Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Eli saw the strength wavering in Kota, but the determination in his eyes gave Eli hoped Genevieve would be okay. Together, they picked her up and carried her toward the compound. The driveway was long, and by the time they reached the doors, they shook to maintain their hold on her. Somehow they made it to Eli’s suite and laid Genevieve gently on the bed before they both collapsed next to her.

Chapter Six


Genevieve’s head pounded as she woke up the next afternoon, her body ached, her hands shook, and her vision kept flicking in and out. She remembered the vision from the club with perfect clarity. Knowing she had no time to waste, Genevieve sprang from the bed and ran to find a General. She was sluggish, and her legs shook as she took the stairs two at a time. She stumbled into the library and slumped to her knees.

“Hey, hey, Genevieve, what’s wrong?” Asa asked as he rushed to her side.

“I had a vision last night. Asa, they’re coming!” She gasped for breath, her body rebelling against her. “Where are the Generals?”

“Calm down and tell me what happened.” Asa brushed her hair out of her face.

“In my vision, the Fallen were here! Asa, they were here in the compound.”

Asa held her face in his hands as he brushed away her tears. “When? Genevieve, you have to tell me when they’re coming.” His words were gentle, but his tone sounded urgent.

“Two days! We have to get the Generals somewhere safe.”

“What’s going on in here?” Eli asked from the doorway, concern heavy in his voice.

Genevieve replayed the conversation with Asa and what she saw in her vision. His eyes widened. He stood there for a second before he swiftly moved to Genevieve and gathered her into his arms.

“I’m fine, Eli. You have to warn the Generals.” She tried to push away from him, but he held her tighter.

“Warn the Generals about what?” Sophia asked as she glided into the room.

“She’s had a vision,” Asa said. “The Fallen are coming in two days.”

“So we fight them. We fight them like we have for thousands of years.” Sophia spoke nonchalantly.

“Sophia, they are coming here to the compound, in two days. We must move you and the others to a safe place.” Genevieve tried to put some strength in her voice when she spoke.

“Nonsense, this is our home and no one, least of all the Fallen, will make us leave.” Sophia looked down her nose at Genevieve.

Ever since it had become known that Eli was Genevieve’s true mate, Sophia had treated her like she didn’t exist. She had gone out of her way to make Genevieve feel inferior. Genevieve had had enough of it. She stood up, brushing Eli’s hand away as he tried to help her.

“Sophia, you can treat me like shit when this is over.” She held her hand up when Eli and Asa both tried to caution her for her tone. “You can look down your nose at me. Speak poorly of me behind my back. I don’t care, but I won’t let you die simply because you’re pissed I’m his mate and you’re not.”

Silence ensued, the air thick with tension. Eli looked between the two women while Asa covered his mouth to conceal his smile. Genevieve had to work really hard to stand tall when she felt as though she could collapse with exhaustion from the night before. Suddenly Sophia charged at Genevieve, her speed more than any of them were expecting. Lying pinned on the floor beneath Sophia as she snarled, her fangs inches from Genevieve’s throat, she dug deep into herself for the strength to push the vampire off her.

Something shifted in her, she no longer felt weak, but strong and impenetrable. She grasped Sophia’s shoulders and pushed. The leverage flipped them so now Genevieve perched on top. “You don’t have to fight me! I’m not your enemy.”

“I don’t care if you are the Seer. You’ll never be anything other than a lowly human to me.” Sophia spit the words out like poison in her mouth.

Genevieve’s lips pulled back, revealing her fangs. A low, menacing growl crawled up her throat. She hesitated for less than a second, and Sophia threw her off with a flick of her thin arms. Sophia may have appeared petite, but she was anything but weak. Genevieve found herself gasping for breath as she slid down the wall she landed against.


* * * *


Seeing Genevieve fighting with Sophia, of all vampires, was hard for Eli to watch. His first instinct was to grab her and hide her away. When he moved to intervene, Asa stopped him. “You have to let them sort it out,” he said.

So Eli stood by and let it play out. As good and strong as he knew Genevieve to be, he knew Sophia to be a skilled fighter. Genevieve crouched down in a fighting stance. The two female vampires circled each other, fangs bared and snarls ripping from their throats. Had the situation not been so dire, Eli would have found it extremely hot.

Sophia struck first, quick and fierce as she darted right, then left, before attempting to charge into Genevieve. Genevieve saw it coming and countered every move. She moved with grace and elegance, a seductive dance. She nearly floated around the room, staying out of Sophia’s grasp. Genevieve turned her head slightly, taking her eyes off her opponent for a split second. That was all Sophia needed to make her move.

Eli saw it coming and could do nothing about it. Sophia twisted Genevieve’s arm behind her back and threw her to the floor. Just as her fangs touched Genevieve’s neck, Kota, in his wolf form, charged into the room and knocked Sophia off Genevieve. The wolf’s teeth were inches from ripping Sophia’s throat out when Genevieve shouted, “Kota, stop!”

Her voice was the only thing that saved Sophia’s life. Eli watched in shock as Kota backed away from Sophia. He growled and snarled, his teeth still glinting with saliva. Eli had never seen the shifter fight before. Considering Genevieve had been the first Seer in hundreds of years, there had never been a reason for him to. Eli, impressed with the wolf’s speed and strength, knew Kota would come in handy when the Fallen made their move.

“Back away from her, Kota,” Genevieve ordered softly.

Kota backed away, never taking his eyes off Sophia. His head hung low, his hackles stood on end, and Eli could see that Kota would kill anyone or anything to protect Genevieve. Kota sat on his haunches in front of Genevieve, his yellow eyes aglow with rage.

“Sophia, regardless of your hate for me, this is bigger than all of us. You can fight me on this and die, or you can retreat and let us defend you.” Genevieve’s voice held authority.

“Don’t presume this changes anything.” Sophia moved toward Genevieve, but stopped when Kota growled and snapped at her. “Do what you must, Seer, but we will not be pushed out of our home.”

With that, Sophia stormed out of the room, lacking all the beauty and grace she was so well-known for.

“What the hell was that?” Asa asked, looking between Eli, Genevieve, and Kota.

“She loves Eli. She hates me because he’s my mate. Simple as that.”

Eli took in differences in Genevieve’s appearance since she had collapsed the night before. She still shook slightly, but her strength had started to return. Her hair shimmered in the early morning light shining through the large windows. Her hazel eyes were bright, the violet flecks in them glowing brighter than they ever had. She was made for him to love, and he would do it until the day he no longer existed.

Genevieve stood staring out the window, her fingers twirling in Kota’s fur. Her thoughts were chaotic. They jumped from when the Fallen came, to how to protect the Generals, to whether she help in the fight, or would she be in the way?

“Asa, could you give us a moment?” Eli asked, moving to Genevieve’s side. Asa nodded and left the room. “Kota, could I talk to her alone please?” Kota whined, hesitating, not wanting to leave her side after the fight he’d just saved her from.

“It’s all right, Kota.” Genevieve ran her fingers through his fur one last time before he left the room. Eli knew Kota would shift back to his human form and need to rest before the coming fight.

“You’re a fierce fighter, Genevieve. What makes you think you would be a hindrance?”

“Sophia nearly killed me only a few seconds ago. She’s not a warrior, and she nearly killed me.”

“Sophia taught me how to fight, Genevieve. She’s strong, and she’s had nearly a thousand years on this earth.” He moved closer to her, brushing her hair behind her ear, and, framing her face with his hands, he spoke with determination. “I won’t let anything happen to you, love. My life would end if I lost you.”

Her eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around him. Her body called out to him in a way that superseded anything else. Eli kissed her bare shoulder as he slid the strap of her dress off. With little work, her clothing ended up on the floor, making a soft swishing sound as it fell. Using telekinesis, Eli closed and locked the library door. With gentle hands, he lifted her off the ground and carried her to the desk.

“Je t'aime avec mon âme, Genevieve,”
he told her in perfect French. No truer words had ever been spoken. Genevieve’s hands slowly eased his shirt off his shoulders. His pants were next to go. Leaning her back slightly, he kissed her with every ounce of love he had inside him. Eli’s cock stood hard and heavy, screaming to be inside her glorious pussy. She ran her nails down his back before stopping at his hips. Angling her hips, she guided him into her core. Grabbing her face as he pushed in and pulled out slowly, Eli kissed her again. He trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, collarbone, and her breasts.

Genevieve dropped her head back, pushing her breasts out so he could better reach them. Their hips moved together, their bodies consuming each other. This wasn’t the rough fuck they’d had during her transformation, or the wicked trysts they’d shared since. This was pure, unadulterated love that would get them through life or kill them if they lost it.

Eli leaned forward, resting his weight on his hands on either side of her hips. His movements were fierce yet gentle. He wound his right arm around her left leg and lifted it up. With the new position, he sank deeper into her. His body danced an erotic dance with hers as she called out his name in barely spoken whispers.

“I’ll always be yours, Eli.” A single tear sat in the corner of her eye. Eli wiped it away with his thumb.

“You’re my soul, Genevieve.”

No more words were spoken. None needed to be. He loved her more than his own life and he knew she felt the same way. He played with her clit until she came, causing him to explode with the most intense orgasm he’d ever had. He didn’t pull out. He just kept moving because he would never have enough of her body.


* * * *


Kota couldn’t stop the images that flooded his mind. He’d barely had the power to shift again to protect Genevieve from the other female vampire. Now, as he returned to his human form, his mind was bombarded with images of Eli and Genevieve as they fucked in the library. Kota knew he would never have a place in Genevieve’s soul like Eli did, and he was all right with that.

Hating the hard-on he sported since the images invaded his mind, Kota paced around the room. He felt uncomfortable in the fancy room with the ornate rugs and centuries old furniture. His home was small, humble, and probably half the size of one of the rooms in the compound. Although there was nothing or no one who would ever be as important as Genevieve, or at least his responsibility to her. He knew of one woman who could take his unease away.

Genevieve gained strength from him and Eli. Kota gained strength from his own kind. He needed to find Talia. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, Kota leapt from the window and landed, without a sound, two stories down. He wasn’t going far, so if anything were to happen he could shift and be back before Genevieve needed him. The farther away he got from Genevieve, the more uneasy he became. His reaction was natural, because if he wasn’t with her, he wasn’t protecting her. A sound stopped him in his tracks. He spun around and saw Talia standing there. She stood stark naked, her tanned skin beautiful in the shade of the trees. Her jet-black hair hung down her shoulders and covered her full breasts.

“I sensed you needed strength,” she said, her voice soft and sultry.

Kota took in the beautiful woman standing in front of him. At five feet eight inches tall, she still only came to Kota’s chest. The breeze blew her hair and exposed her left nipple. Kota walked closer to her. Reaching out, he threaded her silky, straight hair through his fingers. The movement lifted her tresses off her breast. He kissed her, not wasting any time as his strength wavered.

“I’ll make you strong, Kota,” Talia whispered, leading him further into the trees.

Talia removed his T-shirt with ease. His pants pooled at his ankles with a flick of her wrist. She sank down to her knees and took his cock into her mouth. Kota’s hand twisted into her hair as he guided her head at the speed he wanted her to go.

Chapter Seven


Kota moved Talia’s head in a rapid motion. His cock glistened with her saliva as he watched her take him into her mouth. She never gagged, never hesitated, no matter how rough Kota got with her. Talia knew how to please a man. She knew how to relax her throat and angle her head just right so his dick went as deep into her throat as possible. She moaned, looking up at him with big doe eyes. Talia seemed so innocent, but with Kota, she had always been anything but.

He felt his balls tighten, but wasn’t ready to come yet. He pulled her away roughly and then grabbed her throat. Pushing her backward, Kota laid her on the forest floor. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, and she eagerly accepted him. He still fought against the images of Genevieve and Eli flashing through his mind. The more he saw Genevieve spread out on the library desk, the harder his cock became. Kota didn’t want to think of Genevieve while he fucked Talia, but he couldn’t stop the pictures from flooding his brain.

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