Virgin Territory (7 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

BOOK: Virgin Territory
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Still, Aaron couldn’t help but run his tongue along Danny’s bottom lip and coax a groan of approval from him. All credit to him, Danny dipped his head and nipped at the tip of Aaron’s tongue just a second later—making his view on Aaron taking the lead quite clear.

It was a somewhat clumsy move, but the burst of adrenaline it sent through Aaron’s veins wasn’t any weaker because of that. Danny was one hell of a quick learner. He felt strangely proud of the boy, but that didn’t mean he was going to roll over without
kind of a fight.

Aaron caught hold of Danny’s T-shirt and pulled him closer, but Danny turned his head and broke the kiss.

“I want you naked. Now,” Danny gasped.

Aaron put a hand against Danny’s chest and pushed him away.

Danny stumbled back a few paces, his face a picture of shock.

Aaron grinned as he reached for the hem of his T-shirt. He wasn’t about to apologise for needing some room to strip down.

“No.” Danny pounced forward and grabbed Aaron’s wrist. “I’m going to do it.” His grin was wicked. “I control what you wear tonight and I’m the one who’ll take away anything I don’t want covering you up.”

Aaron shrugged as if it made no difference to him, and hoped Danny didn’t guess that it wasn’t the complete truth. It was one thing to undress in front of another man, or even to get naked at someone else’s command, but to physically feel his clothes being taken away from him…

Aaron wasn’t sure if it was hot as hell, or just a bit hellish.

For several seconds, all Danny did was look at him, as if he was putting together some sort of “before” picture, so he’d be able to compare it with the “after” version, when he’d stripped Aaron down.

“God, you’re gorgeous.”

Aaron doubted Danny even realised he’d said the words out loud. The compliment was all the more powerful for that.

Danny reached out and put his hands on Aaron’s shoulders. Aaron still had his coat on, but that didn’t seem to matter. Danny ran his palms down the outside of his arms, as if able to assess him through the well-worn leather. But, no, when Danny reached the bottom edge of the jacket, he slid his hands up beneath it, pushing back the jacket’s sides as he caressed Aaron through his T-shirt.

The thin material rode up, pulling away from the waistband of his jeans, but Danny didn’t stop to catch hold of it, he kept going, pushing the jacket back off Aaron’s shoulders. A co-operative flick of Aaron’s forearms and his favourite leather jacket fell to the carpet behind him.

Neither of them said a word as Danny repeated the process, this time pulling the T-shirt over Aaron’s head.

Brattiness was for lesser men. Aaron cooperated whenever necessary.

Uncertainty and shyness were for other people. Aaron stood tall and proud, happy for Danny to look all he liked—providing they eventually got to the part where they both got off, of course.

His heart beat faster the closer they got to the moment where he’d get screwed. It had been too long, he realised that now. He should have played the bottom more often, although he had no idea who he’d have played it to.

Danny suddenly dropped to one knee.

Aaron raised an eyebrow. “I get that you’re new at all this, but the second date is way too early for a proposal.”

Danny favoured him with a decidedly old-fashioned look, but he didn’t blush or scramble to his feet. Tugging Aaron’s trouser leg up, Danny began to undo his laces.

“Ditto for the new thing, but most doms don’t take off their lover’s boots. It’s generally considered to be a sub’s job.”

Danny shrugged. “I never have cared much about what ‘most’ people do. And anyway I’m not taking them
, I’m taking them

And that one word changed everything. Aaron’s hand formed a fist at his side. He remembered too late that the gesture wasn’t so subtle when someone knelt in front of him.

Danny lifted an eyebrow at him, in what Aaron was sure represented an impression of himself. Cheeky little sod. But, intentionally or not, the bit of brattiness let him relax.

He still didn’t like it, but he was better able to take it in good part. The fact that Danny had made a point of not showing him up in front of the whole club helped. This was just between them. Aaron balanced awkwardly on each leg in turn, steadying himself with one hand on Danny’s shoulder as his boots came off, and made no complaint.

Danny rose to his full height and met Aaron’s gaze. They stared into each other’s eyes, Danny just an inch shorter than Aaron, and apparently not at all concerned about that minor difference.

Aaron felt fingers tug at his trousers as Danny undid the top button on his fly, but he didn’t look down. The rest of the buttons swiftly followed suit. There was no other fabric to get in the way. When Danny slid his hand past the denim, his fingers closed directly around Aaron’s bare shaft.

Aaron gasped, letting his eyes drop closed, as he relished that first touch.

The virgin label made him expect Danny to be hesitant. Apparently having his own cock was more than enough to make Danny supremely confident in his ability to play with someone else’s erection. His grip was tight, his strokes firm. So far, so domly.

Aaron opened his eyes. Danny’s gaze was still focused on Aaron’s face as if studying his expression extremely carefully.

“Come on.” Danny tugged on Aaron’s cock, using his most prized possession as if it was nothing more than a convenient handle by which someone could lead around another man around a house.

“Which way to the bedroom?”


It was far from the first time Aaron had walked around his own house with his trousers un-fastened, but it would have been a damn sight easier to negotiate the stairs if Danny had let go of his cock.

“There’s a playroom up here too, if you want to use it,” Aaron mentioned as they reached the top of the stairs.

Danny paused. His hand tightened around Aaron’s cock in a wonderfully pleasing manner. Aaron stared at the back of Danny’s head. He’d have given almost anything in exchange for the power to look into Danny’s mind instead, and see what was going on in there. It shouldn’t have been a complicated question to answer.

“The bedroom,” Danny decided.

“First on the left.” Being out of Danny’s line of sight had some benefits—like no one seeing how shocked Aaron looked at his choice.

Aaron had a good playroom. He’d even go so far as to say it was great. Few non-professionals could boast better. Why the hell would an apparently kinky guy choose a mere

Once they were both in the room, Danny closed the door and turned to face Aaron, his hand still encircling his cock.

“If it’s because you don’t think you’ll know how to use my equipment, I’ll talk you through whatever you want to use—I won’t even play the dom when I do it,” Aaron offered.

“No.” Danny’s gaze drilled holes in Aaron’s confidence. “I made my choice.”

Aaron folded his arms and squared his stance. “Fine, then—it’s your move.”

“Get on your bed—on your stomach.”

Aaron obeyed, his mind too curious and his body too happy about the possibility of being topped, to tell the kid to stop playing at it and just admit he’d prefer to do another scene as a sub instead.

He lay in the middle of the bed, rested his elbows on the mattress and looked over his shoulder. Danny watched him from about a yard away from the base of the bed.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

The order was enough to get Aaron’s heart racing. He wasn’t sure if it was playing the sub after so long, or knowing that he’d put himself under the control of such an inexperienced man, but the intensity of the moment sent a shiver down his spine. Resting his torso flat on the mattress, he awkwardly moved his hands behind him and linked his fingers together to take the strain off his shoulders.

A click and cold metal pressing against his wrist made him tense. Before he could react further, another metallic sound ensnared his other wrist.

Aaron instinctively tried to pull his hands apart.


“You came prepared.”

“Yep.” Danny caught hold of one of Aaron’s arms and hauled him awkwardly onto his back. His hands were trapped beneath the small of his back as he rolled. He squirmed, trying to make the position as comfortable as possible. It wasn’t easy—and was only made more difficult when Danny straddled him and settled his weight across the tops of his thighs.

Aaron frowned, making Danny smile. “Well?”

Aaron’s trousers were still most of the way up, but his erection rose proudly from the open fly just in front of Danny’s crotch. It really was time to get started now. The bulge in the front of Danny’s jeans hinted that he felt the same way.

“There’s lube and condoms in the drawer,” Aaron indicated the bedside cabinet with a nod. “Just in case your preparations stopped with the hardware.”

“I don’t need them.”

Aaron blinked. His mind raced. For the first time since he found himself bound and helpless at the mercy of a man he didn’t really know, a shiver of real apprehension ran down his spine. Danny couldn’t be
clueless, could he? If nothing else, Danny had to remember what Aaron had used when topping him. Right?

“Yes, you do,” Aaron said, firmly. “If you have any intention of topping me, you do need both of them—a lot.”




Chapter Six

Danny shook his head. “I know what I’m doing.”

He now also knew just how impossible it was not to rock his hips while straddling Aaron. Perhaps a week ago it would have been easy. But since he’d discovered what it was like to have Aaron’s cock buried inside him, everything had changed.

Aaron opened his mouth to speak again.

Danny reached out and put a fingertip against his lips.

Aaron jerked his head to one side, his irritation more obvious by the moment. “Guess what, kiddo. You don’t know half as much as—”

“If I wanted to shut you up, I’d have covered your mouth with my whole hand, not just one finger,” Danny cut in.

Aaron turned his face back toward Danny.

Danny smiled, feigning a confidence he really didn’t feel. “In case you haven’t twigged yet, I want your mouth.”

“You’ve decided you don’t want to screw me?” Aaron checked.

Danny traced a line over Aaron’s bottom lip with his finger—it was incredibly soft, considering the hard nature of the man.

“Oh, I still want your arse,” Danny mentioned, in what he hoped was a casual, confident way. “I’ve just decided that we’ll both have far more time to enjoy doing that if we make it the second half of our scene.”

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. He thought about it for far longer than Danny expected. Whether the answer was to be yes or no, he hadn’t expected to have to wait more than half a second to hear it.

“Do you have a problem with that?” Danny asked, dropping his finger away from Aaron’s lips. He rested both his hands on his thighs and stared down at his submissive-for-the-night, knowing that at any moment, Aaron might rebel and return to his usual role. Every muscle in Danny’s body tensed as he waited for his fate to be decided.

Aaron turned his face toward the bedside cabinet again. “There’s an orange ball in the drawer, pass it to me.”

Danny frowned, but even while he was supposed to be calling the shots there was something inside him that loved obeying Aaron. He leaned over and rooted through the drawer until he found the thing, pushed to the back, behind lots of other interesting objects and passed it to him.

Aaron squeezed the ball—a loud squeak filled the air. It was the kind of toy a dog might be given to play with. “It’s not easy to say a safe word if you’ve got your mouth full,” Aaron said. “You should remember that—whichever side of the fence you decide to settle down on.”

Danny glanced from Aaron, to the ball, then back again.

Aaron clenched his fist around the ball once more. “You hear that sound, you stop.”

“So, that’s a yes?” Danny checked.

Aaron grunted, as if thoroughly pissed off with himself for what he was about to say. “Yeah, go for it.”

Danny could have kissed him, but he knew if he did that Aaron would instantly take over and distract him. Then, he’d probably end up coming before he had a chance to get his cock inside any part of another man.

Unzipping his jeans, Danny pushed them down as far as he could while in his current position. No—it was no use. He wanted to be comfortable for this. Standing up on the bed, feet on either side of Aaron’s waist, Danny pushed down his jeans. A bit of wrangling to get them over his boots, and he finally kicked the denim off the mattress.

He’d learned from his first scene with Aaron and left his boxers at home. Without his jeans, he was bare from the hem of his T-shirt to the top of his boots. Danny straddled Aaron once more. Success! Nothing could have felt more right. He moved forward until his backside rested high up on Aaron’s chest and his cock was just an inch from Aaron’s lips.

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