With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (106 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“Love your tits,
,” I whisper. I glance up to find her eyes closed and her bottom lip clenched between her teeth. Her tank is pushed up above her breasts, under her armpits, and her hips are moving in a rhythmic circle.

I cup her sex, over her yoga shorts and grin when she gasps and gazes up at me with wide eyes.

“You like that?”

“Touch me,” she whispers.

“Oh, I plan to do a whole lot more than that,” I reply, releasing her hands. She immediately braces herself on my arms as I reach between her legs and rip her shorts and panties right off her, leaving them in shreds under her sweet ass.

“I would have taken them off for you,” she says with a wry grin.

“No time,” I reply, and take my cock in my hand, but instead of plunging right inside her, I drag the tip of my cock through her wet folds, up around her clit and back down again, and then I let it simply rest against her pussy and lean in to take her mouth again.

I thrust my hips against her, nudging her clit with every push, making her squirm and clench her legs around my hips, her hands on my back, pulling me closer against her.

But I’m not sinking inside her. Not yet.

“Dom,” she says with a growl.


“Inside. Me. Now.”

“Not yet.”

“Oh, my God!” she cries as I fall to my knees, spread her wide, and feel my heart stutter.

Mother of God, she’s stunning.

She covers her stomach with one hand and balances herself on the other, and I frown up at her in confusion.

“That’s not my best side,” she says, her cheeks reddening.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

She’s self-conscious?

I take her hand and press a wet kiss to her palm, then press it against my cheek as I stare up into her deep brown eyes, full of lust and excitement, and just a little fear.

“You’re beautiful,
. Don’t hide from me.”

I lift up and kiss her breasts, down her stomach to her navel and over the slight swell of her abdomen to her bare pussy, and just when I rest my lips against her clit, her hips pulse again and she buries her hands in my hair, keeping me pressed against her sex.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of her, and kiss her long and deep, dragging my tongue through her folds and plucking her lips with mine, until she’s about to fall off the bathroom vanity.

“Dominic,” she moans. Her thighs are beginning to shake uncontrollably, and I know she’s close.

I push one finger into her wet pussy and clamp my lips around her clit, and she comes spectacularly, crying out, and pulling my hair. It’s the most amazing reaction I’ve ever witnessed.

Before she can recover completely, I stand and swoop her up into my arms and carry her to the bed, lay her on her back and cover her completely, my pelvis nestled between her legs, my pulsing cock cradled in her folds. I brush her hair off her cheeks as she stares up at me, trying to catch her breath.

“That was one.”

“One what?” she asks breathlessly.

“One orgasm.”

“You’re counting?” She giggles, which makes her core flex against my cock, stealing my breath.

“Oh, yes, I’m counting. You won’t have the brain cells to keep track.”

“How many are we going for?” She pushes her fingers into my hair, brushing it off my forehead. Nothing’s ever felt so good. I love the way she touches me.

“As many as possible.”

“I’m good with one.” She shrugs one shoulder, but I smile down at her.

“I’m not.” I rest my lips against hers, brushing back and forth. I pull my hips back and the tip of my cock is just about to slip inside her when her eyes go wide.


“What? What’s wrong?”


I lean my forehead against hers with a frustrated groan. “I wasn’t exactly expecting this.”

“I’ve had an IUD for a while. I can’t get pregnant. Are you clean?”

“As a whistle.”

A soft smile spreads over her gorgeous face as her hands glide down my back, grip onto my ass, under the elastic of my shorts, since I didn’t take the time to remove them, and she pulls me inside her in one long, slow motion, making us both moan and shudder.

“So tight,” I whisper, keeping as still as possible. My fingers brush down her cheeks, and I can’t help but let my lips dance over hers lightly as her body stretches and adjusts to me. “So fucking small.”

“I think you’re just big,” she replies with a laugh, hitching her legs up around my hips, opening herself wider, and making me swear under my breath. I can’t help it, I have to move; I have to feel how it is to slip in and out of her hot, wet flesh.

Si sente così fottutamente incredibile
, I can’t hold back.

“English,” she says with a breathless laugh.

Mi dispiace.
” I laugh and shake my head. “I’m sorry. I said, you’re so fucking amazing.”

“Oh, I like that,” she says, and braces her hands on my chest.

“God, you make me forget my English. I’ve
forgotten my English.”

I want to lift up and look between us, to watch my cock surge in and out of her, but I can’t resist covering her and kissing her, holding her beautiful face in my hands as my hips pick up speed.

I feel her tense up, her pussy is milking my cock for all it’s worth, and I know she’s about to fall over the ledge into another orgasm.

“Go,” I whisper against her lips. “Go.”

“Oh, my God,” she whimpers.

” I reply.

She shakes her head back and forth and stares up at me almost desperately as her pussy clamps down and the ripples start. Her back arches and I take one of her nipples into my mouth and roll the tip with my tongue as she cries out, bursting with pure energy.

“That’s two,” I say with a growl, pull out of her and flip her over onto her stomach. I shimmy out of my shorts impatiently and straddle her legs, spread her ass cheeks, and guide my cock back inside her, making her cry out, and I almost explode as she clamps around me.

Not yet.

I begin to fuck her in earnest, my hips hitting her ass hard. I brush her hair off her back, exposing one shoulder and lean over to bite her, where her neck and her shoulder meet, and her pussy spasms around me again.

Her neck is her sweet spot.

I grin and repeat the motion, careful not to leave marks. Her hips surge up, arching her back beautifully. I grasp one hip in my hand to hold her still as I fuck her hard, and feel my balls tighten and lift; the base of my spine tingles, and I know I’m about to lose it.

“Come again, Alecia,” I order her with a firm voice. She gasps and clenches around me. “Again,” I repeat as I push in as far as I can and hold firm. “Now!”

She cries out as the third orgasm takes her over, and I come with her, hard.



, what has she done to me?

When I can breathe again, I pull out of her and return to the bathroom, wet a cloth and when I walk back to the bedroom, I smile when I see she hasn’t moved an inch.

“Did you fall asleep?” I ask softly, and press the warm cloth between her legs, startling her.

“What are you doing?”

“Cleaning you up,” I reply calmly. She sighs and lets me finish wiping her clean, and then I toss the cloth on the floor and rejoin her. “How do you feel?”

“Thoroughly fucked,” she replies with a grin as I push her onto her side so I can slide next to her on my back and pull her against me, her head resting on my chest. I sink my fingers in her hair and watch the blonde strands sift through my fingers.

“Well, you were thoroughly fucked,” I reply with a smile.

“It was rather unexpected,” she says softly.

“You asked what the Italian home remedy is for sexual frustration. I thought it best to just go ahead and show you.”

“Mm,” she murmurs. I can feel her smile against my chest. “I was so pissed.”

“So I saw.” I kiss her head and take a deep breath of her citrusy shampoo. “You seem to be calmer now.”

“Mm,” she murmurs again.

“It’s going to be a pleasure keeping you on your toes.” I can’t help but smile at the thought.

“Yeah, right,” she replies, and nuzzles her nose against my chest, making my cock stir.

“Just wait and see,

She takes a deep breath and drags her leg up mine, linking them together. Her arm is draped around my stomach and her ear is pressed to my heart.

I’m content to simply lie with her, brushing my fingers through her hair. I’m exhausted, but I don’t want to sleep.

I’m finally in Alecia’s bed, and I don’t plan to miss a moment of it.

“I should go to sleep,” she whispers against my skin. I grin and kiss her head.

“Go ahead.”

She tenses, every muscle in her body waking up, and she lifts her head to frown at me.

“We’re not sleeping together.”

Blow to the gut

“Excuse me?” I keep my voice even and lift an arrogant brow.

“We fucked, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to spend the night together.”

She sits up and tries to hop out of bed, but I’m faster. I pull her back onto the bed and cover her body with mine, my face inches from hers.

“We didn’t
just fuck

“Yes. We did.” She tries to wiggle out from under me, but I’m much stronger. “Dominic, you’re hurting me.”

Back at you, sweetheart.

I immediately release her and shake my head. My feelings are hurt.

This is new.

I glance back at her to see that she’s wrapped the sheet around her, and she’s gazing at me with uncertainty. Not fear, just as if she’s not sure what I’ll do next.

“I’ll go.” I pull my shorts on and turn back to her. “But I’ll be joining you for breakfast.”

“That’s not—”

“It’s necessary to me, Alecia,” I reply and lean down to capture her swollen lips with mine. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

I turn and leave without looking back and stalk down the long hallway back to my own room.

She fucking kicked me out.

That’s never happened before.

I flop onto my back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I can still smell her, and it makes me wish she were still pressed up against me. I think back over the evening, wondering where things went wrong.

The sex was…



The best I’ve ever fucking had.

And I know I wasn’t alone in that. The way she responded to my touch was extraordinary.

But it was when we were cuddled up, ready to sleep, that she panicked.

piccolo tesoro
is uneasy with intimacy.

I feel my lips tip up in a smile, as I realize just how much of a pleasure it’s going to be to keep her on her toes.

Just as she’s keeping me on mine.

And fuck if that isn’t sexy.




It’s early when I let myself into Alecia’s room. She’s still in bed, under the sheets, curled into a ball on her side. The gentle rise and fall of her delicious curves are outlined with the white sheet. Her honey-blonde hair is fanned out behind her on the pillow, her cheeks are pink with sleep, and her rosy lips are parted and wet.

She’s an angel.

I set the breakfast tray on the table beside the bed, tether my iPhone to her wireless speakers via Bluetooth and press play on the new
playlist. It’s full of soft, moody music like Sarah Bareilles and Adele. Unable to resist, I pluck the pink tulip from its vase and slip under the sheet next to her as Adele begins to sing
Chasing Pavements
. I’m still wearing my gym shorts. I’d rather be naked, but I’m not even sure she won’t scream the house down when she realizes I’m in bed with her.

I inch close to her, drag the petals of the flower, then my fingertips, down her soft cheek and grin when she presses closer to my touch, as if even in sleep she’s drawn to me.

“Alecia,” I whisper before pressing my lips to her forehead.

“Mm.” She frowns in her sleep.

She’s adorable.

“Alecia,” I repeat and kiss her nose. “Wake up.”

“No.” She opens one eye half-mast, snags the flower and snuggles it next to her cheek, sniffing it, then wiggles down further into the covers.

I chuckle and wrap my arms around her, drawing her against my chest.
Ah, that’s better.

“I brought you breakfast.”

“Why are you in bed with me?”

I smile against her head and press a kiss to her hair as she wraps her arms around my waist and holds on sleepily.

“Because it’s morning; I didn’t sleep here as you asked, and I needed to see you.”

“I can’t resist your charm when I’m half asleep,” she murmurs and kisses my chest sweetly. “If you brought me tea, I’ll let you live.”

“Tea and fruit and some other delicious things.”

“Strawberries?” she asks.

“Do you enjoy strawberries, sweetheart?”

“Yes. I like it better when you use the Italian words.”

I chuckle and pat her ass through the sheet. “I’ll remember that.”

“I thought you were mad at me,” she admits with a small voice. I tip her head back so I can look into her deep brown gaze and shake my head.

“Confused, but not mad.”

“Sleeping together pushes this into a category that I’m not sure I’m okay with.”

“We’re already there, Alecia.” She begins to stiffen again, but I kiss her forehead and tuck her against me, not willing to allow her to pull away again. “But that doesn’t mean that we won’t go at the pace you’re comfortable with. We have all the time in the world.”

“What if sex is all I can ever give you?”

My heart hurts for her. Who taught her that love means pain? Why is she afraid to see where this leads?

“Then I’ll be a very sexually satisfied man,” I reply, rather than ask my questions. She sighs deeply and relaxes against me again, and I can’t help but smile in satisfaction. “Alecia, as long as I can feel you come apart in my arms, and share moments like this one, and like the one the other night by my fireplace with you, I’m content.”

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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