Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (183 page)

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Authors: Christiane Northrup

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. V. Felitti, R. Anda, D. Nordenberg, et al., “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults,”
American Journal of Preventive Medicine,
vol. 14 (1998), pp. 245–58.
. “Gender and Education for All: The Leap to Equality Summary Report,” UNESCO Publishing, Paris (2003).
. World Health Organization Fact Sheet #241 (May 2008).
. P. Jha et al., “Low Female-to-Male Sex Ratio of Children Born in India: National Survey of 1.1 Million Households,”
vol. 367, no. 9506 (Jan. 21, 2006), pp. 211–18.
. Amelia Gentleman, “India Still Fighting to ‘Save the Girl Child,’ ”
Herald Tribune
(April 15, 2005).
. Tina Rosenberg, “The Daughter Deficit,”
New York Times Magazine
(August 23, 2009), p. MM23 (also available online at
www.nytimes.com/2009/08/23/maga zine/23FOB-idealabt.html
. Fadia Faqir, “Intrafamily Femicide in Defence of Honour: The Case of Jordan,”
Third World Quarterly,
vol. 22, no. 1 (2001), pp. 65–82; Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn,
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women
(Alfred A. Knopf, 2009); Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, “The Women’s Crusade,”
New York Times Magazine
(August 23, 2009), p. MM28 (also available online at
www.nytimes.com/2009/ 08/23/magazine/23Woment.html
. Kristof and WuDunn,
Half the Sky;
Kristof and WuDunn, “The Women’s Crusade.”
. Ibid.
. Ibid.
. Nathan Morley, “New Report Blames Cyprus Government for Virtually Uncontrolled Trafficking of Women,”
Voice of America
(Nov. 27, 2003).
. Kristof and WuDunn,
Half the Sky;
Kristof and WuDunn, “The Women’s Crusade.”
. “Gender and Education for All: The Leap to Equality Summary Report,” UNESCO Publishing, Paris (2003).
. M. Catherine Maternowska, “Truck-Stop Girls,”
New York Times Magazine
(August 23, 2009), p. MM54 (also available online at
. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),
HIV Transmission in
Intimate Partner Relationships in Asia,
presented at the 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific in Bali, August 2009; (also available online at
http://data.unaids.org/pub/ Report/2009/ intimate_partners_report_en.pdf
. Saniye Gulser Corat, “UNESCO and Violence Against Women.” Presentation to UNESCO, New York (Mar. 1, 2005).
. Remarks by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, during an open Security Council debate on Resolution 1820 and Women, Peace, and Security (August 7, 2009).
. Kristof and WuDunn, “The Women’s Crusade.”
. Anne Wilson Schaef and Diane Fassel,
The Addictive Organization
(HarperSan-Francisco, 1988), p. 58.
. Data from Oxfam America, 115 Broadway, Boston, Massachusetts 02116.
. B. Grad et al., “An Unorthodox Method of Treatment on Wound Healing in Mice,”
International Journal of Parapsychology,
vol. 3 (Spring 1961), pp. 5–24. This well-designed study showed that wound healing in mice was speeded up significantly (p. < .01) when a self-styled healer passed hands over the animals’ cage.
. M. T. Stein, J. H. Kennell, and A. Fulcher, “Benefits of a Doula Present at the Birth of a Child,”
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,
vol. 25 (5 Suppl.) (Oct. 2004), pp. S89–92; M. T. Stein, J. H. Kennell, and A. Fulcher, “Benefits of a Doula Present at the Birth of a Child,”
Journal of Developmental
and Behavioral Pediatrics,
vol. 24, no. 3 (June 2003), pp. 195–98; J. H. Kennell and M. H. Klaus, “Continuous Nursing Support During Labor,”
Journal of the
American Medical Association,
vol. 289, no. 2 (Jan. 8, 2003), pp. 175–76; M. H. Klaus, J. H. Kennell, S. S. Robertson, and R. Sosa, “Effects of Social Support During Parturition in Maternal and Infant Mortality,”
British Medical Journal,
vol. 293 (1986), pp. 585–87; M. H. Klaus, J. H. Kennell, G. Berkowitz, and P. Klaus, “Maternal Assistance and Support in Labor: Father, Nurse, Midwife, or Doula?”
Clinical Consultation in Obstetrics and Gynecology,
vol. 4 (Dec. 1992); M. Klaus, J. Kennell, and P. Klaus,
Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have
a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth
(New York: Addison-Wesley, 1993), p. 25.
. B. E. Hamilton, J. A. Martin, and S. J. Ventura, “Births: Preliminary Data for 2007,”
National Vital Statistics Report,
vol. 57, no. 12 (March 18, 2009), p. 4.
. Stephen Hall, “Cheating Fate,”
vol. 6, no. 2 (Apr. 1992), p. 38. Every doc-tor has seen at least a few cases of “spontaneous remission,” and every year these cases are reported in the medical literature. Far too often, instead of being studied, they are ignored. Their existence flies in the face of the medical belief system.
. Thomas E. Andreoli et al.,
Cecil: Essentials of Medicine,
2d ed. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders and Co., 1990), pp. 422–23.
. K. Hartmann, M. Viswanathan, R. Palmieri, G. Gartlehner, J. Thorp, Jr., and K. N. Lohr, “Outcomes of Routine Episiotomy: A Systematic Review,”
Journal of
the American Medical Association,
vol. 293, no. 17 (May 4, 2005), pp. 2141–48.
. Anne Wilson Schaef,
When Society Becomes an Addict
(HarperSanFrancisco, 1987), p. 72.
. Clarissa Pinkola Estes,
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of
the Wild Woman Archetype
(New York: Ballantine Books, 1992), p. 3.
. Patricia Reis, “The Women’s Spirituality Movement: Ideas Generated and Questions Asked.” Presentation to feminist seminar, Proprioceptive Writing Center, Maine (Dec. 3, 1990).

Chapter 2

. F. Murad, “Discovery of Some of the Biological Effects of Nitric Oxide and Its Role in Cell Signaling,”
Bioscience Reports,
vol. 19, no. 3 (June 1999), pp. 133–54.
. Stephanie Field et al.,
Science News,
vol. 127, no. 301; reported in
Dec. 9, 1985.
. Marshall H. Klaus and John H. Kennell,
Parent/Infant Bonding,
2d ed. (St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1982).
. L. F. Berman and S. L. Syme, “Social Networks, Host Resistance, and Mortality: A Nine-Year Follow-up of Almeda County Residents,”
American Journal of Epidemiology,
vol. 109 (1978), pp. 186–204.
. Jeanne Achterberg,
Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine
(Boston: Shambhala, 1985).
. V. J. Felitti, R. F. Anda, D. Nordenberg, D. F. Williamson, A. M. Spitz, V. Edwards, M. P. Koss, and J. S. Marks, “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study,”
American Journal of Preventive
vol. 14, no. 4 (May 1998), pp. 245–58.
. Michael Gershon,
The Second Brain
(New York: HarperCollins, 1998).
. Candace Pert,
Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel
(New York: Scribner, 1997).
. Larry Dossey,
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine
(San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993).
. Quoted from personal notes of 1991 lecture series, Mystery School Program, at which Jean Houston was the facilitator.
. Anne Moir and David Jessel,
Brain Sex
(New York: Carol Publishing Co., a Lyle Stuart Book, 1991), p. 195.
. Robert Bly and Deborah Tannen, “Where Are Women and Men Today,”
New Age
Jan.–Feb. 1992, p. 32.
. S. J. Schleifer et al., “Depression and Immunity: Lymphocyte Function in Ambulatory Depressed Patients, Hospitalized Schizophrenic Patients, and Patients Hospitalized for Herniorrhaphy,”
Archives of General Psychiatry,
vol. 42 (1985), pp. 129–33.
. J. K. Kiecolt-Glaser et al., “Stress, Loneliness, and Changes in Herpes Virus Latency,”
Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
vol. 8, no. 3 (1985), pp. 249–60.
. The following autoimmune diseases affect women much more frequently than men: Systemic lupus erythematosus—90 percent of sufferers are women. Myasthenia gravis—85 percent are women. Autoimmune thyroid disease—80 percent are women. Rheumatoid arthritis—75 percent are women. Multiple sclerosis—70 percent are women.
. S. F. Maier et al., “Opiate Antagonists and Long-Term Analgesic Reaction Induced by Inescapable Shock in Rats,”
Journal of Comparative Physiology and
vol. 4 (Dec. 1980), pp. 1177–83; M. L. Laudenslager, “Coping and Immunosuppression: Inescapable but Not Escapable Shock Suppresses Lymphocyte Proliferation,”
Aug. 1983, pp. 568–70; Steven E. Locke et al., “Life Change Stress, Psychiatric Symptoms and Natural Killer Cell Activity,”
vol. 46, no. 5 (1984), pp. 441–53; B. S. Linn et al., “Degree of Depression and Immune Responsiveness,”
Psychosomatic Medicine,
vol. 44 (1982), p. 128.
. R. J. Weber and C. B. Pert, “Opiatergic Modulation of the Immune System,” in E. E. Muller and Andrea R. Genazzani, eds.,
Central and Peripheral Endorphins
(New York: Raven Press, 1984), p. 35.
. R. L. Roessler et al., “Ego Strength, Life Changes, and Antibody Titers,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Dallas, Texas, Mar. 25, 1979.
. Ellen Langer,
Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility
(New York: Ballantine Books, 2009), p. 116.
. B. R. Levy, M. D. Slade, S. R. Kunkel, and S. V. Kasl, “Longevity Increased by Positive Self-Perceptions of Aging,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
vol. 83, no. 2 (Aug. 2002), pp. 261–70.
. Ellen Langer,
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989), pp. 100–13.
. Maude Guerin, “Psychosocial Lecture Notes,” Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Michigan State University School of Medicine, Lansing, MI, 1991.
. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,
On Death and Dying
(New York: Macmillan, 1969).

Chapter 3

. Stephen Sullivan, “Inhibition of Salivary and Lacrimal Secretion by an Enkephalin Analogue,”
American Journal of Psychiatry,
vol. 139, no. 3 (Mar. 1982), pp. 385–86.
. W. G. Frey et al., “Effect of Stimulus on the Composition of Tears,”
Journal of Ophthalmology,
vol. 92, no. 4 (1982), pp. 559–67.
. Olga and Ambrose Worrall,
The Gift of Healing
(Columbus, OH: Ariel Press, 1985). The work of Olga Worrall, a world-renowned intuitive healer, was studied and documented by physicians at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The book is available from Ariel Press, P.O. Box 30975, Columbus, OH 43230. Her work is cur rently being carried on by Dr. Robert Leichtman. Edgar Cayce is another well-known medical intuitive.
. Marilyn Ferguson, “Commentary: Waking Up in the Dark,”
Brain/Mind and
Common Sense,
Apr. 1993, p. 3.
. E. R. McDonald, S. A. Wiedenfeld, A. Hillel, C. L. Carpenter, and R. A. Walter, “Survival in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: The Role of Psychological Factors,”
Archives of Neurology,
vol. 51, no. 1 (Jan. 1994), pp. 17–23.
. Matthew Fox, quoted in Michael Toms, “Renegade Priest: An Interview with Matthew Fox,”
The Sun,
issue 89 (Aug. 1991), p. 10.
. Richard Grossinger,
On the Integration of Nature: Post 9-11 Biopolitical Notes
(Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2005).

Chapter 4

. Graham Bennette, “Psychic and Cellular Aspects of Isolation and Identity Impairment in Cancer,”
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
vol. 131 (1972), pp. 352–63.

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