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Authors: Lisa Oliver

When No Doesn't Cut It (15 page)

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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Scott looked at him a moment, probably stunned by the
word ‘please,’ which was so not a part of Damien’s vocabulary.  Damien could see the lust in the man’s eyes, his flared nostrils and his swollen lips. Nodding, Scott dropped his hands from Damien’s back and stepped back, stripping off his muscle shirt, kicking off his boots and dropping his jeans.  Still watching Damien closely, Scott turned and braced his hands on the wall by the door of their apartment, spreading his legs and arching his back, presenting his ass for Damien’s pleasure.

Damien thought he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life and he had had his share of pretty men.  Scott wasn’t pretty.  He was
almost boyishly handsome, but his muscular build left you in no doubt he was all man.  His strong back muscles flexed as he positioned himself and Damien promised himself that sometime real soon he was going to map each and every one of those muscles with his tongue. 

But right now
Damien was swamped with a more urgent need and he quickly stripped off his shirt and opened up his jeans, fishing for the lube packet he had in his pocket. He found his fingers were shaking as he struggled to open the packet and he hurriedly coated a couple of fingers, wiping the rest on his cock.  Damien needed so badly he could hardly breathe.  Barely taking the time to prep his mate, Damien plunged in as soon as he could - a solid hard thrust that had Scott falling against the wall for a moment. Scott straightened out his arms again, his hips held firm in Damien’s grasp, and used his strength to push back against his mate, providing Damien with the perfect angle to delve in deeper still.

He had honestly never felt anything like it.  For Damien
, it seemed like every time he and his mate came together like this, it just got better. The way Scott’s body gripped him and caressed his cock, blowing Damien’s patented control and rendering him into a rutting animal.  Whenever he got near the man, Damien wanted him with an intensity that both frightened and thrilled him.  Frightened him, because it was unknown, but thrilling because this was permanent.  Scott wasn’t just a one-time fuck, or a sub on his roster.  Scott was his, and after the day Damien had just had, he realized he was owned just as completely by his mate.

at realization had Damien slowing his punishing thrusts.  Suddenly, it seemed really important that Scott get something out of this connection too, so as Damien settled into a more sensual rhythm with his hips, he leaned his chest forward so it rested lightly on Scott’s back.  From this position Damien could lick up his mate’s neck, nibble his ear lobe, mouth his way around Scott’s chin, and then clumsily take the man’s lips.  Lips that were still swollen, and urging Damien to take him harder, faster. 

Hands slid from Scott’s hips and roamed over his sides, chest and abs before dropping to Scott’s cock that was a solid piece of leaking steel.
Scott dropped his head back onto Damien’s shoulder as Damien gripped him and started to manipulate his cock with firm, sure strokes.  When Damien felt his own orgasm building, he increased the speed of his hand, determined his mate would finish with him.

Damien could feel it.  His orgasm building.  Starting with a tingle of awareness that grew and spread down Damien’s back and around to his balls, making Damien’
s own hole clench with a need that Damien was aware of, but dismissed for now.  The ache in his balls grew as they started to draw up towards his cock.  He could feel his whole body was primed, his thrusts getting more erratic.  He was so close to that moment of absolute bliss.  Nerves singing, balls tingling, glistening with sweat, Damien thrust and thrust again, pushing himself and Scott towards the inevitable. 

When he couldn’t take it any more, when Damien felt as though his whole body would just fly apart, he nuzzled Scott’s mating mark and then bit down, setting off a chain reacti
on.  Scott’s body arched, his ass muscles clenched down hard on the cock buried deep inside him, and his cock spurted, his cries signifying his own utter relief and pleasure at his release.  And all of that - the sounds, the smells, and the sheer heaven of being encased in his mate, was enough to trigger Damien’s own orgasm and he came hard, long and loudly - an orgasm that was ripped through his whole body and left him feeling drained and completely whole.

Wrapping his arms around Scott’s chest to help keep him upright, Damien maneuvered them both to the couch, not letting go until he had gotten Scott safely settled.  Then he hurried to the bathroom for a wash cloth and came back to clean them both up.  He tenderly wiped down Scott’s chest and abdomen that were sprayed with spunk.  He carefully ran the cloth over Scott’s puffy red
asshole, which was still quivering, before running the cloth over his own cock and balls. 

Satisfied they were both clean enough for now, Damien sat down next to Scott and pulled the man into his arms, nuzzling his neck, sniffing his hair and just reveling in the closeness.  Scott chuckled quietly
causing Damien to lift his head long enough to ask, “What’s so amusing my lover?”

“You,” Scott chortled.
“Where’s the Alpha Damien, and what have you done with him.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Damien said as he buried his nose into his mate’s hair again.  He wondered if he could get his mate to grow it longer.  He could imagine how wonderful it would feel to brush his abs as Scott gave him a blow job…or he could wrap it around his hand as he fucked Scott from behind.  Better yet he could do as he was doing now, burying his nose into the curls at the base of Scott’s neck
, loving the softness and the smell that was unique to his mate.

“Damien, you are nuzzling me,” Scott said the laughter still evident in his voice.
“Alpha Damien does not nuzzle.”

“Are you complaining,” Damien said
, as he found that spot right behind Scott’s ear and started to suck up a mark.  Yes, this was good.  Marking his mate so even humans knew he was taken.  Scott groaned and tilted his head to give Damien more access.

No, no.  It’s just…” Scott hastened to assure him and then broke off as Damien left that mark with a satisfied lick and moved across an inch to start the process all over again. Mmm, his mate’s skin tasted so delicious.  Now if he could just keep Scott distracted long enough, he could create a whole collar of hickeys.

“Just what, my precious,” Damien growled as he moved onto his next spot.  This one down a bit
, and deliciously close to the dip in Scott’s throat. Scott moaned as Damien’s teeth latched on to the sensitive skin on his neck and his hand reached up to fist itself in Damien’s hair, holding the man closer as he threw his head back.

“This is a bit far removed…ugh that feels so good…from your typical image…” Scott panted out
, as his hand tightened in Damien’s hair preventing him from moving around the back of Scott’s neck to start the process on the other side.  “Although,” he continued, as Damien tried to move his head, “trying to give your mate a collar of hickeys is more in line with your Alpha image.”

“How…”  Damien looked puzzled.  Scott laughed and tapped his head and Damien clicked.  That was the reason he felt so whole.  His mate had dropped his mind shields and knew what Damien had been doing the whole time.  Snorting
, he wrapped his arms tighter around his mate and went back to breathing in his hair.

“I didn’t see you try and stop me,” he said
in a huff.

Scott laughed
again and Damien thought he could really get to love that sound.  “It’s called compromise, my mate.  You get half a neck, and” Scott continued with a glint in his eye, “I may be inclined to do the same thing to you.”

“You wouldn’t.” O
h yes, the Damien growl was back.

“You’ve got to sleep sometime,
” Scott promised him.


Chapter Eighteen

The two men spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on the couch simply enjoying being together, talking and making out.  Damien told Scott how proud he was of the way he had handled Phillip
, and how Madison appeared to have become Scott’s biggest fan, which Scott thought was hilarious.  But when Damien mentioned about Scott working in the bar, Scott pulled away and stood up, retrieving his jeans from the floor.  When he had got them on, he went back to sitting on the couch, but this time he sat beside Damien rather than across him and Damien sensed this was not a good time to push his mate.

“If I don’t work in the bar
, then what am I supposed to do with my time?”  Scott asked.  “You’re obviously a workaholic and I just can’t sit around the apartment all day.  Malacai made it plain that if I leave the premises, then I need to take a minimum of two enforcers with me and while I get all that, it does kind of limit my choices in how I fill my day.”

To his credit
, Damien didn’t just laugh off Scott’s concern, but seemed to take the question seriously.  “Well firstly, I do think I need to cut down on my work a bit, but,” he said as he saw the look of incredulity cross Scott’s face, “also I think you could be a lot of help to me both in the club and for the pack.”

“You wouldn’t let me do anything.” 

There was no accusation in Scott’s voice.  He was just making a statement of fact and Damien realized that up until that moment his mate was right.  Damien spent so much time doing everything himself, he rarely let anyone else make decisions, or do any of the millions of jobs Damien seemed to be responsible for. 

But when Scott had sent that blond sub to Damien’s office, instead of coming to see him himself, Damien realized that Shawn’s words
from earlier that morning were true.  Scott was strong enough to walk away from their mating if he felt he didn’t have a chance of happiness with his mate.  And for Scott to be happy, Damien needed to make some serious changes to the way he led his life.  He considered his next words carefully.

I’ve always had to do things myself,” he said quietly, reaching over and taking Scott’s hand in his.  “I’ve run this pack for more than 100 years and this club for almost as long.  In the beginning I did things myself because I didn’t have anyone else to help me out.”

“But you have people in your pack you trust now, right?”

Nodding, Damien said, “Yes I do but some old habits are hard to break.  I have relied on myself my whole life.  Do you know how I became Alpha of this pack?”  Scott shook his head.

“I was a lone wolf,” Damien started.  “I don’t remember my parents.  As far as I could find out my whole pack, including my parents were all killed when I was around ten years of age.  I don’t know why I survived or why I am still here.  It was only the fact that I had started shifting early that accounts for me still breathing today.  All I remember is
, I woke up one day, in a forest, alone and in wolf form.”  He looked across at Scott who was listening intently.

“I didn’t even realize I was a shifter until I met another wolf and that was probably
four or five years later.  I had been wandering all of that time - aware I was missing something, but having no idea what it was.  Roman, the guy who found me, said that subconsciously I was looking for my family and my pack, but we never found out who they were, or what happened to them.”

Scott moved in closer to Damien and put his head on Damien’s shoulder.  He didn’t say anything
, but Damien could feel the comfort and support his mate was offering him through their mind link. That simple caring gesture broke down another part of the wall that Damien had kept erected over his heart since he was 20 years old.

“Anyhow,” he
continued. “Ramon was the Alpha of this pack.  He took me in and raised me as though I was his son.  I stayed with him for more than twenty years until he got too old to run the pack anymore.  I found out I was gay about the time I came into this pack, but you have to remember that this was more than 100 years ago, and being with another male was not only considered unnatural, it was also illegal in most fledgling states.”

Damien looked at Scott who was still listening.  “That must have been so hard,” Scott said.  “Not only having to adjust to pack life and the knowledge that you didn’t know where you came from, but also having to hide what is such a crucial part of who you are.”

“It’s why I started the club,” Damien said quietly.  “Back when it started it was more like a gentleman’s club.  It was male only, which was not only acceptable back then, it was encouraged.  It was understood that within the walls of the club men could give into their desires without fear of reprisals.  It was membership only, very underground and nothing like the club we have today.”

“So how did you become Alpha?” Scott asked.

“I challenged Ramon and won,” Damien said flatly, the topic obviously difficult to talk about.  But through their mind link Scott could see the old wolf getting sicker and his continual begging for Damien to challenge him so that he could die with honor the way an old wolf would.   But Ramon was the closest thing to a father Damien had ever had and he put it off for months, until finally Ramon threatened to take his own life if Damien wouldn’t step forward.

“Oh Damien,
you had to do it,” Scott said softly. “Ramon trusted you with his pack and that is such a huge honor.  And I know you must have done something right as Alpha - you only have to look at the size of your pack.”

“I know,” Damien said roughly
. “But it was still a really hard thing to do. and I think I grew up the day I took over the pack.  But my whole life, its like, I’m so worried that if I don’t do something myself, then it won’t get done right.  I have so many responsibilities, so many people depending on me to make the right decisions.  There are times when I can’t think straight with all that is going on around me.”

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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