When Karma Comes To Call (12 page)

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“No fucking way,” I exclaim.

“Hand to God. I about came right then and there,” Chase says.

We both laugh. “Oh my God, tell me more.” My breasts are heavy, my nipples are hard, and I’m getting wet from the imagery she’s painting.

“You’re a dirty little girl, aren’t you?” Chase whispers.

I smirk. “Maybe.”

She chuckles. “So Lola and I flirt, drink, and hang out for the rest of the night. I think she’s giving me the ‘let’s go to a room’ vibe, but I’m green, and I don’t want to make an ass out of myself.”

“So what did you do?” I ask.

“I didn’t have to do a damn thing. We do a shot of tequila, and Lola slams her shot glass onto the bar, turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to take me to the room or do we end this tonight?’ On the inside I’m freaking out, but you know me. So, I hide it, and tell her I’d like that. I grab the keys from a prospect and we go inside the room. The second the door shuts, her lips are attached to mine, and her hands are running all over my body. The minute she touched me it was like electricity ran through my veins. Her lips were the softest things I’d ever felt and I learned there’s a huge difference between the way a man touches you. She made me feel cherished and wanted. I did my best to reciprocate, but she knew I wasn’t experienced. She asked if it was my first time, and I told her it was, but I knew what I wanted.”

I lick my lips and press my thighs together, anticipating her next words.

“We barely made it to the bed after that. She wasn’t slow or gentle but she was thorough and it was an education. From the minute she sucked my breast into her mouth I think I was converted. There was something almost spiritual about the way her lips felt on my pussy. She knew how to touch me, when to back off, and when to press forward. It was mind-blowing, life altering, and when she let me return the favor ...” Chase moaned. “I’d never tasted anything so sweet. Not that I don’t like to ride a nice hard cock. I’ll never be sans dick. A woman simply offers up a different experience.”

“Have you ever been in a serious relationship?” I ask, genuinely curious about the intriguing woman beside me.

“Never wanted to be. It took a long time for me to get over things I’d done. And the things done to me.” She frowns. “Fear will make you forget who you are.”

“Yes, it will. Well, after that I really need to get into the pool to cool off. How about we get changed, crack open a few beers, and get in.”

“You mean to tell me you aren’t already wet, Karma?” Chase asks.

“Hot, wet, and sticky. Which is why I need to cool down.”

“You’re dangerous, lady,” she says.

“I could say the same about you.” I take a shaky breath. “What exactly are we doing, Chase?”

“Exploring, and deciding at our own pace what happens next,” she states with a confidence that steadies my nerves.

“I like that,” I reply.

“Good, now let’s go change, before I try to tempt you.” She winks and we go our separate ways; I have her set up in a guest room across the hall from me.

I slip on my retro black bikini with a high waist bottom and halter top, and walk out to the pool with two beach towels from the linen closet. Chase is waiting for me sitting on the edge, a visual feast for the eyes in her tiny turquoise bikini. Her breasts are full, and her hips have curves. I give her a once over and wish I’d thought to bring shades when she smirks.

“Love the vintage vibe,” she says.

“Love the blue.” I sit beside her and slip my feet into the water. Feeling my skin heat up I slip into the pool, grateful for the cool water and the clarity it brings. I spread my arms out on a T and let the water lift my weight, closing my eyes against the intrusive rays. I sense Chase over me and open my eyes and lift my lids. She’s studying me with an odd expression.

‘What?’ I mouth.

She glides her fingertips down my legs and I gasp. I’m a conduit and her body wields lightning. “You’re so striking all wet. Sleek, dark, and beautiful. I never thought you’d be into this. So I kept things light and playful. Now, knowing you’re curious, I can’t stop wondering what would happen.”

I stand in the water. My chest grows tight. “Happen if what?”

“If I touched you,” Chase replies.

“W-why don’t we find out?” I ask, forcing myself to be brave.


“Yeah.” I take a few steps toward her. Our breasts brush. A moan slips out and pleasure shoots through my body. My nipples harden and strain against the wet material. My heart is knocking in my chest, and my nerves are firing at once like a fantastical firework display setting off inside of me. My hand trembles slightly as I run my fingers through her soft hair. I’ve made out with other girls before, but it was more for show, or in a high haze. It was never this emotion fueled. This was more than attraction. I liked her. I genuinely wanted to explore what was between us. I trusted her.
Maybe she wouldn’t be disgusted if she knew about my past.
She understood fear and the sick, twisted things you’d do to stay alive. I moved forward. Our lips touched and I sighed. She and Arsen were my chance at a new start. All the work I’d put in at rehab had lead me to this moment of relinquishing the past. She traced my lips with her tongue and I whimpered, returning the favor. When I wrapped my arms around her neck she held me about the waist. We took our time learning the taste and feel one of another. Heads tilted, bodies pressed tightly, my world narrowed to a soft pair of lips and a kindred soul.

A distant sound pulled me from the world we’d created. It came again and I broke our lip lock.
“Well shit,” I hissed, recognizing the doorbell.

“Who would be coming over?” Chase asks breathlessly.

I shake my head.

The sliding door opens a few moments later and Duff appears. “K, you might want to come out here and see if you know this guy.”

“Damn it,” I whisper.

“Never a dull moment with you, Karma.”

“And it is with you there is?” I ask.

Chase laughs. “All right, you might have a point there.”

We climb out, and I prepare myself to send another groupie who found my house away.

“What’s the story, Duff?”

“Guy looks legit. Expensive suit, shiny shoes. I figure he may be someone legit. Don’t want to screw you by sending him away.”

“I get you, brother. Thank you,” I say patting his back. The kid’s become mine. I’ll always see him like a baby brother. Maybe it’s the amount of time we’ve spent together. You grow to love or hate someone who’s with you twenty-four-seven.

We grab our towels and wrap them around our waist, and then walk through the house. As soon as I peer out the peephole bile shoots up my throat. I choke, forcing the disgusting concoction back down.

“K?” Chase murmurs, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“You know him, then?” Duff asks.

“Yes. Shit, this is bad,” I say.

“I’ll tell him to get the fuck off your property.” Duff grabs the doorknob and I panic.

“No. No. Don’t do that. I need to handle this.”

“Look, it’s my job to keep you safe. By the look on your face a few minutes ago I know this guy is bad news,” Duff remarks.

“Yes, but he’s my bad news. This isn’t club related, its Karma related, and Tommy would never hurt me.”

“Tommy?” Chase asks.

“My father’s lackey,” I explain.

“Oh shit, your dad?” Chase asks.

“Yeah. I could ignore him, but it only makes him more persistent and piss off my father. It’s not worth the act of rebellion.” I open the door. “Tommy, what brings you to my humble abode?”

“Nothing humble about it, Kay,” Tommy says with a slick smile. He looks like a power executive with his slicked back blond hair, bright blue eyes, and baby face. I’ve seen him murder in cold blood. That look has gained a ridiculous amount of misplaced trust.
Not everything that glitters is gold.

“What are you doing here, Tommy?” I ask. We had a silent agreement—he stayed away and I moved forward with my life.

“I’ve been hearing some pretty interesting things about you. Now you might not see me, but we keep tabs.”

His words are an ice cube down my back. “What sort of things?”

“That you’re running with a rough crowd again. You know that’s not part of the deal.” He grins.

“Well, Tommy, I didn’t make a deal with you. It was with my dad, and since he’s away ...”

“Oh that was the other thing. He’s getting out, good behavior.”


“Couple weeks. Fair warning, get your shit together.”

I nod my head. Tommy, for all his meddling ass ways, is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sibling. He’s been with my dad almost as long as I can remember.

“Thanks for the heads up.”

“You should’ve stayed away from this bullshit, baby girl. You shot yourself in the foot taking up with them when you tell him you want out.”

“Life has a way of happening to us. Doesn’t matter what we want. You know that.” 

“Yeah, I do. Get ready, baby girl. He wants you back badly.”

“I’m done with that, Tommy. I gave enough of my life to it,” I whisper.

“Convince him of that.” Tommy steps back and walks away.

“Start talking, K,” Chase demands as I shut the door.

“You know my dad was a drug dealer. But I never mentioned how high up the food chain he got before he went in. The man moves serious product and holds weight with people.”

“Jesus, does the Pres know?” Duff asks.

“Of course he does, stupid. Demon’s smart,” Chase snaps.

“He knows.”

I close my eyes. For a second I thought I was free. I should’ve known better. After all the things I did, I deserve a life of complications and unhappiness.

Chapter Nine


I watch the fuck dangle on the hook. He’s not too silent now. My phone vibrates. I glance down and see Duff’s name. The hair on the back of my neck raises.
Something’s wrong.
I shove a handkerchief into his mouth to quiet his screams. The acid eating away at the layers of his flesh had him leaking information like a bucket with a hole in it. I hold the phone up to my ear.

“This better be good,” I snap.

“You told me to call you if anything happened.”

“And?” I say.

“I don’t know, man, some douche came around telling Karma her old man is getting back and he’s going to expect things from her. I couldn’t really catch their code. They talked in the open, but I felt like there was more to the story.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, thinking of who her old man was. “Did he seem aggressive?”

“No, but he told her she should’ve stayed away from us.”

I growl.

“I’m just the messenger,” Duff says.

“I know. You did good, Prospect. Won’t be much longer before the vote. You got mine. You been good to Karma. Anything else I need to know about?”

“No, everything else has been quiet.”

“Girls are good?”

“More than good,” he mumbled.

I snicker. “They getting to know one other, huh?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

I smirk.
It’s all coming together.
“All right, I’ll finish up here and hit the road.” I hang up. “Ain’t got time to stay here with you. We both know you’re going to meet your maker tonight. It can be fast or it can be slow. Do us both a favor and give me what I need so I can end it for us both.” I dig my finger into his bullet wound.

He cries out and jerks against the chains. I can see the defeat in his eyes. He slumps, lowering his head, and gives a nod. I reach into my cut and pull out a tape recorder. I’m many things, but a walking, talking memory keeper isn’t one of them. I snatch the rag from his mouth.

“Start talking,” I instruct, as I hit record.

Twenty minutes later I’m cleaning up after myself. Pieces are chopped, broken down, bagged, and waiting for the funeral pyre before burial. I cleanse the area with bleach. I look like something out of breaking bad with my booties and full body suit, but it’s a small inconvenience to pay for remaining untraceable. I get into a rhythm with one thought on my mind—getting back home. As the body burns along with my clothes I call Karma.

“Arsen, everything okay?”

Her sweet voice brings a sense of relief. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“Damnit. Duff called.”

“Of course he did. What the fuck is going on, Karma?”

“My dad is getting out. His
came to give me a heads up. They know I’m dealing with the Devils, and he’s none too happy.”

“Well fuck him.”

“Arsen,” she whines.

“You expect me to be scared of him?” I scoff.

“No, but cautious. He’s a powerful man.”

“Babe, I could really give a fuck. If he thinks he’s going to get out and dictate shit to you he’s delusional.” I sneer. I see it all the time. Dead beat dads who get a wild hair and want to swoop in and manage their kids’ lives.

“It’s complicated.”

Her hesitation raises a red flag. “You holding shit back from me I need to know? ’Cause you know that ain’t going to fly with me or my brothers.”

“It’s not something I want to talk about over the phone.”

I grit my teeth.
Fucking bitches, man.
“The minute I get home you’re going to tell me. If I find out from anyone else you been holding back, it’s going to go badly for you, Karma.” I’m pissed that she’s breaking my trust. I thought I knew this girl, and yet here we are running into shit.

“Yeah, I hear you.”

“Be ready little girl.” I hang up, too pissed to continue the conversation. This is why I didn’t want do serious. Women seem to have a problem with being straight up. They like to compartmentalize and convince themselves little white lies don’t matter. Truth is, it’s all or nothing, because what they consider inconsequential might come back to bite them and by proxy me or the club later. I can’t have that. I finish my business and go to the Pres.

“Here is everything you need to get your man,” I say handing over the tape recorder.

“Thanks, man. Always good to work with you. I know it’s going to be done right.”

I nod my head.

“You know we always got a spot here for the Slayer in Texas.”

“I like the weather in New Mexico,” I reply.

“You ready to party tonight?” Big Man asks.

“Naw, got some shit I need to take care of back in Newsom.”

“Damn, would’ve been nice to raise a little hell with you, brother.”

I laugh. “Yeah, it’s been a minute. Maybe next time.”

“You leaving right now?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah, man, sooner I get back, less damage control I got to do.”

“I feel you. Drive safe, man. Whatever you need it’s yours.”

“Appreciate it.” We clasp hands and do a half hug.

I have tunnel vision now. I barely register my good-byes as I pack up and head out to my bike. My blood is boiling as I imagine what Karma is going to say. I think I’ll go off the rails if she turns out to be another scheming, lying bitch … I won’t be responsible for what I do to her. The ghost of Lydia is riding my ass the entire trip. I see her face in every blonde, smell the sickly sweet scent of her expensive perfume, and relive the demise of our relationship. By the time I reach Karma’s house I’m enraged. I pull up in the driveway, cut the engine, and take a deep breath. If I go in there right now like this shit is going to get ugly fast. I don’t want her to see this side of me. She treated me a certain way. Like she knows all the bad shit about me, but likes me anyway, and doesn’t feel fear. I don’t want to lose that. It’s been too long since I felt that way with anyone, other than Arden.

I spear my fingers through my hair and pull.
Fuck, this shit is pushing me to the brink. When did I become such a little bitch?
I can’t stay on the edge like this and get my job done efficiently. I climb off the bike and march toward the door. Pulling out the key, I unlock the door and realize just how damn domestic we’ve become. I like the insulation. It’s a safe haven. A place to unwind and let my guard down.
She balances me.

Karma comes around the corner and I drink her in. Her hair is tousled and her eyes are heavy with sleep. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts that grazes her thighs. I’m hard instantly. My fight or fuck instinct is leaning toward option number two.

“Arsen.” She smiles up at me and some of my anger flees.

“Shit, babe, come over her and welcome your man home proper.”

She rushes over and I wind my fingers through her hair, crushing her to me. I sample her sweetness, memorizing the feel of her body, and her intoxicating taste. If this is all we have I want to make it count.

“I want to fuck you on my bike. My two girls together.”

“Mmmhmm,” she moans into my mouth. I lift her up and carry her out the way I just came.

“Babe, can’t wait. Can’t go slow.”

“So don’t.”

I shove my hand up her shirt and at yank her black panties. The elastic gives with a satisfying snap.

“Remember you asked for this.” I place her on the bike and pull the shirt over her head. “Lean forward and grab the handlebars.”


“Now.” I slap her ass. She cries out and stretches across the bike, grabbing the bars. “That’s right, baby, follow my direction and we’ll both have a good time.” I unbuckle my pants, and shove them and my boxers down around my ankles. My cock is hard as stone. I give a few strokes and grab her legs, admiring the way she looks stretched out across my bike. Gripping her thighs I drive in.

“Oh, yes,” she rasps. Her wet heat welcomes me home, gripping me like a glove. I close my eyes and focus on making it last. She’s the best pussy I’ve ever had. The connection between us flares to life. Her moans push me closer to the edge. This woman has become my constant. I dig my fingers into her soft flesh trying to get as close as possible.

“Right there, Arsen.”

“You like that, baby?”

“Yes, yes, oh yes. I’m going to come, Arsen.”

I pound into her, wanting her to come apart for me. Fine tremors travel down her body and to my cock. I feel a familiar tingle in my spine. “That’s it, let go for me, baby.”

“Arsen.” Her body tenses, and her walls tighten around me. I spill into her and she milks me dry.

Satisfied and spent I kiss, the base of her spine. Not finished, I pull up and help her sit.

“Not done with you yet, babe.” I reach down to rub her clit, feeling our liquids. I rub the sensitive bundle, shushing her as she pulls away.

“Give me one more, babe.” I like that my come is in her and even when we part she’ll carry a bit of me inside of her. I don’t go bare or come in bitches, period. Not since Lydia. Another rule Karma has me breaking.

“I-I can’t,” she gasps.

“Yes you can.” I nip her earlobe, and push my fingers inside of her, reviving her clit with circular motions with my thumb. She leans her weight back against me and spreads her legs wider. “That’s it, babe.” Her hips rock as she catches my rhythm. “I want to see your come on my seat.”

She moans. Her hair tickles my face as I suck on her neck, darkening the mark I started. Her walls pulse around me and I know she’s close. “That’s it, baby, show me how good I make you feel. Let go. I want to see you squirt. I know you can do it.” I thrust into her roughly, angling my fingers. Her walls clutch me, and her body jerks. She throws her head back and screams. A hot spray of liquid shoots out onto my seat.

“Damn, babe. You love what I do, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whimpers.

I kiss the side of her face. I’m always worried I’ll take it too far, and push her too much. But she’s eager to learn, and down for my kink. I pull up my pants and lift her into my arms, and using the discarded shirt to wipe down my seat. I’ll make a prospect clean it tomorrow.

“You know we have to talk now, right?”

“Yeah,” she croaks.

I study her face in the moonlight, wondering if it’s the last time we’ll be so in synch. I bring us back inside, lock the door, set the alarm, and go into her room. The sight of Chase passed out on one side of the bed makes me smirk. “Having fun while I was away?”

She bites her bottom lip. “Exploring possibilities.”

I set her on the counter in the bathroom and start up the shower. “Oh yeah? How did that work out for you?”

“Very well. Umm. Almost too well.”

“Don’t you start eating pussy without me, K. I want to be there to see that.”

“Oh.” Her eyes widen and I laugh.

“Shock you?”

“Still getting used to your honesty. I’ve lived my whole life around people who get by on lies.”

“I told you from the start I don’t do that shit.” Her words bring me back to the situation creating a chasm between us.

“Yeah, I know. Learned it’s what people do not what they say that’s important.”


“I’ll give you that.” I strip off my boots and jeans, and carry her to the shower. The glass enclosed structure has a rain shower head, a granite bench, and enough room for an orgy. It’s my favorite feature. My bathroom in the tube is tiny and I’m not a small man. I set her on her feet and she reaches behind me to grab my body wash. I do the same, enjoying the lines of her body. I close my eyes and moan as she massages the tension from my shoulders.
Prove me wrong, girl.

“You look tired,” she whispers.

“I am, babe. More than I can express with words.” We rinse off, step out, and wrap ourselves in towels.

“I’ll meet you in the guest room with clothes,” she says. I nod. I need the break to get my game face on. I got a rapidly growing weakness where she’s concerned. I sit down on the edge of the bed and mentally prepare to grill her. I let the leftover anger from my situation with Lydia fuel me. I’m not going through that again. The door swings open and I see she’s wearing another one of my shirts. I steel my reaction to it, take the boxers and white T-shirt from her, and put them on.

“Have a seat,” I instruct.

She complies, wringing her hands.

“You going to make me ask you?” 

“What do you want to know?” she says.

“I know the deal with your old man. He’s a power player in the drug game. You have little to no contact with him, so why is he popping out of the woodwork now? Neglectful Daddy trying to make good, or what?”

She stares at the floor. “He heard about us.”

“Why does it matter?”

“Because we had a deal.”

“What are you talking about, Karma?” I ask.

“I was going to take a different path, go the straight and narrow.”

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