Walker's Run (21 page)

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Authors: Mel Favreaux

BOOK: Walker's Run
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“God, your hands are wonderful,” Casey groaned when they slid up her sides once more.

Satisfied he'd removed all the tension from her shoulders, he moved down her back, massaging her bottom with deep strokes. Braedyn maneuvered down her thighs. Urging her legs apart a little more, he manipulated the sides and front and then down her calves.

Casey’s deep sighs and soft moans while he worked on her feet then moved his way back up her legs, made him harden further. She was right, he ached for her, too.

* * * *

“Sleepy yet?”

Closing her eyes, Casey felt him slip between her thighs. Braedyn’s hot breath moved up her back. He brushed her hair aside, laying a gentle kiss on her shoulder. Hot and hard, his erection slid across the inside of her thigh. She groaned when he pressed the length of himself against her behind.

“Uhm...sleep is the furthest thing from my mind.” Casey wriggled her bottom beneath his weight and he laughed in her ear. Shivers ran down her spine.

Braedyn pulled back, taking her hips, urging her onto her knees. Wrapping his arm around her, he drew her back to him. “I've not finished the front yet.” His hands already slick with lotion, began to massage her stomach and slowly moved them around her breasts to massage her upper chest and neck.

Casey gripped his thighs and ground against him, gritting her teeth. She waited, anxious, for his teasing to end. It was torture, but she loved him touching her body.

He circled her breasts slowly before pressing his palms against her nipples then drew his hands away; his fingers brushed the tips. Casey shuddered. God, she ached for him. Biting her bottom lip, she writhed against him.

But she knew he wasn't done yet. After plying and pinching her nipples to make them even harder and more sensitive, his hand moved lower. She gasped, his fingers toyed with her, sliding through her folds. He continued to squeeze and pinch one of her nipples while stroking her.

Sighing, Casey reached up over her shoulder and slipped her arm around his neck, pulling his face toward hers. She kissed him and ground against him. “I want you,” she moaned into his mouth. Her fingers curled into his hair. She didn’t care how he took her so long as he did and soon.

Casey felt his finger slide inside of her. She trembled. Hissing through clenched teeth, he leaned her forward. He slid his hands up her arms, guiding her hands to the headboard. Braedyn postioned Casey on her knees before him.

Groaning, she felt his hot, steely, length brush her thigh and rise higher to tease her further. Closing her eyes, she tried to force herself to be patient. It would end well, it always did. Her hands shook when she gripped the headboard. His fingers laced with hers, and he pressed himself to her.

His chest rested on her back while he slid deep. Braedyn held himself there while she shuddered and whimpered through her orgasm. When she’d recovered, he drew out, and then back in again. His hands moved to her breasts once more, squeezing both nipples while increasing the thrusts. Casey’s body shuddered again, the pleasure built. Worrying her left nipple, his right hand drifted down to tease her nub, quickening his pace.

Casey hollered out when her orgasm rolled through her. The grip she maintained on the headboard made her hands ache.

Bradeyn pulled her away and rolled her onto her back. His lips found hers, branding them with passion. It frustrated her that he refused her tugging and instead moved down her body, licking and gently biting at her nipples. She tangled her fingers in his hair in an attempt to draw his mouth back to hers. His tongue continued to swirl around her nipples, followed with tiny bites. Casey couldn’t believe she felt another orgasm build simply from his mouth on her nipples.

She came in a rush. Her back arched, and her body shuddered.

“How did you do that?” Casey rasped, looking at him.

“We wolves love to lick and bite,” he growled and moved himself between her thighs again.

His eyes changed from pale grey to gold again, his wolf rising. There was no more time for play. Her wolf rose to greet him when Braedyn’s hips slammed into hers. Her breath came out in a whoosh and she lifted into him, arching her back, wanting more. Their movements were rushed and frenzied, striving to reach the same goal.

* * * *

Braedyn struggled to hold his pleasure back, waiting for her. Gritting his teeth, she pulled at him, slamming her hips into his, Bradeyn knew he wouldn’t last. Her body stiffened and her nails bit into his shoulders. Casey’s legs locked around his waist and she howled through another powerful orgasm. Fastening his mouth to hers, his vision went dark. He shuddered, his body quivering against her.

As Casey’s strove to catch her breath, he slipped onto his side next to her, curling her into his body. Closing his eyes, Braedyn nuzzled her neck, taking in their mingled scent.

“I just don’t understand how it keeps getting better and better,” she gasped, running a trembling hand down her face.

He laughed. “That’s a very good thing. I can honestly say you’ve brought out a side in me I never knew existed.”

“You have in me, too. I have become insatiable and I’ve never been that way.” She was warm and soft against him. “It has to be the wolf doing this to me. Sex has never been a staple of my day to day life until I met you.”

“Yes, we wolves are quite sexual. Raw feelings and emotions have to be expressed one way or another. It’s either this or kill each other,” he admitted grinning at her. “I just have quite a bit built up over the years.”

“Hmm, I hope it continues.”

He kissed her again, and she sagged against him. Casey’d had an eventful day. In moments her breathing settled into the easy rhythm of sleep. Braedyn’s eyes closed and he held her close, his chest heavy with the love he felt for her. He only hoped she felt the same.



Chapter Eighteen


Casey woke with a start, something felt…wrong…off. Her wolf was at the surface, driving her once again from the warmth of Braedyn’s arms. She pulled on the robe from the night before and made her way to the front door.

Stepping out onto the porch she saw the white tiger leap the fence at the front of Braedyn’s property and glide through the snow drifts with such grace. Casey watched her make her way to the stairs and saw the flash of her eyes and heard in her head…

Had a bad feeling. Came to check it out.

Nodding, Casey pulled the robe tighter and fought against a shiver. “I feel it, too,” she said softly. “Come inside. Warm up and calm down.”

Casey watched the Tigress mount the stairs. Upon reaching the top step, she shifted to human form. The light of the moon illuminated the process beautifully for Casey to witness. When the white fur receeded and bare skin became visible, she saw the scars on Amber’s stomach and sides; claw marks. Long, dark, curly hair fell around her face and shoulders in bouncy waves. Clothing appeared on her body. Shivering, Amber wrapped her arms around herself.

Opening the door, Casey led her inside. She went straight to the fireplace to rebuild the fire while Amber shrugged out of her coat and boots. Moments later the tiny woman was on her knees, her hands outstretched soaking in the warmth from the meager flames.

The scars she’d seen bothered Casey, making her wonder just what horrors her new friend had endured in her life.

“I didn’t know where else to go,” Amber said, her voice shuddered and she shivered again. “The fear welled up in me so much I had to come. Aquene was sleeping. I-I don’t want to wake Braedyn...” She shook her head and tried to move back to the door.

With a gentle hand on her arm, Casey ushered her back to the fireplace. “Sit down and warm up. I’ll go make up some coffee. You aren’t going anywhere.”

Amber sat back down and hunched her shoulders, looking completely abashed.

A few moments later, Casey carried two steaming mugs of coffee into the living room. She sat down beside her.

“I feel like such an ass right now,” Amber grumbled accepting the mug.

“Don’t, you only confirmed the feelings I’m having.” Casey turned to her. “I was already awake before you got here. That dreadful...emotion woke me.”

Amber shook her head, holding the mug between her hands to warm them. “I don’t want to upset Braedyn by being here. The last thing I need is the wrath of the Alpha on my shoulders.”

“You won’t. Braedyn would never turn you away.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “If I keep waking his mate in the middle of the night, he might.”

Casey shook her head, stretching her feet out toward the fire. “No, you had reason. I’ll vouch for you.”

Closing her eyes, Amber took a sip of the coffee. “I appreciate that.”

“You’re very protective over Braedyn and Aquene, aren’t you?”

She nodded. “It’s the very least I can do to show my appreciation for the way he stood up against my clan. Aquene took me in and accepted me for the feral person I was. I couldn’t maintain eye contact and hardly spoke.” She looked down into her coffee. “I never knew any different. It was a very long time before I could allow anyone to even touch me.”

Casey heard the torment in the young woman’s voice. “You’d never know it to see you now. You’re strong, beautiful, even fierce.”

Amber smiled and shrugged. “Aquene and Braedyn worked very hard on me the last five years. I owe them everything. I would die protecting them if it came to that. I took an oath to, now that includes you.”

“You know that goes both ways, right?”

The brunette turned to her, her brown eyes serious when they met hers. “I do now.”

They sat in silence for a while, drinking their coffee and staring into the fire. When Amber yawned, Casey got up and grabbed a blanket and a couple throw pillows from the couch and laid them out in front of the fire.

“Lie down and get some rest,” she said adding another log to the fire.

Noticeably too tired to argue, Amber curled up on the floor with the blanket.

Once satisfied with the fire, Casey pulled the grate in front of the flames and returned to the bedroom and the warmth of Braedyn’s arms.

* * * *

Learning about my new life being human was difficult. Though to my surprise, aquiring the knowledge of speech and walking wasn’t as difficult as I’d feared. My greatest concern was my first attempt to communicate and blend with the other humans.

Once the human pack had settled for the evening, I snuck away. I’d discovered it was easier to hide away for the three days the moon was full than to try and spirit away each evening. My mind was too distracted in trying to get far enough away from the camp before the moon and my wolf made her ascension to notice I’d been followed.

While pulling the layers of furs from my body, I was attacked from behind. The moon was nearly up, and I would shift soon. Before I could turn to see my attacker, I already felt the pang of guilt to come. From the scent I could tell it was the lead hunter and tracker for the human pack that had taken me in.

His hands were rough on my tender human skin when he pressed his body to mine. I could sense his desire but all I felt was anger. Earlier in the day, I had seen him take one of the young women in the pack while everyone else turned their back and allowed it to happen. Her screams and sobs still reverberated through my head. Like payment for being the best hunter and tracker in the pack, he’d taken what wasn’t his.

The heavily whiskered face scratched against my neck while he tried to force himself between my thighs. I felt the growl of rage rise up in my chest. Shoving him aside, I regained my feet. The cold was lost while the heat of my impending change flowed through me. He charged me again, and I shifted in front of him.

Jaw slack, stumbling to his knees before me, I watched his lower lip quiver. I snarled and bared my teeth, having no pity for this man, the very pelt he wore had been my mother’s. While I may have understood their need to protect and provide for their pack, I’d never forgiven this man for the death of my mother.

But I did do him one favor; his death was quick.



Chapter Nineteen


Yawning, Casey opened the bedroom door and was, assaulted by the scent of breakfast cooking. She frowned and glanced back to the bathroom door where she’d just left Braedyn in the shower and it dawned on her, Amber was in the kitchen. She walked in just in time to see her flip a batch of pancakes.

“Good God, pancakes, omelets, sausage....yum.” She smiled and fixed herself a fresh cup of coffee and leaned against the counter.

Amber shrugged. “Least I can do.”

Casey shook her head. “No, you don’t have to do anything like this. You are a guest. I should be cooking.”

“No, no, I love to cook, honest. I haven't had pancakes in a while, and a big guy like Braedyn just has to like them, wouldn't you think?” She poured some more batter into the pan and covered the ones she had just removed. “I’ve eaten lunch and dinner with him before, but never breakfast. I’m not sure what he likes.”

“I would assume so, but I am sure he'd eat them because of the thought behind it.”

“You may be right.” Amber turned the sausages and flipped the first omelet over. “Anything you don’t like here?”

“Oh no, I like it all. Reminds me of Sunday morning breakfast at home when I was younger. Dad always made a huge breakfast, so big there was no room for lunch and hardly a snack before supper.” Casey’s stomach growled.

Amber grinned at her. “Braedyn still sleeping?”

Shaking her head, she took a sip of her coffee. “I left him in the shower and came out to see what you were cooking.”

“I didn’t wake you...”

“No, not at all. Braedyn is normally an early riser. And working in Hollywood and L.A. the passed few years, I don’t require a whole lot of sleep anymore.” Draining her coffee, Casey poured herself another cup. “Need a hand?”

“I’ve got it under control. It should be ready in just a few.” Amber flipped the pancakes and turned the sausage then slid the omelet out onto an empty plate. Whipping more eggs, she added mushrooms, green onions, red and green peppers, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese before closing the pan.

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