Virgin Territory (2 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

BOOK: Virgin Territory
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There was no polish to Danny. His technique was clumsy enough for his inexperience to be obvious, but no man could have doubted his enthusiasm as he grabbed hold of Aaron’s T-shirt with his free hand and scrabbled to pull him closer still.

Aaron released Danny’s wrist and braced himself against the wall with his palms on either side of Danny’s shoulders. He couldn’t start to explore the boy’s body now. If he did, he knew he wouldn’t stop. It wouldn’t do to take anyone’s virginity in the damn street; he was too old to excuse that kind of bull.

Aaron forced himself to step back. Danny’s grip moved to Aaron’s shoulders and tightened. He was no weakling. He even managed to snatch another kiss before Aaron laughed and pushed him back. “Patience, kiddo.”

Danny slumped against the wall looking as shocked as hell, but pleased as Punch, Judy and the crocodile all rolled into one. It was easy to believe that it was his first ever kiss—or at least his first from a man who knew what he was doing.

Aaron quickly extracted two helmets from the panniers on his bike before he gave in to temptation again. “Address?” he prompted.

Danny provided it using no more than the minimum number of words required for the job at hand. Pushing himself away from the wall he accepted the helmet Aaron offered to him without a single syllable. Either he was too nervous to make small talk or he felt the same way as Aaron did about unnecessary chatter. Whatever the cause, it was definitely a point in his favour.

Another positive marker—the boy put on the helmet as if he was used to wearing one, his fingers working confidently even though Aaron was sure his mind was more than slightly addled by lust. It was possible that he knew how to ride after all.

Aaron slung one leg over his bike. He didn’t need to command the boy to do the same. Danny wasted no time mounting the pillion seat. Within five seconds they were off and weaving through the night-time city traffic. Another two seconds, and Aaron registered Danny’s hard-on pressing hard against his arse.

The boy’s arms were tightly around Aaron’s torso, his hands resting on his waist. But, as soon as Aaron put his foot on the ground at the first set of traffic lights, he slid his hands down. One settled on Aaron’s thigh, the other rubbed his crotch through the leather fly.

In the privacy of his helmet, Aaron grinned at the sheer cheek of the boy. He had confidence; Aaron had to give him that. For now at least, it was amusing. He didn’t nudge Danny in the ribs with his elbow in a silent command to behave until the lights changed.

Three sets of traffic lights later—after each had stayed red for what felt like hours—Aaron was ready to send silent prayers up to whatever kinky angel might be watching over him. He was in luck. Danny didn’t live that far from the club, and there were no more lights along the way. They’d get there before he had to admit that his passenger’s teasing was getting to him.

Less than ten minutes after setting off from the club, Aaron guided his bike to roll to a stop beside the truly stunning motorbike Danny pointed out—all old-school styling with shining chrome and black paintwork.

“Yours?” Aaron asked as soon as he pushed off his helmet.

“Yeah.” Danny climbed off the back of Aaron’s bike, his borrowed helmet already removed, and headed for the front door of one of the Victorian, terraced houses that lined the street and loomed above them, three floors high.

Aaron wasn’t far behind him. Ha! It was more habit than judgment that made sure he even remembered to take the damn keys out of the bike’s ignition before he raced after Danny.

The moment the door swung closed behind them, Aaron shoved his host against the nearest bit of empty wall. The hallway was narrow, but there was more than enough room for two men who had no hesitation getting cosy with each other.

Aaron jerked down the zipper on Danny’s jacket and pushed the leather aside. Tugging at the boy’s T-shirt until it came up, he finally reached skin. He pushed his hand up higher, found one of Danny’s nipples and pinched hard.

Danny jolted as if struck by electricity. More interesting still, he whimpered as if he’d never been touched that way.

Aaron broke the kiss.

“Just how innocent are you?” He pitched his tone carefully, making sure there was no judgment, no condescension in his voice. “The truth, kiddo.”

Still pinned against the ugly green wallpaper and apparently quite content to remain there, Danny shrugged with studied nonchalance. His gaze settled on something past Aaron’s shoulder. “I know what I’m doing and I know what I want. Does anything else matter?”

“Yes.” Aaron grabbed hold of Danny’s lower jaw with his free hand and forced him to meet his gaze. “It matters.”

Danny pushed Aaron’s hand away. “Only interested in being the first guy on the scene?”

“Only interested in screwing you tonight, not screwing you up permanently,” Aaron threw back at him.

Danny’s eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth, but whatever he saw in Aaron’s eyes, it seemed to convince him to relent.

“Unless you count kissing the girl next door when I was sixteen, just in case that might turn me straight—I haven’t done anything that didn’t involve my own hand. I figured that would change tonight.” Danny tilted up his chin, as if daring Aaron to make a joke.

Aaron brought their lips together instead, half in praise for the boy’s honesty, half because it was impossible to stay so close to Danny and not kiss him.

Danny moaned low in the back of his throat. Maybe it was relief, maybe it was frustration. Perhaps it was both; Aaron only knew the sound went straight to his cock. If he hadn’t already been stiff enough to build bridges, he would have been once that sound reached his ears.

He deepened the kiss, making damn sure Danny knew he wanted him; experience, or lack thereof, aside. When Aaron broke the kiss, Danny groaned with annoyance and the sound said more than mere words ever could have.

Aaron grinned. “Pick a safe word.

Danny gasped for breath, but he also raised an eyebrow. “What a coincidence, I was about to tell you to do the exact same thing.”

Aaron bit back a laugh. “The dom doesn’t need a safe word, kiddo.”

“I know that.”

Silence descended. For the first time, Aaron wasn’t sure that lack of words was a wonderful thing. A frown spread across his forehead as he studied Danny’s face and tried to work out what the hell the boy meant.

“I told you that I know what I’m doing and I know what I want,” Danny said. “I never said I was a sub.”



Chapter Two


Danny Clarke knew he should have found the look of unadulterated shock that spread across Aaron’s face hysterically funny. He probably would have, if his entire brain hadn’t been devoted to being completely petrified and furiously angry in turn.

Perhaps Aaron looked like the epitome of the hard-core, spank now and ask questions later dom, but that didn’t give him the right to jump to conclusions.

No. There had been way too much of that going on since Thomas had run his mouth off that first night they visited the club. There would be no more assumptions—not even from a man as hot as Aaron.

Danny took a deep breath. “I never said I’m a sub,” he repeated, keeping his voice level through sheer force of will. “I wouldn’t do that. I lied about which way I swung for way too long, I’m not going to go through all that bull about which way I kink too.”

“But you said…”

Danny could almost see Aaron replaying each moment since they met through his mind again, checking for any declaration of dominance and submission in his words or actions. He’d be out of luck. Ever since Danny had spotted Aaron across the room and heard about Aaron’s reputation from the guy he’d been standing next to at the time, Danny had been really careful to watch every word that left his lips.

“Did you really think I rode pillion because I was desperate for you in complete control of the journey?” Danny demanded, when the silence became too much for him to bear.

“It’s where a sub usually rides,” Aaron said, his dark brown eyes suddenly assessing rather than lustful. All credit to him, though, he didn’t utter the phrase
bitch seat

Danny forced his lips into a crooked smile. “Sorry, darling, I just wanted to feel you push back against me and rub your arse against my hard-on every time we turned a corner.” And hadn’t that been every bit as glorious as he’d thought it would be… It was all he could do not to whimper at the memory.

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. Danny mentally cursed. He should have known that the
had been pushing his luck just a smidgen too far.

“You said you were a virgin,” Aaron reminded him. “Was that a lie too?”

“That’s true enough.” Danny shrugged as tension filled him and his throat tried to close up. “But even doms have to start off as novices, right?”

Aaron took a step back, putting some space between them. For a horrible moment, Danny thought Aaron was about to leave, but he made no move toward the door. Instead, he leaned against the opposite side of the narrow corridor, and studied Danny as if he were a bug under the microscope. Apparently he was an incredibly enthusiastic entomologist, because when Danny glanced down it was clear that Aaron wasn’t so put off by this turn of events that he couldn’t remain hard and ready to get back into the game as soon as the chance arose.

Aaron folded his arms across his chest, in a pose as alpha male as anyone could get. Danny hooked his own hands into his belt loops and focused on enjoying the view—it was that or hyperventilate.

There could be no doubt that Aaron was stunning. He wasn’t pretty. He probably wasn’t even all that handsome when considered from the point of view of Hollywood actors or catwalk models, but in terms of pure, raw energy, he took every prize going. Danny’s cock ached with need, he longed to lurch across the hall and grab the other man.

“Are you seriously going to look me in the eye and tell me that you thought you were taking home a sub?” Aaron finally demanded.

Danny cleared his throat. “I just knew you were the hottest man in the club. Nothing else seemed relevant.”

“And all that bull about losing your virginity tonight—”

“There’s more than one way a guy can do that,” Danny cut in. He raised an eyebrow, daring Aaron to deny it.

Aaron pursed his lips, glanced up to the heavens and sighed. When he was done being melodramatic in his own dom-ish sort of way, he looked Danny up and down, obviously weighing up the pros and cons of sticking around.

“A top as well as a dom,” he muttered, apparently more to himself than anyone else. He shook his head. “No. There’s no way you can know you’re either, without some kind of experience.”

Danny leaned against the wall in an effort to look cool, sophisticated and completely at ease with the conversation. It wasn’t easy when his cock sent frantic messages through his body telling him that it didn’t care if he topped, bottomed or stood on his head, he just needed to get off—now!

Coming from another man’s hand would have been enough to make a large part of his psyche content. It had to be a million times better than getting off via his own palm. Danny wasn’t sure how he knew that for a fact, but he’d have bet his motorbike on it—a far scarier proposition than merely betting his life on a long shot.

He needed to feel Aaron’s body pressed up against him, to know what it was like to be kissed as he came. He longed to see his come fall against another man’s skin, to taste it in his lover’s mouth after they sucked each other off. And, no matter what his cock said about taking what he could get, part of Danny’s soul cried out to know that Aaron was under his complete control too.

He wanted sex, but the need that burned the brightest inside him, almost blinding him to everything else, was all about asserting his dominance and having another man cheerfully accept that he was in complete control of him. Perhaps a few weeks ago, he might have said that being under another guy’s control could be just as hot as being the one in charge, but after the whole world and his lover decided to assume that virgin equalled sub, he wasn’t sure that was even an option.

“So, do you
you’re a dom?” Danny asked Aaron, as evenly as he could.

“Yes.” So bloody confident.

“So you’ve tried submission?”

Aaron’s shoulders tensed. The vein on his temple throbbed.

Danny straightened. “You said a man couldn’t know whether he was into something or not unless he tried it,” Danny reminded him.

“I’ve tried dominance, I know I like that. And I know I like topping,” Aaron said. “I also know what I’m doing—and that I’m bloody good at both.”

As his companion tensed, Danny couldn’t help but relax. “That’s all great to know,” he said with a grin, before forcing his facial muscles into a more serious expression. “Now, getting back to the subject of you bottoming for me…”

Aaron gave a lopsided smile. All at once he seemed to have found his footing in the conversation. “I’ll make a deal with you, kiddo.”

Danny sensed quicksand under his feet. He waited for the rest of the announcement, all his senses on high alert.

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