Whatnots & Doodads (7 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

BOOK: Whatnots & Doodads
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“I did not...” she began, but when his eyebrow arched higher, she stopped. “Okay, well, maybe I do think of myself as broken.”

He gave a nod of approval that he’d gotten the truth to spill from her lips. She wasn’t nearly as thrilled. His breath drew out softly and his expression became gentle as he asked, “Why? Because others have told you so?”

She shrugged. A lump formed in her throat, not wanting to admit this, but somehow not able to keep the truth from him. “Well, they’re right.”

He brushed his fingers across her cheek, his eyes soft. “You’re wrong.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Because I’ve been where you are. I’m a demon. I belong in the pits of Hell, and have been labelled a ruthless murderer of souls. If I listened to what others said, then I wouldn’t believe that I could exist the way I do.”

So, he had a point. He wasn’t at all what she’d known about demons. Not a single part of him. There was no sign of evil, no urge to cause harm. If anything, he’d shown her nothing but kindness. “So, you just ignore what they say about you?”

“No, I don’t ignore it. I beat it.”

Like knock some sense into them?

“Because I live it. Others might think badly upon those who reside in this town, call us outcasts, abominations of the supernatural. In truth, we’re the ones who are truly living. This life is the life we’ve chosen. We haven’t morphed ourselves to be what others think we should be. We accept ourselves for what we are.” He pointed to his heart. “In here. We’re not flawed, we’re special.”

She snorted. “Yeah, special, that’s one way to put it.”

He frowned, clearly irritated. “Do you know of another witch who can do what you can do?”

“No.” Sadly, she did not.

“Why do you believe that is not a gift? There is only one of you. Only one witch who has been gifted in a way no one else has. I’d say that makes you about as special as they come.”

“And you really believe that?” As much as she wanted to believe what he was saying, it was hard to. This was something she’d never heard before and doubt surrounded all of what he said.

He nodded firmly. “I do. Everyone here does. No one thinks anyone here is flawed, because they aren’t. They’re who they are and they’ve all accepted that.”

She couldn’t deny that this all sounded nice, to be in a place where she was accepted because her magic was flawed. To not have anyone else judging her, pointing fingers like she had a big wart on her nose. But it was hard for her to not be critical of herself after doing it for so long. Maybe one day she’d see it like Zeke did, share the same views as him, which was indeed a good one. But for now, she couldn’t get there.

However, if she was going to live here, she wanted to be productive. Continuing along, she asked, “So, about this job, can I go and see Jacinda?”

He nodded, but something registered in his eyes, like he knew something she didn’t. “Yes, you know the way back to the Town Hall.”

She stood up, determined to give back to this town that had obviously been destined to be her home, but his answer had surprised her. “You’re not going to come with me?”

“No, I’m sorry.” He shook his head slowly, staying put in the chair. Again, he gave her a look she couldn’t quite decipher. “I’ve got another matter to attend to.”

A little unhappiness fluttered through her, disappointment, for sure. The feeling stopped her. Why did it matter that he didn’t want to spend more time with her? She couldn’t care about a demon more than just a sexual attraction? No, that’d be insane. She’d only known him a day and stuff like that just didn’t really happen, right? “Well, I guess I see you later.”

He grinned. “Indeed you will.”

The determined set of his face had her belly flipping and flopping. What was that expression all about? Okay, so it made her elated that she’d get to be with him again. They still hadn’t finished what they’d started, and the memory of the orgasm stayed in her mind. If he could do that with his fingers, she could only imagine what he could do with his dick. “Um...” She snapped herself back from her naughty thoughts. “Later, then.”

His grin took on a dangerous edge. “Later.”

And with that, she left, trying to figure out what had him all serious and beaming with excitement. Was it just the heat between them that had him wanting more? He appeared to be up to something. But what? Oh well, all things she would find out later. Now, it was on to becoming a productive citizen of Strange Hollow. Maybe she could do gardening within the town. No magic, of course, but hey, she was an Earth Witch after all, getting her hands dirty sounded like a whole tsunami of fun!

Chapter Six

Zeke had made a quick call to Jacinda after he’d left Bryanna to ask permission for what he had brewing in his mind for her employment here in Strange Hollow. Of course, as he suspected, Jacinda agreed. He also had another favour to ask. He needed her to stall Bryanna. He had plans for her. It hit him when he sat on the chair and stared out at all she created. There, he realized exactly what she needed, and he set his plan in motion.

Now, a couple hours had passed and the night crept around him. Strange Hollow was brought to life. Most creatures that lived here came out after dark. He neither minded the sun, nor needed sleep. So days were endless for him. But he enjoyed it when the town awoke.

Standing outside the Town Hall, he peered through the window. Bryanna sat with her chin resting in her hands, appearing bored. Nevin, another one of Jacinda’s right-hand men was off on some conversation that Zeke could see Bryanna held no interest in, and suspected she’d stopped listening long ago.

As he waved his hand, Nevin caught sight of him and sighed. It appeared he was more than eager to stop his chatter. He said something to Bryanna, and she peeked over her shoulder, smiling when she saw Zeke. Immediately, she shot up and trotted out of the room.

The door slammed behind her and she steeled him with a hard stare. “What on the Earth’s axis was that?”

He arched an eyebrow and played stupid. “Jacinda wasn’t there?”

“No, she wasn’t and that goblin,” she pointed toward the Town Hall, “spoke for hours and I still have no idea what he was talking about.”

“Hmmm...” He tapped his lip. “I hadn’t known he was such a talker.” He proceeded to wave his hand. “Let me walk you home, it’s a beautiful night and Strange Hollow is just waking up. Maybe Jacinda got wrapped up in something and needed to deal with that. You can go see her again tomorrow.”

Bryanna’s scowl lessened as she watched the streets to see just how busy the town was. She’d only seen what came out in daylight. The streets were now filled with vampires, ghouls and ghosts. “Thanks for walking me home, I’m not quite used to seeing...” A ghost walked by and waved a hello. “Well, I just need to adjust, is all.”

Zeke chuckled. “No need to be afraid of anything here. But I don’t mind being your support if you are frightened.”

She smiled sweetly, stepping in stride with him as they passed
Scaredy Cat Cafe
, where loud music played through the night sky. After she examined the cafe a moment, she smiled back at him. “It’s nice, you know, being surrounded by so many others ... like me.”

He nodded and looked to the cafe himself to see what made her thought rise. A vampire sat at a table and drank from a goblet of what he suspected was animal blood, with a were-porcupine by his side. “The residents here have been judged their entire lives for what others would call their faults. It’s quite nice to come to a place where no one judges you for anything than what you are.”

She laughed in a knowing way. “Which is a good demon?”

“Exactly.” He returned the smile. Her hand brushed against his, and without thinking, he grasped it. She tensed. It appeared that she hadn’t expected him to do that, and he wondered for a moment if it bothered her. That he didn’t want and needed to clarify this issue. “Do you mind if I hold your hand?”

“No.” She blushed and dropped her gaze to the ground. “I like it.”

That soothed his nerves. Yet, he wondered why it shocked her so. He’d already proved that he held an interest in her, and he felt the need to clear this up. He knew how he felt about her, but he hadn’t discovered where her feelings were on the matter. And he wanted to know her position before he took his next steps. “May I ask you a personal question now?”

Her face flashed with apprehension, a little furrow appeared between her eyebrows. “Depends.”

How he wished he could ignore this conversation. Not bother her with such things, but he wouldn’t pretend he understood the mind of a woman. He needed to know where her mindset was. “On?”

She grinned, the worry in her eyes vanished. “If I’ll still look good in the morning?”

He thought her repeating his words cute, but he was too serious at the moment to laugh with her. “I realize that you have...” he hesitated, searched for the right words, “history with another.”

“Mm-hm,” was her response.

He could tread lightly through this conversation, but it wouldn’t do either of them any good. He needed to know where he stood with her and where her heart lay. “Do you love him?”

She looked back to the ground as she watched her steps. “I guess part of me does, yes. But now I wonder just how much of a part. To know that he lied to me, never accepted me. It’s hard to imagine why I loved him.”

How did that make him feel? Raging with jealousy? No, he didn’t think so. It just meant that she was as he suspected, caring to the point of fault. This Layton did not deserve her love, yet she gave it to him anyway. “So, my question is, where do I fit into this?”

She looked back up at him with curiosity in her eyes as if his question surprised her. “Where do you want to fit in?”

“I know that I like this.” He squeezed her hand. It was hard for him to explain this. All he knew was that he needed her. “That I’d like to see more of you.”

“I’d like that too.” Her smile took on an ever-sweeter edge. “Like I said, I’m not sure I even understand why I love Layton. Maybe it’s the idea of it all. The dream that I could be happy--that he loved me back.” The warmth on her face drew his breath in. “With you, I’ve felt nothing except totally myself. I never thought I’d have that. So, truthfully, I’m not even sure I know what love is. Do I have a place for you in my heart where Layton is? No.” She drew a deep breath in. “But I’m not quite sure you belong there.”

He tried to make sense out of what she was saying. Did she care for him? By the way she acted around him, he would say yes, but hadn’t she just told him no?

She laughed. “I’ve confused you. I tend to do that.” After a little shrug, she continued. “What I’m trying to say is that I love the way you make me feel. The way you always seem to say everything to make me see sense, and I love that I’m no one else but me when you are around.”

“Which is a yes?”


He shook his head, getting a little frustrated with her now. “No?”

She laughed again, and it sounded like music to his ears. She pulled him closer toward her, angling her head up. “I don’t even think my heart has ever been touched--all I’ve been is lied to. So, I would like to explore that ... open that part of me I have never known.”

Warmth and happiness spread through him and touched every part of his being. “Now that makes more sense.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly with a long enduring kiss he hoped would show her just how happy she made him.

When he backed away, he realized they had arrived at her home. She gave him a questioning glance as their gazes connected again. “Guess that means goodnight.”

He heard her unasked question, would he be joining her? As much as he would have loved to indulge that thought, he needed to get things finished up for what he planned for her. “For tonight, yes, I’m afraid I have things to do tonight. Will I see you tomorrow?”

“Bet on it.” She smiled, and after a final kiss, she went toward her house.

Zeke watched her step inside the doorway, and just as she closed it, she waved to him, which he returned. He spun on his heels and headed back toward downtown.

Only minutes after his return, Arlo trotted down the road toward him. The resident ogre here in Strange Hollow seemed intense.

“There is someone at the gates wanting to speak to Bryanna,” Arlo said.

Tension filled Zeke. “A male?”

Arlo nodded his big, burly green head. “A warlock, Layton--he came to the gate, wanted entrance.” He gave a wicked grin. “Told him the rules about elitists, he decided to wait at the gate.”

“I bet he did.” Zeke might have been acting selfishly, but he didn’t want Bryanna to know Layton was here. What would she do if she saw him? He’d seen women act foolishly over love and give up their souls for a man who didn’t deserve them. Would she run into his arms and return with him? Zeke would not stand for it--he wanted to keep her, refused to let another man touch her again. Plus, he liked the idea of meeting this man who broke her heart. “Let’s go, I’ll handle him.”

“I figured you would.” Arlo grinned.

Zeke made it to the gate quickly, considering he wasted no time getting there. Anger led his steps. The more he walked, the more he ground his teeth together. He’d never felt so protective over anyone, but Bryanna, he’d protect with his life.

Just past
6th Avenue
, Layton appeared and sat on the hood of his car. He jumped off at Zeke’s approach and came toward him, yet still didn’t dare to enter Strange Hollow. And how Zeke wished Layton would. He believed in the rules they upheld in their town. That had been put in place to protect them from the likes of the man before him.

Zeke stopped a few feet away, not daring to get too close to him as he was worried he’d lose his temper. “What have you come here for?”

“Bryanna,” Layton answered.

Zeke had to give it to him; he didn’t seem worried that a demon and an ogre stood in front of him. “Your request has officially been denied.”

Layton took two large steps toward him, anger building in his expression. “Says who?”

Zeke’s jaw clenched in a silent challenge, this man had hurt someone that he’d begun to care about. He was lucky Zeke didn’t end his life just for that very reason. “It would be in your best interest to turn around, get in your car, and never come back here.” He was nose-to-nose with Layton, and up close he could see how Bryanna had fallen under this man’s spell. The man was good-looking, but the cruel nature of his soul shined clear in his eyes.

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