When a Pack Dies

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Authors: Gwen Campbell

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Wyoming Wild Book 1

When a Pack Dies

by Gwen Campbell


This book was published by

Shadowfire Press

2121 Canyon Blvd #103

Boulder, CO 80302

When a Pack Dies

Wyoming Wild Book 1

Copyright © 2010 Gwen Campbell

Cover art by Coyote Shadow Studio

Edited by Jeremy Black

Copy Edited and Proof Read by Michael Barnette

Book layout and Design by Coyote

All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for the purpose of reviews, the reproduction of this book by any means known or devised in the future, are prohibited.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and all characters are the creation of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual events, or persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

The mention of, or reference to any product or service within this book is not intended to be a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights of those products or services.


Chapter One

“Yes I
you, Helen.” Fina juggled her cell phone, keys and shoulder bag. She shut the car door with a quick punch of her backside. “I
ask and no we can’t get the keys early. Why? Because the previous tenants haven’t moved out yet for crying out loud.”

Technically it was still spring but the hot weather had hit with a vengeance a few days ago. Tennessee was like that. Her sleeveless blouse was already sticking to her back and she’d left the air-conditioned comfort of her vehicle only seconds ago. Fina walked faster, hurrying for the gloriously climate-controlled interior of the house she’d lived in for all of her twenty years.

“The good news is the lease is signed and they got my dad’s check for the first month’s rent.” She freed up a finger, punched the lock button on her key fob and didn’t even pay attention to the ping and quick headlight flash from her compact, hybrid SUV. It had been her high-school graduation present from her parents. “Honestly, you’d think you’d never had an apartment of your own before.” Fina laughed with delight and anticipation. The girl on the other end of the phone—Helen, her best friend forever—laughed with her.

“We can pick up the keys on the first of the month...yes I got measurements. Jeez, you
your mother are crazy-insane fixated on curtains.” Fina’s bag slipped off her arm, jarring the phone in her hand. She held on to everything, barely, hoisted the strap of her bag onto her shoulder, and hurried across the darkened drive toward the front door of her home.

“I gotta go, Helen,” Fina blurted out. She trotted up the steps and her soft sandals made no noise on the porch. “I just got home and I’m dying here...yes you’ve told me a zillion times to just get used to the heat and embrace it. I swear if you start spouting that Zen garbage when we move in together to go to college in the fall, I’ll start smacking you around.” The doorknob didn’t turn in Fina’s hand and the porch light hadn’t been turned on, although she was perfectly capable of seeing in the dark. She frowned and fumbled some more with her key ring. Her parents never locked the door, not before ten anyway. They’d just got sick and tired of having to open it for one of their four adult children every time one of them forgot their key. “No jury in the land would convict me for smacking you,” Fina added warmly. “I gotta go, Helen,” she repeated. “It’s gonna be great,” she added with an excitement that made her shoulders come up and the back of her neck vibrate.

Fina snapped her cell shut, dropped it into her bag, shoved her key into the lock and turned the doorknob.

“I’m home,” she called out to no one in particular, dropped her keys in her bag, dropped her bag inside the door then pulled the door shut behind her as she toed off her sandals. “You won’t—” Fina’s head snapped up. The instant she smelled the blood, her canines extended, making her gums stretch and burn. The wolf inside her leapt forward with the surge of adrenaline. Her fangs slipped over her lower lip and that was before she saw a man’s shadow at the far end of the polished hallway. He didn’t move like her father or older brother. She sensed the wolf in him but he didn’t smell like a member of their pack.

The smell of blood freshened as the air conditioning cycled on, kicking the fan up to a higher speed. The air rushed up at her from a grate in the floor. Fina gagged on the smell.
was her pack’s smell. Her family’s smell. They were the source of the blood. The man stepped out of the living room with the shadows of two others behind him. He was tall, with ragged, pale hair and was wearing a pair of her father’s pants and nothing else.

The daughter of an Alpha, Fina’s first instinct was to fight, defend her pack. But it was three against one and her common sense won out over her wolf’s instincts and she spun around. The doorknob was turning under her fingers when strong hands grabbed her from behind. He was big and she was small...it was no contest.

He looped an arm around her waist, hoisted her off her feet and carried her across the wood floor her mother kept polished like it was a religion. Fina smelled more than saw the random, dry drops of blood on it. She started to change into her wolf form. In her human form, she was small and delicately made. As a wolf, she was large and powerful —especially so for a female. The first thing she consciously changed were her hands. Her claws extended and she raked his naked abdomen, aiming to disembowel. He smashed his free hand into her wrist, deflecting her aim. Fina broke his skin but penetrated no deeper.

Fina grunted and curled into a defensive ball when he stopped long enough to slam her skull into the wall. Pain and colors exploded in her head, obliterating all thought and her hands returned to human form.

“Submit or die, bitch,” the man carrying her growled. He cradled his wound with one arm and tightened the other until Fina couldn’t breathe. “Time to meet your new Alpha.”

He spun into the living room, slammed her hip into the door frame as he took the corner then tossed her onto the hardwood floor. Fina yelped as pain rocketed through her back but scrambled to her feet.

The smell of blood was thicker here. A part of her brain shut down, screaming when she recognized her father’s smell and her older brother’s...and saw bits of gore clinging to the white, plastered ceiling. The rest of her brain jerked into alertness, despite the pain still rattling it. Werewolves were sitting around her family’s living room, lounging on the furniture and drinking out of glasses from her father’s bar. Seven men, some of them naked, some of them wearing her father’s or her brother’s clothes, ranging from twenty to thirty years of age. If they’d shifted while clothed, the change in mass would have shred whatever clothing they’d been wearing. They grinned at her savagely.

“Well, well...aren’t you a pretty little thing. I could just eat you up.” A tall man stood and walked toward her. The one who’d been carrying her shoved her forward. She turned back to him, snarled and drew her arm back. Her claws were extending again and this time, she didn’t plan on missing her mark.

“Now, now...” The tall man grabbed Fina’s long, auburn hair and yanked her head back. “Mind your manners, little bitch.” He was much stronger than he looked. Rough power pulsed from him and Fina recognized him for what he was—a rogue Alpha. His hand still buried in her hair, he turned her to face him. Fina shuddered when she saw splashes of dried blood on his forehead and chest. “My pack was a little shall we say overzealous when we carried out our assault on your pack. Turns out we haven’t found a single breeding female...alive that is.”

His head shot up and he glared at the other werewolves in the room.

“Still, we have to start somewhere.” He sniffed her and his lips curled back into a smile that terrified Fina. “You’ll do just fine.”

Claws appeared from every direction, shredding Fina’s cotton blouse and jeans. The rogue Alpha shoved her to the floor and as she fell, she changed into her wolf form, biting and clawing. She clamped down on the thigh of one of the rogues, growling with savage delight when her teeth pierced fabric and flesh. She’d missed the artery and she unclamped her jaw, aiming her next bite. Fina never got a chance to sink her teeth in again. The rogue Alpha changed as well. Fina’s legs splayed as the weight of the larger wolf slammed down onto her. Instinct held her still when his jaws fastened onto the back of her neck, over her spine.

The first werewolf, the one who’d grabbed her at the door, stepped in front of her slowly, his movements almost casual. Two thin rivulets of blood had spilled out of the tears to his abdomen but they’d already clotted. Werewolves healed fast. He knelt down in front of her and dipped his head to one side so she could see his eyes. “Submit or die, bitch,” he repeated conversationally then cuffed the top of her snout. His Alpha growled at him and Fina felt hot, moist breath a second before the Alpha’s vibrating jaw clamped down even harder, driving the points of his canines into her skin. “Okay, scratch that,” the man corrected himself nervously. “Take it furry or smooth—whatever. Oh and welcome to your new pack.”

He stepped back, chuckling darkly. Fina struggled wildly, her back end jerking up and sideways. She fought for a long time but the rogue Alpha’s grip on her neck didn’t slacken. Her skin tore and her fur hung from her in thin strips. She felt trails of her own blood snake through her coat. Fina fought and fought until she had to stop to breathe. In that instant, his weight shifted and he covered her. A human hand—she didn’t know whose—yanked her tail aside and the Alpha shoved the knob of his penis into her roughly.

Fina howled in pain and anger as he started humping her fast. The man standing in front of her watched with barbaric intensity, adjusting his erection before pulling off the pants he was wearing. He changed into wolf form and circled them like a shaggy, gray specter. One by one, the other rogue werewolves changed too and joined him in his predatory, patient march.


Fina woke with a start. The sun hadn’t risen but the room was slightly brighter than nighttime. Two large, naked bodies crowded hers on the hard floor and she grimaced at the cramp in her side and thigh. After she’d fallen asleep, her body had returned to human form which would explain why she hurt so much. She moved and fresh pain shot through her. Her head, muscles, neck and between her legs ached so bad she thought she was going to throw up. She lay her head back down, waiting for the nausea to pass. When it did, she took two deep, deliberate breaths and forced herself to stand. She stepped over the wiry, sleeping body of the man who’d been sprawled out in front of her and her shaky knees almost brought her crashing down on top of him. Fina held back a yelp of pain, stayed on her feet and made her way toward the front door.

She changed direction, heading for the kitchen instead when a tall, thin body, laying on the rug in front of the sofa, stirred. He was younger than most of the werewolves in the room—maybe twenty-two years old—and he looked up at her sleepily, got up slowly, stretched, scratched his groin and followed her.

Inside the kitchen, Fina turned on the lights and stood in front of the coffee maker, breathing and considering her options. He ambled in behind her and switched off the light with a growl of disapproval.

“Leave it on,” Fina ordered quietly.

“Bossy,” he groused but flicked the switch back up. He walked up behind her, reached around her and squeezed her breast.

be happy to see you doing that without his permission?” Fina jerked her head in the direction of the living room. It was a long shot. She didn’t know what kind of control the rogue Alpha had over his pack or what liberties he’d let them take with their females. But since she was their only female member, it made sense that he’d use mating rights as a form of control over the others.

The werewolf behind her snarled but lifted his hand from her breast. She wanted to shudder and scream. Yanking open a cupboard instead, Fina got down a canister of coffee grounds. It gave her a plausible reason for being in the kitchen at this hour and the smell would confound the others...for awhile at least.

When the coffee started to brew, Fina took stock of her physical condition. She was pale and shaky—whether from shock or loss of blood she wasn’t sure. Werewolf healing powers were extraordinary and even now, she could feel the massive bruising on her hips, thighs and head fade in tiny increments. The pain between her legs was pervasive though and she felt torn, raw and caked with spent semen. She watched the male werewolf warily as he ripped a handful of paper towel off her mother’s holder, wet them under the tap then lifted her heavy, tangled hair and pressed the toweling to the back of her neck.

“You won’t get tore up as much if you don’t fight,” he mumbled then yawned lustily as he sponged the dried blood off her skin.

Fina bit back the urge to swing around and tear out his throat. She fought down her wolf who wanted to kill this interloper—just as he’d likely killed members of her pack—but he’d provided the insight she needed to plan her escape. Mated female werewolves stayed put. They didn’t leave the security of their pack and this man, although he was young, clearly believed she was now part of his pack. They’d probably watched her father’s land, planned their attack and struck before dusk when the eight families that comprised Fina’s pack were sitting down to dinner in their homes. The cooking smells would help mask the rogue werewolves. Every house would have had the air conditioning running, keeping their smell outside. She held herself still and tried not to wince when he wiped her still-jagged wounds too hard. He gentled his touch, moved closer and started rubbing his flaccid penis over the crevice in her rear end. Fina stepped away and got out a coffee mug.

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