Whatnots & Doodads (4 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

BOOK: Whatnots & Doodads
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“All perception,” he told her.

“Right. Wanting clothes, and instead conjuring a skin cream is all perception.” She huffed before she continued. “Anyways, I’ve had a few boyfriends ... well ... I guess it was more of a friends with benefits kind of thing.” The rosiness developed in her cheeks again as her eyes widened. Had her mouth gotten away from her? He suspected that was just the case, but now it was too late. He urged her on with a wave of his hand, and she obliged him despite her humiliation. “At the time, I thought they liked me. Later I found out they only wanted to, you know...”

Her hesitation meant she wanted him to fill in the blank, but he was clearly not following her since he had no idea what to say. “No, I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Get with the
,” she whispered.

Anger pooled in his gut. He’d like to find each and every one of the men who used her for their pleasures as if she were nothing more than a play toy. “Go on.” He ground his teeth together.

“That’s how it was ... until Layton came around, that is. He said it didn’t matter to him what I was or how I did things. And he made me feel,” sadness tinged her voice, “special.”

Special. He didn’t think the word did her justice. No, she was far more than that and he suspected there wasn’t one single word that could describe her well. But he doubted she’d believe him if he told her. “So what changed?”

“The coven gave me an office job.” She waved a hand over herself. “For obvious reasons, they thought anything I attempted in regards to magic would only harm someone. I agreed with them, my magic is too unpredictable and pointless.” She fiddled with her hands. “It was a month ago exactly that it all changed. One morning, I was at coven headquarters answering phone calls when I heard a few of the witches there laughing at me. Making jokes about how Layton was only with me to get his hands on my money. I didn’t believe it. I thought they were just conniving bitches.”

Yes, they were that and more. Zeke wouldn’t disagree with her in that regard.

“But I guess it stayed with me, and I think my head finally cleared away all the lies he told me. I started to see what the witches meant. How he’d tell me things, and I’d just listen like a lovesick puppy dog, never questioning his motives.” She took a long, deep steady breath. “A few days ago, Layton told me that he thought it’d be best if I quit the job at headquarters and stayed home. His thoughts were that his woman shouldn’t have to work. And before, I would have agreed. But it was at that exact moment I saw it. He didn’t want me out in public anymore. He was embarrassed about my magic, and I’m only guessing he thought I wouldn’t question him and be all gooey at the fact that he wanted me all to himself.”

Now, it made sense. Every piece of the puzzle fitted into place and explained what led her to be the wounded woman who walked next to him. “So you ran?”

“Yes, I ran.” Her determination held strong in her voice, even if misery lay within it. “I got in the car and never looked back.”

Zeke didn’t know what to say, no words could erase the damage that had been done. Fuck, her essence had never even had the chance to grow. Squashed and pissed upon by her parents. No wonder he saw such pain in her eyes, how her soul seemed so far away. What else did he expect?

For the first time in his immortal life, Zeke believed in the existence of a horror far worse than a demon stealing a soul. The proof of that stared up at him with dark troubled eyes. The cold hard truth that a soul was crushed and buried by deceit is the cruellest of all evils.

He’d never believed he possessed the ability to feel sadness for another. It was an emotion he had no use for. But this little witch--who asked for nothing but acceptance, who didn’t rage out at the world for the mistreatment she received, who didn’t ask to be wanted, or demand she be given what was due to her--broke the heart he didn’t know he had. It didn’t cause anger in him, didn’t have him lashing out to right a wrong. No, it had him fighting the urge to take her into his arms and never let go.

“Oh,” she said, snapping him away from his thoughts. “This must be it.”

He glanced away from her to see the stone house, and with protective emotions coursing through him, he answered her. “Yes, your home.”


The brick house was more like a fairytale replica. Bryanna couldn’t take it all in and wasn’t sure if she ever could. Round stone blocks made up the structure, but they were hidden by a thick layer of moss, vines and flowers. The reason this house stood out from the rest on this street was the gardens. No grass sat on this small plot. Instead, the grounds were filled with every flower she knew of and even some she didn’t--a glorious display of colors.

Zeke nudged her lower back. The action caused her to inhale deeply and the scents of wild flowers tickled her nose. Moments ago, she had felt a little empty as she relived her past. Now, with this in front of her, she wouldn’t spoil the moment with a sombre mood. She peered up and saw he awaited her response. “It’s very lovely.”

He gave her a genuine smile. “Go on.”

While she was tempted to go in, another part of the home had her focus. If the front looked this good, she could only imagine the backyard was even better. “Can we go to the back first?”

“This is
house. Go wherever you please.”

Right, why was she asking him for permission? An old habit she needed to break. Hurrying past the house, she marched along the flat rocks that marked the path to the backyard. Just as the path ended, a wood gate appeared. She unlatched it and stepped through. Only two steps in, she froze. “Oh my elements.”

She stepped in further toward the center of the garden and spun around. Dahlias, freesia, orchids--in no sense of order. A small path made of limestone wove its way through the garden, but she knew it hadn’t been walked in sometime. The fence that surrounded the house was well over ten feet high, and so overgrown with flowers and vines, she’d swear she was in Heaven.

“I take it this home makes you happy.” Zeke stated.

Happy? Could that describe this? No, certainly not. Either a Fae or another Earth Witch had resided here, because no one else would spend the time and energy to build this backyard. No one but another creature who loved Earth would go to such lengths to provide this sanctuary that filled her with such strong emotions. Tears filled her eyes. But the funny thing was she did nothing to stop them. And that was a first--she never cried in front of anyone. She trusted Zeke. Why was that? He was a demon, someone definitely to run from. However, all she wanted to do was take a step closer toward him. “This is ... it’s...” she mumbled before she drew in a deep breath to settle herself. “I couldn’t want for anything more.”

He smiled. “That is a good thing.”

She began to walk along the square garden, weaving her way through the flowers, leaning down to sniff one now and again. Just around the bend, a swing appeared. It was so old the white paint was flaked and rust layered the bars. It creaked with the wind as it swayed. She sat down on the cushion and leaned against it. Never had she felt so peaceful. Not once had she experienced anything so serene. Only adding to the perfect moment, the demon who walked toward her. He wore a grin that spoke of so much mystery, as if he knew all the answers and only waited for her to ask. His dark eyes, meant to frighten, only showed her the kindest of emotions.

He trailed his hands from flower to flower with a soft touch to insure no damage. She followed his every step. Her mind captured by thoughts of his hands along her skin, cupping her breasts, caressing her as carefully as he did the flowers.

When he plucked a fuchsia dahlia from the ground her focus came back to his face. With a slowness that nearly pained her to watch, he raised the flower to his nose and sniffed it. His eyes closed, the little furrow in his brow suggested the scent overwhelmed him. She gripped the cushion below her as she gulped deeply. By the elements, she’d never seen anything so sexy in her life, and she’d seen a man smell a flower before. But when Zeke did it, she melted.

His eyes snapped open, bored intently into hers. She did nothing to hide the fact he had completely and utterly aroused her. She wished he enjoyed her as much as he did the scent of the dahlia. He may be a demon, but right now, it didn’t matter. He was too delectable to ignore. Besides, she deserved a little fun after what she’d been through these past days. Using him as an outlet to bring some happiness into her life was nothing she would feel bad about.

He waited only a moment. Something changed in his demeanour, almost an acknowledgment that he’d waited for. In only a few strides, he closed the distance between them, knelt down and held the dahlia up. “You know, I’ve never been one for roses. The way a dahlia feels against your skin is much more pleasing.” He touched the back of her hand with the flower, and that earned him a little shudder. “The petals feel like a hundred fingertips along your skin.” He began to slowly run the flower up her forearm.

Her breath sucked back into her lungs. Unable to stop her eyes from shutting, she revelled in the way he touched her. So gentle, yet intent, done in a way to entice her. Slowly, the petals danced along her skin until the tips tickled her jaw line. He ran the flower from her cheek to her lips, where he slid it in a soft whisper across her mouth.

At that moment, he stopped, the flower no longer touching her. Her eyelids fluttered open, and her breath whooshed out in surprise to find his face so close to hers. He held the flower out, smiling in a way that melted her insides. “Did you enjoy the touch of that?”

“I did.” If she’d been bolder, she would have asked for more. Instead, she took the flower from his hand and raised it to her nose without taking her eyes from his.

His expression turned molten, suggesting where he wanted to take this. And she wouldn’t stop him. She needed him just as much. There was something to him, a way about him that she wanted to lose herself in, even if for only a moment. She wasn’t stupid to the ways of the world. She’d seen how cruel love could be. Zeke wanted her body, nothing more. Something she was all right with. A relationship with no strings attached was just the thing she needed to get over Layton. Her heart couldn’t handle any more pain.

With that, she gave him a sultry look to egg him on. His gaze smouldered like the fires in Hell. He leaned forward and cupped the sides of her face. “You must decide now if you want this.” He ran his thumb over her lips and licked his own. “Because once I kiss you I won’t stop.”

She was ready to say “Get on with it.” But there was a smidgen of hesitation that had her worried. “I’ve never ... been with a demon.” She looked at the bulge in his pants. “Are ... is everything the same?” Who knew what he had in his jeans?

His deep chuckle sent shivers down her spine. “My body is human in every sense--you won’t find a devil’s pitchfork in my pants.”

She laughed nervously. Well, what could he really expect? Her mouth parted to answer him, but she decided action would speak her point well enough. She closed the distance and kissed his mouth. If she’d doubted how much he wanted her, she didn’t now--his kiss couldn’t lie. His hands tightened around her face as his mouth encouraged in sync with hers. Tongues entwined, lips pressed together firmly. Every touch sent tingles straight to her center and caused heat to build between her thighs.

After a final swipe of her tongue, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit down very gently. He released it, still holding her face in his hands. His eyes bore into hers in a way no man had ever looked at her before. His eyebrow arched up suggestively. “Bryanna, are you ready to play with fire?”

“Holy earthquake, am I ever!”

Chapter Four

Zeke didn’t know what had changed in Bryanna, why she suddenly showed interest, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was the lust in her eyes. He reached out and trailed a finger along the same path as the flower. He ran his fingers up her arm as little shivers escaped her. He wouldn’t dare take his eyes off her, not now, not when the remnants of her reservations had begun to fade.

The flower had been purposeful. He knew if he used her element on her, it’d likely arouse her. Maybe that simple gesture had been what stirred her so, or maybe no one had ever touched her in a way that would please her. He suspected it was the latter and was all too glad to touch her any way she wanted.

At her collarbone, he ran his fingers along the prevalent bone and trailed over the curve of her breast. She sighed. Even to be touched in such a manner seemed foreign to her. It only confirmed he needed to progress at a slow pace. He was well aware that she was using him right now to make herself feel better. Not that he minded, but he did wonder if he’d ever be granted the right to be with her like this again. In any case, he wasn’t about to waste the moment. She was so responsive, and he enjoyed that.

“You’re a very beautiful witch, Bryanna.” He took her mouth again, marvelling in her wet kiss. Her mouth followed his movements without hesitation. She let him lead the way. He liked it for now, but if she let him do this again with her, he would show her she could demand as well. It all centered on his need to see her lose this cage and free herself to become the witch she should be.

Throughout the kisses, Bryanna let out little moans of pleasure. It urged him to kiss her deeper, give her more. He left her mouth to travel along her jaw to her neck, where he nibbled and kissed, searching for the spot that made her shudder. The scent of her, the feel of her warm skin against his mouth, stirred his own desires, and a low growl rose from his throat. She quivered in response.

So, she liked to hear his enjoyment? Maybe she was more like him than he first expected. Her small hands came down to the hem of his shirt, and slipped underneath to explore his skin. His muscles tightened as her sweet hands stroked him.

She reached up toward his chest, running her hands along his flesh, and made her way up to his shoulders. Her touches strained the fabric, but he didn’t care--he needed more of her touch. He brought his lips to her mouth, hard and demanding. Then he tore his mouth away and swiftly removed his shirt to allow her what she wanted. Quickly, she placed her hands back on his shoulders as she swept over each of his muscles with a soft gesture, tracing her fingers along every curve of his arm as if she were blind and needed it to visualize his appearance.

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