Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 (16 page)

BOOK: Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5
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He didn’t realize tears had begun to roll down his cheek until Harper brushed them away with her thumb. “I want to…” Damn, there was that lump in his throat again. “I want to try. No…not try. I want to be Mara’s father. In every sense of the word. I’m sure I’ll fuck up along the way, but I hope it won’t be often.” He cupped her chin. “But I want the package deal, Harper.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Package deal?”

“You, Mara, and me. A family. I want it all.”

Before she could say no, he pulled her face toward his and took possession of her mouth. Now that he was in for the long haul, it was time to convince her that he wouldn’t settle for less than everything he never knew he wanted.



Harper’s eyes fluttered shut and every thought of why this was a bad idea flew from her brain as their lips touched. As much as she had dreaded this moment since Marco had reentered her life, she had dreamt of it, too—for so much longer. And now her reasons for keeping him at arm’s length seemed to have disappeared. He was willing to try to see where this went between them. The key to the locked armor she’d wrapped around her heart to protect it from him slid into place. Now it was only a matter of time before she knew if she could let him turn the key and free her. Everything she knew about the man said she could trust him with her mind, body, and soul, but only if Marco knew it himself. Once he realized he was the good man his friends and she knew he was, then it would be possible for him to fall in love, and let her fall in return.

His hand snaked up into her hair, tightening and pulling the strands just to the edge of being painful. She gasped against Marco’s mouth and he took full advantage of it, plunging his tongue between her opened lips. He tilted her head to the side to give himself better access to taste, tease, and torment her with everything he had. A moan from deep inside her escaped when his other hand found her breast and massaged it through her thin T-shirt. A thought popped into her brain, she wished she’d put on a sexier bra today. After giving birth, her breasts remained fuller than their original size, so she’d had to purchase new bras to accommodate their girth, and since she hadn’t been out to impress anyone, she’d picked up only drab, utilitarian ones. At least she wasn’t wearing one of the nursing bras she’d used at first. Then again, easy access at this point wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Shifting, she brought her legs up to straddle him, grinding her pelvis against his erection and giving him access to both breasts. He didn’t disappoint, grabbing her shirt and pulling it over her head. She hadn’t needed to worry about the bra since he never even saw it as he popped the catch and dragged the garment off her body. Tugging on her hair, he left her mouth and trailed kisses and nibbles down her jaw, neck, shoulders, and chest. Cupping her left breast, he lifted it as his mouth closed around her flesh, and she cried out at the electricity which shot through her entire body. The moist, wet heat of his tongue on her nipple was replaced with cool air as Marco blew on it, causing the center to extend toward him. He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, sounding almost in awe. “You don’t know how much I want to clamp your nipples right now. But these beauties deserve ones with jewels on them.”

He closed his teeth around one of the taut peaks and sucked. She couldn’t control her response if she wanted to. As she cried out again, her hands dove into his hair and held his head in place. She knew what she was doing was wrong—topping from the bottom or trying to control the scene that was playing out—but they hadn’t taken the step of negotiations yet. She hoped he would forgive her indiscretion…or maybe it would be better if he didn’t. She was certain any punishment Master Marco doled out to his submissives would eventually result in something which would repeatedly drive her over the brink of insanity.

His hands went around to her back and caressed the soft skin he found there. Releasing her nipple, he pulled his head back, forcing her to ease her grip so he could look up at her with eyes heavy with desire. “How long, baby? How long have you been in the lifestyle?”

Trying to catch her breath, she twirled his soft black hair with her fingers. “Since college.”

“Tell me more,” he ordered as he kissed her collarbone. “How’d you start?”

“Our second year, one of our housemates took Nina and I to a munch and I felt like I found a home, you know?” Oh, yeah, he knew. Munches were get-togethers for people interested in the lifestyle. It gave them an opportunity to talk to experienced Doms and subs without diving head first into play. He often saw that ‘found-a-home’ look in newbies eyes when they realized they were more normal than they’d thought. “Nina said it wasn’t for her, but she supported my need to learn more about it. I think it was our senior year when you told her you were a Dom. Of course, she told me, since we told each other everything.”

His thumbs came to her front and brushed against her ribs. “And yet, she didn’t tell me about you, which in hindsight, I would have reamed her if she had. Privacy and all that. So was any Dom lucky enough to catch your eye for a long period of time? Any relationships?”

Nodding, she tried to focus on answering him and not on what he was doing to her flesh. “A few. I usually dated a Dom before I played with him. The longest relationship I had was two years, but in the end, we both realized forever wasn’t meant to be. We just grew apart, and soon play was the only thing we really had in common. I don’t have to ask you the same question, since Nina knew you never had a long relationship with anyone—sub or not.”

“The longest one was about five months and that was years ago. I never introduced the woman to Nina. I knew it wasn’t forever, so why bother to get either of their hopes up?” He shrugged and she wondered why he suddenly wanted to talk instead of putting his mouth to better use…or at least, a more pleasurable use. His eyes met hers. “I want you, Harper.” His hips flexed toward her, showing her just
how much
he wanted her. “There’s no denying that. But last time we put the proverbial cart before the horse. So this time, I want to take you out…on a date, before I take you to my bed. Can we do that? I’ve never courted a woman before and this time, it feels wrong not to. I can’t believe I’m saying this with you half naked in my lap, but I’m asking you to get dressed. I’m sure Jenn would love to help your mother babysit and they’ll be perfectly safe here with the team. I want to take you out to dinner tonight and romance you…” He raised his brow and chuckled. “And then I want to pick up where we’re leaving off…
you’ve completed a limit list, so I know what toys to bring along.”

She smiled at his teasing. Clearly, this was important to him. As much as she wanted to jump his bones at this very moment, she gave in to his request. “I’d be honored to go on a date with you, but do you think it’s safe?”

“It should be, but I’ll have two of the Omega team tail us until we get back to my house. With the security system the geek installed, we’ll be perfectly safe there. Well, I’ll be perfectly safe…you, however, will be at my mercy.”

Heaven help her! And now he was going to leave her like this…wanting…needing. Maybe a little nudge…

Shifting her hips one more time, she moaned when her clit rubbed against the hard bulge in his jeans. Clutching her ass, he stilled her movements. “You’re killing me here, sweetheart. When was the last time you had an orgasm?”

“Before the baby was born.” Even she could hear the yearning in her voice. “About a month before.”

“Seriously? You haven’t gotten off in over six months?”

His wide eyes and the incredulous statement made her giggle. “
…yeah. Dealing with an infant, while working full time, tends to be a tad tiring.”

“Shit. Well, let’s see what we can do about that.” He turned her body until she was sitting sideways on his lap again. Tugging on the string at the top of her stylish sweatpants, he undid the knot and then slid his hand under the waistband faster than his intent registered in her mind.

“Wh-what’re you doing? Oh God!”

He found her pussy soaking wet. Using two fingers, he stroked her clit and swollen lips, causing her to gasp and moan. “Like that,
? Just because I want to hold off fucking you for a few hours, doesn’t mean I can’t give you a little taste of what’s to come. Damn, you’re on fire down there, and no matter how wet you get, it won’t be enough to put that fire out until I make you cum.”

Curling the tips of his fingers, he breached the entrance to her core. She spread her legs wider to give him more room as his mouth latched on to the tit closest to him. “Oh, fuck, Marco! Yes!”

A pop sounded when he stopped sucking and looked up at her. “This is going to be a quickie, baby. Just enough to take the edge off, but not enough to completely satisfy you. That we’ll take care of later.”

“Anything. Oh, please anything.”

His fingers plunged deep, then withdrew and plunged in once more. Over and over. Faster and faster. Then he held them inside her and searched…searched for the hidden spot which would send her flying. She panted for air as her body soared higher and higher. He’d been right. This was going to be a quickie—she was right there…just a little—

. Oh…oh shit…

“That’s it. Ride it, baby.”

He prolonged the orgasmic waves as long as he could with the two fingers rubbing her G-spot and his thumb strumming her clit. Flashes of light appeared before her closed eyes until she had nothing more to give him and began to float back down to earth. His mouth nuzzled her neck and all she wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms, then wake up and do it again.

“Thank you…Sir.”

* * *

When they returned to the barbecue, Marco noted a few more people had arrived. Mistress China, a.k.a. Charlotte Roth, was chatting with Colleen and her Dom/fiancé, Reggie Helm. The Omega team members, who weren’t currently on guard duty, were also scattered about. The huge flat screen TV on the wall had been switched over to Skype and showed Jake and Nick sitting on the couch in their living room in San Diego. Jenn was standing in front of the camera attached to Brody’s laptop, holding Mara for them to see, with Alyssa blowing softly in the baby’s face to make her giggle.

Devon’s face lit up when he saw Marco and Harper. “Great, you’re back. Now we can get down to business. Everyone gather round.” He pulled Kristen to his side as Alyssa picked up the camera and turned it so the two men in California could see Nick’s second oldest brother. “I’m glad mostly everyone was able to make it today. Kristen and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and slow day. It’s great to have such a wonderful group of family, co-workers, and friends—Harper, Karen, and baby Mara, that includes you, too. If someone had told me two weeks ago that Polo would be the first one of us with a kid, I would have laughed my ass off. But as it turns out, we couldn’t be happier for him. Aaaaand…it looks like I’m going to be needing pointers from him because my beautiful wife is carrying my future son or daughter.”

Delighted gasps and squeals filled the air, followed by shouts of congratulations, whistles, and clapping. The women rushed to pull Kristen into hugs while Devon took some fist bumps and back slapping. After the excitement died down a little, Devon put his arm around Ian’s shoulders and looked up at the big screen where Nick and Jake had huge grins on their faces. Alyssa moved so she could get all four of them in the camera range. Devon held up a glass of soda. “Kristen made a few suggestions and I wholeheartedly agree with them. First off—if it’s a boy, his name will be John Devon Sawyer.” A chorus of ‘
’ met his statement from those who knew about the deceased Sawyer brother. “And Ian and Angie, we would like you to be the baby’s godparents.”


Everyone laughed as Angie’s hands went flying into the air and she did a little happy dance. Ian’s smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger. “As my fiancée has already indicated, we’d be honored, brother. Congratulations. Shit! Did you tell Mom and Pop yet?”

“We called all the soon-to-be grandparents this morning,” Kristen answered, her arm wrapped around her husband’s waist. “With everyone here, the only other people we really still want to tell is my editor, Jillian, who I’ll call tomorrow, and Carter, but Devon left a message for him to call when he can.” The spy had a system where messages were left at a phone number very few people knew and he checked them when he could safely do so. “We’ll also tell everyone else at the club tomorrow night.”

Standing next to Harper, Marco sighed, then whispered in her ear. “This is going to alter our plans, sweetheart. We can’t leave the party after that announcement and I’ll be expected to be at the club tomorrow night as well.”

She leaned into him and the honeysuckle shampoo she’d used tickled his nose. “Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. I really don’t care about the dinner…just the dessert.”

His eyebrows shot up as he turned to fully face her. Keeping his voice low so only she could hear him, he chided, “Oh, woman, how you tempt me. But I’m serious. I want at least one date with you before we wind up in bed together again.”

“Fine,” she replied with an exaggerated huff. “How about lunch tomorrow? Then we’ll come back and go to the club later on.” A blush came over her face. “Oh, wait…I mean, that is if you want me at the club.”

Growling, he put his hands on her waist as he stared at the bottom lip she started nibbling on. “Sweetheart, I want you in the club, my bed, the shower…hell, I’d take you right here, if it was just those of us in the lifestyle. Lunch tomorrow and then the club in the evening is fine, but we won’t be able to play
the club until you’ve been fully vetted and cleared. The policy applies to everyone. Even Kristen, Angie, and Kat had to wait to be cleared. But as you said a moment ago, don’t worry…I’ll think of something.” And he would, because the wheels of creativity were already spinning with his options. Something else came to mind as well. “Tell your mom we’ll take Mara with us to lunch, so she can have a few hours to herself. She can relax here, or if she wants to get a change of scenery, maybe visit some friends. I’ll arrange an escort for her with Dev.”

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