Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (149 page)

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“Yes, Faelan.” Mary turned away from her and whispered something to Master Coen before disappearing back into the room.

Brie was about to scream the word ‘bitch’ when she noticed Tono out of the corner of her eye. She could barely control her joy and eagerly motioned him into the room. Marquis nodded his agreement and gestured for Tono to join Brie. The smile on his beautiful face chased away all her ugly thoughts.

“You came back,” she said, trying not to sound as relieved as she felt.

“Of course, toriko. I would never leave you for long.”

She blushed at the thrill his words brought. The instant the door closed, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. He shut his eyes and simply held her. She could sense his distress and trembled in the embrace.

Tono responded to her fear by pressing her head against his chest, holding her tighter. She accepted the constriction and breathed with him, standing in silence as she soaked in their simple harmony.

Brie eventually pulled away, knowing that she only had a limited time. “Tono…” She took his hand and tried to lead him to the couch. Instead, he directed her to the mat.

“Present yourself to me, little slave.”

Brie obediently dropped to the floor and arched her back in a beautiful curved shape, with her legs spread wide for his pleasure, just as he had instructed her in their first session together. She kept her head down, waiting for his next order.

Tono fisted her hair, pulling her head back and kissing her deeply. “My toriko, how well you remember my preference.”

“I delight in pleasing you, Tono.”

He smiled as he gracefully knelt down on the mat, gesturing her to him. Tono wrapped his strong arms around Brie and she laid her head back on his chest. She wanted to voice the question that was burning a hole in her heart but she chickened out, choosing instead to ask the first question from her list. “Can you tell me how old you are?”

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I am thirty.”

She quickly did the math and announced, “You’re only eight years older. That’s not bad.”

“Glad you approve, little one.”

She giggled softly. “I already know what you do for a living…so I guess I’ll go on to the next question. Why did you choose to become a Dom?”

“My father is a master of Kinbaku. It seemed only natural that I should follow in his footsteps. You see, I have been trained by the best.”

The mention of his father threw Brie off, so she changed the subject. “What do you think of my film career?”

“I will support you fully, toriko. I have the unique ability to travel with you on location, no matter where you end up shooting. I can continue my photography and do seminars anywhere. Your career choice is not an issue for me.”

“But I thought you liked to stay in LA?”

“It is my preference, but not a necessity. I would enjoy seeing you succeed in your passion, and I desire to support you.”

She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him soundly. “It means a lot to me, Tono. More than you know.”

“I know your heart, little one.”

“So I assume we would be together twenty-four seven.”

He ran his fingertips down her neck and over the swell of her breasts. “I would have it no other way.”

“Your place?” she asked, with a touch of sarcastic acceptance.

“It matters little.” She looked at him in surprise. He answered her next question without being asked. “My contentment is not dependent on the location.”

Brie smiled, liking all of his answers so far. “Would you have a problem with me working at the tobacco shop until I get my big break?”

He surprised her when he said, “Yes.”

She was about to argue the point, but he caressed her cheek lovingly. “You should not work a retail job, toriko, when your career involves film. I expect you to devote your time fully to it.”

Brie broke out in a huge grin. “You would support me until I make it a success?”

“Of course, little slave. Your success is our success. However, I would require your beautiful form on my own film occasionally.”

She knocked him over with her enthusiastic embrace. They landed on the mat together, her laughter filling the small room. “I love you so much!”

Once the L-word was out, the room became silent. He slowly brushed a strand of hair from her face, looking at her with those warm, brown eyes. He said nothing, but his smile was radiant, like the sun. It thrilled her heart to see it.

Tono gently helped her up. He stood before her, taking off his jacket and laying it neatly on the floor. Then he proceeded to undress in front of her. She watched in admiration as he exposed his model-worthy body. When he was completely nude, he picked up his jacket and pulled a small piece of jute from a pocket. “Hold your wrists out, toriko.”

Brie struggled to hide her grin. The rope was so short. How could he possibly do anything impressive with such a small piece of rope? Tono’s eyes sparkled as he secured her wrists together in a cross pattern, leaving her arms open. He pushed her gently onto the mat and removed her thong first. He kissed it before placing it on the floor. He removed her heels next, slowly and reverently. Her stockings came off last.

Tono flipped her microskirt up and stroked her bare pussy. Brie’s body responded, automatically pressing against his hand, desiring more of his intimate touch.

“So beautiful,” he murmured. Instead of claiming her with his tongue, Tono stood and pulled Brie up. He leaned over and lifted her tied wrists over his head. With her arms around his neck and her face just inches from his, he picked her up. She automatically wrapped her legs around his naked hips and felt the sexual tension when her swollen lips made contact with his hard cock.

Tono danced with her in his arms, kissing her deeply as he kept time to a song only he could hear. His tongue drew her in like an undercurrent. She lost herself in the kiss, no longer aware of her surroundings.

Her pussy gently rocked against his shaft as he moved, causing a slow buildup that accented the song he created between them. “Oh, Tono,” she whispered.

He lifted her hips up and slowly slipped his cock into her. She threw her head back and cried out in ecstasy. He continued to dance with her, his cock planted deeply within.

Brie pulled on her bound wrists, drawing his lips back to hers. He moved in a circular pattern around the room, sliding himself in and out of her moist recess. Her building orgasm was approaching its peak. Brie braced her wrists against the back of his neck and rubbed her erect nipples against his sweaty skin. It proved his undoing and she felt his cock pulse rhythmically inside her as he groaned hoarsely.

The constant rubbing had sensitized her clit to near climax. She whispered, “Bite me, Tono,” needing his teeth to bring her over the edge.

He hesitated. “No.”

Tono chose to give her a passionate kiss. Brie readjusted and concentrated on the magic of his tongue. Soon her body shuddered in its own release. He continued to hold her in his arms afterwards, as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Brie winced when the warning bell rang. She hated to break the spell, but time was running out and they had to talk about his father. “Tono…” She stopped, her heart pounding with dread as a deathlike silence filled the room.

Finally, he spoke. “Toriko, my father is mistaken.”

She stiffened in his embrace. “What does he mean by telling you I’m not good?” she asked, tears blurring her vision of his face.

Tono leaned forward and kissed them away. “He does not understand. My father has never shared the connection we share.”

“But what did he mean by it?”

Tono closed his eyes and did not speak. It scared her. When he opened his chocolate eyes again he said firmly, “What he says does not matter.”

“But it matters to me,” she insisted.

He moved over to the couch and set her down, then began untying the jute. “My father believes you have a ravenous spirit.”

Ice crystals coursed through her veins at the declaration. “What does that mean, Tono?”

He gazed into her eyes and paused before answering. “He does not believe I will be enough for you.”

Her heart skipped a beat at hearing her greatest fear voiced by his father. Tears threatened to take over, so she squeezed her eyes tightly shut.

“My father is wrong, toriko,” he said soothingly. He was tender as he dressed her.

Brie opened her eyes to stare at her handsome Dom while he dressed himself, wondering the whole time how they could survive his father’s disapproval. The Japanese culture placed a high value on the bond between parent and child. Worse was the fact that Tono’s father had also trained him. It demanded an even higher level of respect. But what really scared Brie—what made it difficult for her to breathe—was the fact his father might be right, and Tono and Brie both knew it.

She stood up and clung to Tono, flinching when the second bell sounded. She struggled to let go of him.

Tono took her face in his hands. “Do not let my father’s words sway you, toriko. Choose the man who will love and guide you.”

Marquis entered the room and encouraged Tono to leave. Brie watched him walk away, heartsick at the separation.

“Do you have what you need to make a decision, pearl?”

She looked up at Marquis and answered with a simple nod.


They walked out of the room to the festivities now in full swing. It would be a full hour before the collaring ceremony. Brie saw Lea already mingling with the crowd. She looked over the sea of people and noticed several familiar faces.

I guess it’s time to begin my goodbyes…
Brie thought.

She approached Baron first. He was engaged in a conversation with Mr. Gallant, but ended it as soon as he noticed her. “Ah, kitten…”

She grinned at the striking Dom. “I want to thank you, Baron.”

His white teeth gleamed against his dark skin. “It was my pleasure and honor.”

Brie smiled shyly when she admitted, “Remember that first night? I was so scared of you.”

His large thumb traced the edge of her bottom lip. “It concerned me, but we got past that.”

“You were gentle and kind.”

He chuckled in his deep baritone. “Not too gentle, I trust.”

She kissed his thumb. “Just right.”

“Thankfully, Headmaster Davis picked the best man for the job.” He thrust his chest out and smiled heroically. “He insisted I push you to the edge that first night, but you handled yourself well and I must say you have blossomed since, kitten. You are a true submissive now.”

She tiptoed to kiss Baron’s enticing, thick lips. “I owe my success to you. You saw me through that first night.”

“No, you succeeded all on your own, kitten. Although I must admit it was enjoyable being a part of your training.”

Mr. Gallant interrupted their conversation. “Pardon me, Miss Bennett, but there are quite a few people who would like to speak with you tonight. I recommend you spread yourself around as much as possible.”

She bowed to her teacher and his beautiful wife, giving Baron one last peck on his luscious lips before moving into the crowd. Brie did a double-take when she saw her boss, Mr. Reynolds, from the tobacco shop.
What is he doing here?

His wrinkled face broke out in a familiar grin as she came up to him. “Brie, you look positively stunning.”

She was suddenly reminded of her attire and blushed. This was Mr. Reynolds, after all. “This is my wife, Judy. She has been anxious to meet you.”

Brie looked at the older woman, who had streaks of gray throughout her jet-black hair. The woman had a captivating smile. “Such a pleasure. Jack has only nice things to say about his favorite employee.” She leaned in closer. “I think you saved his sanity on numerous occasions.”

She looked back at Mr. Reynolds, wondering at his presence here, but she didn’t have to wonder for long. “I know it must be a shock to see me, but I have known Thane for a very long time. Since he was a baby, in fact.” He pointed at Sir across the room. “You see, he’s my nephew.”

Brie gasped. Mr. Reynolds was related to Sir? She stared at Mr. Reynolds and nodded stupidly as she tried to take in his words.

“That night you met, he was actually coming by to visit me. Apparently, he was so taken by a certain young lady that he up and left without even saying hello. I have to admit I was shocked he left the card, and even more so when I saw you wearing his collar.”

Mr. Reynolds knew what was going on the entire time?

“Thane’s either at work or over at the Center. I had high hopes when I saw the collar around your neck, but I should have known better.” He laughed lightly and held up his glass in a mock toast to Sir. “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.”

Brie’s gaze gravitated towards Sir. He was smiling at some remark Master Coen had made, but his smile made her sad. Sir had poured everything into the Submissive Training Center. Lea, Mary and she were all products of his dedication and would move on from the school, partnered with Doms worthy of their new training. He, however, would remain behind—alone.

“So, Miss Bennett, have you decided who you are going to ask to collar you?” Mrs. Reynolds asked excitedly.

“Judy! You don’t ask something like that,” Mr. Reynolds scolded, putting his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “We don’t get out much. Please forgive her enthusiasm.”

“That’s okay,” Brie replied, but she began looking around for a means of escape. She saw Faelan standing a short distance away, obviously wanting to talk to her. She made her excuse to the couple. “I’m sorry, there’s someone I must speak to.”

Faelan’s blue eyes were trained on her. She walked away, listening to Mrs. Reynolds’ profuse apologies, feeling the weight of Faelan’s stare as she approached. Brie kept her eyes down, unsure how to begin.

“It changes nothing,” he declared, lifting her chin up to look into her eyes.

“What did you do with her?”

He shook his head. “That is privileged information, blossom. It would be uncouth to speak of our encounter.”

“I didn’t care for it,” she said simply, turning her head from him.

“It couldn’t be helped,” he answered, forcing her to look him in the eye.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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