Victim of the Night (Night Trilogy Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Victim of the Night (Night Trilogy Book 1)
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Chapter 15



I awoke the next night. The night of the party that Lord Erebus wanted.
I got myself dressed and went upstairs. No one is up here yet. It must not be time? I saw Nyx setting paper plates and cups to every table. I went to her and asked if she needed help.

“Oh please do! Help me with
the napkins and bowls with spoons,” she said.

I got to work
, and set the things she wanted me to set. As we worked, she asked, “What is this party for? Do you know?”

Are kidding me? Hold on! So no one knows that Lord Erebus is back? Lord Erebus must’ve went back
into his room, and stayed there after he got cured? Why? There must be a reason? “I don’t know?” I said, playing along. 

“It must be good news! I’ve heard we’re having cheese cookies and ice cream!” Nyx said
, eyes filled with excitement. Why do they call pizza, cheese cookies? For whatever reason, I like it!

Nyx and I finished up with the tables.
The both of us sat down, and waited for the throne room to fill up. “How do you like your clothes?” Nyx asked.

“I love them! How long have you been doing this? It’s like you
went out and got them from an expensive store!” I said.

“Oh! Thank you!
My mother taught me ever since I turned eight. That was about 790 years ago. I tend to pick up on newer fabrics as we go, but try to stay traditional,” she said, proud.

“Eight? 790 years ago? Can you explain something to me?” I asked.

“Yes? What is it?” she said.

“I know that when you get bitten by a vampire at a certain age, you stay that certain age. Right?” I said.

“Yes, but what do you mean?” she asked, confused.

I’m 21 years old. It means, I will always look 21 for years to come. What about you and Blaze? You look like you’re in your twenties, but yet you guys don’t have bite marks?” I said, trying to make sense.

To be honest with you, I do have bite marks. You just can’t see them because of my hair covering them up. I didn’t used to have them though. You’re right. That’s because we were born as vampires. We didn’t have to get turned. Our parents were already vampires when they had us. Blaze and I are the only born vampires here. I don’t know about Lord Erebus though? We get to choose what year we want to stay looking as. I chose to look 23 forever,” she replied.

“Really? That’s incredible! What about your mom? She looks…not that young?” I said, trying to figure it out.

“Don’t let that wheelchair and age fool you. She hides her true self. She can walk just fine, and she look 38 normally, but she’s…1,000 years old,” Nyx said, smiling.

1,000! That’s a lot of years! “Why does she do that?” I asked.

“To fool the enemy. I tell her that she doesn’t need to do it here, but she pays no attention. She said that it has to look real. I don’t get her sometimes, and she’s my mother!” Nyx said, giggling.

Nyx and I kept talking until the whole throne room began to fill up. “I must go and help. I would ask if you wanted to join me, but the party has something to do with you
, Blaze, and Lord Erebus. That’s why I asked if you knew anything. Anyways, I’ll see you later,” she said, leaving.

Blaze and I?
I wonder for what? Lord Erebus must be thanking us? I remained seated and kept a watch on everyone. They are all excited and laughing. I never knew I’d get accepted with such a great family? I’m very lucky to have met them, and to be with them now.

“Hey Starr, are you ready for the party to start?” Blaze said, sitting next to me.

“Yes, but why don’t they know that Lord Erebus is cured?” I said, whispering.

He wants to surprise them. You saw how happy he got when he turned into his old self again? He wants to assure everyone that everything will be okay. Only you, my mother, and I know,” Blaze explained.

I don’t know why, but I like Lord Erebus. He’s kind. “May I have you attention?
I will now welcome, Lord Erebus!” Rose said in a loud voice.

All the vampires in the throne room turned their attention to the throne. Oh wow! Lord Erebus appeared out of nowhere!
He is sitting on his throne, staring down at everybody. The vampires gasped, and then cheered. Lord Erebus raised a hand to quiet everyone down. “You know, it really hurt me when you guys didn’t have faith in me. You all trusted my word, but not me leading you into war. I understand. I was weak, but now I’m strong again! I would like to thank Starr, and Lord Obsidian. Starr said an important word that was long forgotten. Lord Obsidian remembered the word, and that word led to a passion flower. Starr made me a tea, and that tea cured me,” Lord Erebus said, nodding at us.

We nodded back. “Starr, I would like to thank you. For 500 years I was a kitten, and you set me free. I am willing to grant you one wish. What will it be?” Lord Erebus said, a calm expression on his face.

Vampires can grant wishes? I don’t think so, but Lord Erebus is a king vampire, and a vampire king. He is ancient, so he must know a lot of spells. “Lord Erebus, I don’t know what to say? Thank you, but can I think on my wish?” I asked, bowing.

“Of course. Take your time. Tell me whenever you feel like it,” Lord Erebus said, tipping his top hat.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Lord Obsidian, I want to thank you as well. I need you to stand before me, if you will?”
Lord Erebus said with a grin.

Blaze got up from the table,
made his way to the throne, and stood in front of Lord Erebus. “Lord Obsidian, I respect you as much as you respect me. When I was weakened by the warlock, I trained you to be the best. You listened to my instructions well. You became my second in command, you took care of me, you stepped up for me when I couldn’t, and you found us all a home. You never quit. You were born a vampire, and you earned your way up to a lord vampire. Blaze, I will now give you my blessing,” Lord Erebus said, standing up. Everyone gasped, and began to chat among themselves. Wow! This is happening! Blaze was right. I’m so happy for him!

Lord Erebus and Blaze stood facing each other. Lord Erebus put a hand on Blaze’s shoulder and said, “
Lord Blaze Obsidian, I, King Goth Erebus, will give you all of my powers, all of my inheritance, and all of my riches in the event of my passing. You will become the vampire king, and you will lead all of your fellow vampires into victory. Do you agree?”

“Yes, King Goth Erebus. I will never leave
your, or anyone else’s side, and I will always fight for you, and everyone. Even with this blessing that I will be receiving, I will try my hardest to defend you. King Goth Erebus, I’m honored,” Blaze said.

“Lord Blaze Obsidian, please bow your head and close your eyes,” Lord Erebus commanded.

Blaze did so. Lord Erebus lifted his hand that was on Blaze’s shoulder, and hovered it above Blaze’s head. A dark purple light emitted from Lord Erebus’s hand. The light grew, and encased Blaze. The light disappeared into Blaze’s body. Lord Erebus stepped back and said, “Lord Blaze Obsidian, open your eyes, turn around, and look at the crowd.”

Blaze did so, but when he opened his eyes, they were red.
I’ve seen those eyes before. Is he angry? “Lord Obsidian, what do you feel?” Lord Erebus asked him.

“Hatred and bloodlust!” Blaze said in a demonic voice.

“Blaze, I need you to calm down. Your inner demon cannot control you when you become a king vampire, and the vampire king,” Lord Erebus said.

“I will not do such thing!” Blaze said in the same voice.

“Lord Obsidian! You are stronger than that! Defeat the demon, and make him give you his power!” Lord Erebus said.

Blaze’s body fell to the ground. He’s on his hands and knees, struggling and growling with pain. “Lord Obsidian, remember y
our father! You think that Flame Obsidian would give up? He was my second in command! He was strong and brave like you! Fight it, and be like your father! Be unstoppable!” Lord Erebus yelled.

Blaze kept growling as he stood back up. Blaz
e yelled in pain. A circle of fire appeared on the ground, surrounding Blaze. The flames grew higher and higher until we couldn’t see Blaze anymore. “Lord Obsidian, keep fighting! Show the demon what a born vampire can do! You are the son of the greatest Flame Obsidian!” Lord Erebus said, staring into the fire.

The fire became violent, and the throne room went from cool to hot in seconds. “I am Blaze Obsidian! I am a lord vampire, and I will not fail!” Blaze’s real voice shouted from within the flames.
The fire began to change color. It changed from a fiery red to a deathly blue. The fire roared with immense power, but what is this? Blaze stepped out of the fire, and is unharmed.

Blaze turned to face the blue flames. He reached into the wall of blue fire, and pulled out a sword. The sword is demonic looking, and it’s dripping with blood.
Blaze raised the sword above him, and the fire disappeared into the blade of the sword. Blaze lowered the sword slowly, breathing heavily. The sword in his hands faded away as Blaze fell to the ground with exhaustion. “Did…I win?” Blaze said, trying to catch his breath.

“Yes! Lord Obsidian, you should be proud!” Lord Erebus said, helping Blaze
up to his feet. “You faced your inner demon, and won its glory. Ladies and gentlemen! I now give you your future vampire king!”

The vampires clapped and congratulated Blaze. Blaze made his way to the table and sat down by me. He still looked tired, but what happened? I’m lost. “So what went on?” I asked him.

“We all have a demon within us. I faced mine head on in my mind. It was a tough fight, but I killed it. I have the demon’s power, and its sword,” Blaze said to me, laying his head on the table. “I almost didn’t make it. It had me. All I kept hearing was Lord Erebus yelling me on, and the fire around me.”

“How did you manage to win?” I said.

“I faced him face to face, and I took his sword from his grasp. I gripped the sword, and stabbed it in the heart,” he answered, grinning. “That could’ve killed me, but I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to kill the demon so bad that I tried anything.”

What did the demon look like?” I asked.

“Do you really want me to tell you? Why not see for yourself when the time comes,” Blaze said, winking at me.

“Oh, all right. I can wait. I’ve got an eternity, right?” I said.

“Right!” Blaze said. “Oh, what about your wish?”

“I still don’t know what I want? I’ll figure it out later. Right now, I’m just happy to see everyone having a great time,” I said, watching the vampires make each other laugh.

We ate pizza, chips, and dr
ank soda. For dessert, they made us a sundae in a bowl. It’s all well, and there was no interruptions from the humans either. Everyone got what they wanted tonight. Lord Erebus is cured, Blaze got the blessing, and we all got a day without a fight. Not to mention the party, and my wish. I didn’t ask for anything, and I got a free wish! I’m too excited! What should I ask for though?

Chapter 16



I went back to work on my normal shift in the kitchen. All the past month I had to cut some hours so that I could figure out a cure for Lord Erebus. Now, it’s full time for me. I missed cooking for Mrs. Pixy.

Speaking of Pixy, Mr. Pixy has been studying the tank that attacked us a while back. He said that a strange spell is what made the tank strong. The question now is, who did it? Who is skilled enough to use spells?
The vampires assume that it could be Ravine Katz, since he’s been bullying us. Sure he’s wealthy, but can he really be the one behind the magic spell? Blaze said that perhaps he has found someone to do it for him? If that’s the case, we should be expecting something huge soon.

“Starr, can you do me a huge favor!” Mrs. Pixy said, desperate.

“Yes, what is it?” I asked.

I have my hands full here! Lord Obsidian is training the vampires, Lord Erebus is asleep, and my husband is making weapons. You’ve all I’ve got right now. Someone ordered a huge amount of cookies, and they need them delivered. Please tell me you can drive?” she said.

“Yes, but I don’t have a vehicle,” I replied.

“That’s fine! Take mine,” she said, handing me her keys to her vehicle.

“Mrs. Pixy, are you sure we should deliver this? What if it’s a trap?” I asked her, gripping the keys with fear.

“No, I’ve known this person for a long time. They are an old couple who want to throw a party for their anniversary.
Just deliver the cookies, and come straight back. I’ll even let you take Nyx with you,” she offered.

I agreed, and met up with Nyx by Mrs. Pixy
’s car. The both of us left with the back seat full of boxes of cookies. Mrs. Pixy had some of the vampires help load up the car for us. Nyx knows where to go, so I let her be my navigator. I have to say, why are these people still awake? It’s 11 p.m., and shouldn’t the majority of the people in the city be asleep? I don’t know? I have nothing against these people, but it all sounds suspicious? At least I’ve got Nyx with me in case something does happen.

Nyx and I arrived in fifteen minutes. I parked the car, got out, and helped Nyx carry some boxes. We knocked, but there was no answer. “You think their asleep?” I asked Nyx.

“No, they suffer from insomnia. They should be awake. Look, the lights are on in the living room,” Nyx said, looking at the window.

She’s right. I knocked again, but this time I turned the door knob.
“Nyx, the door is open. Should we go in and leave the boxes inside?” I asked her.

“That’s odd? They always lock up their house?” Nyx said, stepping inside the house into the living room.

I followed close behind her, and put the boxes on the kitchen counter. “Starr, do you smell that?” Nyx said, sniffing the air.

I did too. “Blood,” I answered.

Nyx and I looked around in the house, and finally found the old couple. They are in their room, dead and beheaded on their bed. Blood is everywhere, and the smell is strong. “Nyx, I think we should get out of here,” I said.

“What’s the rush, young ladies?” a man’s voice said from behind us.

We turned around and saw ten people standing at the door way. Six are men, and four are women. Where did they come from? We didn’t hear them? We must’ve been caught up with the old couple’s death that we weren’t paying attention.

“Who are you? Did you do this?
” Nyx said, angered.

They all laughed. “Yes, let me explain before we kill you too. Ravine Katz is not only wealthy, but he has power and connections. We have been keeping an eye on these old people, and we discovered that they are customers to Shady Thorn. We broke in, forced them to call for their order, and then killed them,” one man explained.

“Why them?” Nyx asked. “What is your whole plan?”

We now know other people who are customers to Shady Thorn, but the old couple got lucky to be chosen first for this plan. We lured you. We wanted Lord Obsidian, but I guess you two will do? That’ll get Lord Obsidian’s attention anyways,” another man said.

“You monsters! They were married for 80
years! They did nothing to you!” Nyx said, eyes turning red.

“Back away, vampire!” a woman said, holding out a silver crucifix. I fell to the ground. The silver crucifix started to burn my whole body. It’s so maddening! It hurts so much, and I’m stricken with fear.

Nyx helped me though. She swiped away the crucifix from the woman’s hands, and at the same time, cut off the woman’s hand with her nails. The woman screamed as blood gushed out from the injury. I felt better. I got up and stood behind Nyx.

“Why didn’t you go down, but the other one did?” another woman said to Nyx.

“Who cares, and shoot them!” a man shouted, pulling out a gun.

“I won’t let you! You will all
pay for what you did!” Nyx yelled, fangs bared. The people each pulled out their guns and fired. Nyx raised both hands in front of her. A dark red shield appeared and covered the both of us. The shield absorbed the bullets as the people kept shooting.

“Die!” Nyx hissed. The shield
returned all the bullets back to them. All the people got shot with the bullets. Their own bullets. They fell to the floor and died.

Nyx and I left with tears in our eyes. I drove us back to the fortress with nothing but sorrow.

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