Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Genevieve’s head lolled to the side, and Eli grabbed her chin, holding her mouth open. Kota exposed his other wrist to Eli so he could bite it and draw blood. Kota never flinched when Eli’s fangs tore into his skin. As his blood began to flow, he put his wrist to Genevieve’s mouth as Eli held it open. More of his blood seeped down her throat, causing her color to improve. Kota saw her incisors elongate, further proof her condition improved with their actions.

Wrapping her arms around Eli’s neck, she writhed against them both. Eli rested his head in the crook of her neck. Kota heard Eli’s strangled voice as he spoke in French to her. The love Genevieve and Eli shared ran deeper than anything Kota had ever seen. When he first became her Guardian, he hated the idea of Eli being her mate. Now, as he watched the way Eli held her so gently, the way he whispered words of love and devotion into her ear, he couldn’t think of a better mate for her.

Kota felt the ache in his limbs ease as Genevieve’s body healed. Looking down, he watched himself move in and out of her glistening pussy. A bead of blood trickled down her hip until the red fluid mixed with her juices coating his thick cock. The mixture caused his dick to tingle, and his body quiver. He increased his motions. His skin slapped against hers and echoed around the room. Eli sped up as well, and put a little more force into his movements. Their hands still emitted the healing light, and the faster they moved, the brighter it got. The glow pulsed with every hard thrust of their hips.

Genevieve moaned, her voice sounding stronger as she began to move in tandem with him and Eli. Kota’s long black hair stuck in thick strands to his face. Genevieve brushed his locks away, gently stroking his cheek as she bit her lip. Her fangs cut the soft, pink skin, and blood rose up to the surface. Eli turned her head toward him and licked the red substance away. She thrust her tongue into Eli’s mouth and kissed him with passion. Eli groaned and grasped the back of her head, holding her in place.

“My love,” Eli whispered when the kiss broke.

Genevieve rolled her hips and then pushed back against Eli and shoved his cock deeper into her ass. Turning her head, she looked at Kota, her eyes finally easing back to the hazel with violet flecks. Kota knew his sole purpose in being with Genevieve in that moment was to simply heal her. He looked at her wound at the same moment it sealed completely closed. One final drop of blood ran down her stomach, making his cock throb. Now that she had been healed, Kota’s mind flooded with thoughts of Talia. Questions about her fate, if she had been in pain. Was she dead?

Genevieve grabbed his face in her hands and forced him to look in to her eyes. “I will find her, Guardian. Fear not, I swear to you I will find her. We will find her.”

Suddenly overcome with some emotion he’d never felt before, Kota pushed into Genevieve as hard as he could once, twice, and then flooded her pussy with his cum. He pulled out and left the room as quickly as he could. He’d fulfilled his responsibility to the Seer. Now he needed space, because it was only then that Kota realized he didn’t just care for Talia. He loved her deeply. When a Shifter finds his true mate the love happens immediately. There is no getting to know them or building a relationship. The bond is unbreakable and instantaneous. Kota felt overwhelming anger. He wanted to be mad at everyone, but the only person he could muster any kind of hatred for was himself. He felt furious for allowing Talia to fight with them, and become so disposable.

That’s what Talia had been in this situation. A cost, a disposable part of the equation. He crumpled forward. His knees hit the ground with a sickening crunch. Grabbing handfuls of leaves and grass, Kota let out a scream. A scream full of all the anger and pain he felt. His shouts bounced off the trees of the forest he found himself in. Mud caked his knees and shins. His naked torso was covered in his sweat, the Seer’s blood, and other bodily fluids. Grasping his hair in his hands, Kota wailed and wailed until his cries of agony turned into howls.


* * * *


Genevieve felt every single shred of pain and anger that Kota did. She wanted to go to him and ease his anguish, but her body and her instincts demanded she stay with Eli. He lifted her up, cleaned himself off with a prepared moist washcloth, and spun her around, easing her down onto his erection. He gripped her shoulders gently, moving his hips against hers in a slow, steady dance of seduction. She loved her vampire more than anything, but the sadness in her heart felt heavy.

“We’ll find Talia, love. I promise you.”

She couldn’t hold her tears back anymore. The combination of Eli’s soft-spoken words and Kota’s distant wail broke her. Dropping her head to his wide shoulder, Genevieve took pleasure in the feeling of Eli’s body pressed tightly against hers. Eli wrapped his strong arms around her waist and lowered her down onto her back. She wrapped her legs around his hips, rolling against him. Genevieve’s body quaked with desire, and she called out her vampire’s name.

Lifting his weight off her, Eli placed his hands on both sides of her head. The wide expanse of his chest was a glorious view as he sped his hips up. She felt his cock throb and twitch as he neared his peak. Pleasure swirled in her belly, and her pussy fluttered around his dick, and then she came hard. Clawing the skin of his back with her nails, she wrapped her long legs around his waist, locking her ankles and lifting up slightly. He slammed into her over and over again, calling her name and cursing at the pleasure they both felt.

Genevieve watched with a smile on her face as Eli threw his head back, his mouth hanging open slightly, and his brow furrowed. He came hard, and she felt every pulse of his cock as he filled her with his seed. She held him tight against her, his dick deep inside of her pussy. As he continued to come, she struck his neck. His blood always tasted so much better when she bit him while his cock seeped.

Drinking deeply and greedily, she felt his unbelievable strength fill her. Her muscles felt stronger, her heart beat harder, and mind felt clearer. Rejuvenated and healed from her injuries, Genevieve knew nothing would stop her from getting Talia back. She knew Kota would always protect her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have feelings and the ability to love another. Kota needed Talia by his side, but so did Genevieve. She didn’t fully understand why yet, but she knew she had to find the female shifter and bring her home.

With her resolve set and her body beyond strong, Genevieve made the decision to stop at nothing to bring Talia back. She showered with Eli, and then they dressed in clothes made for battle. She strapped on her daggers as did Eli, and together, they started running. Their legs would carry them faster than any car ever would. She wouldn’t dematerialize and risk getting separated from Eli, so they ran. The howls she knew to be Kota rang loud in the heavy night air. They got closer and closer until the wolf fell into step with the Seer and her mate, and the search for Talia began.

Chapter Ten


They had been searching for Talia for two days. Genevieve could feel all their blood sing in her veins. Eli’s felt powerful, unstoppable. Kota’s was full of healing powers she would never be able to understand. She felt Talia’s blood stir, lithe and full of power. Genevieve concentrated on the feel of Talia’s blood as it raged through her body. She could always tell when Eli and Kota weren’t near her because their blood didn’t flow smoothly through her, like everything got out of balance when separated from them.

Talia’s blood screamed. Genevieve felt as though if she didn’t find her immediately, she’d go insane. Her feet moved swiftly in the direction Talia’s blood led her. Eli and Kota were in step behind her. She knew Talia wasn’t injured, but she felt her fear. Fear of dying, but not because she feared death. Talia was afraid because she felt as though she would fail the Seer.

She pushed thoughts from her mind to Talia’s, hoping they would be heard.
“Hold on, Talia. We are coming for you.”

Not sure if the message would be received, Genevieve opened her mind completely and listened. She knew Talia would stay in her wolf form because she’d be stronger that way. She got glimpses of what Talia had been through. Genevieve snarled as yet another Fallen taunted the wolf. They poked at her with cattle prods and threw scraps of rotting food at her. Kota and Eli growled as her thoughts seeped into their minds. Genevieve knew all their bodies were dangerously close to being spent. If they kept up at this pace they would be useless when they did find her. Suddenly, Genevieve stopped. She felt as though she could touch Talia, she was so close.

“She’s here.”

They looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Abandoned buildings, alleys full of poverty, the homeless people, the scent of decaying trash, stray animals looking for scraps of food, and desperation was heavy in the air. Genevieve closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of Talia.

“I feel you here.”
Talia’s thoughts rang in all their minds. “
Wait five more minutes. They will change guards.”

Five minutes later, Genevieve knew the only way to get Talia out would be to dematerialize, grab Talia, and return to the others. Finding cover, she kissed Eli before he could object. Kota, still in wolf form, couldn’t stop her without pinning her down. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes again, and dematerialized. She took form again next to Talia. They were in a cage so small Genevieve couldn’t even stand upright.

“We have less than a minute,”
Talia thought frantically.

“Hold your breath. It will make it less shocking when we take form again.”

The female wolf took a deep breath before Genevieve grabbed handfuls of her once pristine white coat, and dematerialized. The last thing she heard before leaving the damp basement was a woman’s lilting laughter.

As she took form again next to Eli and Kota, she teetered on her feet. Exhaustion gripped her tightly, but she had no time for being tired. The Fallen surrounded them. She grabbed her daggers, put her back against Eli’s, and prepared to fight. Flashes of a vision raced through her mind. Visions of the Fallen cutting them down one by one until Eli, Kota, Talia and Genevieve were nothing but bits and pieces. She knew if they didn’t escape quickly they would lose this fight. Just as Eli sliced the throat of the closest Fallen solider, Genevieve dropped her knives, grabbed his arm, and because the wolves stood so close, she grabbed both of their ears in her other hand and dematerialized them.

She had just enough strength to get them back to the compound. As they rematerialized in the sitting room, Genevieve fell to her knees, gasping for breath. Eli wasted no time in offering his wrist for her to drink from. Although he had to be nearly as weak as her, she drank anyway.

“I can’t shift yet—”
Kota thought, but he was interrupted by Talia’s voice.

“I can.” She offered her wrist to Genevieve. “You must drink from me. I can feel your need for shifter blood.” Talia moved Eli’s wrist away and then pushed her own wrist against Genevieve’s fangs.

She bit hard, looking to Talia with apologetic eyes. Less than a minute later, Genevieve felt like she could conquer the world. She knew how strong Kota’s blood was, but Talia’s felt strong in a different way. The blood Genevieve drank from Talia not two days before wasn’t even this strong. She didn’t understand it, but she felt as though she couldn’t get enough. When Talia swayed and paled, Genevieve released her wrist.

Talia licked the puncture wound, sealing it closed. Eli wrapped a blanket around Talia’s naked body before leading her to the couch. Genevieve looked at Kota as he paced back and forth, waiting for his body to regain the strength to shift back to his human form. Finally, an hour and a half after they had returned to the compound, Kota shifted. He barely had the energy to stand, but he moved to Genevieve.

“Are you well? Do you need more blood?”

“I’m fine, Kota. You should go rest, both of you.” She looked back and forth between Kota and Talia.

Genevieve knew what they needed to do in order to regain their full strength. For now, they were all back at the compound, together, and in one piece. She knew the Fallen would come again, that this war was far from over. The vampires and the shifters had won this battle, but there would be more. Until then, she would train, learn to control her visions, and love her mate. Genevieve now not only had one Guardian, but two.

As Kota led Talia out of the room, she looked over her shoulder and gave Genevieve a nod and a smile. When the shifters were out of sight, she moved to Eli and wrapped herself around him. His hands on her body felt so good. The only thing that could feel better was his cock buried deep inside her.

When her thoughts caressed his mind, Eli growled and ground his dick against her. She blocked out Kota and Talia because she wanted this to be between her and Eli. For once in their relationship she wanted to be with him without others listening in. Being in the sitting room, she knew anyone could walk in, so she dematerialized them to their suite. He gasped when they reappeared on the bed.

Not giving him a chance to recover, she stripped him of his clothes. Once they were both naked, she straddled him, moaning loudly as she sank down hard onto his dick. He gripped her hips harshly, but she loved the feeling. She loved the way he filled her to the brim. Rolling her hips against him, she dropped her head back as he bit her neck. The feeling of his fangs buried in her neck was pure ecstasy. Her pussy clenched tightly as she came. Her orgasm brought Eli to completion, and she loved the way his cock pulsed inside of her.

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