Who I Am: A Memoir (53 page)

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Authors: Pete Townshend

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Essex, David, 281

Eurythmics, 378, 380

Evans, Lizzie, 371

Evans, Mal, 116

Evans, Matthew, 360, 365, 369, 370, 371, 381, 438

Everly Brothers, 85–86

Excerpt from a Teenage Opera
, 164

‘Eyesight to the Blind’, 158, 263, 265


Face, The
, 347

Face Dances
, 333, 335, 343, 345, 350

‘Face Dances’, 351

Faces, 226, 254, 263, 292, 449

Faithfull, Marianne, 116, 153–54

‘Fake It’, 381

Fame, Georgie, 243

Family, 243, 351

, 272

Farson, Daniel, 95

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jane, 78

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Robert, 78

‘Fiddle About’, 159

Fields, Danny, 135, 167, 409–10

‘Fire’, 265, 397

Fireball XL5
, 58

Fish Shop
, 307

Fitzgerald, Ella, 45, 57, 89

‘5:15’, 189

Flash (Border collie), 470

Flash Gordon, 13

, 499, 500

Fontana Records, 66, 69

Foot, Michael, 433

‘Foreign Languages’, 380

Forest Flower
, 107

Forever Young
(Gilbert), 198

Formby, George, 23

‘For the Benefit of Mr Kite’, 123

Four Seasons, 408

Four Tops, 408

Fowler, Norman, 371

Fox, Robert, 381

Foxwell, Lady Edith, 334

‘Fragments’, 497

Francis, Connie, 45

Franklin, Aretha, 347

Fraser, Antonia, 385

, 368

Fred Basset, 42

Free, 191

, 75

‘Freight Train’, 38

Freudenberg, Johanna, 222, 240

‘Friend Is a Friend, A’, 381, 402

Fry, Stephen, 450

Fuller, Rachel, 380
, 452, 456, 457–60, 462–64, 467, 469–71, 473–74, 477, 485, 488, 494, 497–99

Furnish, David, 455


Gabriel, Peter, 382, 450

Gabriel (char.), 411, 416, 418, 433, 471

Garfunkel, Art, 325

Gaye, Marvin, 89, 333–34, 470

Geier, Liz, 419–20, 421

Geldof, Bob, 373–74, 489, 496

(Mercer), 82

Genesis, 378

Genet, Jean, 369

George VI, King of England, 18

Gerry and the Pacemakers, 54

Gesang der Jünglinge
, 85

‘Getting in Tune’, 215, 216

‘Ghost in Your Room’, 380

Gibb, Maurice, 488

Gilbert, Doug, 198

Gilbert, Geoff, 324

Gilbert, Ron, 110

Giles, Laurent, 413, 425

Gilmour, David, 327, 378, 496

Giltrap, Gordon, 318

‘Glass Household, The’, 411, 413, 415

Glitter, Gary, 450

‘Glittering Girl’, 110, 130

Goderson, Nick, 447, 464, 487, 488, 499, 500

God Man, The
(Purdom), 110, 140

‘Going Fishing’, 144

‘Going Mobile’, 215

Goldberg, Whoopi, 405

Golding, Anne, 371

Golding, William, 369, 371

Goldman, Albert, 182

Goldsmith, Harvey, 171, 314, 450

Goon Show, The
, 29–30

Gorden, Helmut, 66, 68, 73

Gordian Knot Untied
, 83, 348–49

‘Go to the Mirror’, 269

Graduate, The
, 459

Graham, Alex, 10, 42

Graham, Bill, 117, 118, 172, 173–74, 183, 195–97, 280, 289, 322–23, 327, 335, 343, 345

Grant, Keith, 234

Grateful Dead, 298

‘Gratis Amatis’, 101

Gray, Barry, 58

Grease Band, 169

Grech, Rick, 243

Green, Mickey, 54

‘Green Onions’, 53, 61, 75

‘Greyhound Girl’, 215

Griffiths, Rod, 39

, 161, 486

, 72

Gysin, Brion, 368


Haft, Lionel, 428

Hair, The 60

Haley, Bill, 35, 36, 37

Hall, Henry, 25

Hall, Jerry, 349, 446, 469, 489, 496

Hamill, Pete, 436

Hamilton, Richard, 345

(Shakespeare), 261

Hamlyn, Mr, 43–44

‘Happy Jack’, 99–100

Hardin, Tim, 266

Hardy, Oliver, 13

Harlech, Lord, 238, 243

Harrington, Wendell, 427

Harrison, George, 116, 265–66, 476

Harrison, Pattie, 116, 265–66

Hart, John, 437–38

Havens, Richie, 125–26

‘Hawker, The’, 158, 265

‘Heartbreak Hotel’, 36

‘Heart Condition’, 495

Heath, Ted, 26

‘Heatwave’, 101

‘Heavy Metal’, 381

Heinlin, Robert, 124, 127

Helvin, Marie, 349–50

Hendrix, Jimi, 63, 67, 103, 108–9, 111, 113, 115–16, 118–20, 124, 134, 148, 188, 191, 254, 370, 430

Herd, 129, 191

Herman’s Hermits, 122, 124, 126, 129, 133, 134–35

Hidley, Tom, 215

High, Ray (char.), 416, 418, 422, 428

High Numbers, 70

Hilburn, Robert, 256

Hilfiger, Tommy, 423

Hockney, David, 345

Hoffman, Abbie, 163, 180–81, 183, 252

Hoffman, Dustin, 459

Hogan, Peter, 317

Hogg, Michael Lindsay, 153

Holiday, Billie, 89

Hollies, 112

Holly, Buddy, 54

Holmes, Sherlock, 333

Hooker, John Lee, 56, 57, 75, 85, 395, 397

Hopalong Cassidy, 13

‘Hope and Glory’, 392

Hope-Evans, Peter, 351, 378, 428

Hopkins, John ‘Hoppy’, 106, 212

Hopkinson, Tom, 140

Horse’s Neck
(Townshend), 370, 372

‘Hot and Anxious’, 10

Houison, Rod, 234–35

‘Hound Dog’, 36

‘How Can You Do It Alone’, 343

Howlin’ Wolf, 56, 70, 294

Hughes, Carol, 387

Hughes, Ted, 369, 381, 385, 387–88, 390, 395, 418, 425, 433, 467

Hunger, The
, 358

‘Hush, Hush, Hush! Here Comes the Bogeyman’, 25

, 454

Hustvedt, Siri, 424

Huxley, Aldous, 203

Hynde, Chrissie, 319, 381


‘I Believe My Own Eyes’, 424

‘I Can See for Miles’, 93, 107, 126, 129, 130, 133, 135

‘I Can’t Explain’, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82, 362

‘I Can’t Help (Falling in Love with You)’, 477

‘I Can’t Reach You’, 130

Idle, Eric, 304

Idol, Billy, 299, 404

Iggy Pop, 163

Ike (friend), 355, 358

‘I Love My Dog’, 112

‘I’m a Boy’, 99

‘I’m a Man’, 3

‘I’m Free’, 158, 181

‘I’m Gonna Wash that Man Right out of My Hair’, 26

In Crowd, 89

, 469

‘I Need You’, 100

In Our Lifetime
, 334

In the Attic
, 494, 497

‘In the Ether’, 495, 497

Irani, Adi K., 291–92, 315

Irani, Mani, 291, 421

Irani, Sarosh, 233

Iron Giant
, 440, 462, 467

Iron Man, 388, 397, 407, 433

Iron Man, The
, 381–82, 384, 387, 390–91, 393–97, 402–3, 411, 415, 418–19, 422, 424, 432, 434, 435, 438, 440, 442, 467, 494

It’s Hard
, 358, 497

‘It’s In You’, 351

‘It Was You’, 58

I Used to Be an Animal—But I’m All Right Now
(Burdon), 369

Ivy League, The, 76

‘I Want to Take You Higher’, 179


Jagger, Bianca, 228

Jagger, Mick, 53, 59, 60, 88, 109, 116, 152–54, 228, 281, 304, 306, 347, 349, 446, 469, 476, 489

Jailhouse Rock
, 36

Jam, The, 339, 344

James, Dick, 58

James, P. D., 369

James (Emma’s boyfriend), 402

James Gang, 199, 201, 348

Jan (Barney’s girlfriend), 53, 68, 71, 254

Jarrett, Keith, 107, 111

Jason (driver), 270

Jefferson Airplane, 148

‘Jenny’ (counselling subject), 484–86

Jethro Tull, 153

Jimmy (char.), 241, 246, 250, 253, 342, 375, 376, 450

Jimmy Smith Organ Grinder’s Swing, 89

Joanne (Joss’s secretary), 367

John, Elton, 263, 264, 352, 354, 404, 455, 467, 476

Johnny Kidd and the Pirates, 54, 112

Johns, Glyn, 54, 59, 153, 220–22, 247, 292, 302, 319, 357, 359

‘Join My Gang’, 103, 380

Jones, Brian, 53, 59, 91, 153–54, 176

Jones, Jan, 320

Jones, Kenney, 263, 310, 312–13, 316, 318, 320, 322, 340, 345–46, 357

Jones, Mick, 316

Jones, Paul, 142

Jones, Tom, 302

‘Jools and Jim’, 319

Joplin, Janis, 177, 179

Josh (char.), 471

Joss, Nicola, 365, 367, 413, 423, 427, 436, 478

Joys and Sorrows
(Casals), 344


Kalchuri, Bhau, 492

Kamen, Michael, 437, 467

Kameron, Pete, 210, 214, 300–301

Kander and Ebb, 427

Kathy (friend), 285–87

Katie (Lane’s partner), 244

Kawakubo, Rei, 447–48

Keegan, Shelagh, 433

Keen, Speedy, 132, 176

Kelley, Mike, 263

Kent, Matt, 464, 468

Khan, Inayat, 204, 207

Kick Horns, 378

Kidd, Johnny, 54

Kids Are Alright, The
, 304, 305, 313

‘Kids Are Alright, The’, 83, 445

King, David, 132

King Crimson, 201

Kinks, 60, 62, 73, 75, 76, 112, 164, 191, 283, 370, 408

Kirk, Robert, 429

Kirk, Roland, 169–70, 501

Kisoon, Katie, 428

Kiss of the Spider Woman
, 426

Kitaj, Ron, 345

Kitt, Eartha, 23

Klein, Allen, 95, 97, 98, 113, 154, 300–301, 302

Kooper, Al, 125

Korner, Alexis, 53

Kraftwerk, 339

Kramer, Eddie, 109

Krieger, Marilyn, 486

Krishna, Hare, 266

Kunz, Greg, 405

Kurzweil, Ray, 379


Labanowski, John, 428

LaBelle, Patti, 216, 404

Lambert, Constant, 73, 348

Lambert, Kit, 72–73, 75–78, 79, 81–82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94–95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 110, 117, 126, 130, 132–34, 144, 146, 151, 156–58, 160–61, 165, 191, 195–96, 202, 210–12, 214–18, 220, 225–26, 228, 249, 252
, 253–54, 259–60, 262, 268
, 275, 279, 293, 300–301, 304, 347–48, 360, 398

Lambert, Terence, 73

Lamia, Mary, 486

Lane, Ronnie, 138, 141, 152, 160, 201, 244, 247, 276, 292, 296–97, 309, 477

Lane, Susie, 160

Langford, Bonnie, 349

Langston, Cy, 131

Langtry, Lily, 110

‘Larry the Lonely Cowboy’, 380

Lasley, David, 348

Lateef, Yusef, 112

Launderettes, 362

Laura, 457–58

Laurel, Stan, 13

Laurel and Hardy, 13

Law, Don, 169

Law, Roger, 132

‘Layla’, 244, 265

Leadbelly, 56

Led Zeppelin, 96, 173, 183, 188, 398

Leibovitz, Annie, 300

Leigh, Vivien, 472

Lemper, Ute, 452, 453

Lennon, John, 136, 153–54, 335, 348

Lennon, Julian, 335

Lennon, Sean, 335

Lennox, Annie, 381

Lesley (Mod fan), 145

‘Let My Love Open the Door’, 315, 319, 331

‘Let’s See Action’, 215

Levison, Charles, 365

Lewis, Andre, 216

Lewis, Harry, 9

Leyla (char.), 471

, 140

, 202–4, 206–7, 210–11, 213–14, 216, 217, 220–22, 225, 229, 235, 242, 253, 307, 325, 329, 375, 385, 389, 411, 418, 422, 442, 462, 463, 466–67, 469, 471–72, 483, 500

Lifehouse Chronicles
, 471

‘Life to Life’, 377

Lightnin’ Hopkins, 56

‘Limousine, The’ (Townshend), 389

Linda (Mod fan), 145

Linscott, Jody, 348, 351, 378

Lion King, The
, 467

Lister, David, 469

, 273, 277

Little, Carlo, 67

‘Little Is Enough, A’, 315, 319

Little Richard, 400

Live at Leeds
, 187, 188, 192, 194–95, 199, 224–25

Lloyd, Charles, 107

Locke, Patricia, 86

Logan, Nick, 347

London, Julie, 56

London Symphony Orchestra, 234

Lone Ranger
, 341

Long, Bob, 489

, 13

Lord of the Flies
(Golding), 371

Loss, Joe, 26

‘Love Ain’t for Keeping’, 215

‘Love Hurts’, 86, 403

‘Love in Limbo Land’, 380

‘Love Is an Emergency’, 380

‘Love Is Strange’, 86

‘Love Me Tender’, 36

Low, Andy Fairweather, 357, 428

Lowenstein, Richard, 374–75

Lowenthal, Sara, 471

Lucas, George, 406

Lulu, 73–74

Lumkin, Tony, 379

Lynn, Vera, 9

Lyons, Jack, 80


McAnuff, Des, 416, 418–19, 426, 427, 434, 437–38, 442–43, 445, 462, 467

McAnuff, Susie, 426

Macauley, Mark, 349

McCartney, Heather, 475

McCartney, Linda, 463

McCartney, Paul, 49, 99, 109, 116, 318, 374, 463, 475

McCollom, Kevin, 454–55

McCrum, Robert, 364, 368, 370–71, 390, 411, 462

McDevitt, Chas, 38

McDonald, Ken, 368

McGhee, Brownie, 56

McInnerney, Katie, 110, 139, 160, 304

McInnerney, Mike, 110, 138–39, 140, 160–61, 162, 165, 202, 304

Mackintosh, Cameron, 307

McLagan, Ian (Mac), 254

McLaughlin, John, 52

Macmillan, Harold, 340

Madness, 339, 350

Madonna, 404, 432

Magical Mystery Tour
, 127, 136

Magic Bus: The Who on Tour
, 184

‘Magic Bus’, 88, 89, 148, 429

Malone, Will, 234, 348

Mamas and Papas, 119

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