Worth Waiting For (11 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Worth Waiting For
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He parted her legs
and let them rest over his forearms, opening her up to him.

Kate eased back
slightly, pushing her bottom toward him as he glided into her. As he thrust
forward, she lifted her butt to meet each of his movements.

She should have
thought of this before, but maybe it was Brock’s skills that were at this very
point making her pussy spasm around his cock. Kate leaned forward, sending the
tip of his dick slightly upwards. She whimpered because nothing had ever felt
this good. She lifted her arms up and grabbed him around the upper body,
letting her head rest on his chest as they two of them seemed locked together.

They rocked in
unison, each pushing against the other.

“Harder and faster,”
she whispered.


It was almost too much
because she was lightheaded. The candles beside the bed became a blur as she
felt her orgasm bubbling on the horizon.

She screamed and fell
backward, crying and whimpering as she did so.

Brock pulled her to
the very edge of the bed and pushed into her some more, causing her to climax
yet again, and as she did, she heard him panting and moaning. He went suddenly
still, threw his head back, and shouted her name. And even though he was
sheathed, she once again felt him explode inside her.

She’d discovered one
thing tonight.

Brock Dolan was a




Chapter Ten


Brock had often
thought he’d never find a woman who enjoyed having sex as much as he did. He’d
never thought he’d find one he’d want to fuck more than a few times in one
evening, but here was Kate with her little ass stuck up in the air ready and
waiting for him.

He ran his hands over
each cheek and gave them a slight smack, before parting them and sliding deep
into her pussy.

Her hair hung down
her back, and he pushed it to one side so he could run his hands over her skin
while he thrust inside her.
, he
wanted to say but was scared that it sounded silly and unromantic.

Kate’s body made him
feel fantastic both physically and when he thought about it emotionally too. Everything
about her made him feel pretty good.

She parted her legs
some more and pressed her butt up into the air and said something he couldn’t
quite hear.

Brock leaned over farther
and wrapped his arms around her. “You okay, baby?” he whispered in her ear.

“I’m feeling really

He picked up the intensity
while bringing his hands around to the front of her body. He was able to touch
her nipples with his fingers. They’d turned into tiny little pebbles, and her pussy
clenched his dick like a blood pressure cuff.

Brock could tell she
liked that. Her body told him everything about her needs and wants. He pulled
on her nipples, feeling her pussy squeeze him again.

Shit, he wanted to
hang on a bit longer. He was getting close, yet he wanted her to come first. “Play
with your clit because I’m almost done,” he whispered. He should have thought
of this sooner, because seeing her hand reach down between her legs and feeling
it brush his cock as she went to work on herself made him harder and all the
more excited.

Kate whimpered.

He knew her well
enough to know that was the sign she was getting close.

Her legs moved and
then shook. Her pussy gripped his cock like no woman he’d ever slept with and
that was all it took.

It had been intense…off
the charts. Maybe it was the romantic meal. Perhaps strawberries were an
aphrodisiac, but no, common sense told him it was all Kate’s doing.

He stayed inside her,
felt a compelling need to do just that, and wrapped his arms around her,
kissing Kate’s shoulder.

Ever so slowly he
pulled out of her and turned her around to face him before they fell back onto
the bed. One thing he’d always hated was the snuggling that women always seemed
eager to get to after the sex bit. Tonight, however, he was the instigator. He
took Kate in his arms and pushed her head down on his shoulder. Her body was warm,
comforting, and he’d never felt so relaxed in his entire life.

“So you want to stay
the night with me? I know this bed isn’t the most comfortable, and not really
made for two, but I think we can make it work.”

“I’d love to.”

He gave one last look
at her beautiful face in the dim glow the candles provided before leaning over
and blowing them out. It cast them in almost total darkness excerpt for the
full moon’s reflection on the water through the porthole.

If this wasn’t
romantic, what was?




It seemed strange
having sex with someone and then giving them their orders for the day. She
didn’t want to play favorites because Brock gave her off-the-chart orgasms, so
his first assignment was to sweep outside and pick up any odd piece of garbage
that had made its way onto the restaurant patio.

Kate heard Brock
humming and then she saw him pass by the window with the broom in his hand. She
smiled and made her way to the pantry to make her list. She’d need to go to the
restaurant supply warehouse and stock up. They were running low on certain
items but unfortunately so
her bank account. Maybe
she could find a cheaper brand of some of the basics like stock, butter, and
flour. Yeah, she’d need to get a little more creative, that was all.

Brock walked back
inside and placed the broom in the corner by the cupboard. “So what’s next on
my agenda?” he asked.

“You want to go to
the warehouse with me and pick up some supplies?”

“Sure, sounds like




Brock was a keeper in
more ways than one.
They were in the
warehouse where he was pushing the oversized cart and lifting down everything
from the shelves. This was a chore she’d done by herself even before David had
walked out on her and usually by this time her back was aching from carrying the
heavy packages and cans.

She only hoped she
could keep him working for her after he’d made enough money to pay for his boat
repairs. Kate couldn’t blame him if he did quit. This wasn’t the most fun or
highest paying job in town. She glanced over at him. Would he also quit being
her lover, too?

“Something wrong?” he

She’d been staring at
him for what seemed like forever. Kate shook her head.

“Hope it was about
last night. You know there are still some strawberries and chocolate left over.”

She smiled. “You’re
going to spoil me.”

“Thought you ladies
liked that.”

“We do.”

He grinned again and
those dimples made her heart flutter.

“Okay, I think that’s
everything we need. We just have to pay for it.”
The worst part.

The line was long,
the warehouse getting warmer by the minute, and by the time they got to load
the items on the conveyor belt, both of them were covered in sweat and

Brock restacked the
items back into the cart while Kate held her breath and waited for the total.

Her knees went weak
when the number flashed in bright green on the screen mere inches from her face.
To say she had a cash flow problem was an understatement. She stood there
frozen, looking at the total with her mouth open.

“Ma’am, how are you
paying today?” asked the cashier.

I only wish I knew the answer.
She knew
the restaurant’s bank account didn’t have enough to cover that amount. Her own
account, well that was even more anemic. Using her credit card was the biggest
gamble of all. If the balance came due before some money rolled in, she’d be
paying the minimum with 17% interest. Yeah, the way things were going she’d be
still paying that off in the afterlife. “I have to put some things back. I’m
sorry,” Kate told the cashier.

Everyone in the line
behind them mumbled something.

One guy even swore. “Fuck
lady, you think we’re standing here for the fun of it. We’ve all got businesses
to run while you decide what you do and don’t want.”

“Hey buddy, you want
to watch that mouth of yours while you’re around a lady?” Brock shouted. “Okay,
Kate, what would you like me to take out?”

The guy lifted up his
hand to say he was sorry, and then sat down on his cart and tapped his foot.

She hated to admit to
Brock that half of what they’d loaded into the cart needed to be put back, but
she couldn’t stand the thought of drowning in credit card debt.

“You can put the
items on here and I’ll deduct them off the bill,” said the cashier. She pointed
to another checkout belt that wasn’t in use.

Several people behind
them in the line were beginning to mumble again, and not very discreetly looked
at their watches as Kate and Brock unloaded half her cart.

When Kate was
satisfied she’d done enough trimming, she slid her credit card through the scanner,
and signed for the items.

That had been a wakeup
call and not to mention humiliating. All she wanted to do was get home and curl
up someplace, blush or cry or whatever you did when you were facing an
uncertain financial future.

The sliding glass
door to the parking lot opened as Brock pushed the cart through, almost hitting
a man walking into the warehouse.

Oh no, could my day get any worse?

It was David.

She tried to look the
other way but he’d already seen her.


“David. I didn’t
expect to see you here.”

He looked at Brock and
then back at her.

“This is a new
employee, Brock. Brock, my soon-to-be-ex-husband, David,” said Kate.

Brock nodded before
sliding his sunglasses from the top of his head down over his eyes.

And my new lover who is so much more talented than you.
“So what brings you here?” Not that she cared. Surely he’d not run
out of bread.
Unless of course Miss Whole Wheat had dumped

“We’ve…I’ve brought
the old Redfield restaurant.”




Chapter Eleven


Kate pushed past him,
almost knocking Brock off his feet. She hadn’t said another word since her
ex-husband made his announcement.

He didn’t know the
guy, but Brock had taken an instinct dislike to him. Yeah, that was stupid. He
knew David and Kate were through, so seeing the guy shouldn’t have bothered him
as much as it had. Not only was he better looking than Brock imagined, but he’d
hurt Kate in the past. It was also obvious him telling Kate about his new
purchase upset her. No, he didn’t like this man at all.

Kate didn’t say
anything as the two loaded the items into the car. She silently climbed in and started
the ignition, putting the vehicle into drive.

“You want to talk
about it?” he asked.


Fair enough

When they arrived
back at the restaurant, they unloaded the truck and took the items into the
kitchen, where Henri was throwing his hands in the air.

“Kate, Kate, the fish
supplier. Mon
, we are on his blacklist.”

“What?” she asked. She
placed a package of flour down on the countertop and rushed over to him. “What

“He said the last check
you gave him bounced so no more seafood for us.”

Brock looked at Henri,
then at Kate. She was having financial problems. Well, who
these days
? He suddenly felt guilty taking money from her for working at
a job he had to admit he was enjoying more each day.

She burst into tears
and ran out of the kitchen.

Brock chased after

She took the stairs
two at a time.

“Kate. Kate!”

She didn’t turn
around, didn’t answer, so Brock rushed up the stairs and finally caught up to
her in the bedroom. He grabbed her and held her body to his as she sobbed into
his chest. He glided his hand through her hair and took in her scent.

Her hair was silky,
and it smelled like freshly fallen rain. She pulled away, leaving a large wet
patch on his T-shirt, but he didn’t care because the tears were Kate’s and that
made them special. “My whole world’s falling apart.”

“Yeah, some days seem
like that, but then tomorrow comes around and everything’s okay again.” He held
her face in his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead. “So tell me how I can
make it all better.”

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