday,” Emma laughed.

“Emma you’re drunk,” Lila laughed.

“Wow, I think I am,” Emma smiled at her. “We should go out and dance Lila.”

“Or we could dance here?” Lila said standing up and flip
ped through her music.

“But who would be the lucky R
ock Star,” Brody said and looked directly into her eyes as he bit his cheek trying not to smile.

“Do you think you could play the part?” Emma smiled as she winked and laughed at him. He blushed.

“Emma!” Lila said shocked.

“I was joking,” Emma laughed.

“Well that’s a shame,” Joe laughed, “Isn’t it Brody.”

Brody smiled
seductively, “Sure is.”

Lila and Emma cleaned up the coffee table and sat on the couch looking through
a college yearbook. Brody, Joe, Quinn, and Max laughed over their shoulders as they showed them pictures.

“Well do you have pictures from eleven years ago, I am sure they would be just as funny,” Lila laughed.

“We were seventeen,” Max laughed.

“Wow that makes me feel ancient,” Lila laughed.

“No kidding,” Emma smiled and laughed. “We could be their mothers!”

Emma and Lila laughed until tears came out of their eyes.

“Were you sexually active and menstruating at seven?” Brody asked, his voice and face suddenly turned serious.

Lila and Emma laughed harder.

“I don’t think so,” Emma said laughing.

“Well when did you have sex for the first time?” Brody asked.

“Are you always this serious?” Emma asked looking at him shaking her head trying not to laugh.

“Just curious,” Brody said looking intensely toward them.

“Well I was in high school, it was after my junior Prom,” Lila laughed. “Emma here made Troy wait two years before she put out. So that was thirteen years ago right Emma?”

“Yes,” Emma laughed. “
I tormented him, perhaps that’s why he turned out to be an ass.”

“Oh now it’s your turn guys lets have it,” Lila said.

“It’s really not something I would like to share,” Brody said biting his bottom lip trying not to smile.

o private? Maybe you should sing it then,” Emma laughed.

ell my dear Emma, I was thirteen. So by my best guess I had sex for the first time before you. Making it impossible that you could be my mother, do you understand?” Brody said searching deeply in her eyes.

“I do, you w
ere a slut,” Emma laughed and everyone joined in which broke Brody’s intense look.

“I was not,” his smile hit his eyes

teen? Did you even know what the hell your penis was for at that age?” Emma said laughing.

“Apparently I did, I still do. I t
hink anyways, it has been a very long time,” Brody snickered.

“You’re a Rock Star hot stuff, get out there,” Emma laughed.

“You first Emma,” Brody smiling as he looked her up and down.

“I am not divorced, oh and I am a Mom,” Emma laughed.

Brody smiled at her, “But I should just go have sex with anyone willing?”

“Well not anyone, I mean I am sure you can be picky,” Emma said a
nd Lila and her giggled, “Besides if you just had sex with anyone willing you would probably never finish your album, you would be a very busy boy.”

“Thank you for
the ego boost,” Brody’s eyes expressed amusement.

“No problem.
I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you all. I am going to bed,” Emma smiled. “Goodnight.”

walked down the hall and went to bed.

“What is going on with you Brody?” Joe asked.

“Whatever do you mean,” Brody asked in a serious tone.

“Emma, do you have a thing for her?” Joe asked.

“I find her interesting, refreshing actually. As far as a thing goes, I would not say that,” Brody said deep in thought.

“You wouldn’t but those of us watching what goes on with you when she is present wou
ld beg to differ,” Lila smiled. “On that note, goodnight everyone.”


Emma walked into the midtown office building and had butterflies in her stomach. She rode the elevator to the twenty second floor. When the doors opened she stepped out into the lobby of Writes House and looked around as she walked to the rounded counter. The brunette behind the desk asked if she could help her and she sat and waited to be called for her interview.

Emma’s interview went well. She had three more that day all of which made her feel uneasy, not because she felt like they did not like her but because she did not want life to change for London. She wanted something to be normal.


Emma walked into Lila’s apartment and Brody was sitting at the counter with his
ipad, looking serious.

“Hello Brody,” Emma said as she walked past him.

“Oh good afternoon, I didn’t hear you come in, how did your interviews go?” Brody asked turning towards her.

“They went fi
ne,” Emma said softly.

“Why do you look
bewildered?” Brody asked pulling out the chair next to him and patted it for her to sit.

Emma sat and looked up at him, “I
guess because I am, if any of them offer me the job it would mean I would have to move.”

“And did you not expect that?” Brody asked.

“Well,” Emma said looking down in deep thought, “I guess, I just don’t want to do that to my daughter. She has already had to make a lot of changes.”

“Children are resilient right?” Brody asked.

Emma laughed, “That’s what they say. I think they just have no choice. The adults make the decision not taking into consideration what they want or need,” Emma laughed knowing she was getting too serious. “But it’s my job to figure out what is best for her, and I will.”

“What are your options?” Brody asked.

“Well, I could stay where we are and hope to get enough substitute teaching jobs to pay living expenses, dance tuition, oh and I promised piano lessons. I could continue being there for everything which I have been fortunate enough to do, even after the split. Or I could take whatever offer I am given and move with my parents until I find a place and depend on them to pick up my slack,” Emma said shaking her head.

Or you could run away with your daughter like you had mentioned before,” Brody said and smiled.

Emma laughed, “That too. Lots to figure out. So what’s next for you?”

“I guess I am going back to my house in Liverpool to finish my album and breathe,” Brody said looking confused. “After I wrap some things up here,” he said as he sat back.

“Well I truly wish you the best Brody Hines,” Emma said with a smile.

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