When a Pack Dies (27 page)

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Authors: Gwen Campbell

BOOK: When a Pack Dies
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Cutler leaned back on the counter. “Strip.”


“You heard me,” he barked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Strip. Everything off.”

Gaping, she looked back and forth between the two brothers then, with a gleam in her eye, Fina began unbuttoning her sleeveless shirt. Nath turned back to the stove to stir something but kept his eye on her as she removed her clothing. Cutler did too.

“You responsible for this?” Cutler asked Nath in a low, demanding tone when Fina was naked and standing in the middle of a pile of discarded clothing. He arched a brow in Nath’s direction then ran his fingers over Fina’s shaved pussy.

She bit her lower lip and sighed.

“Yep. Did it this morning after you left for work.” His head dipped to one side as he watched his brother’s big hand slide over Fina’s softness. “You were unavailable for consultation.”

Growling quietly, Cutler shot his brother a look then shrugged. “I like it. Good call.” He straightened then smacked Fina’s backside authoritatively. “Get on the table. Now.”

Blinking and moving hesitantly, Fina climbed onto the heavy table and sat up primly. The table’s thick, turned oak legs with the broad curved feet didn’t shift a bit under her weight.

“In the middle. On your back. Nice. Very nice,” Cutler murmured encouragingly. He pulled her hair back and up, fanning it across the wood surface.

The table felt hard and cold. She shivered and her nipples got hard.

“Let’s start with the carrots.” Nath picked up a drained pot and carried it over to the table. He selected a lightly buttered carrot slice from inside, blew on it then put it on Fina’s stomach, above her navel. “Not too hot?”

“N-no,” she answered hesitantly. When he placed another carrot slice beside the first, Fina lifted her head to see what he was doing.

“Nuh-huh.” Cutler pressed a finger to her forehead, easing her head back down. He fanned out the hair she’d disturbed. “Nath was always pretty good at art in school. Let’s just see what he can do with you as a canvas.” His cock twitched as he took in Fina’s small body, smooth and pale on the kitchen table with her hair lying in waves above her head. Nath arranged slices of cooked carrot in a circle around her navel, overlapping the pieces then adding more at intervals until there was an orange flower displayed in the middle of her body.

“Hand me the green beans.”

“Huh? Oh. Sure.” Rousing himself, Cutler walked to the stove. He came back with another pot and watched in enthrallment as Nath selected length after length and lay them across Fina’s ribs like they were stalks of grass. The beans had been cooked with diced tomatoes and Nath fished those out and arranged them across the bottoms of the beans like some sort of red, alien earth. He licked his fingers and grinned.

Fina swallowed anxiously.

“Potatoes next, I think.” This time Nath went to the stove himself. He stuck his nose over the pot, inhaled deeply and smiled. “Mashed with garlic. Your favorite,” he said to Fina. Leaning down, he kissed her mouth. Pressing his free hand to her shoulder, keeping her immobile, Nath moved his lips over hers. He nipped gently, licked the inner rim then sank his tongue in slow.

Fina’s chest rose as she gasped and she felt a hand, Cutler’s, graze her breast.

“Hmm,” Nath murmured as he straightened. “Tasty. Grab a spoon, Sheriff. You take one, I’ll take the other. It’s time we reigned in this miscreant.” Nath pulled the stir-stick out of the pot, held a bit of potato to his lower lip, gauged the temperature then blew on the fluffy, white mash.

Holding her breath and staring raptly, Fina watched him smooth a trail of potato around her breast. It felt very warm and creamy. The smell made her mouth water. She was blown away by how erotic it looked. Nath dipped the spoon into the pot, reloaded it, blew on it and continued. She started when Cutler bent to her, pressed a long, chaste kiss to her other breast then dipped a serving spoon into the pot. His head dipped to one side, his brow furrowed in concentration he began to draw a design on her breast.

Fina’s breath hitched but she held herself still. The spoons moving over her, the look in her men’s eyes, the warm weight as the mashed potato built up on her all felt incredibly erotic. She trembled, just a little then held herself still when she felt her pussy get wet.

“A tulip?” Nath asked, glancing at his brother’s handiwork.

“Uh huh.”

“Nice.” Nath nodded appreciatively then used the back of his spoon to raise the thick layer of potato covering Fina’s left breast into soft, regular peaks. He handed the pot to Cutler who scraped it empty then dabbed the last bit over Fina’s nipple. “Looks good enough to eat.”

“Not yet,” Nath cautioned as he carried the pot back to the counter. He picked up the serving plate holding the long, thin slices of steak. “Don’t forget the entrée.” He wriggled his brows suggestively, nudged Fina’s knees apart and set the plate on the table between them. “Pussy à la beef.” He picked up a slice, trailed it over her freshly shorn mound then draped it over the crease where abdomen met thigh.

Cutler grabbed two slices and followed Nath’s example. His mouth fell open as he looked at her.

Warm juices from the steak trailed over Fina’s hip and between her legs. She shivered and moved her hands to grip the edges of the table so she wouldn’t move. They trailed the hot meat over her, between her legs, across her thighs. It felt silky except when a crushed peppercorn or some other spice clinging to the steak grazed her. The contrast made her pussy clench. Cream seeped out of her, blended with the steak juice, and pooled beneath her. The meat was heavier than the vegetables and as it built up, as Nath and Cutler sculpted the pieces into swirls and curves, Fina groaned.

When they were finally finished, they stood, removed the plate, licked their fingers then circled the table slowly. They moved like predators. Stared at her with unchecked lust.

“Dig in,” Nath finally said, glancing at his brother.

“You first. To the chef go the honors. Besides, it was your idea.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” Nath murmured seductively. He leaned over her, tucked his hair behind his ears and deftly picked up a carrot slice with his teeth.

“How is it?” Cutler asked. His voice was low and rough and he swallowed audibly.

“Very good.” As he chewed, his eyes met Fina’s and she gasped at the naked heat in them. “Dig in,” he said to his brother without taking his eyes off Fina’s.

Trembling, her gaze moved back and forth between her lovers as they plucked the carrot slices, one by one, off her abdomen using only their teeth. She groaned when Cutler’s tongue trailed over her waist, following a trail of butter and lapping it up. They grinned hotly and she groaned again. As the arrangement of carrots thinned, lips, tongues and teeth grazed her skin. When a tongue burrowed into her navel, seeking the remnants of the sweet, buttery liquid, her belly clenched and a fresh flood of juices seeped out of her.

“Smell that?” Cutler grinned savagely.

Nath nodded. “Smells like hot, horny bitch. Damn but I love it when she smells like that.”

Chuckling, Cutler nodded, shifted and kissed Fina’s mouth. She opened to him, loosened her death grip on the edge of the table, wove her fingers through his short, soft hair. He tasted warm, buttery, sweet like carrots and she ran her tongue over the front of his teeth. Nath’s lips moved over her ribs and pulled a long bean into his mouth.

“Oh gawd I’m practically ready to come right now,” Fina breathed against Cutler’s lips.

He smiled, kissed her once more then straightened. “Not yet, honey. But soon,” he kissed her throat. “Often.” He kissed her shoulder and passed his nose over her skin. “Hard,” he added, took hold of her hand and licked the inside of her wrist before releasing her and closing his teeth over one of the beans lined up on her ribcage.

Shivering delicately, she felt their mouths move over her. Licking and nipping, they slowly ate the crisp vegetables and scooped their tongues through the trail of diced tomato. When her ribs were clean, they straightened, licked their lips, exchanged a look then stared at her breasts. Fina’s back arched enticingly.

,” she breathed and squirmed.

The corner of Cutler’s mouth curved into a slow, sensuous smile. His aqua eyes darkened as the centers expanded. Nath growled, low and predatory as he looked at her then, laying a warm, rough hand on her belly, he bent to her and trailed the tip of his tongue through the potato at the very edge of her breast. Cutler watched, groaned and adjusted his hard cock.

Fina’s eyes drifted shut as she sighed. She wound her fingers around Nath’s shoulder as his tongue moved over her skin. It felt warm and wet as he scooped little mounds of potato into his mouth, rolled them around his tongue then swallowed the fragrant, garlicky mass. Her eyes snapped open when she felt Cutler’s torso brush her arm. She pulled his head to her breast and he lapped delicately at the thick layer of potato directly over her nipple. Even though she couldn’t feel a thing, it looked erotic as hell and she squirmed. Even Nath growled his approval before returning his focus to her other breast.

Slowly, seductively, they ate away at the soft, white mounds adorning her breasts, eventually revealing patches of pink skin. Staring at the tops of their heads and panting, Fina held them to her with growing impatience.

Nath flinched. “Easy, sweet bitch,” he breathed and took hold of her hand, easing her sharp little nails away from his scalp. “Don’t rush us. We’re eating.” He and Cutler chuckled then resumed swirling their tongues through the dwindling patches of potato.

She jerked when Cutler’s tongue touched her nipple.

“Hmm. Buried treasure,” he teased and repeated the caress.

Soon they were licking her breasts in long, rough strokes, gleaning the last of the taste and cleaning up all traces of potato. Nath held her breast gently, like it was precious, kissed her nipple and suckled on it with long, tender pulls of his mouth. Cutler swirled his tongue around the other peak, flicked it playfully, nipped until she gasped. Nath was still making love to her breast when Cutler slid his tongue down her torso, snagged a piece of steak off her pussy and chewed noisily. He sounded primitive, savage as he teeth tore into the meat. Growling, he placed his hand on the breast he’d abandoned, swallowed and snagged another piece of steak.

Nath joined him. Snarling like puppies over a bowl of food, they bit down on the trailing edges of the meat, dragged them over her skin, chewed quickly, swallowed then returned for more. Tongues snaked through trails of near-raw drippings, down her hips, between her thighs. When her knees were levered apart crudely, Fina groaned and lifted her hips. A mouth kissed her mound. Lips moved over her pussy lips. Cool, room air touched her as pieces of meat were dragged off her. The sounds of chewing, tearing and rough, guttural snarls filled the air. When the last strip of beef was gobbled away, a hand grabbed her thigh, pulled it up then a tongue sank into her pussy.

Fina looked down and moaned. Cutler’s head was buried between her legs. It jerked back and forth as his tongue lashed her. At her other side, Nath watched raptly. His mouth hung open and he was tearing off his clothes. When Nath was naked, Cutler stepped away to yank his t-shirt over his head. Nath leaned over her, levered her thighs high and wide and pressed a wet, loud kiss to the mouth of Fina’s sheath. He wriggled his tongue into her, drew out her taste and Fina gasped before grabbing his head and pulling him into her as hard as she could.

Chuckling darkly, Cutler stepped up to her, cupped the back of her neck in his hand and rubbed the tip of his cock over her lower lip. He groaned when her tongue lapped over him then drew him in. The muscles in his arms bunched dramatically then he lifted his body onto the table, turned so he was facing her feet, positioned his rod over her mouth and held his weight up so he could stare close-up at his brother feasted on her wetness. Cutler licked the crease near the curve of her hip, lapping up a pool of steak drippings.

Fina wrapped her fingers around his ass and sucked on the head of his cock, swirling her tongue round and round. She felt dizzy, more aroused than she’d ever been. She felt consumed, worshipped and when her pussy clenched, squeezing Nath’s tongue and trying to draw it deeper, he growled his approval.

After giving her clit a final, authoritative flick, Nath backed away, retrieved the basket of bread from the counter and returned to stand beside her. Cutler hadn’t wasted any time in his absence and his big brother’s head was planted firmly between Fina’s thighs. His mouth moved over her mound as he sucked her skin gently and repeatedly.

Grinning, Nath grabbed a piece of bread, swirled it over Fina’s hip, gathered up residual juice from the steak, then tore into the bread with his teeth. He swallowed noisily, drawing his brother’s attention.

Fina cried out in frustration when Cutler’s mouth left her. She drew her teeth over his cock to voice her disapproval. He snarled, slapped her hip, pulled his member out of her mouth and got off the table. Levering herself up on her elbows, she stared open mouthed as the brothers bent to her, licked her thighs, her mound, lifted her leg, used pieces of bread to sop up the juices puddling beneath her then ate them with open relish. She’d never seen anything so animalistic in her life and her wolf howled in sexual anguish. With eyes flashing, the brothers looked down at her then continued feasting.

When she was finally clean, dewed only with saliva, long fingers dipped into her pussy, probed sensuously, drew out her cream. Her lovers swallowed it like it was the most decadent of desserts.

Cutler stepped away for a moment and when he returned, there was an open bottle of vegetable oil in his hand. He drizzled some over two fingers then pressed them to her ass. Gasping, Fina arched her back, lifted her knees and trembled as he worked his way into her. Nath bent to her and licked a lazy figure eight around her clit. She cried out at the exquisiteness of it all.

Pumping her ass slowly and gently, Cutler worked the oil into her tight ring. It loosened slowly and when it did, he turned his hand over so his fingers could massage her. When she gasped and started moving into his touch, he gently added a third finger and slowly turned his wrist, over and over, then pumped carefully.

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