Winter's Gamble (8 page)

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Authors: Mechele Armstrong

Tags: #LGBT, #Contemporary

BOOK: Winter's Gamble
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Kiss upon kiss around the words.

“I know.”

There was nothing gentle or easy about these embraces. They were hard. Phil nipped at his lips, making Neo shudder.

Neo pulled back yet again. “Here.” Now that they’d sorted some things out, he didn’t intend to wait any longer than he had to.


He’d known of several people who had quickies in the dressing room. It was about to be his turn. “Here.” He reached in his bag and pulled out a couple of condoms. He’d had them there for emergency use. This was desperate use and well played.

Phil chuckled. “We going to need that many?”

“You never know.” He might keep Phil in here as his slave forever and a day. Rose would see they’d made up then.

He snaked his hand behind Phil’s head to tangle in his hair and bent down for another series of kisses.

The man tasted of mint. Wholesome and squeaky clean.

Not for long.

Neo would see to that.

Keeping his mouth on Phil’s, he moved a little and undid the clasp to his jeans. Slipped down the zipper.

Phil almost broke away from the kiss when Neo seized his hand and put it through the opening in Neo’s pants, but he didn’t have enough leverage.

Neo bucked against Phil’s meaty paws. Time to put those fat fingers to good use. He encouraged what he wanted from the big man.

Phil didn’t hesitate but clasped his digits around Neo’s cock, touching and clutching him.

Neo felt him reach around with his other arm, but wasn’t sure why until he felt a tug on his pants. Phil was trying to get them down a little more. About damn time. He let go of Phil’s head and assisted him in getting himself free.

Nothing like hand on cock. Especially when the hand wasn’t your own.

Neo’s pants went down around his knees and stopped. It was enough. Phil’s grip now cupped all of him. He rubbed with one palm and touched with the other.

Neo’s head rolled back. It had been too damn long. A full two months of no cock. He’d have to make up for lost time.

Phil succeeded in pulling his mouth away from Neo because Neo was no longer holding him place. He panted, trying to catch his breath. And slipped away but kept his touch on Neo’s cock.

Neo growled, wanting that fabulous body back against him.

Phil bent to one knee and then put down the other one.

So that was what he was about. Neo’s breath caught in his throat. Nothing was better than hand on cock, except for mouth on cock and cock in ass. And it looked like Neo was about to get the former.

Phil gently ran his tongue around the tip of Neo’s cock. He groaned. “You’re dripping.”

“Shit, yeah—oh.”

Phil’s mouth enclosed the tip of Neo’s cock. He swirled his tongue around the tip, prying into the little opening.

Neo gripped the top of Phil’s head, trying to stay afloat. He didn’t want to end up a puddled mess on the floor.

Phil slowly slid Neo’s cock in and out of his mouth, taking him in deeper each time. He did something with his tongue and teeth, making Neo all the more sensitive and edgy.

Phil knew how to give head like nobody’s business. Neo had remembered that, but he’d forgotten how good the man was. Phil knew how to leave his teeth from the equation until they were warranted.

He deep throated, and Neo almost cried out. A banging noise ensued that reminded Neo where they were as he was about to lose control. He bit his lip to keep from hollering.

“Need to stop?” Phil whispered the words right by Neo’s cock. His breath tickled the wetness.

“Not unless you have a death wish.”

Phi chuckled softly. “Only for the little death.”

Yeah, it wasn’t going to be so little. And if he’d stop talking and take Neo back into his mouth—and there Phil went. It was another few seconds, and Neo exploded. Lights flashed in front of his eyes. Had he screamed, he would have brought down the whole damn club, but he managed to keep the noises inside him.

His heart pounded. He’d not intended to orgasm until Phil took him in his mouth. Not planned on coming until they butt fucked. But once the man had started, that had been it. He blew out several breaths, trying to get himself together.

He couldn’t fuck Phil now. Not that queers always fucked up the ass. But that had been his intent. The man never let him do what he intended. What was it about Phil that made him lose control?

Phil grabbed a condom and began rolling it on his still-heavy cock. “Get your pants off and stand against the wall.”

“What the fuck?” Neo hadn’t intended to say the words aloud—they’d been for in his head only—but apparently he wasn’t doing anything he wanted to this afternoon. He’d been told to assume the position. Usually that was his line.

“I think you know what the fuck is fuck.” Phil folded his arms in front of his barrel chest as he responded to Neo’s question. “Pants off. Move against the wall.” He motioned as though showing Neo how to do it.

“I…” He shut his mouth, hardly knowing what to say. “You’re bossy.” Sounded lame even as he said it.

“You have a problem with me taking you?” Phil’s energy rolled over Neo. He’d never felt the like. Phil was more a force to be reckoned with than he’d ever thought. More like a tornado.

“Yes. No. Yes.” That had clarified his position. Neo usually wasn’t this wishy-washy. Phil was bringing things out in him he wasn’t sure he liked. When they’d had their one night, Neo had done all the taking. This was different. A forceful man. Neo hadn’t dealt with that in a long time. He shuddered.

“Maybe so?”

They both laughed at the child’s taunt, which relieved a lot of the tension building in Neo. He stopped chuckling and said, “I’m not sure.”

“I can see that. Have you ever been fucked up the ass?” Phil looked expectantly, waiting for an answer.

This man was asking him if he was a virgin at something? Been a long time since he’d been asked that kind of question. Most assumed Neo had been there and done that. Somehow, that warmed him toward Phil. “Yeah. I’ve done it before.” Neo curled his fingers up into his hand. “A few times. I’m usually the—”


The man seemed to know that. It wasn’t a question. “Yeah.” He could be the bottom. He had been before. But not for a long time. Not to mention, despite the fact he wanted Phil and didn’t know what was going to happen, he wasn’t sure he trusted the man. Not entirely. That would take time. Did he have enough faith to let him do this?

“I know your recovery time is good. But it’s not that good.” Phil wiggled his hips around, making Neo think more lecherous thoughts. “We don’t have much time. And I can make this worth it for you.”

“Oh?” Neo arched a brow. Was it time for bragging? Course it wasn’t bragging if it was true.

“You think I’m good at head?” Phil lifted a brow and grinned. “I know you do from the way you react to me.”

“Beyond good.” The man had a talent for that, which was no lie. His deep throating was some of the best that Neo had had.

“I’m even better at this. I won’t hurt you, Neo. Ever again.” He looked so earnest with his sky-blue eyes.

Neo stood for a few seconds, cock dripping with drying come, thinking about the situation. “You know I’m usually top. Right?”

Phil nodded. “I know that from when we were together. I prefer being a bottom. But I can do top.”

“Fine. This once, you can take me.” After all, it might even be their one and only time doing this. There’d been no pretty promises. Only a spoken truth that where this was going, he didn’t know.

Phil twirled his fingers. “Up against the wall. So you don’t fall down.” He kept motioning until Neo turned and couldn’t see him anymore.

Neo braced himself against the wall and spread his legs after taking off his pants. He wasn’t going to try that clothes-around-the-ankles shit. Anyone who wanted him from out there would have to wait until he was done.

Phil came up behind him and pressed his warm body against Neo’s. He’d taken off his shirt and rubbed his bare chest against Neo’s back. Then he’d used those warm muscles to hold him close. He wrapped his arms around the other man. He stood there a minute, cock resting against Neo’s backside.

Neo was about to speak when Phil did. “Thank you for that. For giving me a second chance.”

Neo had had a lot of bedroom talk. Been told a lot of stuff when he was about to fuck. But nothing had ever hit him like this. Nothing had ever made his knees go weak. Not like this. It was so genuine. It was so Phil.

He closed his eyes, feeling the coldness of the wall and warmth of Phil against him. Heaven couldn’t be too far from this.

And then Phil moved. He lifted himself up and bent Neo down. And his cock rubbed against Neo’s opening.

And heaven became each new moment.

Phil pulled back a second, and something wet dripped into Neo’s hole. Lube. And it must have been something he had, because Neo hadn’t had any. The liquid was warm too. Then searing heat spread across him.


“Warming lube.”

“Yeah.” Neo kept his breathing under control. No sense passing out right there. “Noticed.” It wasn’t unbearable, but the sensations were quite noticeable.

Phil moved back against him, and his tip pressed against Neo’s opening. Only a fraction went in.

Neo couldn’t control his shudder, though. He’d never wanted anything so much as this.

What if he’s rough? He could hurt you. You know that. He wasn’t careful before, and look what happened to you emotionally. What if he’s not careful physically either?

Neo shook those thoughts off. He’d started on this course of events, and he’d see it to the close.

Phil went in slowly. Almost too gently. He’d go in a bit, then pull back, then go in the same amount. He pressed in, keeping himself from thrusting.

Phil’s hands were right by Neo’s head. They were clenched so tight he was shaking.

This going slow was costing him.

Another press in.

“I’m not made of fucking glass.” Neo’s words ended on a hiss. Phil would continue this until Neo told him otherwise.

“I don’t want to…hurt you. You don’t do this often.” Phil went in deeper and moaned. “Not like me. Who’s used to being penetrated.”

“Bitch, faster. Take me. I’m not some pussy who’s going to break.” Neo moved himself back and took Phil in that much more.

As if a dam had broken, Phil slammed into Neo with everything he had. He continued thrusting again and again. Taking Neo quickly. Hard. Just the way he wanted to.

A shove up, and the most unbelievable feeling drove through Neo like a semitruck. It was pleasure and desire so high, he didn’t think he could even reach the emotions that spread out across him. Had he not been leaning against the wall, he would have fallen. That surface was the only thing that saved him. It was like all his limbs went to gelatin and his muscles became limp.

He threw his head back in abandon.

“Neo.” The growl ended on an almost scream as Phil’s orgasm washed across him. Phil jerked once, twice, three times against him before he finished sputtering out his come.

He moved away and took off the condom.

Neo lay against the wall, hardly trusting his legs to move him anywhere. If this was death, build him a coffin.

Phil came back up against him and nipped his shoulder. “So how’s about we go out to the club on a date tonight?”

“Okay.” Neo would have agreed to going on a date with the Pope himself, so lazy were his thoughts.

Phil laid a kiss on his lips and helped him dress.

It was only when Phil said, “I’ll pick you up at eight at your house,” that Neo realized what he’d done.

He’d agreed to go on a date. With Phil. Neo didn’t date.

Until now.

Chapter Six

Phil stood outside Neo’s door. Neo lived in a neighborhood filled with college students living in homes built eighty-odd years ago. The homes boasted wood floors and plaster that was probably older than Phil’s grandma. There were local markets and restaurants and even one small pharmacy that delivered. It was urban and still sort of trendy to live there. Not that Neo cared about that. Being hip had never been on his radar unless he’d changed a lot, and Phil didn’t see that. Nor would he care about the historical significance of the neighborhood. Phil wasn’t sure why Neo was living here now. He’d have to ask. Many homes were rentals. Often to make a little extra money or to avoid foreclosure, homeowners rented to the college students. That had probably been more a factor than other reasons for Neo.

Of course Neo had moved in the five years that had passed between the last time Phil had been around him. Neo hadn’t asked how Phil knew Neo’s address. And it was probably best he didn’t. Phil had peeked once upon a time at a check the owner had written to Neo. Phil had never driven over here to check it out. That was a little too desperate and stalkerish, but the address had stuck in his mind.

He took a deep breath, inhaling and then expelling it as he tried to calm his nerves.

Ring the bell.

He’d taken advantage of Neo’s orgasm afterglow to set up this date. Had Neo been in his right mind, he probably would have said no or strung Phil along. Phil had to take his advantages where he could to make this second chance work. Luck only went so far. Phil had always believed you make your own luck. Standing out here wouldn’t nab him anything.

He pressed the doorbell. A loud chiming echoed through the spider-webbed screen of the front door. An errant moth swooped down from the burning porch light. The orange-hued bulb cast a strange glow all over everything.

Neo opened the door with a flourish. “Hello, Phil.” His voice dipped low and sultry.

The timbre made the hairs on Phil’s arm stand up straight, as did seeing the center of his thoughts up close. Oh, yeah. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” Neo shut the door behind him and locked it. “I’m good.”

Phil admired the way his black jeans hugged his tight rear. The pants weren’t as tight as some Neo wore, but he obviously wasn’t a fan of baggy jeans. Thank God. It gave Phil something to gawk at. “Yes, you are.”

Neo straightened his back and wiggled his hips at the same time. “You know it, bitch.” He turned around, a grin on his face. “So what club are we headed to? I assume not Temples, because we’re there all the damn time.”

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