Voyage To Submission (8 page)

BOOK: Voyage To Submission
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Andy could feel Jack watching her, but she
didn’t dare meet his gaze. She had little doubt that if she did, what she saw
there would have her blushing until tomorrow. “What kind of devices?” she
asked, hoping she didn’t sound as naïve as she was.

“Chairs, torture and bondage devices. Some
are serious and others are just for play.”

“Do people get hurt?”

Jack’s hand covered hers where it rested on
the table between them. “There is always a safe word, Andy, which stops
everything the second it is said. Trust is foremost in situations like these.”

Andy looked into Jack’s eyes. She trusted
Jack, in spite of what she’d told him last night. The thought of playing a
sexual game, or scene as Ethan referred to it, was exciting her, especially if
she played it with Jack.

“I was thinking Andy might enjoy spending
some time with Margrit this afternoon. I know Margrit made double appointments
at the spa, just in case.” Ethan smiled, looking from his wife to Andy.

Andy looked at the quiet woman, who had
nodded her head, smiling back at her. “All right, that sounds like fun.”

* * * * *

Fun didn’t cover what happened that
afternoon Andy decided much later, as she dressed for the party. The spa
provided quite a few services. She got massaged, wrapped like a package and lastly
she splurged.

Following the massage and moisture wrap,
she sat, watching as Margrit finished her treatment when she noticed the tattoo
the other woman had. “I like your tat,” she said, enjoying the intricate design
at the base of the other woman’s spine.

“Thank you. Do you have one?”

Andy shook her head. “I’ve never had the
courage…well, that’s not completely true.”

Margrit turned to look at her. “What keeps
stopping you? To me, it’s not a sign of protest or exhibitionism. Ethan kept
telling me I was beautiful all over, so one day I said what if I had a tattoo?”

Andy smiled. “What did he say?”

Margrit thanked the woman who’d just
finished and wrapped the thick towel around her trunk. “Well, we had not known
one another too long, perhaps a little over a year, and I assumed that he would
forbid it or beg me not to do it. We weren’t living the lifestyle 24/7, but I
had been aware of his interest.”

“Did he do it?”

“No, he surprised me. He offered to make me
an appointment and go with me. I was more than a little shocked because I had
been speaking offhand, uhm…testing the waters, so to speak.”

Andy grinned, knowing exactly what the
beautiful woman meant.

“I was startled and still sure he kidded
and teased me. That’s when I said I’d have it done on my breast, for all the
world to see.” She paused and gestured to the upper curve. “As if he could read
my mind, he tells me get it on my ass. I came back with it two inches above my
butt crack because Ethan liked it when I wore low, backless gowns. I took the
unspoken dare, half-sure he’d reject me afterwards. Instead, he spent all night
and the next day kissing it, doing all the necessary aftercare and applying


“Why don’t you get one? They do it here,
you know.”

Andy shook her head. “I don’t like to draw

“My stuffed-shirt, snobbish uncle would
reply all women love drawing attention to themselves.” Margrit laughed lightly.

“I was quite a bit overweight for most of
my life. I didn’t need a tattoo to draw more attention to my body.”

Margrit shrugged. “That was then, and this
is now. Think of it this way. What one part of your body do you consider most
improved? With diet and exercise.”

“I never thought of it like that. My butt
is what I concentrated on after I lost the weight.”

“Then maybe accent one cheek with a small,
sassy statement, something that says ‘this is one damned fine ass!’ You could
even just do your initials, like an artist who has made a beautiful work of
art. God gave you a body, and you sculpted it.”

“I’ll chicken out by the time we get back

Margrit had hopped up and grabbed her hand.
“Maybe not.”

Thinking back about it now, things had
happened pretty quickly. The big surprise had been that she could get small
tattoos and even piercing, if she wanted. Margrit had helped her pick out a
design and even squeezed her hand while it was done. But twisting around to see
it now, she did wonder if she’d done the right thing or not. She acknowledged
no matter how long she stared at it in the mirror, it was not going away.

The doorbell ringing made her turn from the
three-way mirror, pulling closed her white terrycloth robe. Henderson was off
on an errand, so she ran down the curved stairs. Without thinking, she yanked
open the door rather than glance through the peephole.

“Well, hello to you, too,” Jack told her as
he walked past her into the suite.

Andy closed her mouth and the door, in that
order. She saw him set down a bag he’d been carrying and was now standing
behind the bar. “I didn’t think I’d see you until it was time for dinner,” she
told him, folding her arms across her chest.

“You wouldn’t, except Ethan and I ran into
Margrit. She dragged us back to their suite for me to bring you something to
wear tonight.” Jack opened the can of soda and drank several long swallows.

Andy could see he’d not yet showered after
his planned afternoon of working out with Ethan. As she continued watching him,
he pressed the can to his forehead. When he saw her looking, he shrugged. “I
know Ethan is at least ten years older than I am, but that guy must work out
all the fucking time! We ran into Tony and Danny.” He paused to take a couple
more swallows.

Andy nodded, easing onto one of the padded
barstools. “That would have been enlightening.”

Jack gave her a funny look, but went on.
“We decided to play some basketball and drew straws. I drew Tony and he shot me
one of his ‘this is in the bag’ looks, you know.”

“Oh, yeah, he’d always give you guys that
look when he was sure a girl was his for the taking. Once we started keeping
track, I ran a statistical analysis—”

“You did what? Who kept track of what?”
Jack sputtered on the last swallow of his pop.

“I shouldn’t have interrupted you, Jack,
please go on,” she told him in a placating tone.

Jack frowned in her direction as he reached
for another soda, easily popping the tab.

“You should probably drink water rather
than soda. If he wore you out this much, you’ll be dehydrated and the soda—”
Andy spoke again.

“He didn’t wear me out, damn it!” Jack said

Andy held up her hands, palms towards Jack
in a conciliatory manner. Obviously, his masculinity had taken a hit this
afternoon. Undoubtedly, so had Tony and Danny, she just hoped they weren’t in
this sort of mood when they all met later. After dinner with Ethan and Margrit,
they were all attending the Dungeon Party together. Ethan had suggested it over
lunch, and while the two men played with the electronic pager, they slowly
received everyone’s agreement.

Standing, Andy walked over and eased down
onto the sofa, stretching out to lie on her side. Once she was comfortable, she
glanced back and saw Jack drinking some water rather quickly. He then turned to
offer her a soda.

“No, thank you, Jack. Henderson is bringing
me fresh iced tea when he returns.”

Jack walked towards her. “I thought you’d
switched to calling him Rick.”

Andy couldn’t resist teasing him, in spite
of the little voice in charge of her wiser judgment. “We decided to keep it
professional, except for the wild sex orgies.”

The glare she received was deflected
because the private elevator doors slid open. Turning her head, she was sure
Rick’s step faltered for a split second under Jack’s look. Still he kept on
walking, carrying the tray over to the coffee table. She’d definitely award him
points for bravery.

“Your tea, miss, and your ice bag.”

Andy reached for the ice first without
realizing she’d not yet told Jack about her little adventure.

“Do you need help applying the ice, miss?”

Bad timing was how she’d describe the fact
that she placed the ice on her ass just as Rick offered. She couldn’t say for
sure, but it sounded like Jack actually growled. Quickly, she replied, “No,
thanks, Henderson.”

“Would you like me to put your shopping bag
upstairs, Ms. Bond?”

Andy still tried to hide her smile at
Jack’s bulldog attitude, so she just nodded. Once the butler was upstairs, she
teased Jack a little more. She knew it was a little foolish to tempt a stubborn
dog who guarded his bone. The fact she was the
was something she
refused to think about just yet. “I didn’t need Henderson’s help because he’d
already given it his visual inspection for correct placement of the ice.”

Jack moved so fast that Andy barely managed
to grab a fistful of his shirt to stop him. Her thoughtless hold onto his
t-shirt caused her to be pulled partly off the sofa, spreading the edges of her
terrycloth robe. She spoke quickly, knowing her hand wouldn’t restrain him for

“I’m teasing, Jack. I am sorry, but I
couldn’t resist. You’ve been in a pissy mood ever since you almost knocked down
my door. I’m sorry for antagonizing you.”


Jack looked down at Andy, taking in the
disheveled appearance she now presented on the sofa. He hadn’t realized she was
naked beneath the soft material, but the naked breast, which in his opinion
cried out for his hand, was proof enough. As he took a step towards her, he
heard footfalls on the stairs. His reaction was instinctive, he told himself
later, not protective. Being protective towards her was emotion he wasn’t quite
ready to deal with just yet. He’d felt like that once before with Andy, and
this time he wanted to play it smarter. With one naked tit, and two long thighs
revealed, he covered it all as best he could…with his body.

One of them moved and their mouths came
together. Immediately, he knew it was the kiss that should have happened last
night. The kiss was sweet, hot and passionate, all at the same time. He sought
her tongue as he heard the elevator doors swish closed. Releasing her lips, he
shifted their bodies slightly on the sofa, which positioned him between her now
widespread thighs and further parted the top of her robe. Looking down, his
gaze caught upon her breasts.

“What little sleep I got last night was
filled with dreams about making love to you. Seeing you half-naked…and I get
hard and want to be inside of you.”

Andy’s gasp didn’t stop him.

He pulled back to look into her eyes. “Are
you hurt? Do you feel good enough to sit up?” When she shook her head, he eased
to the floor even as he brought her to a sitting position. Straightening, Jack
kneeled between her legs. He saw her hands had been busy trying to conceal her
body. Pausing in his plan, still foggy in his brain due to his growing lust, he
pulled free the tie for her robe.

“Andy?” He waited until she met his gaze
before he went on. “Do you trust me, based on what you know of me? I mean who
we were, and I swear I never intentionally did anything at all to hurt you.”

She didn’t do anything at first, but
finally she nodded.

Jack took each of her hands and placed it
at her side. He took the edges of the robe and slowly pulled apart the sides to
reveal her body. The scent of soap, lotion and female musk filled his nostrils
as he inhaled deeply. “You are beautiful, Andy.”

“Stretch marks—”

“Shh, give me your hands,” he asked and
then he lightly wrapped the tie around her wrists. “Do you think you can keep
them behind your head? Okay. If there is anything I do that you don’t like,
just say…uh, I know—Bridget.”

“Your mother’s name?”

“Yeah, that should cool my jets,” he
shrugged. Then he noticed the small smile curving her lips. “Is something

“No, but I’ll tell you later.”

Jack decided not to press her. Instead, he
leaned towards her, bringing his hand to cup the side of her face. Using one
thumb, he rubbed it back and forth along her lower lip. “You have sexy lips. Do
you ever wear deep red lipstick?”

Andy shook her head. “With the dress
yesterday, that’s the darkest color I’ve ever owned. It was brand-new and I
wasn’t sure—”

Jack’s thumb pressed against her lips,
stopping her. “You were the quintessential femme fatale in that dress, Andy.
All evening long, I kept thinking about how to unfasten it and what you might
be wearing under it.”

“A lot of my clothes are new, for the
cruise, like the dress and the lingerie, too.”



“Tell me how to touch you. What ways of kissing
or positions do you like the best? Shall I praise your breasts, which overflow
my eager hands? Full, firm and luscious boobs with lovely long nipples.”

Jack rubbed his thumbs around the taut nubs
that poked outwards three-fourths of an inch. “They are a pretty soft pink in
color, but hard, too. Do you like having your nipples sucked?”

Jack paused to look into her eyes, all the
while moving his thumbs, taunting her budding points until the surrounding
flesh wrinkled tightly. Holding her gaze, he kissed her mouth lightly. “I
dreamed about sucking your nipples last night. At first, I wondered if I should
suckle you like a baby does, and tug your tit as deeply inside my mouth as
possible. Ray, ever the doctor, said the nerves in a woman’s nipple are connected
through some neural pathway to her womb. The harder the sucking, more stimuli
to her womanly flesh—”

He paused to watch her reaction as he said
the next word in a few seconds. “So, if I suck your tit just right, your cunt
should contract, or spasm. And if I were inside you at the time—”


“Oh God!”

Andy cried out as her body reacted. Her
hips jerked and she was suddenly moving them, and the whole time her pussy lips
eagerly sought to pull something deep into her heat. She closed her eyes. She
was coming and he had done nothing except speak to her and hold her breasts.
Then she took a breath, thinking it was almost over.

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