With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (107 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“For now.”

“Hey.” I lean back so I can look her in the eye. “Right now is all that matters. I’m not asking to put a ring on your finger.”

She bites her lip and looks so uncertain.

“I need to be honest, Dominic.”

“Always,” I agree.

“I don’t think I believe in love. If you think that that’s where you want this to go, you should know that I am not capable of that.”


Rather than argue, I sigh deeply and rub her upper arm soothingly.



Fuck no.


She sighs in relief and offers me a sweet smile. “Okay. I’m hungry.”

“Me too.”

“I’m hungry for fruit and tea,” she clarifies with a laugh, and my stomach clenches. I love her laugh and her smile when she’s happy and carefree like this. It happens so seldom.

I want to give her lots of smiles.

“Let’s feed you then,

“What happened to

I’ve been slowly falling for you for a long time, and I’m afraid I fell the rest of the way in love with you last night, and you’re so much more than my darling. You’re my treasure.

But that would send her screaming back to Tacoma. Instead, I simply laugh and shake my head as I pour her tea. “You’re very authoritative when it comes to terms of endearment.”

She shrugs and sips her tea. “I like the Italian.”

“And you’ll get it,
I’m right here.”

She pops a slice of pineapple in her mouth and watches me speculatively. “What did you mean last night when you said I made you forget your English?”

“Just that,” I reply, and spread strawberry jam on a toasted English muffin. “I didn’t even realize I wasn’t speaking English, I was so lost in you.” This thought seems to make her happy. She smiles softly.

“How long have you spoken English?”

“Since I
speak. My mother raised me to be bilingual.”

She takes in this information while she chews her fruit, then takes a bite of my muffin, licks jam off her lip, and then grins at me.

“So, it was good then?”

?” I shake my head. “No.”


I shake my head again and set her tea on the tray, moving it out of my way so I can scoop her up and pull her into my lap. She wraps her arms around my shoulders. After I left last night, she must have pulled her tank and fresh panties on. Her hair is loose, falling in waves around her face, washed clean of makeup.

She’s so beautiful she makes my heart stop.

“It was—” I slide my fingertip down her temple, then hook her hair behind her ear. “It was the most amazing,” I kiss her lips, “arousing,” kiss her cheek, “life affirming,” kiss her jaw and down to her neck, “time of my life.”

“You should know that if you kiss my neck, I’m not responsible for my actions.”

I grin against the smooth skin of her neck and slide my hands under her tank.

“Challenge accepted,


Chapter Eight



God, I love it when he’s shirtless. I plunge my fingers into Dom’s hair and hold on tight as his hands move under my tank, up my sides and around to gently cup my breasts, his thumbs barely brushing over my nipples, already puckered and primed for his attention.

“I love the way you touch me,” I murmur against his lips. It’s the honest truth. His hands do things to me that I didn’t even know were possible.

And I’m no virgin.

“Your skin is so soft,” he whispers, and nibbles his way back down my neck, sending shivers through me.

Sarah Bareilles begins to croon out
through my speakers and I grin softly. “I love this song.”

“It’s appropriate,” he replies before nipping my chin.

“How so?”

He pulls back, cups my ass in his hands, and grinds his hardness against me. “I can’t stay away from you, Alecia. Knowing that you might throw me out of here this morning, I still couldn’t stay away, any more than I can fight gravity.”

And that terrifies me because the feeling is entirely mutual.

Before I can respond, he pushes my tank over my head, tosses it to the floor, and covers my breast with his lips; his hands are roaming my back, his fingertips digging into my flesh deliciously.

His passion is intoxicating. When he touches me, he
touches me
. There’s no half-way about it, no wondering what he’s thinking.

It’s perfectly clear what he’s thinking. He’s thinking about me.

And fuck if I can think of anything at all but him.

I wrap my legs around his waist and grind my core against him, grinning when he releases a long, low growl. There’s something decidedly thrilling about making a strong, controlled man like Dominic Salvatore come apart at the seams.

He moves quickly, placing me on the bed, grips my panties at my hips and slowly guides them down my legs, tosses them over his shoulder and gazes down at me like I’m a feast and he hasn’t eaten in days.

“Do you have any idea,” he murmurs and places light kisses on the inside of my thigh, “how beautiful you are? You’re all soft, and warm, and still a bit sleepy, and I’m going to steep myself in you, Alecia.”

I can only bite my lip and watch as he continues to kiss my skin, up one hip, to my belly and between my breasts. My hands roam over his muscled shoulders, arms, back. His skin is smooth and warm and so fucking
, I can’t take my eyes off of him. I hook my toes in his shorts and push them down his hips, and he grins down at me roguishly, that sexy dimple in his cheek winking at me.

“You’re not so bad yourself, you know.” My breath catches as his fingertips brush up my side, then down my belly and between my legs, and breathing is out of the question altogether, as his fingers play my pussy like a freaking musical instrument. “Holy shit,” I whisper. His lips are glued to my neck, wreaking all kinds of havoc, and he has the nerve to chuckle as I’m ready to come out of my skin.

“Do you need me to stop?” he asks.

“Don’t you dare,” I say, and grip onto him harder, afraid that he’ll do just that. His fingers are sliding through my folds, spreading my wetness around, and if I wasn’t so damned turned on right now, I might be just a little embarrassed at just how wet I am already.

My hips are moving of their own volition, circling, following his lead. And just as I’m about to fall apart, he stops.


“What the hell?” My eyes fly to his. I expect to find him smiling smugly, but he’s intense and hot, and breathing just as hard as I am. “Why did you stop?”

“I don’t want you to come yet.”


He shakes his head and kisses my cheek gently. “I have a plan.”

“There’s a plan?” I cup his face in my hands and stare up at him as he hovers over me, catching his own breath. His cock is lying, heavy and full, against my belly. “Maybe you should reevaluate the plan.”

“It’s a good plan,
.” His lips nibble mine, almost lazily, and my body is still humming. He buries his hands in my hair and just kisses me for long minutes, softly at first, and then deeply, passionately, rubbing his chest against mine, moving his body over me in an ageless dance. I reach between us to take his cock in my hand, but I only get two good pumps in, and feel the drop of dew with my thumb, before he pulls away, laces his fingers with mine and pins my hand over my head.

“No touching is part of the plan?” I whisper.

“You have me on the edge.”

“I’ve barely touched you.” I search his bright blue eyes and feel my heart thud when he leans his forehead against mine and takes a deep breath.

“All you have to do is look at me and I feel like a teenager.”

“Now you’re just being charming.”

He chuckles as he rears his hips back and slowly slides right inside me, all the way inside, and then all the laughter is gone from his face as he stares down at me. My body shimmies and moves under him, adjusting to him, and his jaw tenses.

“God, you’re tight,

I take a deep breath. “I’m going to come,” I say, and close my eyes. God, I can’t help it. He’s plunged all the way in, he’s pressing against my clit, and
holy shit.

“Go ahead,” he whispers, and begins to pulse his hips, nudging the root of his cock against my sweet spot, over and over, and I can’t stop the eruption that starts at my core and shoots out of my every nerve, making me clench onto him and ride it out.

He swears ripely, but tenderly cups my face in one hand, releases my other hand, and grips onto my ass cheek, pulling me even more firmly against him.

“Open your eyes.”

I comply and stare up into his icy blue gaze as he begins to move faster, his hips pumping, his cock plunging in and out of me, and his hand gripping onto my ass so hard, I’m sure I’ll have bruises there later.

I can’t wait to see them.

“Again,” he growls.

“I can’t.” I shake my head, but he kisses me hard and grinds his pubis against my clit. Every muscle in his impressive body is tight, flexed in raw sexual need.

He’s simply breathtaking.

“Again,” he insists. “Oh God, Alecia.”

The hoarse whisper of my name is all it takes to send me over the edge again. I cry out, holding onto him for all I’m worth, as my world crumbles out from under me. Dominic hardly makes a sound, aside from his harsh, labored breathing, as he succumbs to his own release.

Jesus. Neither of us can breathe. We’re gasping, trembling.

I’ve never had an orgasm like that.

Make that like the last half-dozen or so he’s given me in the past twelve hours.

A girl could become addicted to this.

“That’s the plan,” he says, with a cocky grin. I must have said that last part out loud.

“I need a shower.” His eyes light with excitement, like a kid on Christmas morning, and I laugh and swat at his arm. “We have work, sex maniac.”

“We could conserve water.”

I shake my head, but can’t help but grin as he leans down and kisses me like he always kisses me, with a lazy confidence, as though it’s our first kiss all over again.

He’s so fucking
at that.

“Are you okay?” He brushes his knuckles down my cheek and watches me closely.

“Yes,” I reply, and realize that I mean it. I
okay. He studies me for another long minute, and then kisses my nose and rolls away, giving me space to sit up and stretch. “But you have to go away. No more distracting me. I have to get to work.”

“That hurts.” I spin and then relax when I see he’s lying with his hands behind his head, a confident smile on his lips. “I thought I was more than a distraction.”

“You’re a sexy distraction,” I qualify and, without covering my nakedness, stalk away and into the bathroom.

I start the shower and am just about to step into the hot spray when Dominic walks into the bathroom, wearing his shorts again, and scoops me up into a big hug. His hands glide over my back, down to my ass, and up again, but rather than join me in the shower, he plants a kiss on my head and murmurs, “Have a good morning. I’ll see you later.”

Dominic Salvatore gives the best hugs
. I hold on for a moment, soaking in his warmth, his calm, his musky scent, before backing away and giving him a bright smile.

“You enjoy your morning too.”

He tilts his head to the side and narrows his eyes. “Thank you.”

He sees too much.

I nod and turn to get into the shower, but he takes my hand, making me look back at him over my shoulder. “Yes?”

“Finish your breakfast when you’re done.”

“Yes, sir.” I pat his hard chest, then get into the shower and close the glass door. “See you later.”


He leaves and shuts the bathroom door behind him, and I immediately deflate like a balloon. What in the hell am I doing? Last night was…God. I don’t even know how to categorize it. I’ve never felt that connected to anyone in my life.

Not even Blake.

Not even my ex-husband.

I wanted him to stay. I wanted to lie in his arms and feel him breathing all night long, so I did the only thing that made sense to me and sent him away. The hurt look in his eyes will forever be burned in my mind. I wanted to say
never mind.
Ask him to come back to bed.

But he
scares me!
He makes me feel things I have no business feeling. And he can deny it all he wants, but he’ll eventually want to take this farther than just sex.

Hell, I might eventually want to take it farther than just sex.

And that would be a disaster, because I don’t do love. I can’t.

Like Jonathan used to say, I’m not capable of it.

I can’t do this. I can’t face Dominic today. I have to figure out how I’m going to tell him that this was a one-time deal.

Okay, a two-time deal.

I finish showering, my mind is made up, and dress quickly in a blue summer dress with black heels, twist my hair up, grab my computer and my handbag, and set out downstairs.

“Isaac!” I call out to the tall man as I approach the reception site.

“Hey, Alecia,” he says with a smile. “Things are going to go more smoothly today. I promise.”

“Great.” I smile and gaze about the area, pleased with the progress already today. “It looks like things are pretty well under control today.”

“They are.” He takes in my handbag and tilts his head. “Do you need to leave?”

“I do.”
I so do.
“But I’ll have my cell on me, and if you need me for anything, I can be back here within the hour.”

“We’ll be fine,” he assures me. “See you tomorrow?”

“You’re coming every day?” I ask with surprise.

“Yes. This is my brother’s wedding. There won’t be any more mistakes. Between Mark and me, we have it under control.”

“Sounds good.” I nod, not really paying attention to him, just needing to
. “Thanks for everything, and don’t hesitate to call if you need me.”

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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