With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (30 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“Our brains are gone!” Maddie announces.

I reach out and take her from my brother, righting her in my arms, and kiss her soft, cold cheek.

“Did you have fun?” I ask her.

She nods happily and wraps her tiny arms around my neck. “I love you, daddy.”

Every time I hear it,
every damn time
, is a shot to the heart. I don’t know what I did to deserve these amazing girls in my life, but I’d do it a million times over, just to keep them with me.

“I love you too, buttercup.”

“I thought you two were still in Europe,” Brynna says to Sam and Leo, who are now snuggling in the porch swing.

“It’s freaking disturbing to see you snuggled up like that in that getup.”

Leo laughs and plants a kiss on Sam, making us all boo and hiss.

“Yuck,” Josie mutters.

“We got back a couple days ago,” Sam replies with a grin.

“Okay, you got your trick, now it’s time for treats!” Meg announces.

“More tricks!” Will cries and lunges for Maddie, who screams and ducks behind my back for safety.

“Dude, are you nine?” I ask my brother with a grin.

“And a half,” he confirms. “Okay, since you’re dressed so pretty in those uniforms, you can have your treats.”

“Do you like our costumes?” Maddie asks as she carefully walks out from behind my legs. “We picked them out just for you!”

“You did?” Will asks with a grin.

“Yes, because you throw the ball!” Josie informs him. “And we like the pretty cheerleaders.”

“Don’t we all,” Matt mutters under his breath, earning a slap in the arm from Meg. “Ouch!”

“Your cheerleader costumes are awesome,” Will nods. “But what about your dolls? Do they have cheerleader costumes too?”

“No,” Maddie shakes her head sadly. “And that makes them sad.”

“It does?” Will laughs and pulls on Mad’s ponytail.

“Very sad,” Josie agrees.

“Well, we can’t have that.”

Meg hands each of the girls an orange gift bag, which contains enough candy to give all of China cavities and Seahawk cheerleader costumes for their dolls.

“Oh my God,” Brynna whispers with wide eyes.

“Oh wow! It’s what I always wanted!” Maddie exclaims.

“Thank you,” Josie smiles sweetly up at Will and twirls her hair in her finger.

“She is such a flirt,” Sam laughs.

I growl without realizing the sound is coming from me.

“Down, boy,” Brynna laughs and hugs me tight. “I think it’s time we go home.”

We say our goodbyes and drive home. The girls both fall asleep in the van, so I carry them upstairs and we tuck them into bed, still in their costumes. Brynna removes Bix’s pirate costume and he settles on his bed between the girls.

I lean in and press a kiss to each of their foreheads.
They’re mine.

“Love you, babies,” I whisper as Brynna and I leave them to dream of candy and dolls and whatever else little girls dream of.

On the way to the couch, Bryn grabs one of the bags of candy and settles in. “I need coconut and chocolate,” she mutters, digging through the bag. “Yes! Almond Joy!”

I sit beside her and pull her feet into my lap, massaging her arches.

“It’s not a bad deal having you around, sailor.”

“No?” I ask.

“I get chocolate and footrubs and some really amazing sex.”

“So happy you approve, legs” I reply dryly and watch my hands as I rub her pretty feet.

“I do.”

“I think you should put the candy down and I’ll remind you how good the sex is.”

“Come between me and this candy and I’ll kill you in your sleep,” she replies with a sweet smile and bats her eyelashes.

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply with a laugh.

“The girls had fun,” she murmurs while munching on a treat.

“I did too.” I love the way her skin feels under my fingers. We sit quietly for a while, enjoying the silence.

“Love you so much,” she whispers.

I look over at her and my heart simply stills at the sight of her, drifting asleep at the end of the couch, her hands resting on her round belly. She sighs as my thumb glides up the arch of her foot.

So much for the sex reminder. I smile softly as I watch her for long minutes, thankful for every experience I have with my family.

And this is just the beginning.



Book Six in the With Me In Seattle Series


Kristen Proby



Book Six in the With Me In Seattle Series

Kristen Proby


Copyright © 2014 by Kristen Proby


All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


Kaleb (Alluring Indulgence #1) by Nicole Edwards Copyright © Nicole Edwards, 2012  Excerpts used with permission.



The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations as well as light BDSM themes. It is intended for adult readers.


Cover Art:

Photography by: Dylan Duvall

Models: Dustin and Stephanie Culp

Cover Artist: Okay Creations



For L. Thanks for encouraging me to write this story, this way.


A note from the author:


This book in the With Me In Seattle series is a bit different from the others. Each of the stories are sexy, sensual, and feature an alpha man with a strong woman, and this book is no exception. However, Matt Montgomery isn’t just a run-of-the-mill alpha male. Matt also dabbles in the world of BDSM. The scenes that explore this lifestyle are respectful, sane and always consensual, as should always be the case in this world. The heart of this story, like the others, is the romance. The discovery of love and deep affection for another person is paramount.

I hope you enjoy Matt and Nic’s journey.


Best Wishes,




“Why are we here?” I ask Bailey for the fortieth time since we arrived at the Seattle Arts Center.

“Because you need some excitement in your life,” she informs me with a sly grin. “And I didn’t have anyone else to come with me.”

is the kind of excitement you think I need?” I ask incredulously and take in the scene before me.

Bailey, my best friend, talked me into attending the Seattle spring erotic festival. How she managed, I have no idea. I’m the least-kinky person on the planet.

I’m so vanilla, I smell of it.

Or maybe that’s just because I bake with it all day.

“Don’t be such a prude,” she admonishes me with an eye roll. “It’s fun.”

“It’s not my thing,” I reply and step aside as a man wearing nothing but leather and chains brushes against me.

The main room has been transformed into a large dance club. There is a DJ on stage, loud music pumping out of the speakers, and lights flash as bodies move and grind on the dance floor.

There are many different levels of dress. And undress. Nudity isn’t allowed, but many have pushed the boundaries, covering only the most necessary parts of their bodies. In a smaller room off to the right is a smaller dance floor with softer music and a stage, where a burlesque group is about to perform. There is also a fully stocked bar in that room.

To the left of the main dance area is another large room that is broken into segments, where different kinks are demonstrated for the crowd.

“We’ll go in there later, after we get some drinks into you,” Bailey informs me and pulls me in the direction of the bar and burlesque show.

Bailey has dark blond hair that falls to her ass, stick straight. The highlights are natural, damn her. Her eyes are wide and deep brown, and when she smiles she has dimples that have long labeled her as
, which she hates with a passion.

When we approach the bar, we both order 7&7s from a bartender dressed in booty shorts and orange suspenders then find a seat near the stage.

“What do you think so far?” Bailey asks with a grin and takes a sip of her drink.

“There are way more people than I expected.” And they’re of all ages and sizes, different sexual orientations. What surprises me the most is how open and comfortable everyone seems, smiling, happy to be nearly naked and unapologetically exploring their kinkier sexual side.

“This community is larger than you’d think,” she agrees and lets her eyes wander over the room. “You look great, by the way. It’s a nice change to see you out of that white jacket and hat that always hide your body.”

“It’s called my work uniform,” I reply drily.

“That’s just it. You’re always at work, friend. You’re either in that hideous, body-hiding outfit or in pajamas.”

I shrug and look away. There’s nothing to say. She’s right. I glance down at the short denim miniskirt and thigh-high stockings, heels and red strapless top that Bailey insisted I wear. I can’t help but admit that it feels good to dress up a bit.

Reminds me that I’m a woman with needs that go beyond a hot kitchen and chocolate frosting.

Bailey helped me apply my makeup of dark liner, fake eyelashes and bright lipstick, and teased my long dark hair into ringlets that fall down my back and over my breasts, which have also been teased to be high and pushed together, showing off what little cleavage I have.

God bless, Bailey and her girlie secrets.

“You have a kickin’ body, Nic. You should show it off more.”

“To who?” I ask with a laugh. “My clients want cupcakes, not my boobs in their face.”

“Depends on the client,” she replies with a laugh just as the lights fall and loud, thirties swing music erupts into a seductive pounding rhythm and a young blond woman saunters out onto the stage in a sailor’s uniform, dancing about vigorously.

Within thirty seconds, she’s left wearing pasties and a G-string.

I’m not even sure what happened to her clothes, they came off so quickly.

I tilt my head and watch her move effortlessly across the stage, smiling, biting her lip, flirting with the guys—and girls—in the audience.

Four more girls perform, much to the crowd’s delight, before they take a break, rearranging props and giving the crowd a chance to refresh their drinks or go explore other parts of the event.

“Okay, let’s grab another drink and go check out the exhibits.” Bailey claps her hands and pulls me to my feet.

“Do we have to?”

“Yes!” She rolls her eyes again and drags me behind her. “You don’t have to participate. Just watch. It’s fun, Nic.”

“If you say so,” I murmur and greedily sip my fresh drink as we walk through the dance room to the fetish exhibits, where the music is gone and instead there is laughter and moans of pleasure.

“You didn’t say that people participate.” My voice is three octaves higher than normal, and I don’t care.

“Of course they participate. But
don’t have to.”

The first demonstration we come across has me sucking down my drink in one long sip of the straw and pulling Bailey’s drink out of her hand to suck hers down, too.

A woman is lying on a massage table, face up, with a blue satin sash over her naked breasts and pelvis. A large, shirtless, gorgeous man is standing over her with a metal wand in his hand. It’s attached to a machine, and when he touches her skin, it shocks her.

“Electro play,” Bailey informs me.

My eyes can’t move away from the woman as she writhes and moans on the table. The man leans down and murmurs in her ear, but she smiles and shakes her head. “He’s checking in with her, to make sure she’s okay.”

“Kind of him,” I reply sarcastically.

He resumes pulling the wand over her breasts, making her nipples pucker even more than they were, which didn’t look possible, down her stomach and finally between her legs, sending her into a screaming orgasm.

“Dear God.”

Bailey laughs at me. I didn’t even realize I’d spoken the words aloud.

“You’re into that?” I ask her.

“No, it’s not for everyone, and it takes a lot of trust and someone very practiced to dive into that world.” She smiles as she watches the couple on the small stage.

The man has turned the machine off and pulled the woman into his arms, soothing and petting her as she shakes and pants. He kisses her cheek and whispers lovingly in her ear. Watching them together, so intimate, so loving, makes my chest hurt.

It’s beautiful.

“Those two are married. She’s been his submissive for about three years.”

“Submissive?” I ask.

“Are you really that naïve?” Bailey asks with a shake of her head.

“I had no idea that stuff happened in real life. I thought it just made for a fun romance novel.”

“It happens.”

“Are you submissive?”

She smiles at me then shrugs her slim shoulder. “Unfortunately, no. I tried, but my mouth kept getting me in trouble. My ass was sore for a month.”

I swallow hard as we move along to the next demonstration.

I jump when I hear the crack of a whip. “Holy shit!”

Bailey laughs and tucks her arm through mine as we watch another tall, lean, shirtless man wield a bullwhip. A woman is suspended by the wrists to a chain in the ceiling, her arms pulled high over her head. She’s wearing black panties and a bra.

The man circles the whip over his head and cracks it in front of him, leaving just a tiny red mark on the woman’s shoulder blade. She moans, as though it’s the sexiest thing she’s ever felt.

The man circles her, his focus completely on her, and when he gets to her back, he repeats the motion, leaving another, identical mark on the other shoulder blade.

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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