When a Pack Dies (28 page)

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Authors: Gwen Campbell

BOOK: When a Pack Dies
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Kissing her mound once more, Nath leaned back to watch. His hand drifted to his cock and he gave it a few, hard pulls before resting then squeezing and pulling again. He moved around the table, stood beside her shoulders and lifted her torso off the surface. “On your knees, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear and brushed his lips over her temple. “I think our Alpha wants your ass. Is that all right with you?”

There was hesitancy in his blue eyes. Fina touched the side of his face and kissed him. “Yes. I think so,” she replied and he helped her turn over. Cutler hadn’t asked. Cutler wouldn’t ask. He touched her gently, handled her carefully but took what he wanted. He took with love of course and Fina knew in her heart that if she balked, he would stop. But his fingers felt so good, she didn’t want him to stop.

She shivered when fresh oil was drizzled over her anus. She shivered again when Nath eased her shoulders down and her breasts touched the hard, polished wood. He stroked her back, kissed her neck, drew her hair to one side then stepped back when Cutler climbed onto the table behind her. It groaned but held. The rough hairs on his thighs and calves brushed the insides of her legs as he nudged them apart. He held her hips, tipped them up to him, let her find a comfortable position for her knees then rubbed the head of his cock against her backside.

He felt warm and slick. Cutler must have coated his rod as well as her back opening with oil. The hand he slid around her and anchored against her belly, holding her in place left a silky trail on her skin. The way he rubbed her anus made her hotter than hell. She arched into him and growled.

“Easy, little bitch,” Cutler murmured. He leaned forward and drew his teeth over the mating scar on her right shoulder. “We’ll do this slow and gentle. Nobody’s ever taken you like this so we have to take our time.” He kissed her scar then straightened.

How did he know? Fina shook her head and stopped thinking about it. Cutler knew her, owned her, worshipped her. He and Nath. She squeezed the Beta’s hand and kissed it when he wove his fingers into hers.

“Okay, honey. Breathe in. Hold it,” Cutler coached tenderly. “Exhale slow.”

Fina obeyed then shuddered when the thick head of his cock breached her.

“Good. So good,” Cutler groaned. The hand on her belly tightened then relaxed just as quickly. “Breathe again.”

When she exhaled, Cutler pushed slowly, sank maybe an inch of his shaft into her, paused, trembled then withdrew until only the head remained inside her—hot, hard and making her anus tingle as it stretched around him.

For a moment, he held himself still, resting just inside her. She swore she could feel the beating of his heart in the tiny twitches of his cock. His hand shifted, a finger covered her clit and rubbed gently. Cutler pushed again. Slowly, inch by straining inch, he sank his cock into her sensitive backside, filling, stretching and arousing. When he pulled back, she groaned and arched then held herself still when he filled her again. She flung her head and panted, ground her breasts into the table, squeezed Nath’s hand so hard he snarled.

When Cutler’s coarse pubic hair touched her ass, when his heavy balls swung against her smooth pussy, she growled, straightened her arms and lifted her torso off the table. She looked back over her shoulder, saw the heat, the hunger flashing in his bright eyes, snarled and rubbed her backside against him.

Cutler threw his head back, howled, grabbed her hips and started thrusting. Another hand, Nath’s, slid over her belly and long, warm fingers swirled over her clit. His other hand held a swaying breasts and pinched her nipple. He was breathing hard and ragged.

Rising ecstasy squeezed Fina’s womb then squeezed it again. Cutler groaned as her ass bore down on him. She’d never thought about being taken this way although she’d enjoyed Cutler’s gentle touches and questing probes. She felt Nath’s eyes on them as clearly as she felt his touch on her body. She trembled, aroused and thrilled that he was sharing this experience with them. His hard cock swayed beside her and she licked her lips unconsciously. He bit down on her left shoulder without breaking the skin and rubbed her clit harder.

When her orgasm tore through her and twisted her insides, Fina cried out and arched back into Cutler’s cock. He drove it into her hard, making her tender backside stretch and burn and the burn was delicious. She panted and cried out again when another spasm rocked her. Nath’s fingers rasped against her clit and his rising growls joined theirs.

Finally it was too much. As ecstasy faded, Nath’s touch became unbearably intense. He seemed to sense that and, to her immense relief, his fingers moved slower, he pressed lighter and lighter until he was gently massaging her sex. Slowing his strokes, Cutler finally stopped, pressed deep and rubbed his groin against her ass. Fina grunted—an unladylike exclamation when he wrapped his massive arms around her then in a move so fast she got dizzy, rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Her eyes spun in her head when the room seemed to corkscrew.

“Oh my,” Fina whispered when she found herself laying on Cutler’s hard, warm chest, his arms still locked around her, his cock still buried in her ass. He moved his hips slowly and she shivered with pleasure.

Nath leered down at them and grinned.

Gently, Cutler arranged her limbs. Fina lay limp and sated, her full weight sprawled on his torso. With his long reach, he pulled her thighs apart, lay them outside of his then he spread his knees, opening her fully. He took her wrists, held them up and out, and rolled his hips up and back, pumping her slowly and making her gasp.

Nath moved to the foot of the table, looked up at them, fisted his cock before climbing up between their legs.

Fina held her breath. Impaled on Cutler, his hands holding her arms immobile, she could only watch Nath crawl toward her. He kissed her thigh, bit it seductively, licked away the sting then lifted his head to look at her. Her breath caught again. Blue eyes shimmered, gazed down at her with an intense eroticism that made her gasp and tremble. Nath’s smile kicked up a notch, making his dimples stand out rakishly. He bent his head to her, kissed her pussy then flicked his tongue against her clit. When she squirmed and tried to push back, he straightened, made a show of licking his lips then stretched over her to kiss her breasts. Holding his weight up on one arm, he took hold of the head of his cock, rubbed it against her slit and pushed.

Gasping, her head rolling back, Fina felt Nath’s cock enter her. He felt huge, bigger than normal. Cutler did too. She was scared there wouldn’t be enough room inside her body for both of them. Then worried there wouldn’t be. Nath entered her slowly and Cutler stopped moving to let him.

“You’re so beautiful, honey.”

“So hot. Sweetheart you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.”

They murmured intense words of passion and encouragement as Nath filled her. He lifted her knees...not much but enough to allow him to slide inside easier. He growled, kissed her soundly then stared down at her breasts as the tips rocked against his chest in time with the movements of his powerful body. She’d never felt so sensual, so desired, so wholly possessed.

When Nath withdrew, Cutler pressed forward. It was so beautiful that tears stung Fina’s eyes. They rocked slowly. Cutler’s strength seemed endless as he lifted his hips to her, pushed into her despite her weight and Nath’s. He snarled and pulled back. Then Nath pushed into her, flashed her his naughtiest grin, grunted and retreated. His skin shimmered with a fine sheen of sweat and goose bumps dotted his arms.

Fina felt stretched, unbelievably and erotically full. She added her strength to the mix, arching back and forth subtly, not wanting to dislodge either of them or put them off their stride. She gasped and her wolf howled with pleasure.

Her lovers’ voices joined hers.

Snarling, growling, they began to move faster. Their movements became harsh, skittered then faltered. This game was new to all of them but they were eager students. They regained their rhythm, again started off slow then let the need build.

Cutler came first. Howling so loud he hurt her ears, he punched his hips up, grabbed her hips and humped her deep and hard.

,” Nath groaned. His eyes opened wide and he stared down at them. “I can feel him coming.” When his brother’s howling faded, when the jerky movements of Cutler’s body stopped driving Fina into him, Nath lay more of his weight on her, drew her knee up a little higher and began to roll his hips into her. Holding his weight on one arm, he slid a hand between their bodies and rubbed her clit.

Fina arched into him and cried out.

“Come on, sweetheart. Come for me. You’re so beautiful when you come.” He drew harsh circles over her swollen nub.

She felt so erotic she wanted to scream with pleasure. Her back slid against Cutler’s warm, sweaty body easily. The thick cock in her ass began to deflate just enough that she was able to tip her hips up, wanting more from Nath and able to take it. He growled, drew his teeth over her shoulder then drove into her hard.

Beneath her, Cutler grunted but he also tightened his grip on her hips, keeping her impaled on him and holding her steady for Nath’s rough loving. She wove her arms around Nath and ran her nails down his back until he snarled and fucked her faster.

Her cry was the only warning before she came a second time. Fierce shards of pleasure tore through her, possessed her. Bright light and ecstasy pulsed and squeezed. Before they’d faded, Nath was straining over her, driving hard and deep. He grabbed her leg, wrapped it tight around his ass, drove his loins into her and grunted, again and again in time with the shudders racking his body.

When it was finished, Nath shivered, then lay still, resting his head on her shoulder and breathing hard. His breath washed her sweat-moistened skin and the coolness felt wonderful. Eventually, he lifted his head, looked down at her from beneath heavy lids, dredged up a glutted smile and mouthed one word. “Wow.”

Cutler chuckled, making both of them bounce.

“Um, you forgot to feed me you know,” Fina grouched half-heartedly.

Both brothers chuckled this time.

“I think we’ve got some frozen pizza,” Nath offered. He eased his cock out of her, shuddered then kissed her breasts before gingerly sliding back and off the table. “Good thing our folks invested in sturdy furniture.” He held his knees and flexed them carefully.

“Make two pizzas,” Fina insisted as she took his hand. He helped her to stand. Cutler groaned when her ass slid off his deflating shaft. She grinned ruefully. “That way maybe I’ll be able to steal a slice before the two of you eat it all.”

Chapter Eleven

Eastfield, Tennessee

Sim Brice slammed the front door behind him, ran a forearm over his sweaty forehead and shook his long, dirty-blond hair back. He picked up the thin stack of mail somebody had placed on the hall table, disturbing the dust around it.

Flyers. Nothing but flyers. He stormed into the kitchen to drop the flyers into the overflowing garbage. Dirt and a torn flower fell out of his boot tread.

He hated flowers. He hated smelling like compost. He hated the dwindling numbers of customers at the nursery because all his pack had to sell were common plants available at any big-box home-improvement store. He’d sold off the few mature, heirloom plants the nursery had and didn’t know where that bitch had hid the seeds that everybody kept asking about.

The seedlings in the greenhouses had died.

The mail coming to the house was being redirected and he didn’t have the right ID to get it undirected. There was a stack of bills on his desk at work. They’d had to pay a locksmith to open the wall safe and that hadn’t helped. The damn thing had been cleaned out. Sim’s only consolation was that the greenhouse hydro bill was being paid automatically from somewhere. He’d have to track that down. Maybe it would give him a clue where some of the money went, and where Fina was.

One of his pack members, one of the younger males, was rooting around in the pantry. He emerged with a box of saltine crackers, a jar of olives and a disgruntled expression. The discontent in Sim’s pack was growing. Even though they’d spread out into the houses owned by the previous pack, there was no money, little to eat and no females. Sim decided to take a shower instead of cuffing the youngster for no good reason.

Something leaning against a leg of the hall table caught his eye. It was a courier package that hadn’t been there that morning. He tore open the packaging as he climbed the stairs two at a time and walked into the master bedroom. Dropping down on the unmade bed, Sim ran his dirty fingers over Fina’s student union book. He opened it and scanned the pictures.

He found a few of Fina—for clubs, some sports and in each one, she was standing beside the same blonde. A human if he wasn’t mistaken. There was even one picture of them together with the caption BFF.

He headed back downstairs.

“Hey. Jake,” he asked the young were sitting at the kitchen table, desultorily munching crackers and clutching the package protectively. “What’s this mean?”

“Huh?” Jake looked up at his Alpha but not before he’d fully disguised the suspicion on his face. He smiled woodenly, glanced at the book then his smile widened. “Best Friends Forever. Why? You thinkin’ of tying your hair up in pigtails and hanging out at the junior school, boss?”

Sim cuffed his insolent head then headed up to Fina’s room. It was the only room his pack hadn’t disturbed and everything was just as she’d left it the morning she took off. Circling the room, Sim looked at the pictures on the walls and dresser. Why hadn’t he seen it before? Sure enough, scattered amongst pictures of Fina’s family, there were pictures of the blonde—the two of them together. He traced the outline of Fina’s face in one. A quick search turned up her high school yearbooks. A quick flick through the pages gave him a name. He went looking for the local phone directory.


. That bastard never gives up.”

Cutler’s brow furrowed as he followed the sound of Fina’s anger to the home office. She was sitting in front of her laptop, red faced. She glared up at him.

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