Virgin Territory (8 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

BOOK: Virgin Territory
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Danny paused, memorising the picture Aaron presented to him, pasting it firmly into the scrapbook full of moments he’d treasure for the rest of his life.


He was far too turned on to consider his tone of voice. It could have come out as a command, a plea, or anywhere in between. Danny didn’t care which, what mattered was that it worked.

Aaron lifted his head off the mattress and extended his tongue to lap at the tip of Danny’s cock. He’d thought being touched by another man’s hand was glorious. This was a whole new kind of heaven—the kind that only the luckiest angels ever got invited to party in.

Danny whimpered. He slid his hand into Aaron’s hair, and pulled him further forward. Grabbing a pillow with his other hand, he pushed it behind Aaron’s head, making sure he was as comfortable as possible—that there was no reason why he’d want to stop short.

It might have been seconds or hours later, but there came a point when Aaron’s tongue wasn’t enough. Danny had to be inside him.

“Open your mouth.”

Aaron looked up and met Danny’s gaze, his eyes brighter and more intense than ever before. He obeyed.

Shifting his weight forward onto his knees, Danny pushed forward, sliding the tip of his erection into Aaron’s mouth.

Danny wasn’t sure how many swear words he knew, but he uttered every single one of them as he fought not to come the instant Aaron’s lips closed around the topmost section of his cock.

Aaron knew how to kiss. He’d already proven that he could make Danny’s brain melt in just a few brief moments when their mouths came together. Aaron knew how to kiss. He also knew how to suck, and how to swirl his tongue around the head of Danny’s cock. He knew how to hum and send vibrations travelling through every part of Danny’s body. Aaron knew how to lick that apparently magical spot where Danny’s foreskin joined his shaft. He knew how to make Danny toss his head back and scream up to the ceiling, no longer even able to form enough syllables to swear with.

Aaron knew how to make Danny thrust deep into his mouth, all his plans and his manners forgotten. He knew how to make Danny come so hard he understood way the French called an orgasm a “little death”.

Danny continued to cry out as he spilled into Aaron’s mouth, louder and louder until he ran out of air. Pleasure sliced through him, clean and beautiful. For one perfect moment, the world was full of bright, white light.

He leaned forward and grabbed the pillows, his fists bunching around great handfuls of cotton and stuffing. His heart raced. He might have been having a heart attack. If he was, he hoped like hell that Aaron didn’t phone an ambulance until he’d finished coming. This was worth risking death—little or otherwise—for.

Then, as quickly as it had overtaken him, the bliss faded. There was no need for an ambulance. Danny blinked open his eyes and relaxed his grip on the pillows. He straightened up and pushed his hand through his hair.

Aaron stared up at him. He didn’t smile—possibly because his lips were still wrapped around Danny’s slowly softening cock—but his eyes looked happy. He wasn’t trying to pull away and reclaim his mouth. Danny was the only one gasping for breath.

Danny just stared, far too in love with the sight of his cock inside another man’s body to move away.

Aaron raised an eyebrow.

Danny pushed his fingers through Aaron’s short strands of hair. He had the kind of features any man in his right mind could cheerfully stare at for the rest of his life.

Aaron swallowed, his mouth working around Danny’s sensitised shaft.

“Bloody hell,” Danny murmured.

It was a slightly odd sound, having been formed around a cock, but Aaron definitely chuckled then.

Danny was more than happy to join in and laugh at himself for a few moments, but his expression soon turned more serious. He ran a fingertip across the line where mouth met cock.

Aaron’s lips were thinned out. He obviously had his teeth covered. That was a useful thing to know. A nice tip for when he came to return the favour—the thing about someone keeping their teeth covered wasn’t a joke or a porn fallacy.

At that moment, Danny had no doubt he’d need every tip he could get, because he would go down on a guy in the future, and the guy in question would be Aaron. He doubted that his certainty on that score had anything to do with his not having practical experience with other guys who he could slot into his fantasies about the future. Aaron felt right in ways Danny had never known was possible.

Danny trailed his fingers across the line of Aaron’s jaw, enjoying the scrape of the other man’s stubble beneath his fingers. Aaron’s cheeks hollowed out as he created a vacuum around Danny’s shaft, tempting his fingers up to explore other contours of his face.

It was impossible to gauge how long passed while they remained in that position. Seconds and minutes were things that happened to other men, guys who were doing far less interesting things. But, eventually, Danny realised that his actions might not be considered entirely polite.

He reluctantly pulled away to sit on the bed beside Aaron rather than astride his chest.

Aaron took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It couldn’t be called anything as weak as puffing for breath, but there was a certain amount of replenishing of oxygen supplies going on.

“You didn’t miss a drop,” Danny blurted out.

“One of my main life skills,” Aaron said with a lopsided smile.

Danny lay down on the bed alongside Aaron’s bound form and stared up at the ceiling. It was plastered in a complicated pattern of swirls. Staring at it made his head hurt. He closed his eyes. That was better.

“You know, it’s really rude to fall asleep on a guy before you’ve untied him.”

“I’m not asleep.” Danny opened his eyes. “You’re going to think I’m an inexperienced idiot for saying this,” he admitted, “but I think I’m in love with you.”

Aaron turned his head. His expression couldn’t have been more wary if Danny had an announced that he’d always wondered what it would be like to decapitate someone.

Danny laughed, too full of joy to keep the sound inside a second longer. Their eyes met. Amusement appeared in Aaron’s expression. He shook his head.

Danny rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow, to whisper in Aaron’s ear. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to untie you.”


“I’m going to keep you a prisoner until I’m ready to screw you properly.” He pulled back far enough to study Aaron properly. “Do you mind?”

Aaron sighed. “You know. You were almost pulling off the big, bad dom act—right up to the point where you asked for my opinion on it all. A dom might check that his sub is doing okay, but not like that.”

“Is my sub doing okay?”

Aaron sighed. “You’re really going to have to work on your tone of voice too.”

“You mean, practice it in front of the mirror or something?” Maybe scary wasn’t his skill, but he liked to think he could pull off innocence flawlessly. “Do you do that?”

“Careful, kiddo. You’re going to have to untie me at some point…”

Danny grinned. He was so high on afterglow no threat could touch him. Nothing short of Aaron saying he wanted to stop the scene could have killed his mood.

If it weren’t for something niggling at the back of Danny’s mind, all would have been perfect. But he knew he’d forgotten something…something…

That was it.

Danny sat up and began to root through the bedside drawer.

Aaron huffed. “Feel free to make yourself at home.”

“Thanks, I will.”

Success! Danny pulled out the tobacco tin he’d spotted earlier, when he hunted for the squeaky ball. Aaron turned his head and watched as Danny opened the tin and took out one of those fake cigarettes Aaron was so fond of.

“Good memory.”

Danny smiled as he settled himself cross-legged on the bed. “It’s one of my main life skills.”

Finding a discreet button on the side of the cigarette, Danny pushed it. Smoke curled up from the end, but it didn’t smell of anything. Ash appeared to burn, but nothing dropped off the end. Curiosity made Danny touch his fingertip cautiously to the red embers. They were warm, but not hot enough to hurt.

“You really do like to play with fire, don’t you?” Aaron spoke in that tone adults tended to use when dealing with uncooperative children, or slightly dopey puppies.

Danny held out the cigarette and managed to offer it to Aaron’s lips without poking him in the face with it. He considered that to be a triumph.

Aaron inhaled deeply, pulled back an inch and blew out what would have been a stream of smoke, if it had been the real thing.

Danny took the cigarette from him and sucked experimentally on the tan end. The tip glowed brighter in response. Mildly mint-flavoured warm air filled his lungs. He felt no need to cough. “Not bad.”

“Glad you approve. I believe it’s my turn.” Aaron was obviously way past the point where he needed to practice sounding authoritarian. Even restrained in what couldn’t be a comfortable position, he sounded as domly as any man ever could.

“You must have a good job if you can afford a place like this,” Danny said, hoping like hell he sounded like a guy who wanted to make polite conversation, rather than either a stalker who wanted to know every single detail about Aaron’s personal life or a rent boy looking for a sugar daddy.

Aaron took a long draw on his cigarette, apparently not concerned by the question, at least not bothered enough to let it interrupt his nicotine fix. “I’m an accountant,” he said, when he was done.

“Seriously?” Danny asked, rolling onto his stomach so he could look Aaron in the eye as they chatted.

“Yep. Calculator. Laptop. Briefcase. The whole nine yards.” Aaron looked pointedly at the cigarette.

“Sorry.” Danny let him take another draw on the plastic while he stared and tried to make sense of a world where accountants looked and acted like Aaron. People in this part of the city must all look forward to tax-time as if it was a second Christmas.

“What about you?” Aaron asked.

“Translator—mostly Welsh to English or English to Welsh in court, but I can insult someone in five different languages at a push.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Yeah,” Danny murmured vaguely, stroking his fingers up and down Aaron’s side, not quite able to wrap his mind around the fact he still had so much naked skin at his disposal.

On the one hand, yes—he wanted to know everything there was to know about Aaron. On the other hand, getting to know every inch of Aaron’s body was equally high on his to-do list. Hell, he might as well just scribble everything off his bucket list and just scrawl Aaron across the page.

For better or worse, he could easily imagine the rest of his life revolving around the man he currently had handcuffed beside him.




Chapter Seven

Aaron lay completely still and put everything he had into looking entirely unaffected by anything that had happened. It only became more difficult to do when Danny sat up and ran his gaze down Aaron’s body, taking the time to study every detail as he went.

“Your expression makes you look as if you’re a cannibal who’s wondering if I would taste better boiled or stewed.” Aaron decided not to mention that Danny also looked hot as hell. There was no need for him to draw extra attention to the fact the boy had come while he still remained hard and frustrated.

“It’s funny you should mention eating people.” Danny leaned forward and licked a bead of pre-come from the tip of Aaron’s cock.

Apparently, the fact that his erection pointed straight up to the ceiling was enough to make sure Danny remembered how turned on he was, without any extra hints being dropped. Great.

“You taste good.” As if to punctuate that thought, Danny caressed the tip of Aaron’s cock with his tongue once more.

Aaron bit the inside of his cheek and managed not to let out a low, throaty moan. “Thanks,” he said. “I do my best.”

Setting the fake cigarette to one side, Danny steadied Aaron’s cock with his fingers wrapped around its length.

Bowing his head, he took the upper part of Aaron’s cock into his mouth and sucked firmly around it. Skill would have been nice, but enthusiasm more than made up for the lack of it.

Aaron didn’t know if Danny would always enjoy giving head, but he seemed to adore his first foray into it. He groaned his approval, sharing lots of glorious vibrations with Aaron as he explored the topmost section of his erection with his lips and tongue.

Aaron swallowed rapidly and stared up at the ceiling. He’d often stared at the paintwork while he had insomnia, and occasionally when he regretted bringing home a guy he discovered he had no chemistry with, but it had been a hell of a long time since he’d needed to peer up there in an effort to distract himself from coming too soon.

Damn it, he wasn’t a teenager anymore! This shouldn’t be a problem—definitely not with a boy who didn’t know what he was doing, and especially not when he was playing the sub.

Regardless of all the very logical things Aaron told himself, it soon wasn’t enough to distract himself—he needed to distract Danny, too, and quickly.

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