Winter's Gamble (6 page)

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Authors: Mechele Armstrong

Tags: #LGBT, #Contemporary

BOOK: Winter's Gamble
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Neo always did. “I guess I’ll come.” He was always complaining to himself about how he never got to see Neo dance. This was the perfect opportunity to see the man in action without having to serve up drinks the entire time.

“And, Phil?”


“Explanations go a long way toward building second chances.” Rose blew him a kiss and almost tripped getting to her feet. “I’ve got to get out of these heels.”

Carl was suddenly right there. He planted a kiss on Rose’s lips that would have made a sailor blush. “I’ll help.”

Phil watched them walk back toward Rose’s dressing room. Carl and Rose/Devyn had a relationship that anyone would envy, even straight people. Phil had found himself on the side of that emotion more than once, watching them. They looked out for each other and always had each other’s backs. Not to mention, they were so happy and horny that it was sickening to watch at times.

Did explanations help? He knew he’d screwed up with Neo. He’d been young and stupid, not knowing what he wanted. It was only months later that he’d realized what he’d done. While there had been other partners in the last year—even one lasting three months—none had the impact on him that Neo had had. Maybe it was the old attraction toward whatever couldn’t be had, but Phil didn’t think that was it. Why did Neo haunt his thoughts? Maybe it was time he faced down that demon from his past and put it to rights.

He fingered the card from Rose before he slipped it in his pocket next to his wallet. Guess Sunday would still be a day off but one spent at his crappy bar.

Second chances. Who knew?

Chapter Four

Neo touched his toes as he limbered up before he danced. Stretched his arms out to the side and did a windmill.

“Well, don’t take off,” someone behind him said, sounding amused.

He turned to see Rose standing in the doorway to his shared makeshift dressing room. She wore a long black silk dress that plunged low in the front. “Hi, Rose.” She always checked in on the dancers before the show started. She’d seen him doing this a million times. “I won’t. Just getting ready.” He bent to touch his toes again.

“Neo. I want you to be sexy. To dance with whatever happens out there.” Rose’s tone turned brusque.

A lecture. He’d never done one unprofessional thing. He straightened up, and he could feel his spine bristle. “I’ve never not been sexy out there.” With the little outfit he’d been told to wear, he could probably walk out there with a phone book on his head and still get catcalls.

“I know. Keep dancing, no matter what.” She turned to walk away and then turned back to face him. “And Neo?”

What now?
“Yeah?” She was apparently getting a little too high on her power trip if she thought she could lecture him.

“Sometimes there are explanations for things. Things that didn’t make sense to us but made sense to the person who did them. Listening goes a long way.” With that, holding the bottom of her gown up in her hands, she exited.

What the hell had she meant by that?

He stared after her. She was up to something, and he was sure he wasn’t going to like this, whatever it was.

When they called his name from the stage, Neo went down the aisle, slowly. Moving his hips and getting into the rhythm. Dancing had always been his calling. If he’d been shorter, he would have stuck with ballet. His teacher would be shocked to see him strutting right now and might even have fainted if she saw him take off his shirt and pants. She’d always had a yardstick up her ass.

He shimmied onstage, faced the audience, preparing to strip, and stumbled. Probably only a few people noticed. They were still cheering him on.

Had Phil noticed?

And what the hell was the bastard doing here? On a Sunday, no less.

His hungry gaze bore into Neo like a weevil gnawed into plants. Those needy blue eyes captivated him and made him stop. Phil’s brown hair was longer than it had been five years ago, but still was short. His tanned body radiated power from heavy arms to thick thighs.

And an even thicker cock. He might not be able to see it, but Neo still remembered.

He’d been fun five years ago. He’d made Neo laugh. There was a rawness about him that had attracted Neo beyond reason.

He still had that, damn him. Neo couldn’t be in a room with him without being hyperaware of his presence. Like now.

He fucked you beyond consciousness. The best lay to be had. And then he left you high and dry without a word.

The bastard watched him without smiling. His gaze threatened to consume Neo whole.

Neo had stopped dancing for a second.
. Why did Phil always have to put him off his game? He started moving again but remained conscious of the man in front of the stage. When Phil was bartending, it was easier to ignore him, as he was off to the side. Right up in front would take a little doing.

Neo slowly tore off the already ripped tank top to reveal his chest. He’d oiled down backstage, so his skin shone in the bouncing colored lights. The music thump-thumped in his chest.

He thrust his pecs out, giving a sexy look.
Yeah, see what you passed up by leaving.

He drew attention to his hands and rolled them down his body before undoing the snap to his leather pants. He’d learned early on not to wear tight leather, because it was harder to get off. Loose leather worked fine for this but wasn’t anything he would go clubbing in. Not that he went much anymore.

He slipped the pants off, not losing his balance in the process, and revealed a thong. He couldn’t go any further, nor could any of the patrons stuff his clothing with dollars. They had to hand them to him.

He wouldn’t be accepting any dollars from the man up front who still watched him without a cheer or a word.

Rose came up in front of him. “Neo, ladies and gentlemen. He sure knows his way around a stage. Wouldn’t you like to get up there and dance with him?” She offered her hand out to Phil. “Come on.”

Phil froze, looking like a squirrel about to be flattened by an oncoming semi. He shook his head.

Rose arched a brow. No one said no to Rose Winter. “Get up here.” She reached forward and grabbed his hand. She had to pull hard, but it was either wrench his hand from her tight grip or go. Phil resisted, but he went.

So that’s what the bitch had in mind.
Neo stood, not moving. Fuck this shit. He’d always been told the show must go on, but he wasn’t about to finish this number. He took a step toward the front of the stage, intending to go over the wall. To bail on this stupid mission and probably his future with this job.

Phil grasped his hand.

“Let go of me.” Neo bit out the words, beyond caring.

“I know you hate me. Don’t toss this away. Not over me.” Phil then looked away. He wouldn’t meet Neo’s eyes.

That was true. Neo couldn’t afford to lose this gig. Not over a man of any sort, especially this one.

He started to dance again.

Rose let out a breath that she’d apparently been holding. “Neo. He’s too sexy for the whole damn stage.”

Neo shot her glare and tried to tell her with his expression, this wasn’t over. He and Ms. Winter would be having a chat later.

* * * *

Neo paced the dressing area. Damn them both to hell. What a crock of shit. He didn’t even bother putting on his shirt, though he had slipped his jeans back on. Everyone else had gone home, but he was waiting.

Rose sashayed in. “You wanted to see me?” She gave him a look that said it better be good.

It was. “What are you trying to pull?”

“What do you mean?” She stared into his eyes without blinking.

If he hadn’t known the situation, he would have believed that innocent look. “You know what I mean.”

She folded her arms in front of her fake bosom. “Enlighten me.”

“Pulling fucking Phil up onstage to dance with me.” Neo bit out the words, hating having to explain this.

“So fucking what?” Rose waved a hand. “You have a problem with Phil? Work it out. I don’t have time for drama.”

The bitch.
“You know we have issues. I talked to you about it. I told you what happened.”

“You may have. But I deal with lots of dancers, Neo. Some of them have problems with staff, each other, other workers, audience members. I can’t keep them all straight.” She pursed her red-lipsticked lips together. “I can’t keep shit straight, much less who isn’t talking to whom.”

He blew out a breath.
“Then what was all that about explanations before I went on?”

Both bare shoulders rose and fell. “Motivation.” She cocked her head to the side, a familiar lecture look. “Truth is, I don’t
what your problem is with Phil. Work it out. Today.”


“Because you almost stopped the number. You almost took down the show. Whatever happened, you need to move on, baby. Or you’re never going to come to terms with
. Your life is too short to waste on shit like this.”

“He fucking walked out on me.”

“And you almost walked out on
show. That makes this little feud my business. And I say…work. It. Out. Before it does come to bite you in the ass more than it did today.”


The subject of their discussion stood in the doorway. Phil looked as if he didn’t know whether to run or stay.

“Ally said you wanted to see me.”

“And she took her own sweet time passing along that message.” Rose huffed a little. “You two have issues with each other. You both are employed here. You need to figure this out.”

It was Neo’s turn to fold his arms over his chest. “It’s been working up until now. I don’t think anything needs to be fixed.”

“It does when you almost leave in the middle of a dance number.” Rose pointed at him, shaking her finger. “Don’t make me handcuff you two together. Do it on your own.” She walked to Phil and shoved him in the room. “Talk it out.” She slammed the door behind her.

Great. Fucking great.


PHIL LOOKED AT the angry dancer in front of him. Everything about Neo screamed closed off. “I never told her or anyone what happened between us. Or asked her to do this.” Neo wouldn’t believe it, but it needed to be said. What was Rose’s angle? She’d had dancers fighting before and hadn’t tried this hard to get them to settle the situation.

“And that’s supposed to make feel better?” Neo snapped his shirt up and yanked it on. It was a wonder he hadn’t ripped it in the process.

“No. I’m just saying.” Phil couldn’t help his gaze moving over the lithe man’s body. He hadn’t buttoned his shirt, and the gap revealed a muscular chest. Neo was probably still wearing the bright orange thong he’d worn onstage under his jeans. Phil felt his cock rise just thinking about it. Neo best not notice it, or he’d get more pissed off than he was right now.

“Whoop de doo. That changes nothing.”

“Look, we can keep avoiding each other. I’ll tell Rose we talked, and it’s all okay. That’ll keep her happy.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. They’d go back to status quo. It was all he deserved.

“Unless you’re a better liar than you were back then, she’ll never buy it. I doubt you’ve improved.”

Phil chuckled. Maybe it would lighten the mood. Neo glared at him, and he sobered up.
Maybe not
. “I’m not any better at it.” When they’d first met a couple of weeks before their evening together, he’d told Neo that he’d been doing a research paper, and that was why he’d needed to talk to Neo. Neo had seen through that from the beginning.

“I figured as much.” Neo looked at him from over long, dark lashes. “Rose isn’t dumb. You’ll never fool her. Not even with those puppy-dog eyes.”

Phil wasn’t sure he’d defused the situation, but Neo didn’t sound so angry, even if he was still shooting dagger looks at Phil. “Maybe you should tell her.”

“Maybe.” Neo didn’t look at him. “You could quit, you know.” He snapped the words.

Phil’s heart stopped beating, and he couldn’t breathe for a second. Neo hated him that much. “I could.”

“But that would leave the owners in a lurch. They talk about how dependable you are. Much more so than any other bartender they’ve had. Pity.” His voice was brusque, as though he were discussing something simple.

“I’ll quit if you want.” This was the best gig he’d had since graduating bartending academy. It wasn’t only Neo’s presence. He made more up front without having to depend on tips and had a better schedule. But again, it was what he deserved for what he’d done to Neo, so he’d not fight it.

Neo still didn’t look at him. “Nah. That wouldn’t be fair to the bar. And I guess you gotta make a living.”

Phil’s breathing resumed. Not to mention he did like working where he could at least watch Neo. “Thank you.”

They stood in silence for a minute. Phil couldn’t stop looking over Neo’s body. And that’s when he noticed the rise to Neo’s jeans. Even denim couldn’t disguise his thick erection. Phil swallowed, trying now to look anywhere but Neo’s crotch. The idea that the man had a boner wasn’t an easy one to walk away from.
It’s probably adrenaline.
There was no way it had to do with Phil’s presence, even if it would be a shot in the arm to find out it did.

“Why the hell did you walk away?” Neo finally looked him in the face as he asked the question, as if searching for the answer there.

Phil’s laugh this time was anything but good-natured. It was the first time Neo had ever asked the question. Probably because it was the first time they’d been in the same room for this long without a bar or a stage between them. “I was a fool.” He’d reacted instead of thinking it through, and it would be a regret he had until his dying day.

“Well, that’s a given.” Neo sat on a stool facing Phil. “But it explains nothing about what happened.”

Phil nodded. “It doesn’t.” How did he put this? Could he ever make Neo understand? Neo had been out of the closet so long, would he understand someone who hadn’t been? “It’s a long story.”

“Tell me. I got time apparently, according to Rose.” Neo settled down, drawing even more attention to the evident erection that still poked up. “And I’ll know if you lie. I can always tell.”

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