Read Worth Waiting For Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Worth Waiting For (13 page)

BOOK: Worth Waiting For
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“And I’ve got a job
to get to. So what would you like me to do, ma’am?”




She’d only been
joking when she’d said she wanted all the windows washed and the shutter that
was hanging by just one nail, reattached. Luckily it had stopped raining.

Brock found a ladder
and climbed it with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge in hand and cleaned
every single window until they sparkled.

Kate was sure they
hadn’t been cleaned since she and David had purchased the place.

He’d then found a drill and some screws.

Before she knew it, the shutter was securely
fastened. At least her customers would no longer hear it swing and bang against
the building while they enjoyed their meal.

She’d given him the
rest of the day off so he could work some more on the boat’s engine. She’d been
honored he’d named it after her, although her namesake didn’t look in great
shape. By mid-afternoon, Kate heard the engine turn over. And the best news was
no smoke this time.

She decided to walk
across the road and check in on him. As she went below decks, he saw her,
smiled, and raised his thumb.

“So what do you

and smells a lot better than when we first met.”

going to be a money-maker.”

“I only wish I could
say the same thing about the real one.” Her sudden bright mood that been
brought back to a screeching reality. If it wasn’t for Brock and his cheerful
face, she knew she’d be on the brink of tears again.

“Hey, I didn’t mean
to upset you,” said Brock.

“Not your fault.
Just facing up to reality.”
She sighed. What would she do
without this guy?

“You want to take a
moonlight cruise with me tonight after the restaurant closes?”

“You mean in

That was Brock. He
always knew what to say to brighten her day.

He nodded. “I have to
try her out, give her a test run.”

“You sure she’s okay
to take out of the harbor?” The last thing she wanted was for them both to be
stranded at sea.

“The leak is patched,
her engine’s purring. Sure she’s seaworthy.”

you say so, Captain.”

“Okay, I’ll be
waiting for you.” He blew her a kiss.

She blew one back and
then saluted, which made both of them burst out laughing.




Kate looked stunning.
How could a woman make a pair of shorts and a T-shirt look so fantastic? Okay,
he was biased, but nevertheless she’d taken his breath away when she’d come on
board. The water was calm, the moon shone over it, and even a few stars
twinkled here and there.

“I brought us a treat
to take on our trip. French bread, assorted cheeses, some of Henri’s pâté, and
a bottle of sparkling wine,” said Kate.

“Sounds great,” said
Brock. He took everything from her and placed it on the countertop. “Okay, you
ready to set sail?”

aye, Captain.”

Brock took her hand
and led her up to the deck where he turned the key and the engine turned over
and purred. “You want to take the helm while I unhook the rope from the dock

“Sure,” said Kate. She
held it tight as Brock unwound the rope and then jumped onto the boat and took
over for her.

He hoped he’d fixed
everything properly and that this would be a mini adventure that Kate wouldn’t
forget anytime soon. He knew she put on a brave face most of the time but
underneath the façade he sensed she was worried about the future, hers and the

“You know where you’re
heading?” asked Kate. She put her arms around his waist and rested her chin on
his shoulder as he steered to starboard and they made their way out of the

“That direction,” he
said, navigating around the last of the harbor buoys.

“Maybe we shouldn’t
go too far, as
maiden voyage.”

Did she sound like a Nervous Nelly or what? Not that he could blame
her. He’d driven
a boat loads
of times while he was
growing up, but on all occasions he’d had a professional standing by.

“Sort of like she’s a
virgin, isn’t it? And don’t worry, I’m going around to that cove there so we
can stop and eat, and then maybe do some stargazing. So it’s not too far.”

so romantic.”

She kissed his
shoulder and his heart beat faster. Yeah, it was romantic and that’s the way he
wanted it to be. He’d thought about it all afternoon. A minute by minute play
of what they’d do. “And best thing is it’s free.”


It was, and to think that
less than a month ago, he’d thought having a good time meant nightclubs and
staying up till the early hours of the morning…and spending a ton of money. “You
want to try taking over here for me?”

“You trust me

“Sure. If you do it
well enough I might even make you the captain’s mate.”

“Yeah, the way things
are going I might have to
work for you.”

They changed places.
He liked the sound of him and Kate working together. It was Brock’s turn to put
his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder as she made her
way out and started to turn the corner into the first cove. Maybe he should
bring up the subject of her coming back to
with him when he left. “You’re an
expert at this,” he whispered. He rested his hand on her thigh and let a finger
trail over her skin.

“Brock, stop that,
because I won’t be able to concentrate.”

“So what would happen
if I started playing with your pussy?”

“Brock, don’t even
think about doing that while I’m driving.”

He laughed at her
choice of words. “I think it’s called steering.” He nipped playfully at her
shoulder while pretending to push his hand up under her shorts.

“Brock, I’m warning

“This Kate never
complains when I mess around with her parts.”

She burst out

He laughed, too.

“So whose parts do
you prefer?”

“Ah, is that jealousy
I detect in your voice?” He loved teasing Kate. It was so much fun and one of
that had made him fall so fast for her. He
knew she knew it was all a game, but he enjoyed the way she played along. Some
women would get plain bitchy about it but not his Kate. Wow, he’d referred to
her as his Kate. Guess this was moving into the serious relationship mode.

“Stop it.”

about we find somewhere around this cove that’s very, very private and eat our
meal and then make love under the stars?”
hoped Kate could feel his excitement at the suggestion. His cock pressed into
her ass cheeks, and he was thinking the make love bit should come before the
eating half of the evening.

“Brock, you want me
to crash this boat or something?”

That was the last
thing he wanted her to do. Not only because he’d put lots of hard work and
money into the boat but for their safety too.

“Nope, but hurry up
and steer over that way.” He pointed to their right at a tiny cove that looked
quiet and secluded.

“You have an anchor?”
asked Kate.

“Yes, first mate.” He
walked away, pulled on the anchor, and let it drop down into the water while
Kate turned off the boat’s engine.

Brock rejoined her. Yeah, the food part of the
evening would need to wait because she looked too tempting under the stars. He grabbed
her and lifted up her T-shirt. Good thing was she was braless again tonight.
And dear God, those breasts and nipples looked like the perfect appetizer.

“Are you sure no one
can see us?” asked Kate as he sucked on her right nipple.

Oh Kate, worries far
too much…in a way, another thing he loved about her. She complimented his
sometimes recklessness so perfectly.
“Other than some
wildlife that might be around, yep.”

He turned her away
from him and put her hands up on the helm of the boat before covering her breasts
with his hands. Brock squeezed them while kissing her neck. Her nipples were
tight little buds, and he gave each of them a playful tug.

“Your hands are
making me wet so hurry and get my shorts and panties off.”

He smiled as he knelt
down and did as she asked. He looked up at her ass. So perfect, so round and
firm. He slowly stood while giving it little smack before parting the cheeks
and letting his hand slide inward until his middle finger found her slit. “Wow,
you weren’t kidding when you said you were wet. It’s like
Niagara Falls
You always
this hot and ready?”

“Nope, must be the
company and the boat.”

He liked the sound of
that. He was the only man who drove her body into this erotic frenzy. “Well, if
that’s the case I better bring you out here for a midnight cruise every single
night.” He slid his finger deep inside her, loving the way her body gripped his
digit and the warm slickness that kissed his skin.

Kate wiggled her ass
before leaning over slightly onto the wheel. The movement pitched his finger forward
and deeper within her. She whimpered and moved her ass some more.

Brock kissed the back
of her neck as his index finger joined the middle one and he began tiny but
urgent thrusts.

She spread her legs,
allowing him more access.

He licked and
playfully nipped at the top of her spine, feeling her pussy tighten as he did

She bounced up and
down on them and groaned. Her cream slid over his hand when she shook and cried

His cock grew hard
and twitched. He’d envisioned the two of them lying on the deck on a blanket
making love, but he might have to take her right here, standing. Yeah,
unfortunately that’s how things were going to be.

He turned her around,
unzipped his jeans, pulled out a condom, sheathed himself, and within seconds
was inside her. He kissed her lips, her neck, and her collarbone as he drove
into her like never before.

She ran her hands
through his hair as he almost lifted her off her feet. “Brock, jeez, you’re
taking my breath away.”

He was glad to hear
that, because she took his away every time he looked at her now.

Their thighs smacked
into each other’s, their tongues sliding into each other’s mouths.

Kate bit his lip
slightly when she climaxed. The tightening of her pussy was all it took for him
to find release, too. They stayed together, forehead to forehead, nose to nose
for a few minutes with him still buried deep inside her.
only they could stay like this forever, locked in one another’s arms miles away
from the real world.
The hurt, the pain…if only he could heal the world
for her.

A cool breeze drifted
off the water. Kate shivered.

Seeing goose bumps
appear on her arms, he pulled her tight to him. “You’re cold,” he whispered.

“I’m naked.”

“Let’s get you down
below to warm you up.”

He felt adventurous
tonight. He picked her up in his arms but then realized the stairs down to the stateroom
was too narrow.

“It was a nice
thought,” said Kate when he put her back down.

Yeah, and he’d do it
for sure one of these days.




Chapter Twelve


The wine and the
gentle bobbing of the boat were making Kate sleepy.

Brock was cradling her
in his arms after they’d eaten the bread, pâté, and cheese.

She could stay like
this forever. Her problems seemed to almost disappear when she was wrapped
securely in his arms. Right now she’d like to run away to sea with Brock and
leave all her troubles ashore. The thought of running anywhere with him warmed
her heart. Okay, neither of them would have money or a job, but it was a nice

“What are you
thinking about? You look miles away.” He tapped her gently on the nose.

Should she tell him
about her plans for them to run away to sea? Would he laugh? No, knowing Brock
he’d start up the engine and they’d been in foreign waters before she could
tell him she was only joking. Better keep your mouth shut…for now. “I was
thinking about how wonderful this is…the wine, the company, the boat.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty
neat isn’t it?”

BOOK: Worth Waiting For
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