Walker's Run (20 page)

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Authors: Mel Favreaux

BOOK: Walker's Run
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Casey sighed. “I just wish things turned out different.”

“They couldn’t have. Now, Tala was a different story. She couldn’t be reasoned with. She always knew what was right and wrong in her twisted view. Had I not known I was the one who gave birth to her, I would have sworn she was her uncle's child. So much anger in her, just like Harlan. It was bound to happen.”

“But now it makes two of your family members who have died because of me. How can you not hate me?” Casey leaned forward in the chair, trying to keep the plea from her voice. “How can you accept me into your home and welcome me as you have?”

“My husband died because he was a protector. Tala was one of the fiercest warriors we have in the Run. I can’t begin to fathom the strength you will have with the Silver Wolf’s spirit when you managed to kill Tala while still human and mortally wounded.” Aquene drained the contents of her cup and looked at her again. “My son needs a strong mate, Casey. Braedyn’s only been half the man he should be since meeting you so long ago. He has always loved you, and you have been in his mind and in his heart ever since. Braedyn’s soft hearted underneath all that muscle and a very caring and gentle man.”

Casey agreed with his mother’s assessment. “Yes, he is.”

“My concern is what will happen when Harlan catches wind of you. He’ll be out for blood. When he finds out you have the spirit of the Silver Wolf...” Her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “That is my fear.”

Shivering, Casey wrapped her arms around herself. “I don’t know how to fight, all I know is what my father and brother have taught me for self defense.”

“Oh, you do. Tala was one of our fiercest warriors, and you took her out.”

“Braedyn must have wounded her. There’s no way I could’ve managed otherwise.”

“No dear.” Aquene shook her head. “He couldn’t do that. I tried telling him he needed to cast her out before she tried this. He didn’t have the heart to turn his back on his blood. He rules with his heart, like any good leader does. But there should also be limits.”

Casey couldn’t bring herself to believe she’d managed to do what most with super strength hadn’t. The only thing she remembered with clarity was the fear that had driven her to do as much damage as possible before she was killed.

“You underestimate yourself. You should never do that. There is a strong background in your family for self preservation.” Aquene laughed, rocking back in her chair. “Which combines well with the wolf. They are fierce protectors of their loves, family, and friends.”

“Thank you.” Casey felt humbled by her words. She wondered how she’d ever been nervous about meeting Braedyn’s mother.

“No, thank you, child.” Aquene’s smile was the warm motherly kind she faintly remembered from her childhood.

“Do you need anything?”

“No, I’m quite fine. I’ll be going to bed here soon. Amber will help me get ready. She and Braedyn are coming in now.”

The back door creaked open and closed a moment later. Two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the sitting room.

Casey watched Amber smile when she walked into the room.

“Good to see you again so soon, Casey.”

“You too.”

Braedyn walked over to his mother, bent and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mom,” he said when she put her arms around his broad shoulders.

Aquene smiled and patted his cheek. “Now you take that beautiful woman home, and show her all the love you’ve had for her for so long.”

He laughed, and his cheeks turned red. “Yes Mom, I’ve already begun to show her.”

Casey felt her cheeks burn when Braedyn turned to her and held out his hand to help her from the chair. He smiled and led her back outside.

“She’s hoping that we’re life mates and is desperate for a grandchild.” Braedyn grinned, and then shrugged, opening the passenger door of the old truck for her. “How did your talk go?”

“It went well. Your mother is very kind.”

He kissed her before closing the door and walked around, slipping into the driver’s seat. “Something’s troubling you.” A statement, not a question.

She nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears. “The Silver Wolf.”

“Why should that bother you?” Braedyn’s brows furrowed. He turned in his seat to look at her.

“Why shouldn't it?” She gripped her thighs to keep her hands from fidgeting. “The mother of all Weres? Why on earth, out of all of the people out there, would this spirit choose me?”

He put a hand on her shoulder. Casey closed her eyes, feeling the simple comfort from his touch. “Of all spirits, the Silver Wolf is the most special and coveted. Her rebirth has been prophesied for two thousand years. Every pack and clan may scramble to try and woo you, or may try and join this one to make a better unity. The gifts she possesses are second to none. Supposedly, she was strict but a loving and peaceable ruler. Many of the packs, clans, and prides have all felt lost since her passing.” Braedyn looked in her eyes. “I don't believe anyone is foolish enough to cause you pain. But there will be those who won’t believe.”

She knew her worry reflected in her eyes. “It’s a story. Like most people don’t believe in werewolves. It’s a myth.”

“It’s one of the Were myths. One I didn’t believe until I saw you change. Amber telling me of Tamara’s dream only confirmed it.”

Casey sighed, shaking her head. Exhaustion crept around the edge of her thoughts. She was tired and hungry.

“Lets get you home, fed, and into bed,” he said gently. “It’s been a day for you.”

Casey nodded and leaned back in the seat while he drove them back to his house.

Their house.

Braedyn tossed together a simple meal. Thick pork chops and seasoned quartered potatoes with onions, carrots, and celery. The food was delicious. She yawned and rubbed her eyes while helping him wash the dishes and put them away.

He smiled, watching her stretch. “How does a bath sound?”


“I'll go run you one.”

Casey smiled. “I've never had a man run me a bath before.”

“Oh.” He walked over and put his arms around her waist. “Have you ever had a man
you one before?”

She grinned and shook her head. “No, I haven’t. That may turn out to be very, interesting.”

“Hmm.” Bradeyn kissed her.

Looking in his eyes, Casey stroked his cheek. This was happiness, right here in his arms. Could the fates be understanding of the level of love they felt for one another? She prayed they would.

“Don't fret, things will work themselves out in the end, you'll see.” He led her to the master bathroom where he drew the water for her bath.

Watching him fiddle with the water temperature, Casey wondered if they could both fit into the large tub.

“Please...I am trying to remain civil here,” Braedyn said turning to look at her.

Casey couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you reading my mind?”

“I don’t have to. I can tell the difference in you when you think of sex. I can smell your arousal.” He smirked when she pretended to glower at him. “You can too, you just don’t realize it yet.”

She smiled when he walked over, slipping his arms around her again. Casey ran her hands up his muscular shoulders. He was wearing a flannel he’d rolled the sleeves up on while preparing dinner. The tanned muscles beckoned to be caressed. She felt ruthless in her need to feel him and be touched by him. It was a need she’d never known before. Casey had taken the contact of previous lovers for granted. This was something she craved now, as much as food and sleep.

“Would you like me to undress you?” His voice was husky near her ear.

She couldn't control the shiver that ran down her spine. “I could become very used to this, you know?”

“So could I.” Braedyn kissed her neck and began to unbutton her shirt and slide it off her shoulders, kissing the bared areas while he went. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he kissed her belly and unfastened her jeans.

Casey curled her fingers in his hair, his teeth tugged at her panties. “If this isn't heat...I can’t imagine what it’ll be like,” she groaned when his hands traveled up her back to undo her bra.

She closed her eyes while his hands roamed over her body. Feeling her need rise stronger than at any time before.

“No, this isn't your heat yet. If you were in heat, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from you without a lot of discomfort.” His voice was rough with emotion when he rose to his feet and looked in her eyes.

“Is it that strong?”

He nodded. “It’s a powerful need that feels like it can drive you insane if the one you want is not near. It drives some women to settle for anyone just to get it out of the way.”

“How long does it last?” she asked. His finger tips brushed against her hardened nipples, causing her to moan. The muscles deep in her belly contracted.

* * * *

Braedyn grinned watching Casey’s jaw clench and her eyes turn golden when the Silver Wolf reared. “Three days.”

“God...you must be kidding? That's awful!” She hissed when one of his hands swept low and toyed in the crisp hairs below.

“No, not if you have the right companion. It could be heaven,” he whispered. She reached for the buttons on his shirt. Casey was able to remove his shirt but Braedyn stopped her before she unbuttoned his pants. “No, I'm going to give you a bath first...then if you still want me...”

Casey raised her brow at him. “When could I not want you to make love to me?”

Braedyn grinned and reversed their movement toward the tub and helped her into the hot water.

Taking a deep breath, she lay back. He placed a rolled hand towel behind her neck for comfort. Casey closed her eyes when the hot water enveloped her.

Her breasts floated on tiny, bobbing waves and her nipples drew into taut peaks, rising from the water. He stared at her for so long, she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

Braedyn felt the wolf looking through his eyes and watched her grin when Casey noticed.

“Are you okay?”

Growling, he nodded and reached for a large cup and dipped it in the water. “Sit up. I’d like to wash your hair first.”

She smiled, sat up, and then leaned her head back while he poured the water over her. His eyes travelled over her body, watching it run in rivets down her chest, dripping from her breasts.

He clenched his jaw and poured more. After her hair was saturated, Braedyn reached for a lavender shampoo. Marvelling over the silky strands that slid through his fingers, he lathered her hair.

Casey moaned while he massaged her scalp. She tembled.

“Are you all right?” He watched a grin lift the corner of her mouth.

“More than all right. I’ve had my hair washed in salons before, but your hands have to beat

Braedyn fought the powerful urge to kiss her. “Okay,” he whispered. “Time to rinse.”

She kept her eyes closed. He poured a few cups over her head, finding himself distracted. Watching the water carress her in a way he craved to. The last just trickled over her.

Blinking water from her eyes, Casey lifted her head and looked at him. “Braedyn?”

His body warmed. Her expression scorched him though it was innocent, the scent of her desire tortured him. His hands shook when he set the cup down, and his gaze roaved up her body to meet hers.

“Just...admiring you.” Braedyn pulled out a washcloth and a bar of honey almond soap his mother had also made. Lathering it, his jaw muscles worked when she leaned back into the tub once more.

* * * *

The scent of his desire filled Casey’s nostrils and her mind bounded with naughty ideas. She traced a wet line down Braedyn’s bare chest and smirked at his reaction. Brushing her palm across one of his nipples, the muscles in his chest twitched. A groan of pleasure escaped his lips.

Braedyn opened his eyes, they were golden again. “Not yet. Let me finish this first.” His voice was husky with arousal. She could see his labored breathing with his attempt at control.

With a pout, Casey pulled her hand away and waited for the torture to continue.

Starting at her shoulders, Braedyn gently began to massage the lather into her skin. He moved down her arms to her hands, then made his way around her breasts to her belly. Casey noticed his expression when he went back to her breasts again. She shuddered when the cloth made contact with her nipples. He licked his lips and continued down her tummy once more.

She squirmed and moaned the entire time. His motions were slow and deliberate when he dipped between her thighs. A half sigh, half groan escaped her lips at the intimate contact, his fingers working through the thin barrier of the cloth. Casey put a hand over his. “I think I’m clean now,” she ground through clenched teeth while her body moved in rhythm with his hand.

Braedyn smiled and pulled the cloth away. Rinsing it, he then began the torture all over again to wash away the soap. By the time he finished, she was aching to feel him inside her.

“Okay.” Braedyn stood, lifting a large towel for her.

Casey rose from the tub and heard his breath catch. When she looked at him, his golden eyes travelled over her, watching the water cascade from her body. He raised a hand to help her from the tub and wrapped the towel around her.

She groaned when it rubbed across her sensitive nipples, making them harder. Unable to control herself, Casey slid her hands up his chest and felt his muscles ripple at her touch. “I’m aching for you,” she whispered sliding a hand down his chest to caress the hot, hard length of him through his jeans. “I can feel you are, too.”

“I’m not through yet,” Braedyn whispered and lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, laying her on the bed.

Casey ground her teeth when he leaned over her, only just able to restrain herself from ripping his jeans off.

Reaching into his nightstand, he pulled out a bottle of lotion. With a light tap on her hip, he urged her to roll over onto her belly.

“Oh Braedyn, this is pure torture.” Casey sighed and balled a pillow up beneath her head to get comfortable.

* * * *

Braedyn smirked. “Not yet.” He stood from the bed, removed his jeans and shorts, then returned to the bed once more. Massages were best performed while both parties were nude. Squeezing lotion onto his palm, he started with her shoulders. Feeling her muscles relax beneath his hands and made his way down her spine, working his thumbs out of sequence with one another.

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