Walker's Run (16 page)

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Authors: Mel Favreaux

BOOK: Walker's Run
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Busying himself cooking, he left Casey to her bath. It was a struggle to leave her alone. He wanted to go in there and see if her silvery blond hair darkened when wet. Or if her nipples had drawn into tight peaks as they rose from the tepid water.

Growling, Braedyn shook himself and continued to dice fresh garlic and onions. As the hamburger browned, he pulled out a jar of tomato sauce his mother had made over the summer and put some asparagus in the steamer. He hoped keeping his hands busy would keep him from thinking of having her in his bed.

Never before had he felt so insatiable. Braedyn couldn’t get enough of her scent and the feel of her warm body against his.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to push the images from his mind.

* * * *

Casey sat up in the tub. The long, hot soak had helped clear her mind. Picking up a plain, unlabeled bottle she sniffed and gladly found it was shampoo. It had a slight minty smell and made her scalp tingle and feel clean. Once rinsed, she lathered and washed her hair twice more. Taking a large, heavy towel, she dried herself and stepped from the tub. It wasn’t until then Casey realized she had no clothes. Wrapping herself in the towel she went to search the two walkin closets in the bedroom.

The one on the right of the bed was large and empty. The closet on the left of the bed was no doubt Braedyn's. She ran her finger over his clothing and took in the smell of the cedar the closet was lined with. Her hand settled on a robe that was elaborately embellished, almost certainly done by his mother.

Dropping her cover, she slipped into it and belted it at her waist. Carrying the towel back to the bathroom, she laid it over the edge of the tub.

Barefoot, Casey opened the bedroom door, and the smell of food made her stomach growl. Following her nose, she made her way into the kitchen and watched Braedyn test something with a wooden spoon. He looked over at her and his nostrils flared, taking in her scent.

“I...I hope this was okay. I didn't have any clothes to wear,” she mumbled smoothing her hands down the robe.

He smiled. “It’s fine. No one has ever worn my clothing before. It's nice seeing it on you.” Braedyn motioned her over and held the spoon out for her to taste.

She closed her eyes, and the taste of the sauce caused her stomach to growl once more. “That’s so good!”

He laughed and stirred the contents of the pot again. “It’s almost ready. Are you feeling better?”

She nodded, sitting down on one of the stools at the island to watch him. “Much more relaxed.”


Her eyes tracked him around the kitchen while he expertly handled the making of their meal and made them both generous plates. She followed him to the table and sat across from him. The food was delicious. Casey cleared the entire plate he’d made for her. She helped him tidy up and put away the miniscule left-overs. He pulled out a bottle of wine.

“Do you drink wine?”

She shrugged with a smile. “On occassion. I’m more a fan of sweet reds.”

“Good.” Braedyn opened the bottle and poured them both a glass. He carried the bottle and both glasses. She followed him into the living room and curled next to him on the couch. Drawing her feet up into the warm robe, she accepted the glass he offered.

Closing her eyes, Casey took a small sip of the wine. “I haven’t had an evening like this since...I don’t know when.”

“Me either.” He fingered the collar of his robe. She could tell by the look in his eyes he was pleased with her wearing it. “We’ll need to get you some clothes. We can’t have you running around naked.” She saw the grin lift the edge of his mouth, and his eyes dance with naughty thoughts.

Casey laughed and shook her head. “No, not this time of year.” She cocked a brow at the expression on his face. “Thank you for giving me time to collect myself. I definitely feel better now.”

He nodded, sipping his wine. “I’m glad. I’ll have Amber take you shopping tomorrow.”


“The friend who came to check on us. She’s an herbalist who works with my mother and a valuable member of the pack.”

“Is she a Werewolf too?”

He gave her a slight smile. “No. She’s a white tiger, actually. She’s the only other female near your age here in Walker’s Run. I have complete faith in her.”

Casey frowned, looking at him. “You don’t trust all of your members?”

There was a fierce look in his eyes. “Not with you,” he growled low. He took a deep breath and leaned back on the couch. “Walker’s Run is a sanctuary for all Weres. There are a few who aren’t pack whom I put more faith in than those who are. We’ve had some come here as spies from my uncle, so I have some issues. Amber is the only one I trust with my life and one of those who are dearest to me.” He cleared his throat and looked at her again. “I depend on her more than I do Elan.”

She nodded, understanding. It took a lot for a man like Braedyn to admit something like that. Staring into the fireplace a moment, Casey finally gathered the courage to ask, “What am I supposed to do?”

“Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. Weres have an animal’s nose. Most of us can smell a lie before it’s told. Most of all, just...relax. Your nerves will put other’s on edge because we can sense it.” He set down his empty glass of wine and leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees.

“How old is Amber and what brought her here?”

“She’s twenty-eight and has been here in Walker’s Run about five years. She’s a good girl, originally from Nevada, but I warn you, Amber speaks her mind. Her former clan...she ran to avoid them. They...abused her. Physically and emotionally.” He swallowed, and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “That’s the nicest way I can put it. While here, she has sanctuary and the pack’s protection.”

Casey felt her hands numb at the mention of abuse. She’d assumed the worst and by the haunted look in Braedyn’s eyes, she was right. “Poor girl. I can’t even begin to imagine. How long did it go on for?”

“Far too long. I’m afraid she may never find her life mate because of it. She’s tough. One hell of a fighter and holds her head high and takes no shit from anyone.” There was pride in his expression. “Mom and I have put a lot of work into drawing Amber from her shell, it does us good to see her like this.”

“Good.” Casey felt the wolf rise in her, the feeling of fierce protection grew within. She didn’t even know the woman, yet the wolf was instinctively protective of her. Maybe, because Braedyn had spoken so high of her, was why she felt it her duty to take her on as well.

Shaking her head when Braedyn offered her a refill, Casey drained her glass. She leaned back on the couch, enjoying the sound of the crackling fire and the feel of his well muscled leg against her side. The heady combination of the bath, food, and wine made her drowsy, but she was content to sit with him.

“I think I’ll go take my shower now. Are you tired?”

“A little,” she admitted.

“Come, lie down while I wash up.”

She followed him into the master bedroom and smiled when he turned the covers down for her. He kissed her, and then walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack.

Casey sat down on the bed and groaned. She’d slept on an air mattress far too long, her body ached at the firmness of a real bed. Stretching out, she intended to close her eyes for a few minutes and doze.

* * * *

Braedyn toweled his hair dry and forced himself to be patient. The brisk shower rejuvenated his tired body. He loved being out in the wilderness again, but missed his bed.

Slipping into a pair of flannel pajama bottoms, he went into the bedroom and stared at the sight on his bed. Casey was sprawled out on her stomach, covered only by the robe. Snoring. No one had ever shared his bed before. He’d lain in others’, but none had ever been in his. Seeing her there meant more to him than anything that had happened between them thus far. Knowing she trusted him enough to be so comfortable in his home. What he hoped she would come to think of as her home soon.

He lay down beside her and pulled the covers over them. It had been an exhausting retreat, and a good night’s rest in his own bed was exactly what he needed. Turning off the bedside lamp, he settled down. She scooted over and curled up to him. Smiling, he draped an arm over her and closed his eyes.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day.


Chapter Fourteen


Casey was awakened by the wolf. Not in fear, but her curiosity was peeked. She groaned and tried to snuggle deeper into the warmth of Braedyn’s arms. The wolf pulled at her again. With a sigh, she slipped out of the bed and readjusted the robe around her. She cast a longing look at Braedyn when the pull led her out of the room to the front door.

Frowning, she sniffed the air finding an unfamiliar scent. The large grandfather clock against the wall chimed the time, four a.m. Casey put her hand against the door. There was no peephole nor was there a window she could peek through nearby. The strange scent was stronger. Biting her lower lip, she opened the door.

The cold wrapped itself around her bare legs and feet. She shivered, stepping out onto the porch. On the front lawn she saw a white blur run across the expanse of opaque. Though she was freezing, her interest was piqued as the wolf’s.

“Hello?” she called out.

The colorless flash again ran back the other way.

Casey waited for it to reappear. “Hello? Show yourself, or I’ll wake Braedyn.” The feeling she received was in no way threatening. She wasn’t afraid but annoyed the figure wouldn’t slow down enough for her to get a look.

A thump sounded from the side of the porch. She turned, and her breath caught in her throat. In defense, the Silver Wolf came to the forefront. Casey had to struggle to keep herself in check. An enormous cat climbed onto the porch and stared at her a moment, then cocked its head to the side.

Casey stumbled back a step, but held her ground. She wasn’t sure she was strong enough to deal with such a large cat, but knew she would give it a shot if necessary.

“Who are you?” Casey demanded. Amazed she sounded far stronger than she felt.

The beast took a tentative step forward from the shadows, revealing itself as a white Siberian tiger. Then it began to change.

She watched in wonder as the enormous tiger transformed into a very petite woman. The transition was silent and swift. Relief swept through Casey when she realized who the woman was. Clothing magically appeared on her body, covering her nudity just when she stepped from the remaining vestiges of shadow. Her skin was deeply tanned. Her hair was jet black, and fell in bouncing, curly waves that framed her face.


“I didn’t mean to scare you,” the young woman said stepping closer. “You must be Casey.”

“Braedyn has told me a little about you.” Casey watched her blush and heard the small laugh that escaped her.

“I’m not so sure that’s a good thing.”

Casey couldn’t help but smile and felt completely at ease with her. Not something she felt around most women. Even the wolf was calm. “He spoke very highly of you. Said he trusts you more than most in the pack.”

She watched Amber look down and try to hide the reddening of her cheeks. Unable to respond, the brunette tucked a curly strand of hair behind her ear.

Realizing she’d embarrassed the younger woman made Casey wonder if Braedyn had ever told her how much he trusted or valued her as a member of his pack. Casey furrowed her brows, looking at her. “I’m sorry, I guess I underestimated the closeness of your friendship.”

Amber shook her head and gave her a small smile. “No, it’s just...different hearing it from someone else.” Looking at the door, she motioned they should go in. “You’ll get frostbite standing out here like that.”

Nodding, Casey walked back in the house with Amber trailing behind. She turned and watched the smaller woman shrug out of her coat and slip her boots off.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

Casey shook her head, looking through the cabinets for the makings of coffee.

Amber stepped forward and opened a large drawer, pulled out the can and a filter, and set them on the counter with a grin.

“You read my mind, thank you.” Casey began preparing the pot. “No, you didn’t wake me. The wolf did. I guess she sensed you. She wasn’t afraid, just curious...and well...she wouldn’t let me go back to sleep, so I came out.”

“I’m sorry, I was chasing a rabbit.” She grinned again and shrugged her shoulders.

Casey couldn’t help but laugh. She completely understood because she had done some chasing herself the nights of her shift.

“So...why was my name brought up?” Amber asked while she scavenged through a cabinet and came back out with a box of crackers. She leaned against the counter and nibbled a few.

Casey motioned at the robe she wore. “I’ve got no clothes. My trip was supposed to only be a few days. Everything that wasn’t destroyed is beyond filthy. Braedyn said he’d talk to you about taking me to get some in the morning.”

Amber licked her fingers and set the box on the counter, nodding. “That, I can do. Have you anything to wear shopping?”

“Only what I brought with me. I can throw them in the wash so I’ll have something.”

Amber peered through her bangs. “I’m guessing when he gave you the tour, he neglected to show you the basement and laundry area?” She rolled her eyes when Casey shook her head and gave a theatrical sigh. “Men.”

Casey watched Amber open what she had assumed was the back door, finding it led down into a basement. The room was the size of the cabin upstairs and largely unfinished. A work table sat with an assortment of tools scattered all over it. Underneath the stairs was an elaborate setup with a washer, dryer, and an ironing board. All were brand new and very expensive looking.

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