Voyage To Submission (3 page)

BOOK: Voyage To Submission
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The lecturer’s words startled her. What in
the world was he talking about now? Then almost as if Jack read her mind, he
told her softly.

“That’s rule number three, and the first
part was that unless you are involved in a play activity, tempting treats must
be covered.”

Andy argued with her inner self—
do not
turn and look at him.
Don’t you do it, Andy!
But she did shift
slightly, and met his gaze. His eyes were just as green as they’d been in
college. The same green she had used in the background on all of her books, and
the source of her pen name, Emeraude. God! She was getting ridiculous and
forced her gaze to the front once more.

“Whips are limited to six feet in length
and are not allowed to be cracked outside of the Dungeon. This completes the
rules for the parties. Every morning at breakfast, you’ll find signs posted to
let you know what events are going on and where. I’ll let you know now, the
first lecture tomorrow morning will fill up quickly, but you can sign up tonight.
It’s called ‘Dominance and Submission’. Mistress Laurel will be covering
sub-topics such as Models of Power Exchange, negotiation, contracts, slavery,
punishment, and lastly, collars. Trust me that Laurel is an excellent person to
speak on the topic. Thank you for coming and the sign-up sheet is up here.”

Andy stood quickly but dropped her purse
and the stylus. Jack spoke up quickly.

“Go sign us both up, and I’ll bring your
papers and pick this stuff up.”

She hadn’t been going to sign up, just
leave. But now…she nodded and walked up to add their names to growing list.
Jack already stood by the entrance when she turned around. His gaze seemed to
move down her body and then slowly work its way upward. Now she knew what she’d
felt in college when Jack looked in her direction was absolutely nothing
compared to this.

She’d seen other men looking at her in
similar ways since her dramatic image change. But not one had affected her in
the same way Jack’s single look did now. Her nipples were hard and she felt
wetness forming at the top of her thighs. Her breathing was ragged and uneven,
but it matched the racing of her heart and the somersaults her stomach seemed
bent on accomplishing.

“The lecture ran over slightly, so we’d be
better off going directly to the dining room, don’t you think?”

Andy nodded as she accepted her purse from
Jack, quickly stowing away her PDA, along with the errant stylus. This allowed
him time to shift the folder to his further hand and curve the other around her
upper arm.

“I’ll lead the way, if you don’t mind,
Andy. I’ve got the copy of the deck plans in my pocket.”

“All right, and I’ve got the download from
the cruise lines on my PDA.”

Jack led her over to the elevator, pressing
the button. “I never would have figured you for going into the techno-age.”

Andy turned to look at Jack. Maybe it was
just her personal prejudice, but she thought he had fared much better in the
battle against time. His light brown hair still looked quite full, and she saw
no evidence of an early “comb-over”. She’d easily noted the muscles beneath his
shirt, as well as his flat stomach. In fact, he’d probably end up fighting off
women on this cruise.

“You mean using past behavior as a
predictor for future actions. I’ve changed a lot since school, not the least of
which is choosing to let computers into my life.” Shaking her head, finally
remembering she owed him a response, she replied, “It became a huge necessity.”
Gratefully, she saw the elevator opening and stepped inside.

Jack followed her, as well as another couple,
a man and a woman. Andy immediately moved into one of the back corners. It only
took a moment to realize this wasn’t her wisest option, unless her plan to put
distance between herself and Jack had suddenly changed. Jack followed her and
pressed close. To her further consternation, he lifted his nearest arm and
wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her in even closer to the warmth and
strength which was having such an overwhelming feeling on her tonight.

“We’re going to dinner. Are you two headed
in that direction as well?” asked the male half of the couple who had joined
them at the last minute, looking from Andy to Jack.

Jack spoke up before she could think of an
answer other than “yes”.

“Yes, we are. Andy insisted on attending
the lecture to find out all the interesting things that would be going on

The man smiled, nodding. Andy noticed his
black hair was slightly peppered with gray, but only on the sides, which made
him look interesting, and added to his overall air of intrigue and attractiveness.
She then turned to look at the woman. Andy was immediately struck by the
woman’s impeccable makeup and dress. Around her slender neck, accented by the
upswept hairdo of her black hair, was a golden link chain, with a small gold
padlock hanging in the front. The woman had not yet looked up, and Andy guessed
perhaps this couple was full-time practitioners of this lifestyle, dominance
and submission. Following this thought came the surprised acceptance of the
arousal this had caused.

“Yes, we understood there would be quite a
few people who’ve never experienced the whole range of BDSM lifestyles,” the
man replied.

Andy was still focused on the woman’s
necklace when Jack suddenly lifted his arm to pull her closer. As she turned to
glare, he winked, grinning for a moment, and then he replied.

“We’re complete newbies at this. Do you
have any advice or recommendations?”

“I’m sure Margrit or I could certainly
answer your questions. Would you care to join us for dinner tomorrow night? We
are already committed for this evening.”

Jack nodded his head before Andy could
consider a proper response. “That sounds fantastic.”

“Here is my card.” The man pulled a white
business card from his suit pocket, as well as a very expensive pen Andy
recognized because she’d shopped for one of them to give her editor for
Christmas last year. “How is eight-thirty, tentatively, and if you’d like to
join us in our suite, we’ll have cocktails first? I’ve written our suite number
and deck on the card.”

Jack accepted the card, tucking it into his
pocket. “By the way, I’m Jack Riley and this is Andy Bond.”

“It is nice to meet you both. My name is
Ethan Williams and this is my wife, Margrit.”

Andy glanced at Margrit and caught her
glancing up for a brief moment, smiling at her and just as quickly looking
away. There was no doubt in her mind just who the sub was in their

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you both, as
well.” He stopped as the elevator came to a halt.

Andy glanced at the panel of lights and
realized they were stopped one level above her deck.

Ethan nodded, placing his hand beneath
Margrit’s elbow as they stepped forward to exit. “Are you two dining in the
Queen’s Grill?”

Andy shook her head, speaking quickly. “No,
we’re dining with friends in the Britannia room. But I’ve already reserved an
early table for breakfast in the Queen’s.”

Ethan directed his wife off the elevator,
but stopped the doors from closing. “Well, if you two oversleep, join us for
lunch there at two. Enjoy your first evening on board.”

Chapter Two


No sooner had the elevator doors closed
than Andy stepped several feet away from Jack. Even though it was unnecessary,
she pushed the button, which was already lit.

“You can’t just make reservations at the
Queen’s Grill, Andy. I might not have the ship’s deck plan memorized, but I do
know you have to be in a certain cabin category to eat there. Same thing with
the Princess’ barbecue, too.”

Andy looked forward, ignoring his attempt
at humor because she still stung from the remark about the cruise’s blueprints.
She had gone further than just getting the information into her PDA for
reference…she’d printed off blow-ups of the decks, studying where certain
things were so she wouldn’t get lost. Knowing where things were located was
something she’d always done even if it was kind of obsessive-compulsive.
Staring at the buttons on the panel, she mumbled her reply, half-hoping he
wouldn’t hear her and shrug it off. “I’m in a Q-category cabin.”

Suddenly, an arm appeared in front of her,
blocking her vision as its palm rested on the wall beside her. In her ear, she
heard Jack’s voice whispering, “When it comes to that level, sweetheart, it’s
against the law to even mention the word ‘cabin’. I’ve heard the Captain has
the Queen’s approval to dump them in the brig to await transport to the Tower
of London.”

Andy glanced sideways, met Jack’s piercing
green gaze, and looked away just as quickly. “There haven’t been any prisoners
kept there for a very long time, not to mention how silly it would be to put
thieves in the place you keep the Crown Jewels.”

“I thought you ladies were sharing two

“Yes, well…an opportunity came up and I
took it.” Andy breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator doors opened. She took
advantage of Jack turning to duck beneath his arm and walk into the entranceway
for the restaurant.

“It’s about time!”

Andy and Jack both turned at hearing a
voice they recognized.

Gayle came towards them, smiling. “Andy,
you just have to visit the little girls’ room later. Just follow me, and I’ll
lead the way to our table. Can you believe this place? I feel like I’ve died
and gone to heaven.”

“I should be wearing a long designer satin
gown, glittering jewels dangling from my ears, draping along my neck, and
elbow-length white gloves. In the background is the sound of a string quartet
playing beautiful chamber music.” Andy stopped and found both Jack and Gayle
staring. Laughing quickly, she shrugged. “Silly me, rambling on there. Let’s
get seated. I’m getting hungry.”

Gayle nodded and started leading the way to
the table.

Andy took a step forward to follow when
Jack stopped her by curving his hand around her elbow, the same way Ethan had
with Margrit.

“I can imagine you’d look quite
spectacular, and I wouldn’t mind putting on a white tie and tails to accompany

Andy pressed her free hand to her stomach.
It didn’t do any good because her stomach had already jumped into her throat!
To discover Jack still had such an effect over her was daunting. She needed to
say something to break the spell he seemed to have over her.

“I can’t wait to see what you come up for
the Disguise Party in a couple of days.” Jack interjected quickly. “We better
go or Gayle will be coming back to find us.”

* * * * *

If she had hoped her appearance change
might have already been dismissed as a topic, she was quickly dissuaded as
Tony, seated across the table, commented, “Damn Andy, you look hot!”

Liz must have kicked him because a second
later he said ouch and shot her a dirty look. But she was undaunted, smiling at
Andy. “You look really wonderful, Andy. Now answer the important question. Why
aren’t you sharing the cabins with us?”

Danny Fishbein, the accountant, cut in
before Andy could reply. “Do the girls have to pay for the single supplement on
the one cabin?”

Tony grinned, leaning forward to look at
Gayle, Liz and then Ruthie. “Well, ladies, since we have five guys in our two
adjoining cabins, I’d be happy to move in with you, just to even things up and

Ruthie was vigorously shaking her head.
“Maybe one of us will get lucky and finally trip over Mr. Right. This gives us
a room to…well, I remember how you guys would always act on spring breaks.”

Liz laughed and patted Tony’s hand. “That’s
right, and now
have reached our sexual peaks—”

Gayle, the doctor, interrupted the others
to interject. “We’re at the beginning of our peak. The best is still to come…in
more ways than one, for us.”

Ray shifted in his chair to look at Gayle.
“Uh, honey…I thought—”

Gayle leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I
was talking about the other girls, sweetheart. I’ve found my slave in you.”

Danny flushed as he spoke. “Don’t you mean
Master, Gayle?”

Andy spoke without thinking, her hours of
Internet research revealing itself. “Not all tops are male, Danny.”

Immediately, she was aware of her friends
all turning to look. She started to speak when a handsome young waiter
interrupted them by clearing his throat. He looked at her, rather than at the
whole table.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Are you Ms. Andrea Bond,
from the Balmoral Suite?”

Andy nodded, embarrassed at being singled
out like this, before she’d gotten a chance to explain about her

“We have champagne reserved for you, ma’am,
compliments of Mr. Edwards. Shall I serve it now, or perhaps later in your
suite? Your butler informed us he missed your arrival and sends his apology.”

Andy had thought she was embarrassed, now
she had no doubt she was! Nodding, she spoke quickly. “I’m not sure how large
the bottle is, but perhaps we could share it and just pass it until all the
glasses are filled.”

The waiter nodded and departed immediately.
Andy wished she could do the same until Danny broke the silence.

“Hot damn, Andy! What have you been up to
since college? Here I thought Jack was the successful one amongst this crowd of
lay-abouts. Or at least that is what my dad used to call us all when I went
home over the holidays.”

Andy listened as the others laughed, but
she was intensely aware of Jack, who was still staring at her. When more
conversation broke out, he leaned closer to whisper. “Who is Mr. Edwards? I
assume he isn’t your talking horse.”

Andy couldn’t help but laugh. Unfortunately
the sweet and elderly Emerson Edwards had a long face. “He is my next-door
neighbor. I will need to make a note.” She paused to open her purse and pull
out her PDA. “I will email him a quick thank you before I go to bed tonight.”


Jack watched as Andy wrote the message on
the small screen. The flush on her cheeks made him want to caress her skin and
see if it was warmer there, or on the paler skin of her upper arms. He was
intensely aware that very little other skin was available due to the discreet
cheongsam she’d chosen to wear. At this point he wasn’t sure if her choice was
deliberate, but it was directly opposite to the outfits the other women had
worn tonight. None of them had been naked, or dressed inappropriately, yet the
dresses had been short and showed cleavage. Andy’s cleavage was something he’d
definitely looked forward to seeing.

Her hair fell forward, and just as she had
many times before Jack watched as she artlessly tucked it behind her ear
without more than a second’s pause. Suddenly he recalled the way he’d begun to
stare at her after their last spring break, scrutinizing and studying her every
move. Instead of trying to sit beside her, as he had in the past, he now deliberately
sat away, so he could see her face.

Like now, he realized, as she caught her
lower lip with her teeth. At first he had thought it was a cute, most likely
nervous gesture she had when she was thinking and didn’t want to be distracted.
But then he saw her tongue come out, and slowly rub across the spot for a
moment or two, almost but not every single time after biting her lip. That was
the day he discovered gut-wrenching desire.

Sure he’d been attracted to women, and
began his sexual life in high school. He’d never lacked for dates throughout
college, but since senior spring break, things had been different, at least for
him. For a long time he’d thought the change had been inside, and happened
suddenly. No longer did he find himself feeling the same pull and attraction to
every attractive woman he passed on campus. Now he compared them to Andy.
Finally, he acknowledged he only wanted Andy’s kisses. If her tongue was to
lick anything, it should be him!

As graduation neared, with everyone talking
about where they were going after college, either for the summer, more school
or just life, Andy never volunteered what she was doing. Jack found his need to
get close to her growing, but his every advance was met with her erecting more
barriers and retreating.

At first, he’d prodded her with teasing
questions with the others around. But nothing would drag the answer out of her.
Finally, the night before their graduation ceremony, he’d cornered her at the
party they were having at the double apartment the guys had been sharing their
senior year. Without undue effort, he maneuvered her into his bedroom, closing
the door. He’d switched her iced tea with a Long Island Iced Tea.

“I feel dizzy, Jack,” Andy murmured moments

“Just sit for a couple of minutes,” he told
her quickly, surprised at how quickly the liquor had taken effect. “I’m sure
you’ll feel better. Maybe if you drink the rest, it would help. You could be
dehydrated,” he added, appealing to her logical side.

“Thank you, Jack.” She drank down the rest
of the potent disguised liquid.

“Tomorrow’s the big day for us all, Andy.
You haven’t said if your parents are coming.” He realized in their entire
group, she never complained about her folks, or any sibling problems. Now he
wondered why. “Mine are arriving early tomorrow morning and staying at the
airport Hilton. Ray’s are flying in with them.”

Jack waited, watching Andy, but she didn’t
answer him. He considered asking her more directly again, but decided to change
tactics. “What are your plans, Andy? Everyone else has talked like crazy about
their future. I can’t remember hearing you say where you head from here?”

Andy nodded and turned to look at him.
“That’s right.” A second later she flopped back onto the bed, grinning up at
him. “You’re going to Harvard for your Master’s in business.”

Jack smiled, speaking quickly. “So, what
be doing? Gayle said something about getting accepted several
places, didn’t she?” He stretched out along side her, lying on his side.

“It doesn’t matter,” she muttered.

“Of course it matters, Andy.” While it
hadn’t been his intention, he couldn’t resist the need. Reaching out, he
lightly touched the side of her face, curving his hand to her neck and
caressing his way down onto her shoulder. He rubbed lightly. “Are you still
dizzy? Does it help, lying back?” he added. His good intentions were finding it
hard to resist the desire he felt.

Andy melted under his hand and wriggled
around on the bed, smiling. “Jack,” she murmured softly.

Jack’s argument over why this was a bad idea
got lost in his need. Leaning over her, he lightly caressed her shoulder,
moving down, just a little. “God! I wish I had more time,” he muttered even as
he lowered his hand towards his goal.

“Time?” Andy asked. “I’m hot!” A second
later, she tried to tug off her sweatshirt. Since she was lying on it, all she
managed was to tug up the front part.

Jack groaned. He realized he’d given her
too much to drink, and way too fast. Her one arm was tangled in the sweatshirt,
while the other had shimmied free to reach up towards him. Knowing he needed to
be careful how he handled the situation, he couldn’t resist the temptation. His
hand curved over her large breast, savoring the feel of her hard nipple. He
moved his palm back and forth, so the firm, rubbery tip dragged against it.

It must have worked because Andy groaned
and Jack knew he was dead meat if he didn’t stop right now! “I’m interested and
I want to know what will you be doing while I’m in boring classes all day,” he
asked her quickly.

Looking into her eyes, Jack had seen
something change.

Her eyes had filled with tears.

The door to his room banged open and Gayle
had stormed in. Without asking, she came over and took the empty glass that had
rolled from Andy’s hand to the floor.

Sniffing it, Gayle glared at Jack, ignoring
Ray, who had followed her into the room. “What the hell do you think you are
doing? You know Andy doesn’t drink? Is this some kind of sick ‘last hurrah’
joke you guys are playing?” That’s when she noticed her friend’s state of
partial undress. Gayle jerked down Andy’s shirt even as she shoved Jack away.

Unresisting, he fell back on the bed and
looked to Ray, who flushed a guilty red color. He didn’t know for sure what
Gayle talked about, but she had acted quickly, pulling Andy off the bed.

“Ray!” Gayle had practically shouted at his
friend. “Help me get her home. I will talk to you later, Riley!” At the door,
Gayle had turned to glare at him. “Of all the guys, Jack, I had really thought
you were better than this.”

Jack had sat back down on the bed as Andy
was helped out of his room. Her step was a little unsteady. He was angry at
being interrupted. He’d been positive Andy had been only seconds away from
telling him something about her past, or even her future.

A little less than twenty minutes later,
Ray had returned alone. Not looking the least bit happy, Ray sat on the sofa
next to Jack, leaving the end cushion free.

“What’s wrong, Ray?” he asked after a few
moments of silence.

Ray groaned before he answered. “Gayle’s
pissed at me because of you. The last thing she said to me was
Jack just
ruined your chance of a graduation fuck
. She said she probably wasn’t come
back here tonight.”

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