With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (28 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“Who presents Brynna to Caleb?” Mr. Parker asks.

“Her mother and I do,” Dad answers, kisses my cheek and joins my hand with Caleb’s before taking his seat.

I pass my bouquet to Stacy and stand facing Caleb. He winks at me, making me chuckle.

“We are gathered here to celebrate the union of Caleb and Brynna in marriage, but we are also here to celebrate the union of a family.”

I swallow hard as I watch Caleb’s eyes.

“The sacred vows about to be exchanged are not just between Brynna and Caleb, because you will not only be a new couple, you will be a new family. So, Madeline and Joseline, will you please join us now for the special family rites of this wedding?”

Caleb and I step back as Josie and Maddie approach, standing between us. Caleb pulls two necklaces out of his jacket pocket. They are platinum chains with heart pendants that have today’s date inscribed on the backs.

As he drapes the first necklace over Maddie’s neck, his strong voice fills the air with the vows he’s written for each of them.

“I love you, Maddie, and I am devoted to making your life full of happiness and accomplishments, nurturing your creativity, encouraging your independence and making sure you always know what a gift you are to this world.” He kisses her forehead, and she smiles up at him happily before admiring her pretty new necklace.

My eyes fill with tears as he turns to Josie.

“I love you, Josie, and I am devoted to making your life full of happiness and accomplishments, ensuring that you thrive to your fullest potential and that while you reach for the sky, you remain grounded by the love of our family and our home.”

There are many sniffles coming from our family now as Caleb kisses Josie’s forehead and then turns back to me.

“Girls,” Mr. Parker begins, “please come stand by me as we marry Mommy and Caleb. We want you to have a front-row seat.”

Maddie tugs on the hem of his jacket, and Mr. Parker looks down at her with a smile. “Yes, sweetie?”

“His name is Daddy now,” she whispers loudly so everyone can hear, making us all laugh.

“Of course.” Mr. Parker laughs. “Excuse me.”

“Caleb and Brynna, please join hands and face each other. Josie, do you have the ring for Daddy?”

Josie hops up and down and opens her hand so Caleb can have my ring. I gasp when I see it. We picked out the rings together, but seeing my ring—with two bands that twist together, signifying our girls, coming together at the center with a beautiful princess-cut diamond—takes my breath away.

“Caleb, please place the ring on Brynna’s finger and repeat after me.”

Caleb looks into my eyes as he repeats our vows. His own eyes moisten, and it’s enough to send a tear falling down my own cheek.

“I give you my promise to be by your side forevermore. I promise to love, to honor, and to listen as you tell me your thoughts, your hopes, your fears and your dreams. I promise to love you deeply and truly, because it is your heart that moves me, your head that challenges me, your humor that delights me and your hands I wish to hold until the end of my days.”

He brings my hand to his lips and gently kisses my knuckle, just above my ring.

“Maddie, do you have the ring for your mom?”

Maddie grins and opens her hand, revealing Caleb’s ring, a simple thick platinum band that has my name inscribed inside.

“Brynna, please place this ring on Caleb’s finger and repeat after me.”

Holding Caleb’s hand in my own, I repeat my vows to him, the same he just spoke to me.

As I step back, Mr. Parker finishes our short ceremony.

“May all your days be filled with joy and happiness. It is my honor and great pleasure by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your beautiful bride.”

Caleb steps forward, cradles my cheek in one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

“I love you, Mrs. Montgomery.”

He slips his lips over mine, and he kisses me softly, sinking into me slowly and nibbling my lips thoroughly, not caring that our nearest and dearest are all looking on.

Finally, Mr. Parker clears his throat loudly, and Caleb laughs as he pulls back and kisses my forehead.

“It’s my pleasure to be the first to introduce Caleb, Brynna, Maddie and Josie Montgomery!”

“Yay!” Josie exclaims, and our family jumps to their feet, applauding.

Jules and Natalie are wiping tears. Leo is whispering in Sam’s ear and then places a sweet kiss on her neck, making her grin softly.

“Let’s eat!” Will announces right before he gathers me up in a big hug and twirls me about. “It’s about time,” he mutters with a wink.

Before I know it, I’m passed about from brother to brother, caught up in hugs and kisses.

“Congratulations, sweetheart,” Luke murmurs and kisses my cheek.

“Thank you,” I reply with a grin.

This is more male attention than I’ve ever had in my life.

Dominic gathers me close for a hug. In the three months that Caleb was gone, Dom has worked hard to get to know all of us, and he’s been a welcome addition to the family.

“You deserve to be this happy,” he whispers to me.

“Hey, get your own girl,” Caleb growls and pulls me out of Dom’s arms with a mock glare.

“You’re the one who left your new wife all alone minutes after marrying her,” Dom taunts him, and I can’t help but smirk.

“I will cut you. Wedding or not,” Caleb threatens, but Dom throws his head back and laughs hard.

“Yeah. You scare me, brother.” He pats Caleb’s arm and smiles warmly. “Congratulations. Oh, I brought this.” He raises a bottle of wine from next to his chair and smiles. “For you.”

“Oh, thank you so much!” I accept the heavy bottle and admire the pretty label. “Yours?”

“Of course.” He smirks.

“Alecia.” I catch the event planner’s attention as she passes by. “Dominic brought this. I’d like to use it for the toast, please.”

The pretty blonde takes the bottle from me, and her eyes go wide when she reads the label. Her wide brown gaze finds Dom’s.

“This is a rare bottle of wine. You have good taste.” She smiles at me and walks off toward the house. “I’ll see to it.”

“I love her.” I sigh as I watch her walk away. I would never have been able to pull off this wedding without her.

When the Stars Go Blue
begins to play through the sound system, and Caleb kisses my hand and then searches the yard. “Well, Maddie and Josie Montgomery, I think it’s time we dance.”

The girls giggle as Caleb lifts them both, one on each arm, and takes them out into the grass, where he sways around, talking and laughing with our daughters.

“I’ve never seen him this happy,” Jules murmurs as she and Natalie join me, one on either side of me.

I grin and continue to watch the three most important people in my world.

“He’s gonna be an amazing dad,” Natalie agrees.

Suddenly, it occurs to me that they’re both sniffling, and I look back and forth between them, laughing. “You two are so sappy!”

“I can’t help it!” Jules wails and wipes her cheeks. “It’s these damn hormones.”

“I hate being pregnant,” Natalie grumbles, but smiles when she rubs her round belly. “He’s making me all emotional.”

“It’s a boy?” I ask excitedly.

Natalie smiles and nods happily. “We just found out yesterday.”

“Oh my God, that’s so exciting!” I wrap my arms around her in a big hug.

“I need a hug, too!” Jules exclaims and hugs us both.

“What is happening over here?”

We pull apart to find Nate, Luke, Will, Matt and Dom watching us with confused looks.

“We’re happy,” I respond with a shrug.

“Why do girls always cry when they’re happy?” Mark asks as he approaches with a loaded plate.

“Dude, you got food?” Will asks and takes off running toward the house.

“We won’t see him for a while.” Meg smirks and hands me a glass of champagne. “Have you seen your cake?”

“Yes, it’s so pretty!”

“Did the owner of
Succulent Sweets
downtown do it?” Sam asks, her blue eyes excited. “’Cause if she did, I may eat it all.”

Leo laughs at her and shakes his head. “We just had cupcakes from there this morning.”

“Don’t judge me,” she responds with a scowl. “That woman is really talented. Baking is an art form, you know.”

“What’s your favorite flavor?” I ask her and glance over to where Caleb is still laughing and dancing with the girls. Now Bix is barking and bouncing around them in his black bow tie, getting in on the action.

That dog is never far from the girls.

“Chocolate,” Sam responds automatically.

“I went with chocolate in one tier and lemon in the other,” I respond.

“Yes!” Leo pumps his fist and high-fives Sam. “Lemon is our other favorite.”

“You guys are a hot mess.” Jules shakes her head at them and then seems to reconsider. “Wait. There’s chocolate? You can’t hide chocolate from the pregnant chicks!”

“It’s over there.” I point to the table under the patio where our beautiful two-tiered cake is set up, and the baker, Nicole Dolan, is fussing over it. “Have you guys met Nic?”

“No, get her genius self over here,” Sam responds.

I wave to Nic, and she grins and joins us in the grass. She’s a petite brunette with her hair in a short asymmetrical bob. Her eyes are bright green.

“Congratulations, friend!” She raises on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around me to hug me tight. “Where is your man?”

“Right here,” Caleb murmurs and grins at us as we pull apart. “The cake is beautiful, thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Nic beams.

“You make the best cake in the whole world,” Sam gushes, but Nic’s gaze is stuck on Matt. She’s gone pale and takes a step back.

“Holy shit,” she whispers.

“Do you know each other?” Caleb asks.

Nic recovers with a shake of her head and forces a fake smile. “I’m so happy that you like the cake. It’s ready to go for you. Congratulations again.” She turns to go, but Matt interrupts her.

“Stop,” he commands, his voice deceptively soft. Everyone watches in awe as Nic stops talking and folds her hands in front of her, watching Matt warily.

I glance at the men, and all of their eyebrows are high on their foreheads as they watch the exchange.

Matt walks forward and gently takes Nic by the elbow and leads her a few feet away, where he leans in and whispers something in her ear. She blushes furiously, but her eyes flash in anger as she pulls her arm out of his grasp. She says nothing as she turns her back on him and stomps away.

“Spank her ass,” he whispers angrily and marches after her.

“I guess they know each other,” Will observes while stuffing a dinner roll in his mouth.

“Do you know anything about this?” Isaac asks Caleb, who shakes his head in bewilderment.

“Not a clue.”

“You know, I know it’s hard for you all to believe this, but you don’t know everything there is to know about each other,” Meg reminds them with a smug grin.

The brothers frown at Meg as Nate smirks.

“Don’t know why you’re smirking.” Will elbows Nate. “We know you have your cock—”

“Daddy, dance with us again!” Josie interrupts as she skips up to Caleb.

“I will in a little while, sugar.” Caleb smiles at her as she skips away and then scowls at Will. “Dude, watch your language.”

“It’s true.” Will shrugs.

Dom scowls at all of us. “What am I missing?”

“Nothing,” Nate hurries to assure him and glares at Jules. “You’re getting a spanking of your own later.”

“Don’t tease me now, ace,” Jules purrs.

I laugh as I lean my head on Caleb’s arm and gaze lovingly at the people surrounding me.

“I love this family.” I chuckle.

“I love you,” Caleb whispers in my ear and kisses my temple. “Mrs. Montgomery.”





I pour some cream in Bryn’s coffee and carry it out onto the patio. She’s lounging in one of the many plush chairs that sit on the massive space just outside the home of my half brother, Dominic, in Tuscany.

This is the last day of our honeymoon, and I’m determined that she relaxes while I make love to her at least a hundred times today before we head back to real life tomorrow.

Although, I admit, I’m excited to see our girls. Two weeks away from them has been too much.

“Thank you, babe,” she mutters and sips her coffee as I sit in the chair beside her.

It’s very early morning. There are rows and rows of grape vines for as far as the eye can see, covering green and brown hills that are just waking up under the soft light of the morning sun.

“It’s beautiful here,” I murmur.

“Mmm,” she agrees and concentrates on her phone.

“It was nice of the family to pitch in and charter the plane for us to come here. I had no idea when Dom said he has a house in Italy that it’s this huge mansion with a few thousand acres of vines.”

“Mmm,” she agrees again, not looking up from her phone.

“What are you doing?” I ask with a laugh.

She lowers her phone to her lap, tucks her hair behind her ear and takes a sip of coffee, then looks over at me. “I’m late.”

“We’re on vacation, Legs. We’re not late for anything.”

“No.” She shakes her head and giggles and then gives me a pointed look with those big brown eyes. “I’m

I stare at her for a long moment and then it hits me.

She’s late!

“You mean…”

“I think so.” She smirks and nods. “I went off the pill a month ago, and here we are.” She shakes her head and shrugs. “Crazy.”

“We need a test!” I jump up out of the chair and pat my body down. “Where’s my wallet?”

“In your pocket,” she replies drily.

“I’ll be back!” I race out of the house and drive the short distance between Dom’s estate and the nearest village. After I find a drugstore and buy one of each kind of pregnancy test they have, I race back to my hopefully pregnant wife.

“That was fast,” she murmurs with a grin. She’s still sitting in the lounge chair, sipping her coffee.

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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