When Karma Comes To Call (15 page)

BOOK: When Karma Comes To Call
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“Long time, no see, Karma.”

Chase steps away from the wall and grabs me at the elbow, steadying me.

“Where’s Duff?” I ask, knowing instantly he’d never let me walk into this blindsided.

“Detained, but not hurt.”

“What do you want?” I say.

“To have a chat.”

He has me over a barrel and he knows it. I won’t risk pissing him off and having Duff hurt.

“All right,” I say.

“K, you don’t have to—”

“Yes, I do. Let’s go to the green room.”

“That’s better. Aren’t you happy to see your old man?” he purrs.

I bite my tongue. He looks good for a man just out. His hair is freshly faded, and it’s clear he lifted while he was in. The tailor made suit fits him perfectly, and his alligator shoes are worth more than I just made performing. I grab Chase’s hand and squeeze. She meets my gaze and I give the barest shake of my head. He’s not someone you want to anger. I can guarantee my safety, I can’t say the same about anyone else. The walls shrink in around me as we walk to the dressing room. We step inside and I see Duff blocked in by five men. My stomach aches. His lip is busted, and a shiner is already forming. Closing the door I spin to face my father.

“What do you want, Dad?”

“You left me because you wanted a different life. I didn’t like or understand it. But when I saw you were serious, I respected it. Because you did what you needed to do to make it. There was never a time you came crawling back to me. I was surprised, but proud. ’Cause it meant I did my job well when I raised you.”

“Dad, you just saw me perform. I’m chasing my dream. You know that.”

“Then what’s this bullshit I hear about you making a deal with the Dueling Devils? You seeing one of them, too. I’m not stupid, or blind to your activities.”

“I’m a grown ass women. I can do whatever the hell I want. I’m not under your roof or spending your money, so it shouldn’t matter.”

“You leave me, and I’m the bad guy, but they’re fine?” His nostrils flare.

I fight the urge to step back. I need to stand my ground or he’ll keep pressing me thinking I’ll fold.

“You’re my blood. Everything you do reflects on me.”

I want to run my mouth, but Arsen and I had a conversation about how this should go. “Then you’ll have to take it up with my old man. They call him Slayer. You may have heard of him.”

“Jesus, when you fuck up, you go all out, don’t you?” he asks.

“I don’t see it that way,” I say softly.

“Damn, you drank their Kool-Aid. I’m disappointed. I thought you were better than this. You tell me you want to get out of the life, and then you get in bed with a MC? You think he’s always going to treat you good?” He sneers.

Better than you ever treated Mom.
I bite my tongue.
This isn’t my place. I need to stay in my lane.

“Can’t even speak for yourself anymore? I thought you said you weren’t going to become your mother.”

I flinch as if I was slapped. “You son of a bitch.”

“Careful what you say to me. Wouldn’t want to upset your old man.”

I ball my hands into fists. “You wanted to see me. You did, now how about you leave?”

“This isn’t over. Me and Slayer are going to have a lengthy conversation.”

I stare at the wall over his shoulder. This is what he does, turns people into objects. How I didn’t see it growing up is beyond me. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep silent. I refuse to let the asshole know just how much he rattled me.

“Let’s go boys,” he says. I can see Tommy isn’t with him for this run, and I can’t help but be thankful for that. I’ve never wanted to be on the opposite side of the man I look to as a sibling. I watch as the group in black suits back away from Duff, and follow my father outside of the room.

“I’m sorry, K. I let you down.” He bows his head.

“No, this isn’t on you. He came at you heavy. I didn’t see it coming, and fighting back would’ve lead to you being hurt worse.

“We have to tell Arsen now,” Chase states.

“Wait till we get home. There’s nothing he can do now, and I don’t want to be stuck here waiting for the cavalry to arrive.”

“Can’t do that, K,” Duff responds.

“Tell him I didn’t give you a choice.” I rush over, grab my purse from the dressing table, and run outside with both of them behind me.

“You know you’re going to make this worse,” Chase calls after me.

“How can it be? He’s going to flip his shit.” I rush outside, thankful for the cool air that greets me. It’s petty to give Duff shit like this. But I need a chance to gather my thoughts before I deal with a pissed off Arsen. He’ll want to hide me away like some princess in a tower, and I don’t have the time for that. I’m regaining trust, and recording a new album. The stoic man and the blonde temptress have become my muse. The words spill from me.

I feel like a kid crashing from a sugar high. I’m mentally done, and my body is shaky. I had no decompression time.

“The fuck, Karma? You trying to get me killed? Let’s go to the car and get you home,“ Duff says.

Chase snakes an arm around my waist. “I got you, Kay, let’s just get to the car.”

I force myself to walk, but my brain is short circuiting. After all this time, he’s still trying to control my life. I’ll never really be free of him. I worry about what that could mean for Arsen and the Dueling Devils.


“What the hell happened?” Arsen asks, stalking toward us as we walk through the door.

I peer up at him. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry, babe?” He narrows his eyes.

I shake my head. There are too many things to list. My veins itch. This is when I’d use to numb out. I thumb nose and miss the rush.

“The hell. Are you high? Did you let her fucking snort up?” Arsen asks. His voice has gone soft and deadly.

“Hell no. Her dad came by with his friends and freaked her right out,” Duff explains.

“Why am I just now hearing about it?” 

Chase gazes at me, begging me to understand with her eyes. “It’s not his fault, Ar. We just wanted to get her home. That took top priority.”

Arsen cups my jaw. “Babe, look at me.”

I blink and struggle to focus.

“Whatever he said to you, forget it. I’m going to take care of you. The Dueling Devils have your back. You’re family.”

“I-I don’t want to c-cause trouble.”

“Fuck that shit, babe. You’re letting the past control you. It’s what he wants. Don’t give him the satisfaction. You try to pull away from me over this bullshit and I’m going to lose my temper. I’m trying to be diplomatic. But I have no problems going to all his places and burning that shit down. I won’t have you scared, and I’m real good at getting my point across.”

“No, don’t do that. Please. I don’t want blood shed on my behalf.”

“But I would and you’re worth it. You know that, right? You’re worthy of a man going to war for you.”

I duck my head, unable to hold his intense gaze. I don’t want to be put on a pedestal. I know I’ll fall off of and shatter. I lick my lips and press my palms to his chest. Tension riddles his body.

“I don’t want this. I have enough blood on my hands. He wants to talk to you. Set it up with Demon, and please keep your head. I need you to be Slayer right now, not Arsen.”

He slow blinks and peers down at me.

“All right. For now I’ll be Slayer. Go get settled in. I’m going to talk with Demon.”

I eye him suspiciously.

“Now, Karma.”

His voice is cold and commanding. He’s in Slayer mode. I turn away from him and grab Chase’s hand. In so many ways, she’s my anchor. She understands this world far better than I, and has no problem speaking frankly.

“It’s not you, babe, you know that. He’s just in work mode. You have to let him take care of you. He knows what to do. I know you’re scared. Your father’s been in control your entire life. But you’re Dueling Devils now and that means you’re free to do as you please. He has no hold over you.”

“You don’t know my father,” I whisper as we make our way into my room.

“No, I know Arsen,” Chase replies.




Chapter Eleven


I sit back and watch Jeff Good enter the room. He’s got a slippery look about him. Dressed from head to toe in a black suit that cost more than most people make in a month, and slick shoes, he stands out like a sore thumb among the rest of the men. The men who file in behind him are miniature copies. I spot the blond Karma mentioned kindly.
She says there was never a spark, but I’m not taking chances. It’s just me, Demon, and Lefty inside the office, but everyone close by is hanging around the club. We want to make a strong impression on ole Jeff. His hair is cropped close to his head, and his eyes are the same brown as his daughter’s. They both have the same medium brown skin-tone, and there the similarities stop. He brings Tommy inside the space with him and tells his other carbons to wait outside.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Good?” Demon inquires.

“You have something that belongs to me. I want it back,” Jeff replies.

“Funny. I can’t think of one thing you own that we have shit to do with.” Demon’s face has turned hard.

I grind my teeth, careful to keep my expression blank.

“Let’s just cut to the chase. My daughter does not belong with you or to you,” Jeff says.

“She’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions. You were nowhere to be found when someone was trying to murder her. So now that
took her in and kept her safe, all your words are no more than noise,” Demon responds.

“Do you know who I am, boy?” Jeff spits.

Demon leans forward in his chair. “Boy? I think you need to remember where you are and who you’re talking to. I know who you are. Why you think I care is the confusing part. Karma isn’t some piece of ass, visiting the club house. She’s an old lady. That means she’s family and ours to protect. Tough shit if this isn’t the life path you envisioned for her.”

Jeff grits his teeth. “She’s better than this.”

“Oh so now you’re insulting me and my brothers to our face?” Demon asks. He laughs. “Not as smart as I heard you were, Good.”

“That girl has brains and talent, and you know it,” Jeff growls.

Demon leans forward. “Yeah we do, which is why we’re backing her
career. Way I hear it you want to groom her to take over the uh …
business. Which one of us would be wasting her talents?”

“You son of a bitch. Don’t sit her and presume to judge me. You keep your family close and I’m trying to do the same,” Jeff says.

Demon glances over at me and gives a small nod.

“No, you bailed on her, expecting her to come crawling back. When she didn’t you left her out there alone. Your quarrel isn’t with this club, it’s with me. I’m her old man, and trust me, I’m more than ready to settle this thing one-on-one,” I say.

“You think you could handle me?” Jeff asks, obviously amused.

“You must not have done your detail. My boy here is what you’d call a specialist. Even fresh out the pen, he’d decimate you,” Demon states, grinning broadly.

“They call me Slayer,” I say.

His eyes widen and I see the respect laced with a bit of fear appear in his pupils.
That’s right, fucker. I’d kill you as soon as look at you. He didn’t know who I was until now. Sometimes it’s good to have your reputation proceed you.

“You think that little bitch is worth all this trouble? You willing to go to war over pussy?” Jeff hisses.

My jaw ticks and I turn to Demon. “Pres.”

“Do what you gotta do, brother,” Demon says.

I explode from the chair, grab him by the neck, and slam his head into the wall before his boys out front can do shit.

Lefty pulls his gun. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, fellows. I got an itchy trigger finger, and this is between them. No need for us all to get involved. It could get real ugly.”

“See, I don’t give a fuck who you are. No one talks about my old lady like that. You couldn’t be bothered with her before. So let’s keep it that way. If she wants to talk to you, she’ll call. Otherwise you can forget about her. I know men like you. They threaten and isolate. I so much as catch you looking at her from across the street and I’ll kill you. If you don’t believe me, test me and find out.” A strangled sound leaves his throat. “What’s that? You can’t answer because you’re seconds from passing out?” I remove my choke hold and step back. He collapses against the wall, greedily gulping down air.

“You made the wrong choice,” Jeff gasps.

“We making threats?” Demon clucks his tongue. “Now how can I, in good conscious, let you walk out of here after you just promised to fuck with my establishment?”

“Not your club, just him,” Jeff explains.

Bring it, motherfucker.
“I think I hurt his feelings, P,” I say, laughing.

Jeff spears me with a steely glare. “You won’t be laughing soon.”

“You know the rules, Jeff. You fuck with one you fuck with us all. I was hoping we could do this some other way,” Demon says, shaking his head.

A gun cocks and I turn my head to stare at the blond with a deadly expression.

“You forgetting your place, boy?” Jeff asks.

“No, I’m claiming it. I watched you run this into the ground and make more enemies than friends. I pieced the organization back together while you were in and I patched up the damage you caused. You’re barely back and already fucking up. Then you want to go after, Karma? My sister in everything but blood. For what? To give her the title that’s rightfully mine? No.”

“They came to me and you sold me out for what? Some spare change?” Jeff roars.

Tommy smirks. “No, I came to them.” He pulls the trigger and Jeff’s body jerks as he’s riddled with bullets. “First rule in the game, never let your emotions or your ego overcome logic.”

I can see the pain and anger in Tommy’s eyes. The man thought long and hard on this.

“Well shit, didn’t see that coming,” I say.

Demon laughs. “Problem solved. Let’s get a cleaner in here. Go home and tell your old lady she has nothing to worry about.”

“You got this?” I ask, looking from Demon to Tommy. It feels wrong to leave with a mess like this in the office.

“We got it, brother,” Lefty says.

“All right. Non-disclosure?”

“Your old lady, you decide,” Demon says, which means he trusts her enough to make the call about what she should and shouldn’t know.

“Okay.” I step out of the room and walk to my dorm, thinking about what I’m going to say. It’s always best to be straight up, but this has orphaned her. I run my hands through my hair. The guilt she carries from her mother already eats her alive. This shit might push her to the edge. I’m not good at emotional shit, but I know she needs to feel good and safe in the face of upheaval. I can handle that.


I walk inside and the girls rush over to greet me. I hug them both to me.

“You girls miss me or something?” I ask playfully. Between Karma’s schedule this week and my club business I barely saw them. I don’t like having Karma gone so much, but at least she’s with Duff and Chase.

“Maybe a little,” Karma says, pinching her forefinger and thumb together.

“Fishing for compliments, Ar? Didn’t think that was your style,” Chase teases.

The smirk on her lips makes me growl in the back of my throat. I nip her bottom lip and she squeaks and melts into me. “Both of you bitches have mouths that just ask to be filled all the time,” I whisper.

“Maybe that’s why we have smart mouths,” Karma says.

“And I love that shit, too.” I slap Karma’s ass and she moans.

“Go get the bed ready for us. I need to talk to Chase about some crap at work,” I instruct.

Karma grins, turns on her heel, and hurries down the hallway.

“What’s up? They need me back?” Chase asks.

I shake my head. “No, I just told her that. Had a meeting with her dad today.”

“Shit,” Chase whispers.

“Understatement. Shit went sideways. Her boy, Tommy, capped him, took over his business.”


“Yeah, you think you’re surprised. Turns out the kid set it up with Demon ahead of time. Her dad’s empire was on the rocks when he went in. The kid nursed it back to health, and I guess Jeff was about to fuck it up. He couldn’t have that. I’m going to tell her, but not yet. She’s still off from talking about her mother.”

“I know. She holds on to guilt that’s not her own. That shit was on her parents. She was the innocent caught in the middle.”

“True. But she can’t see it that way. She’s too close to it. I want to give her tonight to feel completely wanted and secure. Then tomorrow morning we’ll drop the bomb together and make sure she doesn’t go off the rails.”

“You think she might?” Chase asks.

“Yeah, babe. The last time she dealt with this, or didn’t deal with it I should say, she got strung out on coke. It was right after she lost her manager, Billie. Luckily, she has us, so maybe it won’t be too bad. But I’m a planner.”

“All right. I’m in.”

I smooth her blonde hair away from her face and lean in to kiss her. She tilts her head, deepening the kiss and I moan. Every day she gives more of herself over to our relationship. I wrap my arm around her, press her to my body, and palm her ass. She rocks her hips against me and I suck on her tongue. Breaking for air, I brush my lips across her cheek. “Are you ready to rock K’s world?”

“Always,” Chase purrs.

“Tomorrow night I’ll be all about you,” I promise.

She tilts her head back and smiles up at me. “This is why you’re the best relationship I’ve ever been in. Even though you split your attention between two of us, when you’re with one of us you’re fully there, and you consider everyone’s feelings. I was skeptical about this whole thing at first. I’m a bit gun shy of anything serious, and then you both absorbed me into your reality.”

“Is that a good thing, baby girl?” I ask.

“I think it’s the best thing. Ever,” she whispers.

I offer up a real smile. “Yeah, I think so, too.” I pat her ass. “Come on, let’s get in there and see what Karma has set up.”

The lights are dimmed and candles flicker on the shelves she has hung up around the room.

“Looks like our girl did it up for us, Chase,” I say. My eyes adjust to the dimness and my cock goes rock hard. Karma is laying in the middle of the black satin sheets wearing nothing but a smirk. Her curves are painted by candlelight, and her skin is begging me to touch it.

“Then we can’t disappoint her.”

Chase slips out of my oversized T-shirt and crawls onto the bed with a grace that steals my breath. Karma leans up and their lips meet. The passion between them fills the room and makes me burn. There’s a beauty in the way they touch with such softness and care. It’s a gentleness I want to be a part of, but find myself afraid to run. I’m a harsh man with a heavy hand. Half the time I don’t know what they’re doing with me. Mesmerized by the love I see flowing between them so openly, I remain at the foot of the bed. Karma moans and Chase deepens the kiss, clearly the aggressor. I like that about her. They’re both fierce in their own ways.

Chase pulls away, turns to me, and holds out her hand. Karma follows suit, and I feel something inside of me shift. I quickly shed my clothing and join them on the bed. I bury myself not just in Karma’s body but in the affection and comfort they offer so willingly. I have a place to belong here away from the club. This is my tribe.



I wake deliciously achy and warm. Sandwiched between Arsen and Chase I’m in heaven. Chase’s fingers wind around my wild curls and Arsen rubs his morning wood into my ass. I press back against him and moan.

“Mmm. Morning, lovers,” I murmur.

I’m a flawed woman riddled with holes, but these two make me feel whole. Their strengths fill in the empty holes carved out by life and allow me to find happiness.

“Morning,” Chase whispers. She’s soft when she’s with us. Her guard is down and her energy level is set to cruise control. I like knowing we’re the only ones who see her like this. With her tough girl persona set aside, she’s completely different.

“K, we have to talk to you about something,” Arsen says.

He’s tone is serious. I sit up. “What happened?” Chase and Arsen exchange a look. “No, don’t do that. We don’t keep secrets.”

“It’s not a secret. It’s something we’re not sure how to tell you,” Arsen snaps. I can hear him straining to remain patient. I bite my tongue. It’s all about picking battles with him.

“Just tell me. The suspense is worse.”

“Your father’s gone, babe.”

“What?” I whip my head to the side to look at him. My neck protests the movement.

“What happened?” I ask, praying with everything in me he doesn’t tell me he shot him. I can’t handle any more blood on my hands. I still wake up in sweats from the two men, and my mother’s lonely departure from this world will forever be a weight around my neck.

“Tommy shot him.”

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