Who I Am: A Memoir (54 page)

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Authors: Pete Townshend

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‘Man and Machine’, 381

Mandela, Nelson, 368, 373, 376, 444

‘Mandy’, 97

Manfred Mann band, 317

Mann, Barry, 97

Mann, Herbie, 112

‘Man of Mystery’, 42

‘Man Watching’, 351

‘Man with Money’, 86

Marcus, Greil, 167, 324

Marley, Bob, 296, 344

Marmalade, 129

Marriott, Steve, 138, 141, 142–43

Marsalis, Wynton, 444

Marsh, Dave, 167, 497

Marsh, Lisa, 423–24, 425, 426, 427, 428–31, 435–36, 437, 440, 457, 462, 478

Marshall, Jim, 62–64, 69, 96, 294

Martin, George, 125, 425, 434

Martin, Steve, 304

Martin (friend), 42

‘Mary’, 215

‘Mary Anne with the Shaky Hands’, 126, 130

‘Maryland’, 39

Masters of the Baroque
, 83

‘Master’s Prayer, The’, 233

Matthews, Mr, 18

Maurice, Jr (uncle), 8

Maurice (grandfather), 8, 145

Maynard, Alf, 39, 40, 43

Meaden, Peter, 68, 69–70, 73, 74, 94, 122

Meesham, David, 234

Meibach, Ina, 275–76, 279, 311, 401, 408, 437

Melly, George, 267

Melody Maker
, 200–201, 202, 205, 207, 210–11, 213

Mendelsohn, John, 167, 202

Mercer, David, 83

Merchan, Chucho, 378, 380, 394

Mercury, Freddie, 339, 381

Merman, Ethel, 263

Metzger, Gustav, 64, 115, 464–65

Meuross, Reg, 318

Michael, George, 374, 381

Michael (Lisa’s boyfriend), 423, 427

Mick and Tich, 191

Miles, Barry and Sue, 116

Miles, Buddy, 430

Miller, Arthur, 471

Milligan, Spike, 29, 139, 292, 333

Mills, Russell, 370

Mills, Sir John, 472

Mingus, Charlie, 75

Mingus Ah Um
, 75

Mingus Revisited, 89, 380

Minkin, Bill, 326

‘Misery’, 70

Mitchell, Mitch, 67

Mitchelson, Marvin, 408

Moby Grape, 227

Monck, Chip, 152–53

Monk, Thelonious, 90

Monkees, 135

Monroe, Marilyn, 198, 284

Montgomery, David, 132

Monty Python, 314, 361–62

Moon, Keith, 3, 4, 67, 68, 69, 71, 76, 82, 84, 86, 87, 92, 93, 96, 100–101, 103–4, 109, 112, 113, 121–24, 128–30, 132, 142, 145, 147, 151, 153–54, 156–57, 159, 166–68, 173, 178–79, 180–83, 188, 191, 195–97, 201, 206, 212–13, 217, 221–24, 228, 232, 246, 248, 250, 251, 253, 254–57, 261, 263, 266, 269–71, 273, 277–79, 281–87, 288–89, 293, 295, 297–99, 303–10, 312, 314, 330, 336, 339, 343, 346, 355, 367, 398, 400, 505–6

Moon, Kim, 93, 103, 109, 254, 273, 505

More, Melissa, 464

More Dark than Shark
, 370

Morphet, Chris, 144, 240

Morris, Doug, 311, 320, 324, 390, 395, 397, 422, 473, 476, 494

Morris, John, 174–75

Morrison, Jim, 148

Morrison, Van, 139

Morton Fraser Harmonica Gang, 23

Mosely, John, 272, 276

Mosley, Oswald, 8

Mott the Hoople, 201

Mountain Language
(Pinter), 385

Mount-Charles, Henry, 360

Move, 191

Mr Fantasy
, 111, 267

Much Ado about Nothing
, 419

Muddy Waters, 294

Murray, Charles Shaar, 370

Murray the K, 113, 114, 123

‘Music Must Change’, 302, 304, 305

‘My Baby Gives It Away’, 296

Myers, Mike, 305

‘My Funny Valentine’, 85

‘My Generation’, 82, 83, 85, 87, 129, 204, 340–41, 424

Mysticism of Sound, The
(Khan), 204


‘Naked Eye’, 193

Naturals, 58

Nawa, Mary Beth, 430

‘Needles and Pins’, 112

Nelson, Kathy, 477

Never Mind the Bollocks
, 318

Neville Brothers, 382

Nevison, Ron, 249, 261, 347

Newman, Tony, 263

New Musical Express
, 274, 347

‘New Song’, 302

New York Times
, 182, 188, 225, 281

Niarchos, Spyros, 308

Nicholas, Paul, 103

Nicholls, Billy, 378, 394, 428, 444, 452, 456, 496

Nicholson, Jack, 131, 262, 269

Nigel (songwriter), 399

‘Night Train’, 380

Nilsson, Harry, 308, 436

‘19th Nervous Breakdown’, 92

‘No Face, No Name, No Number’, 267

Noone, Peter (Herman), 123, 124, 129

‘No Road Romance’, 302

‘Now and Then’, 419


O’Brien, Richard, 433

, 462

‘Odorono’, 130, 132

O’Hara, John, 368

Oldfield, Mike, 297, 382

Old Grey Whistle Test, The
, 297

Oldham, Andrew Loog, 68, 73, 94, 97, 98, 264

Oldman, Ted, 268, 275

Old Man and the Sea, The
(Hemingway), 283

Oleg (Russian boy), 442, 460

Olivier, Laurence, 472

, 297

, 260

‘One Life’s Enough’, 358

1-2-3, 89

‘On Horseback’, 297

Ono, Yoko, 153–54, 335

‘Onward Christian Soldiers’, 14

‘O Parvardigar’, 233

Orbison, Roy, 86

(Piston), 99

Orff, Carl, 260

Orlando Sentinel
, 409

Ormsby-Gore, Alice, 238–40, 243, 441

Ostin, Evelyn, 324, 328

Ostin, Mo, 320, 324, 328, 365, 444

‘Our Love Was’, 130

‘Over the Top’, 381

‘Overture’, 158, 163


Page, Jimmy, 76, 96, 188

Palladino, Pino, 428, 479, 481

Palmer, Phil, 428

Palmer, Polly, 351

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 473

Paramor, Norrie, 29

Parker, Charlie, 75, 76, 108, 167

Parker, Donna, 283–84, 288

Parmienter, Chris, 66

Parry, Chris, 427

Patten, John, 371

Patterson, George, 293, 356

Patterson, Meg, 263, 293, 355–56, 371

Paul (driver), 357, 366

Pearl Jam, 431

Peeping Tom
, 40

Pei, I. M., 427

Penhall, Joe, 474

, 154, 306

Perry (friend), 433

Pet Sounds
, 107, 123, 127

Petty, Tom, 398

Phantom of the Opera
, 395

Phillips, Caryl, 372

Phillips, John, 119

Phillips, Simon, 318, 378, 394, 428

Phil the Greek, 73

Picasso, Pablo, 72

Piccadilly Band, 9

Pickett, Wilson, 114

Picture Post
, 140

‘Pictures of Lily’, 110

Pike, Frank, 364, 369

Pinball Wizard (char.), 264, 404

‘Pinball Wizard’, 162, 163, 264, 348

Pink Floyd, 106, 110, 253, 326, 496

Pinter, Harold, 369, 385

Piston, Walter, 99

Plaquet, Maurice, 48

Platters, 408

Platz, David, 300, 301

, 111, 431, 454

Playing for Keeps
, 377

‘Playing Hard’, 380

‘Plum Blossom’, 112

Police Protecting Children
, 489

Pollock, Jackson, 50

Porter, Cole, 131

Pound, Ezra, 369

Powell, Roger, 214

Presidents, 54, 220

Presley, Elvis, 36, 37, 45, 59, 87, 263, 477

Preston, Billy, 296

Pretenders, 319

Pretty Things, 164, 191

Price, Bill, 352, 395, 396

Price, Matthew, 302

Pridden, Bob, 117, 169, 184–86, 204, 212, 223, 238–39, 252, 266, 289, 351, 402, 496

Pridden, Mia, 266

Prince, 374, 376

Producers, The
, 305

Prokofiev, Sergei, 8

Proust, Marcel, 352

, 411–12, 416, 418–19, 421, 422, 427–29, 431–32, 434, 442, 451, 454–55, 471, 474, 498

Ptaszynski, André, 456

‘Punk as Godfather, The’ (Carr), 279

Purcell, Henry, 83, 96

Purdom, Charles, 110, 140

‘Pure and Easy’, 207, 215, 337

Purple Rain
, 374, 376

Pursey, Jimmy, 447

‘Put a Spell on You’, 380


, 233, 237, 238, 241, 245–51, 253, 254–56, 258, 259–61, 269, 289, 293, 307, 310, 312–13, 342, 416, 450–53, 456–58, 462, 474, 499

Quatermass Experiment, The
, 27

Queen, 298, 339, 374

Queen Elizabeth 2
, 222

Queen Mother, 87

Quick One, A
, 101, 103, 131

‘Quick One, While He’s Away, A’, 101, 103, 154, 157, 159

‘Quiet One, The’, 343


, 99, 384

‘Rael’, 130

RAF Dance Orchestra, 9, 10

‘Ragtime in C’, 380

Raine, Craig, 364, 380

Ravens, Jan, 428

Rawlings, Terry, 272, 350

Ready, Steady, Go!
, 79

‘Real Good Looking Boy’, 477

Reay, Louise, 347, 349–51, 352, 353–54, 357, 365–66, 377, 500

Rebel Rousers, 51, 112

Redding, Otis, 400

Reed, Jimmy, 56–57, 267

Reed, Lou, 382, 395

Reed, Oliver, 262, 269, 270–71

Reeve, Christopher, 349

Reid, Liz, 55, 245

Reilly, Tommy, 32

Reizner, Lou, 225, 233–34, 241, 257, 260

‘Relax’, 130

Remembrance of Things Past
(Proust), 352

Restoration Ruin
, 111

Rhodes, Phil, 38, 39

Rhythm and Blues
, 85

Rich, Buddy, 67

Rich, Frank, 424

Richard, Cliff, 42, 44

Richards, Keith, 59, 109, 153, 201, 304, 398, 472, 476

Richardson, Tony, 306

Richie, Lionel, 404–5

Richie, Nicole, 405

‘Right Now’, 112

Rio Grande
, 348

Rivers, Larry, 50, 64

‘Robin’ (counselling subject), 484–86

Robins, Alistair, 448–49

Robinson, Smokey, 92

Rock and Roll Circus
, 176

Rock and Soul
, 85

Rock Around the Clock
, 35, 36

‘Rockin’, 30

Rock Is Dead
, 228, 229, 235–36, 241

Rock Is Dead (Rock Lives)
, 228–29

Rocky Horror Show, The
, 433

Rod (driver), 240

Roeg, Nic, 154, 306, 325–29, 392

Rogan, Alan, 348, 356

Roger Daltrey Performs a Tribute to Pete Townshend
, 436

Rolling Stone
, 149, 162, 202, 236, 324

Rolling Stones, 53, 59, 62, 68, 73, 92, 94, 112, 152, 155, 176, 191, 254, 277, 281, 296, 339, 400, 449

Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus, The
, 153

‘Rollin’ Man’, 30

Ron Cavendish Orchestra, 48

Rooney, Mickey, 129

Rose (Emma’s friend), 424

Rose (great-aunt), 8, 16

Rose (Sandom’s sister-in-law), 66

Rosenberg, Robert, 500

Rosenfeld, Michael, 297

Rosie (Baba follower), 141, 143

Rosten, David, 275

Rotten, Johnny, 281, 302, 310

Rough Mix
, 296, 297, 309, 418

Roxy, 380

Roy Rogers, 13

Roza, Lita, 23

Rudd, Raphael, 379

Rudge, Peter, 199, 254, 257, 262

Ruffy, Dave, 471

Russell, Ethan, 247–48

Russell, Ken, 260–61, 262, 264–65, 269, 276, 277, 390

Russell, Theresa, 325–28, 356, 392, 456

Ruts, 471


S., Peter, 27

Sade, 373

Sally (cocker spaniel), 470

‘Sally Simpson’, 148, 241

Sandom, Doug, 48, 52, 54, 57, 65, 67, 68

Savage, Jon, 370

Savage Messiah
, 260

‘Save it for Later’, 380

Scala, Ralph, 110

Scarlet, 494

Schecter, Aaron, 299

Scher, John, 454

, 361, 471

Scoop 2
Another Scoop

Scoop 3
, 462, 474

Scorsese, Marty, 285

Scott, Ridley, 350

Scott, Ronnie, 166, 169–70

Screaming Lord Sutch, 67

Scruffy (John’s dog), 496

‘Sea and Sand’, 251

Seamen, Phil, 303

‘Sean’s Boogie’, 351

Searchers, 112

‘Sea Refuses No River, The’, 351

Searle, Roger, 372

Sebastian, John, 196, 197–98

Secombe, Harry, 29

Secret Policeman’s Ball, The
, 314

Secret Policeman’s Other Ball, The
, 377

Seeger, Pete, 127

‘Seeker, The’, 189, 193

‘See My Friend’, 112

‘See My Way’, 100, 131

Sellers, Peter, 29

‘Sensation’, 141, 175, 177

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
, 123, 127, 345

Sewell, Anna, 16

Sex Pistols, 302, 339

SF Sorrow
, 164

Shadows, 42, 47, 345

Sham 69, 447

‘Shame, Shame, Shame’, 56

Shankar, Ravi, 119

Sharp, Martin, 108

Sharp, Sammy and Leah, 10

Sharpe, Bernie, 38

Shaw, Damon Lyon, 165

Shaw, Mike, 77, 82, 86, 93, 96, 257, 406

Shearing, George, 10

Sheff, David, 431

Sheff, Nic, 431

Sherwin, Chris, 38–39, 40, 43

Shrieve, Michael, 347

‘Silas Stingy’, 130–31

Silverman, Ethan, 460, 498

Simenon, Paul, 316

Simon, Paul, 402, 444–45

Simon and Garfunkel, 114, 408

Simone, Nina, 89, 395, 397

Sims, Bill, 289–91, 437

Sinatra, Frank, 45, 57, 87, 131

Sinclair, John, 163, 180

Sink the Belgrano!
(Berkoff), 364

Siouxsie and the Banshees, 339

Sir Henry at Rawlinson End
, 344

‘Sister Disco’, 302, 304

, 409

Sketches of Spain
, 85

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