Winter's Gamble (11 page)

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Authors: Mechele Armstrong

Tags: #LGBT, #Contemporary

BOOK: Winter's Gamble
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Phil reached up with hands that seemed wooden and pulled his shirt away from his body. He lowered his head and glanced to Neo with a bedroom look that would have made a porn star jealous. He swiveled his hips, moving across the floor sideways. He brought his hands down and in a fluid motion undid the snap to his pants.

He had Neo’s attention. Completely.

Phil slowly slid down the zipper until it was at the bottom of the track and then spread his pants open wide. He was wearing boxers, instead of being commando, a fate that Neo cursed.

Phil ran his hands down his chest still covered by his shirt. He grabbed the shirt in the middle and pulled up on it.

For a too-brief second, Neo saw an expanse of skin revealed. But then the garment fell back down, covering it.


Phil placed one hand on his hip and the other on the side. Moving back and forth, he began shimmying from his jeans, bit by bit.

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Phil left his underwear on but took his time getting the jeans down his legs and over his feet. He twirled the clothing around in his hand before letting go and sending it flying toward Neo.

Neo caught it with ease. “Keep on going, Phil. I want to see skin besides those hairy legs.”

Phil lifted the aforementioned body part and shook it out in front of him. He had a grin now as he got more into doing this.

Driving Neo crazy. That’s what he was doing. Maybe he should have stripped the man himself.

Phil lifted the bottom of his shirt, and this time, raised it farther up. More expanse of chest slowly peeked through the top as it was pulled to his shoulders. He slipped it over his head and swung it around like a lasso, before tossing that to Neo too.

That was more like it. The man stood in front of him wearing only a pair of boxers. Goose pimples erupted on his flesh, probably from the chill.

Neo had goose bumps for an entirely different reason. He wanted to reach out and run his fingers over the planes of his chest. He wanted to lick his way down to Phil’s boxers and pull them off with his teeth.

He moved on the bed, sliding down, but Phil held up a hand and jerked back. “Let me finish.”

Neo settled back against the pillows. He muttered, “Don’t take too fucking long.” He’d been the one to start it, but apparently Phil was going to finish it.


Phil turned his back to Neo.

What was that shit? Neo sat up straighter on the bed. What the hell did the man have in mind?

Phil’s hands came back to cover his ass. He moved, shaking his bum for all he was worth.

Neo breathed, lying back down as his lungs tried to take in as much air as possible. Phil had a great ass, and the underwear left little to the imagination with their looseness, because Phil’s bits were hanging out. Not to mention Neo had already seen the man’s ass. He knew the goodness the material covered.

Who would have thought this would be turning him on?

Phil was showing less skin than the men who danced with Rose. Yet Neo found he was a drooling, almost coming, teenager all over again.


Phil finally pulled one of his hands up to the top of the underwear and slowly slipped one side down to reveal the top part of his butt cheek. The other hand slipped up and did the same for that side.

Too slowly for words, Phil took down his underwear an inch at a time, alternating side to side.

Neo sat up again, not because he wanted to get up, but because he didn’t want to miss an instant of this show.

Phil pulled down the underwear to the backs of his thighs, then dropped them so they fell to his feet. He stepped from them with a flourish. And bent over like he was touching his toes. He put his ass in the air and held the cheeks up.

So Neo could get a peek at the balls and part of the cock that rested on the front side. They jiggled invitingly.

It was only a glance.

Neo panted a little.

Phil straightened up and looked at Neo over his shoulder. “Good enough for an amateur?” He sounded insecure. A different sound for him for sure. He’d been so sure of himself since they’d started talking.

“You could go pro anytime you want. Rose would have you.” Neo shook his head. Not that he wanted others to look upon this fine man. He liked having Phil’s body to admire all by himself. A double standard if there ever was one.

And if you ask him, he’d make all this permanent. He’d be your personal playground. All you’d have to do is ask.

Yet Neo still wasn’t sure what he wanted with Phil beyond the great sex for many aforementioned reasons.

Phil looked relieved. “I think I’ll stick to bartending. Leave the dancing to you.” He turned around fully to face Neo, naked except for dark blue socks. His erect cock hung from his body, proclaiming every inch of desire that Phil had. A scruff of hair cushioned the object that Neo had wanted to see.

Phil looked nonchalant, as though a volcano wasn’t rising up in Neo. He took a step toward the bed, his cock swinging in the wind.

Neo couldn’t keep his eyes from it. Shouldn’t this all-consuming desire be lessening now? Not growing stronger? Only the muffled sounds coming from Phil made him realize that Phil was speaking. “What?”

Phil looked bemused. His voice was layered with chuckling. “I said, it’s your turn. To get undressed.”

Neo leaped from the bed. He pulled off his pants and shirt almost at the same time, making quick work of it. “Ta-da.”

Phil sputtered. “That’s not fair. You told me to strip for you.” He looked incredulous. “Not take it off that fast.”

“And you didn’t tell me to strip for you. Just to take it off.” He arched a brow. “You snooze, you lose, baby.” He ran his hands down his naked chest. It should be feeling cold in there, but all he could feel was heat. He reached his cock and grasped it in his fingers to hold it out. “You gonna make me cover this shit up?”

Phil moved to the bed. “Hell, no.”

“Smart man.” Neo moved onto the bed by Phil.

“Sometimes. Only sometimes.”

He’d better stay wise. If he did, maybe they could have something. “Lie back on the pillow.” He grabbed Phil’s head and kissed him thoroughly. Heatedly. It made Neo think of all the things they could do. Would do. The promises were endless.

“You’re bossy. You know that?” Phil was breathless, yet he continued to try to keep Neo’s lips on his. Neo had said something similar to Phil in the dressing room. It seemed like months ago but wasn’t.

“Complaining? ’Cause I can stop.” He moved to pull back from Phil, knowing that Phil would stop him, or he wouldn’t have done it. He wasn’t about to pull away now.

Phil grabbed his head and kissed him again. “Never.” He lay back in the position that Neo wanted.

Let the games begin.

Chapter Eight

Phil looked up at the man watching him. He was to be Neo’s playground. Phil had spread his legs, and his cock flopped over on his groin. The man was hot and horny for him. And Phil returned that feeling in kind.

“My, my, my.”


“You look good.” Neo licked his lips.

“Do I?” Phil ran a hand down his body, not missing the way Neo’s gaze trailed it before centering on his cock.

“You do. Good enough for me to eat.” With that Neo knelt on the bed and ran his tongue up Phil’s hip. “Oh, yeah. Good enough for me to eat.”

Phil shivered for many reasons. The look in Neo’s eyes. The feel of the smooth tongue gliding across his skin. The words. Oh, yes, those sent a serious shake up his nerves.

Neo slipped off the bed and came back with the rum and sugar. “I hope this doesn’t make you too sticky.”

“If it does, you’ll have to get me clean.” Phil moved his arms to rest under his head and watched as though he were gawking at a football game. Of course a football game didn’t make his heart pound like this. Or his body break out in a sweat. Or a hard cock get even harder.

“That I can do.” Neo sat down and unscrewed the top from the rum. He placed it on his nightstand. He’d also retrieved a shot glass in their trek through the kitchen to get the sugar and salt. He poured a small amount of the rum into the shot glass. Then he set the bottle down on the nightstand and carefully dribbled rum on Phil’s midsection.

The alcohol wasn’t cold, but it was cool to Phil’s superheated skin. Phil felt it drip and run.

Neo tossed a pinch of sugar into the mix that Phil didn’t feel, only saw. Then he lowered his head with a smile on his lips before he went to Phil’s skin and blew across it. The grin had served to prep Phil by getting his nerves jingling. The soft air across him did even more. Every nerve fired and caused ripples across him.

The cool air against Phil made him quake from the inside out. He must have earthquake nerves with all this shaking going on.

Warm wetness covered where the coolness had been as Neo licked across him. He played, dabbling at lapping up the rum and sugar.

Phil’s eyes rolled back in his head before he closed them. He concentrated on the feel of the man’s mouth on him.

Neo licked and slurped his way across Phil’s chest, dripping drops of rum and sprinkles of sugar as he went. He found Phil’s nipples and covered them in sugar before putting the rum on them. Then he licked them off, sucking them into his mouth.

Phil’s leg twitched. Too good. Too good.

Neo drew Phil’s nipple into his mouth between his teeth.

Phil’s head lolled back on the pillow.

“Like body shots this way?”

“Oh, yeah.” Phil growled the words. He couldn’t speak normally.

“Just wait.”

Phil’s eyes shot open to look as Neo moved down on the bed with his instruments of sexual torture. Neo stopped at Phil’s crotch.

Phil tried to brace himself, but when rum dripped over him, he moaned. Nearly lost control. He knew what was to come. Literally, and what was next.

Neo didn’t disappoint. He blew softly on the alcohol, making it supercool Phil’s cock, almost to the point of pain. Then he kindly warmed it by sucking it into his wet mouth that surrounded Phil like a furnace. Neo sucked on him like he was an everlasting piece of candy that Neo had to disintegrate.

He removed his mouth, and Phil slumped on the bed. Good thing he had that support, or he would have sunk to the floor.

Neo took a swig of rum and held the swallow in his mouth. He lowered his head and carefully pulled Phil’s cock into his mouth without losing a drop of the rum.

Phil was surrounded by liquid in a warm place, and the feeling sent him through the roof. His body felt boneless yet had all this tension in it at the same time. It was a paradox.

Neo swallowed the alcohol around Phil’s cock. It was almost as if he was swallowing come. Phil’s come. The illusion was masterful and made Phil that much more full of lust.

God, he couldn’t take much more of this.

Additional rum dribbled on him with a scattering of sugar. “Spread your legs some more.”

As spread-eagle as he was, Phil wasn’t sure he could get any more, but he tried. Tried to do whatever Neo said.

Neo licked up and down his cock, cleaning it with his tongue. He slurped. “Best way to drink ever.”

Phil chuckled. But not for long.

Neo pulled his cock aside and dropped several drips of rum onto Phil’s balls. Then a smattering of sugar.

Phil could barely breathe. Couldn’t pull enough air into his lungs to sustain himself. God, the man was inventive. He was a lover who defied all boundaries.

And Phil knew why he’d never been able to make it work with anyone else. He’d thought it was because things were unfinished with Neo. That the thread left hanging was what distracted him from anything long-term. It wasn’t that.

No, Phil was in love with Neo. Maybe he always had been. From his cocky swagger to his dancing grace to his inventive lovemaking, Neo had captured Phil in ways he’d never thought about.

And then Neo was licking his balls, and Phil couldn’t think about anything else. He treated them the way he had treated Phil’s cock, running his tongue from top to bottom.

Phil couldn’t think. He couldn’t moan. He could barely keep his lungs and heart working.

Neo moved up, and there was the sound of metal unscrewing. Then Neo’s mouth was on Phil’s. Neo gave Phil the shot of tequila that Neo had taken into his mouth.

Phil swallowed and couldn’t help but marvel at the intimacy of that transition. “You’re amazing.”

Neo ran his hand across Phil’s face as Phil turned into the touch. “You haven’t seen anything yet. Do you want to do shots?”

Phil didn’t have to be asked twice. He sat up so fast that Neo leaned back. Phil grabbed the open tequila bottle.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Neo waggled his brows and lay back, leaving his full expanse of body as Phil’s eye candy. “Don’t make me come.”

The man was a wonder of the free world. From his tight abs to his narrow hips to his huge cock to his large feet. Phil’s gaze swept down Neo with all the hunger he was feeling inside probably reflected on his face.

Neo drew in a breath. “When you look at me like that, I want to jump your ass.”

Phil reached down to grab the salt. “Soon.”

“Not soon enough.” Neo mumbled the words, but Phil heard them. So the man was impatient?

Phil would let him wait. He took his time opening the salt so he could sprinkle it out as needed. He looked down at Neo’s hard chest. He let a mere dribble pour from the bottle in the center of Neo’s torso and dashed salt into the liquid. He leaned down and slowly ran his tongue over the wet place. Did the process again under Neo’s left nipple. Tasted salt, tequila, and man. He licked up tequila all over Neo’s abdomen and chest, carefully avoiding Neo’s nipples or anything lower than his hips. He was also careful not to spill any alcohol on the sheets.

Neo huffed out a breath.

“Problem?” Phil looked down at him. Phil had his tongue firmly in his cheek to keep from laughing.

“Just some blue balls. That’s all.”

“Oh. You’re not enjoying?” Phil sat back on the bed, bottle in hand. “I could stop, you know?”

“I like. But you’re moving about as slow as molasses in January, as my grandma used to say.” Neo gave him an irritated look. “And you know exactly what you’re doing. Don’t deny that.”

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