Victim of the Night (Night Trilogy Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Victim of the Night (Night Trilogy Book 1)
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Chapter 20



The next night, Lord Erebus called for a meeting.
We rushed to the throne room, ready for anything. Ever since that last attack, we have been wearing our vampire armor. We have to be ready in case anything happens. “We did excellent yesterday. Some of us got injured, but none of us died. I have terrible news though. We are going to have to fight off all the nation’s military, plus more. The other nations are sending some help to aid Paradisus. We are in deep trouble. We have to come up with a strategy so that we may overcome them. Any suggestions?” Lord Erebus said, looking out into the faces of all the vampires.

“What! You mean we are expecting a huge attack? We might be able to do a lot damage, but in the end, we are going to be outnumbered,” a vampire said.

“This is all crazy! We are going die!” another vampire said.

Everyone started to get out of control. The room filled with panic and anger. I sighed. This is not fair. “What’s wrong?” Blaze asked me, who’s sitting by me.

“I feel responsible for the war. If it hadn’t been for me, none of this would be happening. It all started with Ravine Katz’s daughter, and then it just went awry after that. I’m sorry,” I said, feeling glum.

“Don’t do that to yourself. If it wasn’t for you, Lord Erebus wouldn’t have been cured,” Blaze said.

“Yes, but the outcome wouldn’t be this dangerous,” I replied.

“No. It’s not your fault. It’s Ravine Katz’
s. You think that this war started with an injury to his daughter? No, it’s us. When they realize that we are vampires, they got scared. They spread the news to everyone, and now we are feared. They think we are killers, and that soon we will take over the planet, but no. The people want us dead. They tried killing us, but we defended ourselves well in every situation. Now, it’s an actual war. All the nations are going to be here, attempting to eradicate us,” Blaze said. “So stop saying it’s your fault. It’s Ravine Katz’s accusation towards us, and the people living in the world believing him that we are trouble.”

Blaze is right
. That made me feel better about myself, but I still don’t know what to do though? If the military of every nation is going for us, then we might be wiped out? It’s just too many people. We are only 701 vampires, and 500 of us need to stay out of the sun. If only all of us were lord vampires. We could have a chance, right? The lord vampires can stay up three days and three nights. We could do a schedule of who’s sleeping when, so either way, we’ll still have a huge number out in the field.

I turned to Blaze and told him about what I
was just thinking, and if it would work? “That’s interesting. It would. You want to know why? Not only can lord vampires stay up that long, but we only need about eight or nine hours of sleep. After that, we are ready to go for another three days and three nights. Not to mention the dark magic that everyone else can be wielding. They could heal themselves too! We could have a huge advantage, but I don’t think we can do that,” Blaze said, sighing.

“So, how can a full-fledged vampire turn into a lord vampire?” I asked, wondering why some haven’t turned into that.

“It can take years. It depends on how you live too. It was easy for me. I fought for Lord Erebus, and I have killed many people. So many that I lost count. I also have a burning revenge for taking out the warlock that killed my father. It took me 20 years to become a lord vampire. There are full-fledged vampires here that have been that for over 100 years, and still not a lord yet? I don’t know? I think everyone here deserves to be a lord vampire. They have been faithful and loyal, and they have been in the same fights as I have. The most recent vampire here, besides you, is my sister’s husband, Dar. We got him in the 80’s, so even he deserves to be one. He’s a guard, he trains hard, and he’s been with us for a decent amount of years,” Blaze said, trying to explain.

“So it’s unknown?
Wait, Nyx is married?” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah, I guess?
Yes, and he’s a good guy. He learned how to fight from me. Ah, the 80’s. I wonder, what did happen to that era? I liked that decade. They had good music and cars. I wish I could go back in time,” Blaze said, getting off topic.

Did Blaze just say wish? That’s it! I got up from the table and stood in front
if Lord Erebus. “What is it, Starr?” Lord Erebus said, rubbing his head with his fingers. He must have a headache over all the commotion in the room still.

“I know what I want to wish for,” I said, excited.

“Oh? Tell me,” he said, intrigued.

“Do you think you can make everyone that is not a lord vampire into one?” I asked
. I had to make sure if the wish would work first. The chatter in the throne room stopped. They heard what I said. All the attention is directed at me now.

“Are you serious?” Lord Erebus asked, shocked.

“Yes. Why not? Can you do it?” I said.

“Yes, but why?” he said. “It’s your wish, so why use it for everyone?”

“I get along with everybody, and Lord Obsidian has a point. Everyone here deserves to be one, and we might have a winning chance against the upcoming war,” I answered.

“This is a g
reat gesture. Do you really care for everyone that much?” Lord Erebus asked.

“Of course.
I can’t imagine any of us gone forever, and I don’t want to. I could ask for no war, but wouldn’t it just come back? Sooner or later, they’ll remember that we are vampires, and start a war again. There is no way avoiding it, so I want to use the wish on us,” I said, confident.

Lord Erebus looked around the room, and then back at me. “Very well. If that is what you want, then let it be,”
Lord Erebus said.

Lord Erebus stood up from his throne. He waved his hand
slowly in front of him with his palm facing outward. A light purple mist filled the room. A warm sensation came over me. I feel so calm, yet full of energy. “There, all full-fledged vampires will become lord vampires when they wake up in the morning,” Lord Erebus said, sitting back down. “Now, that we will all be lord vampires, I have a plan.”

Everyone listened with relaxed faces and minds. I know
I’m still feeling it. That spell Lord Erebus did for us to be lord vampires wasn’t harsh, but soothing. It might be telling us to go to sleep, so that when we wake up, we’ll be lord vampires! I can’t wait, and I’ve only been here a little over a month.

“Thanks to Starr, we will all be unstoppable. We have a huge winning chance!
We will stand our ground, but I want to warn the people about something. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to send out a few vampires to deliver the message, after that, we will prepare for war,” Lord Erebus said, smiling. “For now, let us all rest.”

Everyone in the throne room left to their rooms.
I made my way back to my room. I walked in, and was about to close my door, but a hand stopped it from closing. “Blaze? What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Oh, my mother told me that you saved her yesterday. She told me to give you this,” he said, handin
g me a basket of different types of chocolates and muffins in it.

“Thanks, do you want some? I can’t eat these myself,” I said, letting him in.

“Sure, and I brought you these,” he said, handing me a
vase of flowers. Not just any flowers, but the purple passion flowers from his garden mixed with other flowers to match.

“Oh lovely!” I said, taking them.

I put the flowers on top of my nightstand. When I turned away from the flowers, I bumped into Blaze. “Sorry!” I said, nervous.

“That dress
you’re wearing…I never paid that much attention to how it brings out your hair color,” he said, reaching for my hair. “It’s dark, like a black hue, yet in the light it shows a bit of brown, and your eyes are the same.”

Thanks! Which reminds me. Is that white streak in your hair colored in, or is it natural?” I asked while opening the plastic wrap on the basket.

“Natural. It’s like a birthmark. My father had it,” he replied.

“That’s nice. I like it,” I said, handing him a muffin.

He took it, and we both began to snack on the goods. We were having a
great time talking and eating, that I didn’t notice how late at night it was. I was telling Blaze on how happy I was that everyone gets to be a lord vampire. Blaze just kept staring at me, and then after a while, he kissed me. Not on the cheek, but on the lips. He didn’t stop either. He kept going, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was too seduced by him. He held me in his arms, kissing me on the lips, and then on the neck.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered, still kissing me gently on the neck.

“Yes,” I answered back in a low voice.

He kept kissing
me, then he stopped, sighed a soft romantic sigh, and then he bit me. I felt two painful spots on my neck, but I didn’t mind.





















Chapter 21


Lord Erebus sent Blaze, a few other vampires, and me to talk to the public. We broke into a news station, and interrupted what they were announcing. I think they were talking about the power outage? That didn’t bother us. We had generators. “Listen closely, humans. I am Lord Obsidian, and I want to warn everyone. We have grown powerful, and I will assure you that the next attack directed to us will not be a pretty one. We will kill and destroy everything. I honestly don’t know why we are being attacked? All we know is that Ravine Katz has you all in the palm of his hand. We tend to keep to ourselves, and we don’t kill people for the fun of it? Why would we want to take over the planet? We could’ve done that years ago, but we chose not to. Heck, I’m 800 years old, don’t you think I would’ve already done that? Why wait now? This has gone far enough. We will no longer hold back anything. That is why I’m here. The military will strike us, and we will kill them to defend our family. Look, we don’t want to kill, but if we have to we will. That is why I’m asking everyone to do themselves a favor. Tell anyone you know that is in the military to surrender,” Blaze said, looking directly at the people in the news room.

“We are not murderers like you humans. We have been
kind to people. Why? We don’t try to start any trouble. If we win this war, I don’t want people that knew, or that are related to military people, to say that we killed their loved ones. That they fought for nothing and died all because of one greedy person who wants to eradicate us. Open your eyes! We’ve been living among you for thousands of years, and we have not started anything to drive extinction to humanity. You’re doing that by yourself! If you want to save your precious military people, the planet, and your lives, stop this now. Stop listening to Ravine Katz and his lies. He’s the one killing off your people, your friends, and your family. Not us. Do this, and you will have no trouble from us. If you don’t…well we warned you. We are not going to go easy on anyone,” Blaze said, finishing up his speech.

All of us left and went back to the fortress. We confronted Lord Erebus at his throne. “It’s done, and we had no problems,” Blaze said, bowing.

“Good, now we wait and see what happens,” Lord Erebus responded.

Everyone departed to do other things. “Starr, why don’t I show you some fighting techniques while we wait,”
Blaze said. I nodded, and we began training.

Chapter 22



Blaze and I spent all day training. I learned a few tricks, and I can now say that I know how to defend myself better. Lord Erebus watched us closely, but I think his mind was elsewhere. Other vampires would should up at the throne room, and have a small chat with Lord Erebus. He’d just shake his head, but continued on watching us.

“Lord Obsidian, it is night time. I need you to round up a group
, and scout out the whole city,” Lord Erebus said, getting up. “I’m going to take a walk in your garden. It might help me clear my head.”

“Understood,” Blaze said, bowing as Lord Erebus left.

“Come on, Starr. I want you to join me,” Blaze said, putting up his sword. It’s quite interesting. His sword is inside his cane. I put up my hammer, and we both went around the fortress. Blaze gathered a few vampires. We turned into bats and flew to, and around the city.

We didn’t spot anything. That is until we reached the other side of the city. We landed on top of a tall building, a
nd changed back into ourselves. Right outside of the city limits, we see a massive army. There must be hundreds of tanks, thousands of soldiers, and over 200 aircrafts waiting on the ground for an order.

“This is all crazy! It’s 100 times bigger than the last battle!” a vampire said, nervous.

“I know. They are moving slowly into the city. No wonder the streets are empty? They must’ve ordered a curfew to the city of Vile. Hurry, let’s head back and warn Lord Erebus,” Blaze said.

We all returned to the fortress,
found Lord Erebus in the garden, and told him about it. Lord Erebus caressed a flower in his fingers before responding. “Then there is no other choice than to attack now,” Lord Erebus said.

Blaze asked, confused.

Yes. If we wait until the last minute to attack, we will have troubles defending. Imagine thousands of them versus 701 of us? Attack now, even in the city, but avoid homes of the innocent. If they are too many homes, wait at the edge of the forest to continue the assault,” Lord Erebus said, sniffing the flower he was caressing.

“Very well. We will spread the word around
. I already have everything planned out. I’m going to send some vampires out under the command of Mr. Pixy to the city. I, and some others, will wait at the edge of the forest, while you and the rest are here,” Blaze explained.

Yes, do that,” Lord Erebus said.

Blaze and the others departed from each other to tell everyone the news. “Starr, I
need you to stay here for a while. I need you in the kitchen. Help out the rest of the vampires there to make food, and save food that will lasts us for a while. After you are done, you can head out with the rest,” Lord Erebus said.

“Okay, that’s not a problem,” I said, heading to the fortress and entering the kitchen.

I began to work. The vampires and I sorted everything we have in the kitchen. We got all the canned foods, dry foods, instant foods, and meats separated from each other. We also made sure they are still good. If they were expired, we threw them away.

“I hate to say this, but we are low on canned foods. Some of them were bad, so now the number of cans are reduced,” Mrs. Pixy said, recounting.

“How much do we have?” I asked, looking at the small pile. I mean, it’s big, but to feed us all it’s small.

“Roughly around 200 cans,” Mrs. Pixy replied.

“That’s not a problem. I’ll take my truck to the nearest supermarket and get some. Nyx and Starr can join me,” Rose said, getting her keys from a hook near the kitchen door.

“All right, but hurry and be safe!” Mrs. Pixy said, getting back to work with the others.

Rose, Nyx, and I rushed to Rose’s truck. We got in and drove off to the city. We past the forest, and went to the closest supermarket we could find in Vile. Nobody is around, and the store is empty. We parked the truck at the entrance, lowered the tailgate of the truck, broke into the store, and commenced to go for a quick shopping.

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