When Karma Comes To Call (11 page)

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“I see you did your time. But you’ve kept your nose clean. If I search your car will I find anything I shouldn’t?” Rusty asks.

“No, sir,” I say.

“We’ll see about that.” Rusty is playing the part of bad cop beautifully. He takes his time going through the car. Minutes stretch and eventually he gives up.

“I’m going to let you go, but we’ll meet again.” I remain silent as he uncuffs us and returns our information.

“You’d better keep your nose clean out there. We’re watching you. Word to the wise, Ms. Good, this isn’t the type of man you want to be around. They’ll drag you right down into the mud with them. “

“I’ll keep that in mind, sir.”

“See that you do,” Rusty says as he steps back. I start the car and pull off. I don’t speak until the cruiser is miles behind us.

“You did good back there, girl,” I say.

“What other choice did I have?” she asks.

Her comment cements her in my eyes. I’m all in with this.




The baggie is burning a hole in my pocket. I want to flush it down the toilet, but right now I’m stuck in a car. I never understood why they called it a cage until this moment. I roll down the window and let the wind blow my hair back. I nearly shit a break back there, but instincts took over. I’m a good liar. I was raised to be one. I lied about my home situations, and my daddy’s job. I lied about drugs, and hid them from the time I was old enough to understand. It’s fucked up and wrong, but it’s all I’ve known. Being brought back to that life is jarring.
Is this man worth it?
The question swirls in my head as we continue to drive. We pull into the clubhouse and I follow him out, feeling like a robot.

“You good?” Arsen asks.

“I’m solid,” I say.

“You’re awfully quiet.” 

“Brought up bad memories,” I remark with a shrug.

“I could get that. I just need to take this inside and talk business for a little bit.”


We enter the smoky room and I’m greeted by the now familiar sight of skanky looking women, brothers playing pool, drinking, and various other interesting forms of entertainment. Rock music blasts out of the stereo system. I feel numb. Like I got ambushed and forced into some rapid fire battle I wasn’t expecting. I follow behind him out of habit.

“Hey, I see Chase at the bar. Go hang with her while I take care of business, okay?”

I nod and weave my way through the crowd. It’s funny how comfortable I feel here. After all the time I spent and the way they saved my ass when they didn’t have to, I’ve come to trust this people.

“Hey, girl,” Chase says, offering up a smile.

“Hey,” I mumble, climbing onto the stool beside her.

She frowns. “Trouble in paradise?”

“I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, Chase.” Her eyebrows raise. “Something just happened that gave me a huge wake up call, you know?”

Chase nods. “Ahhh. It’s easy to forget how serious all of this is.”

“Too easy,” I say, thinking of all the blood Arsen must have on his hands by now.

“You want to talk about it?” Chase asks, searching my face with her gaze.

I think of the tiny square of substance in my pocket. I pull it out and set it on the bar.

“Karma?” Chase’s voice wavers and the concern comes through loud and clear.

“It’s not mine. I was holding it,” I whisper.

Her eyes widen and her lips form an O.

“Yeah. You can fill in the blanks I’m sure,” I say.

“Jesus, is he using?” she asks.

“No.” I shake my head. “Just … carrying.”

“Ahhh. Well, that’s something at least,” she replies softly. We lean close together, keeping our voices lowered.

“Yeah,” I mumble lamely.

“You’re wondering if it’s worth it now.”

“Why do you stay?” I ask, realizing I don’t know her story.

“It’s all I have left. They’re my family. My brother, Creeper, patched in here. I loved them. Club trusts me.” Her eyes darken and her body tenses. “I had a husband who liked to beat the living shit out of me and swore he’d kill me if I ever tried to leave him. I know they all say that, but he tried to make good on his word. The Devils stood by me when I needed it. I know how bad it can be out there alone.”

“Chase,” I whisper, uncertain what to say. She’s so capable, strong, and brash. I can’t imagine her ever giving away her power like the woman she’s describing.

“Hey, that’s who I was, not who I am now. It’s about making the best of the situations we find ourselves in. They have a lot to offer but only you can decide if that outweighs the risks that come with the life.” Chase wraps an arm around my shoulder and runs her hand down my arm. “No one’s asking you to choose right now.”

“But maybe I should. I’m supposed to be smarter this time around. Stupidity is what fucked my life up in the first place,” I say, soaking up her warmth. She brushes her lips against my forehead and I can’t help but relax. She has this silent strength to her that makes me feel safe. The way I do with Arsen.

“This shook you, didn’t it?” Chase asks.

“I promised myself I wouldn’t follow in my parents’ footsteps. I already failed on that front on one account. I don’t want to go two for two.“

“Babe, you are not your parents. My mom was like me, got knocked around, and stayed with the asshole for far longer than she should. You think I’m her because I feel into the same trap once?”

“No, you’re different, Chase.”

She chuckles. “Why?“

“Because you’re amazing, strong, and commanding. Whatever happened to you before has no bearings on who you are now. I …” my face heats, “I admire you.”

“Right back at you, beautiful. One thing I know for sure—you can’t let your past keep you from living in the present. It’ll eat you up. Best we can do is live for ourselves and the people we care about,” Chase says.

“Is that what you do?” I ask.

She removes her arm and laughs. I can see a river of sorrow in her eyes. “I try.” She takes a long draw of her beer. “My thing is to focus on pleasure and the moment. Because for far too long I had no joy, or happiness. Just a bleak existence I struggled to trudge through daily.” She pauses and runs her knuckles down the side of my face. “What happened to you?”

“Born under a bad sign? Mom was fifteen and my dad was a drug dealer. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out they weren’t going to have a happily ever after. As he climbed the ranks, he developed a pension for knocking her around. She had no skills, no one else to help her, and nowhere to run, so we stayed, and I watched as she died slowly and painfully from the inside out.”

“Jesus, did he … hurt you, too?” she whispers.

“No, and that was worse.” My voice cracks.

“Karma, my girl, we all have our gruesome tales. The trick is not to let it define us.”

“How is that even possible? It shapes us,” I argue.

“How about you decide what bothers you most about Arsen and we’ll go from there.”

She hasn’t said it out loud, but she likes Arsen and I together. She wouldn’t fight so hard for it, otherwise. That pleases me.

“Arsen is a good man, but he’s not a nice man.”

She blinks. “You suddenly squeamish about what he does?”

“No, just thinking about how eerily similar he is to my father,” I admit honestly.

“In what way?” she asks, pushing me to open up further.

“Harsh lives, wrong side of the law, closed off, and living by their own code of ethics. They both have one foot in the darkness. My father stepped all the way in and never came back. What’s to stop Arsen from doing the same one day?”

“For one, Arden, for two, if you’re brave enough, you, and this club.”

“And if he goes into the blackness?” I whisper, thinking this must’ve been my mother once. In love with a man she knew might bring her nothing but pain.
No. The concept sucker punches me. I grip the bar to stay upright.
When did I start to think like this? I’m falling for him.


“I need a shot, now,” I croak.

“Hey, blondie. Get my girl a shot of Patron, and leave the bottle,” Chase calls.

The girl scowls, but does as directed. I shoot the drink, barely registering the burn. “Hit me.”

I throw it back. “Again,” I say. I toss back the third, and the warmth spreading over my body allows me to breathe normally once more. I’m in deeper than I thought.

“You want to tell me what this is about?” Chase asks, tucking a curl behind my ear.

“Arsen. It’s all about Arsen.”

“What spooked you?” 

“How I feel. I fucked up. I fucked up bad, Chase.”

“Honey, how?” she asks kindly.

“I didn’t mean to care. We were just having fun and making the best of being stuck together.”

“And now?”

“Now I care. I didn’t want to care.”

She laughs. “Does anyone?”

“No. I don’t know.” I shake my head. The alcohol took the edge of the panic, but it’s done nothing to solve the problem.

“Do you trust me?” Chase asks.

“Yes,” I answer, stunned by the realization that I mean it.

“Close your eyes.”

I do as she instructs, and her lips press against mine. Petal soft they brush over mine once, twice. My lips part. She deepens the kiss. I taste beer and a sweetness I can only assume is her. We tilt our heads. Wolf whistles go up around us and we break apart. I lick my lips and meet her gaze.


“I …” Tongue tied, I stare at her unsure what to say.

“She has that effect on people,” Arsen says appearing beside her.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“I’m not. It’s hot. I’ve been imaging that for days. I told Chase it was okay, if you were into it.”

My jaw drops.

“Why?” I ask her, bypassing the horny male standing behind us.

“Proving a point,” Chase says.

“Which was?” I’m dazed, and slightly turned on.

“What mattered most to you in that moment?”

“Arsen being upset,” I whisper.

“Babe, I’m not a jailer. If you’re interested in things, all you have to do is let me know,” Arsen says.

He noticed the attraction between us, and took the steps to make me happy.
The knowledge moves me. This man isn’t my father. He’s capable of terrible things, but those acts are not all he is.
This is happening.

“Any reason you’re downing tequila like water?” Arsen asks, an amused smile on his face.

“Thought I could use some loosening up. You should take your drop-off,” I say, nodding toward Chase. “I let her hold it. I don’t like to be too close to it these days.”

“Smart thinking.” He takes it from Chase. “If I leave you two alone again, will I come back to another show?”

“Is that what you want?” I say, tilting my head as I glance at Chase. Her eyes are simmering with desire, and I know she’s game.

“This is about you, babe. I want what makes you happy. I’m a kinky fuck, but I’d never impose that on you if you don’t want it.”

All I can hear is the care and concern in his voice. His eyes are softer than they were when I first met him. I lean back and study him. He raises an eyebrow.


“Nothing,” I say, smiling as my nerves settle. “I’ll think about it.”

His nostrils flare and his eye burn with desire. He takes the bag and disappears into the crowd.

“Did you mean that, or was that for his benefit?” Chase asks. Her voice is soft, and I sense a vulnerability she doesn’t show often.

“I meant it. I’d never play with you that way, Chase. You’re … You’re my best friend and I care about you. If we did this, I’d want you to get just as much out of it as Arsen and I.”

Her lip quirks up. “As Arsen and you, huh? ’Cause you’re a unit now?”

“Oh.” I snicker. “Well, hell. I guess so. But you matter to me, okay? No matter what happens with me and Arsen, or my deal with the Devils, you and me have our own relationship that precedes all that.”

Her eyes lighten. “Yeah?”

“Yes.” I grip her hand. We hold hands and watch each other, knowing things are changing. I’m okay with it. It’s some kind of record, embracing my connection to not one, but two people. The old me would’ve bucked it, and did something to push them both away. This new me didn’t want that. I craved bonds and a place to belong.
Trust no one, Karma, they’ll only fuck you over in the end
I’ll take care of you. I’m the only one who has your best interest.
My father’s voice echoes in my brain.
No, he was wrong.

Chapter Eight


“How are things with you and the rock star?” Demon asks.

“Good, man. We’re figuring shit out. Never wanted an old lady, but I’ll be damned if anyone else touches her.”

Demon snorts. “That’s how it always happens.”

“You bring me in here ’cause you’re worried about her turning on us?” I ask.

“No, just checking in before we get down to business. She fits in here. Didn’t expect her to,” Demon remarks.

“There’s a lot more to her than what you see at first glance.” 

“Damn, never thought I’d see Slayer showing his softer side.”

“You doubting my ability to do my job?” I ask.

“No, brother, I’m just glad to have you back. Been a long time since I saw you this at ease.”

“Say what you want to,” I say.

“That shit before you went in fucked your skull. You lost something during that period, I’m glad to see you getting back to you, brother.”

“You think this bitch has made that much of a difference?” I ask, uncomfortable with the amount of power that would allow her to wield.

“It’s not a bad thing, brother.”

“Matter of opinion,” I say.

Demon shakes his head. “Can’t tell you how to run your shit, but I know you’d be regretting it if she walked out and never came back. Besides, I thought you were looking to make a triangle.”


“You know, two bitches,” Demon answers.

I laugh. “Don’t know if that’ll come to being. But I wouldn’t be mad.”

“Good, I want to see Chase happy. She’s been distant since Creeper got locked down, and he’s still got to ride out a few more years. I’d like to see her ass settled and shit before he comes out. But back to it. I need you to make a run.”

I shift in my seat, mentally running over Karma’s schedule. “How long?”

“’Bout a week. You still worried about Karma? Told you we cleared that shit with O’Shay.”

“Yeah, I heard you,” I say.

“Paranoid bastard,” Demon mutters, shaking his head.

“Don’t like her out of my sight.” I begin thinking of the girl under the watchful eye of Duff at the recording studio and gym.

“Short of putting her ass on the back of your bike every time you take care of business, it’s going to happen a lot.”

I scowl.

“Unless you looking to patch back in, brother. You know we want you back here permanently.”

I tilt my head. It sounds good, but I’m not sure I want to be rooted too deep. This place has bad memories.

“I’ll think about it.”

“All I can ask.”

“Where am I headed?” I ask.

“I need you to head over to the Dallas charter. They have some information they think you’d be good at downloading off a file.”

I nod. They want me to do a Slayer special on some dumb fuck who crossed the line. Normally I live for it. But the thought of leaving Karma when I have no rightful claim is fucking with me. I could be challenged for her at this point.
Fuck this. She’s already messing with your head. Club first.

“When do you want me to leave?”


“All right, let me get my shit together. I want Duff with her at all times. If she so much as pees he needs to be in yelling distance.” 

Demon’s eyes widen. “Jesus Christ. All right, man, whatever you want.”

The thought of her alone all the time with Duff sours my stomach. “I want Chase there, too.”

Demon bursts into laughter.

“Fuck you, man.”

“Look, if Chase is game, I’ll give her whatever time off she needs to accommodate your crazy ass. You’re the only one I trust for this download.”

“Then I’m there, brother.” I stand up. “I’m going to pack, and let the girls know what’s going on.”

“Girls, huh?” Demon mumbles.

I flip him the bird as I leave his office. I make my way to the garage first. The place is packed. I nod at Gia up front and continue through the connecting door to the bay. I spot Chase under a Ford focus. I can’t see her face, but I can see her slender frame in the blue jumper.

“What’s up, brother?” Pan asks.

“Need to talk to Chase. Going to take a trip and I want her to keep Karma company.”

“Right on,” Pan says.

I walk over and tap the hood of the car.

Chase pushes herself out. Her heart-shaped face is smudged with oil. The dirty only makes her more attractive. With her full pink lips, delicate bone structure, and icy blues, she’s a wet dream walking. Her similarity to Lydia had put me off her until I saw her with Karma. She was the catalyst to my current attraction.

“What’s up, Slayer?”

“Need a favor?”

She sits up and arches an eyebrow.

“Gotta leave town. I want you to stay with Karma for me.”

“At her place?”

“Yeah. Duff will be with you, too, and shadowing her when she has to get business done.”

“You worried about ole Duffy?” she asks with a smirk.

“Fuck no, worried about these fuckers who might get thirsty while I’m gone and find themselves with an acute case of death.”

“Shit, you’re feeling K like that?”

“You want to tell me you aren’t?”

She bites her bottom lip. “Don’t know where I stand. Never did this.”

“Fuck, me either, girl.”

“So why now?” she questions.

“Because K wants it, and I think you do, too.”

“And what about you? Never thought you were into me,” she whispers.

“Never was until K came. It’s something about the two of you together.” I shake my head. Now isn’t the time or place to get too deep into this. “You become mine, I’ll take care of you, something to think on while I’m gone.”

“All right. I’ll stay with K.”

“Thank you.”

Her eyes widen comically and I snicker. “Mama taught me manners when the occasion calls for them. Gonna go let K know what’s up and head out.”

“Travel safe,” she whispers.

Something warm grows in my chest as I take in her soft expression and sincere words.

“Always do.”

I leave the garage feeling thoughtful. Shit’s changing at a rapid pace. Some would say after the long period of staleness it’s about time. Me, I’m not sure. I like to think before I leap so I know where and how I’ll land.



I pull into the clubhouse around seven. My eyes are burning from lack of sleep, my bones are stiff, and I’m wishing I had broken the ten hour trip up into two nights.
Quicker I get here, quicker I get done and come back.
Parking my bike, I trudge to the front door. When I walk inside I’m greeted by silence. A few brothers are passed out in various places along with a few bitches. A prospect comes out of the kitchen and gives me a once over.

“Pres has been waiting on you. I’ll let him know you got in,” he says. His face has lost some of its color and I can hear the waver in his voice.
He knows who I am and he’s showing respect. Shithead might patch in someday after all.
The prospect walks down the hallway and a few minutes later the six foot five brick house with greying hair and dark eyes that have seen too much strolls down the hall. He swipes at his eyes and offers up a tired smile.

“Well shit, good to see you, Slayer.”

“Good to be here. Drove all the way through.”

“Shit you need food, pussy, and sleep.” He claps my shoulder.

“In that order sounds good,” I say, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of my head. What happens on the road stays on the road, and K isn’t even my old lady yet.

“Blaze, get the man some breakfast and then wake some bitches.”

“I’m on it, Pres,” Blaze replies. I’m assuming the name came from his bright red hair.

“You want to fill me in on what’s going on?” I ask.

“Yeah, man, come into my office. You want to grab a coffee?”

“Naw, I’m good for a minute,” I answer.

We sit in his office, and I lean the chair against the wall, and listen while he gives me the run down. The Dirty Bastards, a local MC hungry for power, had tried to come up on them. The President had ordered a hit on Big Man. They’d brought down most of the piss ants, and yet, he remained in the wind. They’d caught a member, but he wasn’t talking.

“I’ll have his location or the name of someone who will know by the end of the night, brother. I promise you that.”

“I believe you. Now go get some food in your belly and a little relief before you rest up. Need you in top form. This motherfucker is a hard nut to crack.”

I push myself to stand and follow the smell of freshly cooked bacon back into the main room. Blaze has a plate straight out of a Denny’s special on the bar with a beer.

“Good man,” I say, impressed.

“If you need anything else, let me know.”

“Will do.”

I wolf down the food, and the beer. It’s been damn near half a day since I ate.

The sound of heels makes my ears perk up. Blaze slides a set of keys to me. “Your room is the fourth on the right side of the hallway.”

I turn and see slender brunette with green eyes, and long locks that frame her face. She’s pretty enough, and her tits are huge. Fake, but still impressive to look at in her low cut tank top. I should be all over it, but I feel unmoved. I have no desire to be anywhere near her snatch, but I have eyes on me.

“Follow me.” I move away from the bar with her trailing me. “What’s your name?”


I snicker. “Course it is.”

I unlock the door and step inside. Turning, I make an executive decision. “Get on your knees.”

She goes to unzip my jeans and my body rebels. My dick practically shrinks up, and my muscles tense. “Get the fuck out.”

She blinks. “W-what?”

“You heard me.”

Her brow furrows.

“You dumb as you look?”

“Fuck you.”

I take a step forward, and she scrambles onto her feet and out the door. I’m so wrapped up in K, no one else exists. I’m truly fucked.



I toy with the phone in my hand. I want to text Arsen and see how he is, but I know he’s busy and that’ll make me look whipped. Sighing, I set the phone on the table. He buzzed me when he rolled into the Dallas clubhouse and we’ve had radio silence since.

“Damn, you miss him like that?” Chase asks.

I roll my eyes. “No.”

“Right, that’s why you keep checking your phone like you’re waiting for your check to be cashed.”

“You’re a real pain in the ass sometimes, you know that?” 

She laughs. “You love it.”

“When it’s not directed at me I do,” I say.

“Come on, it’s a beautiful day, you have this pool outside I’m dying to get into and the rest of the day off. Let’s take advantage of it before you hit the club to sing tonight.”

I sigh. She’s right. I need to get my R&R in while I can.

“Okay, let’s go swimming.”

“Yay,” she cheers triumphantly like a small child who’d been allowed ice cream. 

I laugh. “All of this was just a ploy to get me into a swimsuit, wasn’t it?”

“No, but that’s an added bonus.”

Her eyes darken with lust, and my face heats up.

“Shit, Chase.”

“You’re feeling it, too, huh?”

“Oh yeah?” I clear my throat. “I’ve never done anything like this.”

“But you always wondered?”

“Yeah, doesn’t everyone, though?” I whisper.

“Hmm, I think to an extent. I never thought about it seriously until I got out of that prison camp called marriage with my ex. Then I set out to do everything I had on my bucket list. With the Devils as my playground there was ample time and opportunity, so I made good use of it.” I love her honesty. It’s a huge turn on for me.

“Tell me how it happened?” I say.

Her eyes widen. “You really want to know?”

“Yes, please.”

“All right.” Chase angles her body toward me on the couch. “I was playing a round of pool when a girl caught my eye. Now, I’ve always found girls attractive in a more than she’s pretty way. And this girl was smoking hot. Rocking bod, hazel eyes, and best of all she wasn’t over the top like a lot of the girls who come into the clubhouse. She had on low rise dark rinse jeans, a tight black tank top, and just enough make-up to accentuate her beauty. I’ll never forget this shade of red she had on. They matched her fuck me red pumps to perfection. She was one of the brother’s cousin, and made it clear dick wasn’t her thing and she was there to hang out. She caught me staring, and came over and introduced herself.”

Chase’s dreamy expression has me leaning in closer. “What was her name?”


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