Wife With Amnesia (15 page)

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Authors: Metsy Hingle

BOOK: Wife With Amnesia
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“You're killing me,” Matt said as he captured her hands.

“I thought you wanted to make babies with me,” she said, and since he'd denied her his mouth and had trapped her fingers from further exploration, she decided to take advantage of his jaw with her lips and teeth. He groaned, and a surge of power and excitement raced through Claire.

“Red, as much as I'd like to get started on that baby-making right now, it's going to have to wait.”

“Why?” she whispered, and flicked her tongue along the shell of his ear.

“Because—” his breath was ragged “—because, in case you've forgotten, there's a hurricane headed for the city. We really…”

“We really what?” she asked as she began working her way down his throat.

“We really should evacuate.”

The lights flickered, then died. Claire felt Matt tense, and she knew he was waiting for the old fears to engulf her once more. What he didn't realize and she did was that she no longer had reason to fear the storm and the shadows it brought. So she went back to work on the buttons of his shirt. And when she had his chest bare, she began planting kisses down his throat to his chest, and closed her teeth over his nipple.

Matt groaned. “Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?”

“Oh, I have a pretty good idea.”

He tumbled her to the floor. “I don't want to be the only one naked when the police come banging on the door and order us to evacuate for the hurricane.”

Claire laughed when he reached for her sweater. “Well, if you're really that eager to evacuate…”

“Who says I'm eager to evacuate?” Matt asked as he rid her of her sweater and stripped off her jeans.

“Aren't you?”

“No,” he told her as he unhooked her bra and cupped her breasts.

“Wh-what about the hurricane?”

“The way I figure it, the hurricane's not a problem,” he said as he laved first one nipple and then the other. “Not when we stand a chance of making history tonight.”

“History?” Claire repeated as heat began to build inside her.

“Yes,” he murmured while he opened her with his fingers and fitted himself between her thighs. “Think of what a grand story this will be for our child someday. Not many kids can say they were conceived during a hurricane.”

“Only our child,” Claire said as she opened herself and her heart to him.

ISBN: 978 1 472 03831 9


© 2013 Metsy Hingle

First Published in Great Britain in 2013
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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