L.A.P.D. Special Investigations Series, Boxed Set: The Deceived, The Taken & The Silent

BOOK: L.A.P.D. Special Investigations Series, Boxed Set: The Deceived, The Taken & The Silent
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Special Investigations Series:


THE TAKEN – Book Two

THE SILENT – Book Three



Giving up is not an option…





Winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award

Winner of the Orange Rose Award

Holt Medallion Award of Merit

Best Romance of 2012 List


“Linda Style writes an
intriguing, fast-moving, intelligent story
. I’ll be on the lookout for more.”

—Linda Lael Miller


A riveting story
with fresh plot appeal.” —
Romantic Times


Absolutely spellbinding
. A great plot…extraordinary in every way.” —
Coffee Time Romance


A tale of striking intensity…a compelling romance
. Style has a gift for creating intriguing settings and characterizations …escape to a world of danger, intrigue and passion. A compelling romance.”

—Cindy Penn,
Midwest Book Review


An exhilarating romantic suspense
that keeps readers wondering until the end. Action-packed…a strong intrigue.” —Harriet Klausner,
The Best Reviews


Style writes with style
… Style writes highly original stories that include characters with great depth. An exciting, heart-stopping reading experience you won’t want to miss. It proves once again, Ms. Style writes with style.” —Suzanne Tucker,
Old Book Barn Gazzette


A riveting read
that will leave readers glued to the pages. Ms. Style has a flair for suspense. A series you won’t want to miss.   —
Romance Designs


Tense, suspenseful and full of surprises
. The pages seem to turn by themselves. When a story engages my mind as well as my emotions, I know I’m hooked.”   —
The Romance Reader


Great Story! So intense
, with strong feelings of love and betrayal. Mystery and danger…another couldn’t put it down story you’ll really love.” —
Rendezvous Magazine


Brilliantly creative
, an engrossing read of romance and suspense…strong characters and a beguiling plot.”  —Donna Zapf,





To the courageous, dedicated officers of the law who

make this world a safer place.


As always to my family (and extended family) whose love and support

keep me on this amazing journey!






My heartfelt thanks to Paul Bishop, crime novel writer and thirty-five year veteran detective with the Los Angeles Police Department and the West Los Angeles Sex Crimes and Major Assault Crimes unit, and twice honored as Detective of the Year,

for sharing your invaluable knowledge.


And to the City of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce


A special thank you to Virginia Vail, for lending her Spanish expertise.



All characters in the following books have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.


Since these stories are works of fiction, I have taken liberties in some areas.

Any errors are mine.



LAPD Special Investigations series: Book 1




He’s desperate to find a killer…

When Detective Adam Ramsey receives a new lead he’s certain the man behind his partner’s murder is widow Jillian Sullivan’s maybe-not-so-dead husband. Vowing to bring the man to justice, he calls on the attractive widow and shows her a recent photograph of a man who looks exactly like her late husband.


She’s desperate to prove him wrong…

Jillian refuses to believe the only man who ever earned her trust could have deceived her and her daughter so thoroughly. She wants answers…even if she has to track down the imposter to get them.


When Adam meets Jillian on a plane bound for Mirador, a tiny village in the Costa Rican jungle, he must keep her from tipping off his target. They form an uneasy alliance to find the truth, but when passion ignites in the steamy jungle, facing down wild animals, kidnappers, and drug lords gets even more dangerous.


“Danger…Intrigue…and Passion. A compelling read!” –the Midwest Book Review





L.A.P.D. Special Investigations: Book One



Giving up is not an option…















Los Angeles Police Department


DETECTIVE ADAM RAMSEY slammed a fist on the metal table next to him. “I want the case, Jeff.”

Captain Jeff Carlyle stood sentinel by the door, thick legs apart, arms crossed over his barrel chest, his eyes on the woman being questioned on the other side of the one-way glass. “You’re too close to it, Ramsey. Besides, the feds are on it. It’s out of our hands.”

"Screw the feds. I was Bryce’s partner, for God’s sake. Seven years we were partners. I’m the one he called for help. You can’t shut me out, dammit.” He banged the table again, making it bounce.

Adam’s chest constricted. Anger raged through him, overriding the pain.

He’d been on vacation with his about-to-be ex-wife when his partner, his best friend, had called him for help. He hadn’t known about Bryce’s call until two days later, when he returned to his apartment—alone—and listened to his phone messages.

For God’s sake, Adam! Pick up. I need you now, man! His former partner’s voice shook with desperation. Fear.

He hadn’t been there. If he had… Guilt swept through him. If he had, his partner wouldn’t be dead.

Chest heaving, Adam leaned forward, both hands on the table, head bowed. “I didn’t even get to see him, Jeff.”

“I know.” The captain crossed to Adam and placed a hand on his shoulder. “None of us did. His parents wanted the closed casket. It was best.” He stared at the woman on the other side of the glass. “The transfer is a good thing.”

Adam’s head snapped up, anger spiking again. He shrugged off Carlyle’s hand and squared his shoulders. “That’s bogus. I didn’t ask for a transfer. Why me? Why now?”

“You’re the best man for the job, that’s why.”

“I’m the best man for this job. I knew Bryce better than anyone. He doesn’t make mistakes. Not this kind.”

The captain turned away, as if looking at Adam was too difficult. They’d come up the ranks together and shared a long friendship. After an extended silence, Carlyle said, “Bryce did make a mistake. A fatal one. He got made—his cover blown. The suits are on it. That’s all I can tell you. Leave it alone, take the transfer and do good things.”

“I want to listen to the tape again.”

“The feds have it. You know that.”

Adam swung around, shoved a hand through his hair. “I keep thinking there’s something that might give me a clue.” He laughed wryly. “The last thing he said  to me was that he knew he could count on me.”

Adam looked at the woman behind the glass, seeing her, but not really seeing her. She was crying, tears streaming down her cheeks because her husband had been killed when his truck ran off the highway.

He knew exactly how she felt.

But he was a law enforcement officer. Cops were strong. They didn’t cry.

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