Read Worth Waiting For Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Worth Waiting For (18 page)

BOOK: Worth Waiting For
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“Simon, you mind if my
dad and I have some privacy?”

Simon stood. “No,
I’ll go get some coffee.”

He nodded and waited
for his step-brother to leave. He shut the door and pulled up a chair in front
of his dad’s desk.

“Your six months
aren’t up yet so I hope this is a social visit.”

Brock sat. “No, it’s
a visit about a business matter.”

“I’m listening.”

“I have a friend who
has a restaurant and needs a loan to keep the place running.”

friend, female friend?”

Brock nodded.

“I might have known.
So you’ve been sleeping with her.”

Brock didn’t answer.

“I might have guessed
that, too,” said his father.

“It’s not like that.
I’m in love with her.”

“Well, that’s a new
one for you, but for how long?”

This is the one.”

“And how long have
you known her?”

“Seven, almost eight
weeks, but you fell in love and married Mom in a week, didn’t you?”

“That’s different.”

Because you’re you and I’m me?”

“So you’re in love
with a woman who runs a restaurant but obviously isn’t very good at it.”

“These are tough times
for everyone.”

“And you want to help
her out, or should I say you want me to help her out.”

“She’d pay you back.
I can vouch for her.”

His father leaned

“Okay, Brock. How
about this? If you love her as much as you think then here’s my deal. I give
you the money for her but this counts as you coming to me for money before the
six months has expired. You failed the test so you don’t get to run this

Brock slammed his
hand down on the desk. “You’re a pathetic man.
one business deal after another to you, isn’t it. Instead of life events and
milestones that should be celebrated, you somehow manage to turn them into
business. How can you do this to your own flesh and blood?”

“You won’t learn a
thing if I don’t. That was my problem. I’ve been too soft and lenient with you
since your dear mother passed away.”

Brock heard the blood
rushing through his body and his heart beat so fast he thought he’d explode.
This was his birthright. He wanted this company but he also wanted to help

Hell, this didn’t
even take much thought. He’d take the money. He wouldn’t get the company, but
he’d live happily ever after with the girl of his dreams.

“I’ll take the money
for Kate, and I hope you rot in hell.”




It was raining hard. Kate
looked at her watch. Not that she minded him not showing up for work on the
dinner shift, but she was worried about Brock. Had he gotten into an accident
on the way back? Back from where? She hadn’t even asked where he was driving to
for the parts.

She hoped he hadn’t
done anything stupid on her behalf, like going to beat the bank president to a
pulp and was now sitting in jail awaiting a bail hearing. Maybe she should have
kept her mouth shut about that little incident.

Bright headlights
streaking toward the back alley of the restaurant got her attention. It was
Brock’s car. A few minutes later he walked in with a bunch of flowers in his
hands and smiled when he saw her.

you could do with some cheering up.”
He handed
them to her.

She took them and put
her nose to the pink rose in the middle of the bunch. “They’re gorgeous. Thank
you. So you get the parts you needed?”

“Yeah, all set, and I
also got you something.”

well as these flowers?”

He nodded. “But I’m
keeping it for later.” He winked at her.




After their time
apart, their lovemaking had
an urgency
to it. Brock
had hustled all the workers out the back door like the place was on fire. He’d
turned around with a devilish glint in his eyes, and Kate had sensed he was in
a very playful mood.

She’d rushed to him,
him to her, and they’d undressed one another on the way upstairs. Only problem
was they’d never made it up the stairs. Kate leaned back, naked on the middle step
with her legs spread, and Brock with his face buried in her folds. “Brock, oh God,
you’re going to kill me tonight.” She ran her hands through his hair, feeling
tiny pulses charge through her pussy into her butt.

His tongue parted her
labia before slipping deep inside her slit.

She swallowed as he
flicked and licked, sucked like only Brock could.

What would she do
when he went back to whatever it was he did? She drew in her breath as his
tongue lashed out and went deeper.

He placed his hands
on either side of her hips and held her still as he drove her nearer and nearer
to the edge of heaven.

Her back arched as
her orgasm took her. She sat up and shook.

“Let’s finish this up
in your bed,” said Brock. He smacked her on the backside as he followed her up
the stairs and into her room. There he picked her up, placed her on the bed,
and slipped his hand under the pillow.

She couldn’t figure
out what he’d done.

“It’s your surprise for
after I make love to you.”

That had intrigued
her, but all she could think about was Brock and how much she loved him as he
slid inside her.

“You love me?” he
asked as he glided back and forth.

She reached up and
placed her hands on his chest. “So much that I realize I’ve never truly been in
love before now.”

He picked up
intensity so she wrapped her legs around him, crossed them at the ankles, and let
them rest on the base of his ass.

Perspiration built on
his cheeks. She was tempted to wipe it away but had to use her hands to grip
the quilt because something wonderful was building down deep in her pussy, her
womb, the top of her legs…even her backside. Her breasts tingled, her nipples
pulled. She arched up to meet his thrusts, loving the sound and feel of their
bodies connecting. Kate cried out Brock’s name as she climaxed.

He reached bliss only
seconds after her.

They breathed in
unison as Brock gently rested his body on top of hers, his cock still buried
deep inside her. He kissed her while reaching under the pillow. He held up a
folded white slip of paper. “I’ve got the answer to your financial problems
right here.”

“Combination to a
safe?” asked Kate.

“A check paying off
your loan with the bank…the one your ex took out.”

She swallowed “But
where did you…your father?”

Brock nodded.

“I can’t. I mean I
don’t know him.”

“But you know and
love his son.”


He put his finger
over her mouth. “I’ve seen how much this restaurant means to you, and I don’t
want you to lose it.”

“I’ll pay it back,
all of it, with interest.”

“Nope, it’s all
yours.” He rolled onto his side.

Kate sat up, and he
handed her the check.

She swallowed. “I
will pay this back to you, to your dad…I have to.”

because I’m going to run this place with you.”

your family company?”
She looked at Brock. He
had a blank look on his face. He’d done something stupid. She sensed it. “You
failed your test because of this, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t worth
having, you are.”

“No, Brock, one day
you’ll wake up and hate me.”

“I can assure you if
I went back to my father’s company I’d wake up and hate myself. My life is here
with you now. Between the restaurant and the boat we can make it work. Well,
that’s if you want me in your life permanently.”

“Yes, but….”

“If I hear one more
but from you I’ll have to give you a good spanking.”




Chapter Fifteen


Kate couldn’t let him
do this. Not that she didn’t appreciate what he’d done with all her heart, she
did. She wanted him in her life, the two of them running this place, his boat,
being a team, but she also had to get this whole thing straightened out with
his father. She had to explain to him that it wasn’t Brock who’d failed the
test. She’d failed at being an entrepreneur…even a wife.

She looked at the
check, noting the name and the company. Kate wouldn’t let Brock know, but she
was going to
to see his dad and make him see reason. “There’s a cooking show I’m attending
tomorrow. You want to look after the restaurant for me while I’m gone?” She
hated lying to Brock but if she told him the truth, he’d stop her.

“Sure, I’d be happy
to. Anything in particular you need doing around here?”

usual stuff.”
Pain shot through her heart just looking
at him. One, because she wasn’t telling him the truth, and two, he’d been
willing to give up his life’s ambition for her. She kissed him.

“Wow, wasn’t
expecting that.”

“Expect lots more of




Kate parked her car,
got out, and ran her hands down the front of her skirt. She’d opted to wear a
suit to make her look more businesslike. When she entered the building, she’d
told the receptionist she wanted to see Alfred Dolan, and no, she didn’t have
an appointment.

She’d thought maybe
she’d be turned away for that simple little oversight but was told to go to the
eleventh floor. Her hands shook and her stomach did flips as rode up. When the
elevator door opened bile rose in her throat. “I’m Kate Byrne. I’m here to see
Alfred Dolan.”

“I’ll tell him you’re

Kate ran her hands
through her hair, hoping it still looked half decent.

An older man who
looked a lot like Brock opened the door. She could see the resemblance but his
father’s features were sharper, colder looking too. “Ms. Byrne?”


“Well, don’t stand there.
You’d better come into my office.”

“Yes. I….” No one had
intimidated her so much in only one short sentence.

“Have a seat.”

Kate pulled up, or
tried to pull up, a very heavy leather chair. She finally gave up and sat where
it was placed, two feet from the large oak desk.

“I know who you are.
The lady I wrote the check for.”

Kate nodded and swallowed.
“I don’t want this to affect Brock’s future with the company.”

“Already has, Ms.
Dolan, so take the money and enjoy it. My son was bound to fail that test no
matter what, so I hope you’re not beating yourself up over it.”

Kate’s open palms
made fists and her heart beat fast.
The audacity of the man.
“Have you ever seen your son actually working?”


“No, you haven’t, or
you wouldn’t take that attitude, but I have and I’m here to tell you that he’s
the hardest-working man I’ve ever seen. He’s fixed an old boat. He’s installed
shutters, cleared tables, and washed dirty, greasy pans. He scrubbed floors. I
could go on and on….”

We are talking about Brock and not one of
his step-brothers?”

your wonderful son Brock.
I don’t think he
should fail this test because he was putting me before his own needs and
dreams, which I think makes
for a great human being, one you
should be very proud of raising.”

“Lecture accepted,
but do you really think he’ll let you hand the check back to me so his test
will continue and everything will be back to normal?”

“I don’t know, sir,
because I don’t know you, but let me say that if he were my son, I’d be very
proud of him and proud to think he’d be the future of my company.” Kate could
see she was getting nowhere with this fool of a man. Was he even listening?
Probably not, because he’d been staring out of the window for the
last few minutes.
She knew his type all too well. They knew everything
and nothing and no one could change their minds. She stood and turned to leave.

“Where are you going,
Ms. Byrne?”

“I’m going home, home
to your son who I love very much. I’m going home to a man who I believe is the
most special man I’ve ever met. And because you will no longer have him in your
life or running your company…well, it’s
the biggest mistake of your life, both
personal and business-wise, you stupid old fool.”

BOOK: Worth Waiting For
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