Up in a Blaze

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Authors: Alice Brown

BOOK: Up in a Blaze
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Up in a Blaze
Number III of
Texas Vampire Rangers
Alice Brown
JK Publishing, Inc. (2015)

Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contain language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. MF

In book three of Vampire Texas Rangers: When Texas Ranger Donte Chaverez’s boss hands him a new assignment escorting his sister-in-law’s friend, Donte thinks nothing other than just another job. However, what it turns out to be is a life changing experience—a dream he never thought would come true.

Cassandra Vicors is recuperating in the hospital after surviving a horrendous beating at the hands of her best friend’s ex when a Texas Ranger walks through the door, announcing he is there to escort her to Texas.

With Cassandra’s persistent nightmares, then add the fact nothing ever goes right for the Rangers, it is just the beginning of the mystery, one they need to unravel in order to bring the case to a close.

As evil stalks every move, it soon becomes evident the Rangers need outside help in order to see the case through. But will Cassandra be able to handle the fact she is now surrounded by vampires? And will Donte be able to keep her safe long enough to show her what she means to him?

Catch up with your favorite characters and fall in love with a few new ones as the Rangers once again come to the aid of an innocent female in need of their protection.

Up in a Blaze by Alice Brown




Up in a Blaze


Texas Vampire Rangers

Book Three


by Alice Brown


© Copyright May 2015 JK Publishing, Inc.


All cover art and logo © Copyright May 2015 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Cover by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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Table of Contents












by Alice Brown

from Sapphamire

from Fae Awakening

Publishing, Inc.



Walter needed a couple of days off. It seemed the entire team had been going nonstop since Eddie and his goons arrived in town a few months ago. Now that the case had been wrapped up, he was looking through the calendar to mark off a couple of days to relax, knowing several of the team members would be putting in for a few days off as well. A knock at his door brought Walter out of his musings.

“Hey, Walter, do you have a moment?” His sister-in-law, Betty, stood in the doorway, wringing her hands. The quiver in her voice jerked his head upward to look at her. Whatever was on her mind had her almost trembling. A full grown vampire trembling? WTH? Her face looked unusually pale, and her bottom lip looked ready to bleed from chewing on it, a sure sign of her distress. What in the world had happened to upset her so badly?

She was currently filling in temporarily for Nathaniel’s mate, Susan, who was out on maternity leave. When he’d asked her to take the position, she had agreed only because Walter promised her it would be for a short time only, and that he was actively looking for a permanent replacement. Still, had another one of the rangers said something to upset her? He’d knock them into next week if that was the case. This young woman, now turned vampire, had been through enough in her young life.

Less than three months ago he had received a call stating his sister-in-law had been in a horrific domestic violence situation, and both she and her young son, Timmy, were in the hospital. Both he and his wife, Sissy, had rushed out only to find Betty near death’s door. With the help of the friendly local vampires, Sissy had changed Betty over to a vampire and they had brought her back with them to live in Texas. Sissy and Betty’s father had also come in from Atlanta, and had requested to take Timmy home with him for a little while to get to know his grandson. Since Betty was a newly turned vampire, something her father or son knew nothing about, she had agreed it might be for the best until she’d had time to adjust.

Giving her a warm smile, he nodded. “Of course. Come on in.”

He watched as she shut the door tightly behind her and sunk into one of the two chairs sitting in front of his desk.

“Walter, I don’t know where to begin. I hate coming to you with yet another personal problem…”

He sat up in his chair as he watched her breath hitch. If she had still been human he would have bet good money he’d be watching tears pour down her cheeks by now. “Betty, we’re family. Just tell me what’s wrong. You know if it’s in my power, I will fix it.”

“I had a friend back in California. She lived a couple of doors down from me. Her name is Cassandra, Cassie for short. Anyways, I just got a call from the authorities in California. She’s been attacked, Walter. Somehow, Gregory escaped from prison. They said he was being transferred and he managed to kill the driver before quickly disappearing. He went straight to her house looking for me. He beat her pretty badly before a neighbor heard her screaming and called for help.”

Walter stood quickly and rounded his desk. There was absolutely nothing in this world he hated worse than men who hit and beat women. He would love nothing better than to round up all those that did and lock them all up, then set fire to the building they were locked in. Nothing in the world to him would be better than to see the world eradicated of men who preyed on helpless women.

He brought the empty chair closer to her and sat down. Pulling her over to his shoulder, he tried to calm her down, her fear a very tangible thing. “Okay, you let me worry about Gregory, because if that asshole dares to step foot in this state, he is mine!” He reached up and stroked her hair, hoping the gesture would soothe her, comfort her. “Hey, we’re going to help your friend, okay? Do you think she would be willing to come out here while she heals? It would give the authorities in California time to catch up with him, and if he’s stupid enough to try to come here, we will be ready.”

Betty looked up at her brother-in-law with affection. “I don’t know, but I do appreciate the offer to bring her here. Ho-how do we go about doing anything?” She was still wringing her hands together in front of her. “I don’t know where to start, she was a good friend and I hate to see her hurt because of me.”

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