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Authors: Rosanna Leo

Vice (12 page)

BOOK: Vice
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“Oh, come on. It’s not as if you’re rolling the dice. You’re just going for a walk.”

She caught her reflection in the mirror and almost changed her mind. Her shiner had deepened into a hideous brown, as if covered in grotesque shadows. Thank God it hadn’t puffed up too much.

Still, did she really want to promenade around Vice like that? Perhaps she could disguise the bruises. Grabbing her makeup case from her suitcase, she headed to the bathroom.

With a light touch, she applied some foundation, taking care to add a little extra on the tender spots where her skin had turned green. When she’d finished, Kate judged the final product and decided she still looked like a woman trying to mask a hideous bruise. Sighing, she picked up her purple eye shadow, the one she never used because the aubergine shade overwhelmed her fair skin. Applying some to her eye shadow brush, she proceeded to paint her other eye, very much hoping the end result would be a stylish, smoky eye on both sides of her face.

She gazed at herself in the mirror. Between her red ponytail and colored eyes, she resembled a whorish, sleep deprived Pippi Longstocking. Realizing she’d never completely camouflage the black eye, she released her hair from its ponytail, brushed it and flipped it so the fall of hair mostly covered the bruised eye. Veronica Lake, she could never hope to be, but it was good enough.

Letting her hair down reminded her of when Liam had done the same. The moment had gone down in her personal history as one of the most seductive ever. To feel his big hands in her hair, with a gentle yet demanding touch, made her wonder if he was the sort of man who liked to pull hair in bed. The sort who would turn her onto all fours, gather her hair in his palm, and pound her to heaven.

She blinked hard and tried to dislodge the aggressive yet enticing vision from her brain. “Yikes.”

After taking a few cleansing but otherwise ineffective breaths, she changed into the best clothes she had brought with her. Clean jeans and a cotton top with a few sequins scattered beneath the neckline might not win her a prize at Fashion Week, but they’d do. She spritzed herself with her favorite perfume, the one that made her smell like her mom’s garden, grabbed her purse and opened the door.

Wade, now on duty, turned to greet her. He took in her outfit and hair with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, you look nice. Goin’ somewhere?”

“I was hoping to escape my suite for a little while. The walls are closing in on me.”

The big man smiled. “I get ya. Let me alert the team and I’ll show you around.”

“No chance of me getting away on my own for a bit?”

“Not if I value my job. Liam left strict instructions to cover you at all times.”

Ignoring the sudden flutter of nerves at the mention of Liam, she closed the penthouse door. “Well, I guess some company would be nice, too.” She deposited her key card in her wallet and heard Wade on his walkie-talkie, detailing their whereabouts to whoever was on the other end. Then he pulled out his cell phone and quickly texted someone.

“Who are you texting?”


Of course. “Why?”

“He wanted to know when you left your room.”

“Surely he doesn’t need to know every time I pee.”

Wade suppressed a grin. “Something tells me the busy man will still appreciate knowing.”

Soon she was walking the casino floor, observing some of the customers with Wade in tow. It was easy to spot the gaming addicts from the various expressions on their faces—ranging from vacuous to obsessed. Each turn she took around the great room made her feel a little sadder. However, there were plenty of people there who just wanted a good time. Newly-married couples, singles on vacation. She even spotted a few who looked familiar. She suspected some of the ones wearing shades were celebrities. Liam certainly had a varied clientele. They weren’t all compulsives, either. Most just wanted to have a little fun.

For the first time in her life, she regretted taking such a hard stance on gambling. Who was she to judge everyone for the failings of a few? Addiction was inside us, and one way or another it tried to find a release. If she searched hard enough, she could probably find an addiction in everyone.

She certainly had one, a tall man with an intense gleam in his eyes.

They turned a corner and moved into an alcove with endless rows of slot machines. Kate noticed a man sitting at one, and something about his sandy hair made her look twice. She took a few more steps until she could make out his face.


Lisa’s husband sat transfixed in front of the slot, his hand hovering over the various buttons. She cleared her throat, hoping to catch his attention, but nothing short of a crumbling sinkhole under him would distract him from his game.

She moved toward him but Wade put a hand on her arm. “You know that guy?”

“He’s my friend’s husband. I just want to say hi.”

Wade frowned and pulled out his cell, murmuring something into it. Ignoring him, she approached Donny and smiled. “Hey, Donny.”

He didn’t look up.


?” He stared at the machine, frowning, and then pulled out his wallet to count his cash.

“Donny, look at me,” she said in a louder voice. “Lisa’s worried about you.”

His head snapped up at the mention of his wife. Donny’s lip curled, his usual greeting. He didn’t like Lisa going to New Horizons and hated her association with Kate and the other members. “Shit. Did Lisa send you to spy on me?”

“No, of course, not.”

“Then piss off.” He turned back to the machine.

“Look,” Kate said, “maybe we could pop over to one of the cafes here and grab a coffee. You look like you could use one and, frankly, so could I.”

“I don’t want a coffee.”

“Okay, a sandwich, then. Are you hungry?”

Donny growled.

“I just want to talk with you.”

“Leave me the fuck alone,

A male voice sounded from over her shoulder. “What did you say to the lady?”

Liam was there standing next to Wade. Kate’s heart skipped a beat. His anger was clear as he moved next to Donny.

“Liam, it’s okay,” she said.

“No, it isn’t.” He addressed Donny. “I asked you a question.”

“And I’m not answering.” He looked Liam up and down. “By the way, you can piss off, too. I don’t need you jokers preaching or handing out pamphlets about sin and vice. I’m in the middle of something.”

Liam hauled him out of his chair and pushed him toward the doors. “Not anymore, you’re not.” Wade followed at the ready. Kate scurried after them.

“Hey,” shouted Donny. “Take your hands off me! Who do you think you are?”

Customers lifted their heads to check out the commotion. Well, some of them did. Others didn’t bat an eye, still focused on their activities.

Liam offered him a small smile. “Oh, no one important. Just the owner.” He shoved Donny toward the revolving door at the entrance. “Get out of my club and don’t come back.”

“But,” Donny stammered. “It wasn’t my fault. She interrupted me.” He looked at Kate as if seeing her for the first time. “Why are you here anyway? Shouldn’t you be at one of your precious New Horizons meetings, tearing families apart with your stupid New Age bullshit? Because of you, Lisa kicked me out. I’m fucking homeless because of you.”

“Don’t you dare,” she began. “Lisa couldn’t take your crap anymore.”

He broke free from Liam and made a lunge for her. She froze, remembering Hugo Vaughan’s attack. But Liam already had him by the scruff of the neck. “It’s okay, sugar. I’ve got him.”

“Sugar,” Donny spat. “Well, isn’t that just fucking heart-warming?” He glared at her. “Fucking the toast of Vegas, are you? Wonder if Lisa knows her little saint isn’t quite so saintly?”

She looked away, horrified. She’d completely lost track of Lisa and the folks at New Horizons. She’d only been able to think of Liam and her own situation.

He pushed Donny through the revolving door and told Wade to put Donny in a cab, and to bill it to the casino. Donny reluctantly left, with Wade’s help, shouting at her the whole way.

Liam now turned to her, grasping her hands, then stroking them. He ran a hand over her loose hair. “Are you okay?”

That was when the tremors hit. She couldn’t handle this…whatever was happening to her. The guilt, the desire, the feeling that she shouldn’t surrender to him. It was just too much. Liam took her in his arms and held her close.

“Kate, sweetheart. You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

Damn, that scent! She just wanted to be with him again in some small way. Was that so horrible? She felt horrible for wanting it.

Even as she fought the wave of guilt that washed over her, she decided she was tired of being a victim. To her dad, to men like Hugo Vaughan, and most of all, to her own desires. She wanted Liam Doyle, had to experience him looming over her in bed, even if only once. It might be wrong, but she no longer cared.

She let out a sigh and looked at him, feeling oddly better now. His roguish face, gentle and savage all at once, gazed down at her.

“I’ve tried to stay away but I can’t stop thinking of you,” he said. And then his lips turned up into a grin. “Let me take care of you.”

Her resistance shattered, she nodded. “I want you to do much more than take care of me, Liam. I want you. I want you to fuck me until I beg you to stop.”

His grin became a wolfish smile. “As you wish.” He grabbed her hand and led her back to the elevators.

Chapter Nine

Crazed hunger.

That was the only way Kate could describe the scene as Liam got her into her hotel suite. Not that she had time to stop and analyze their actions. This was a time for…well…vice. Dirty, nasty, fantastic sin. They both seemed to need it.

From the moment he shut the door, his lips were joined to hers. Feeding off her, drinking from her, opening her up and devouring her trembling lips. Claiming her mouth the way he would soon claim the rest of her.

His hands roved over her curves as he moved her into the suite’s foyer. “Bed,” he commanded. As if he needed to.

He pulled her into the bedroom. She kept her eyes closed, relying on him to guide her, overwhelmed by their heat. She knew when they’d arrived because he’d stopped moving. Like a coma patient waking, she cracked her eyes open and took him in.

Liam stood before her, yanking at his tie. Part of her knew she ought to start removing her clothes, but couldn’t take her eyes off him as he disrobed. His navy tie flew across the room. One or two buttons popped as he pulled at his shirt. And then, as need radiated from his every feature, he worked his belt buckle.

He beckoned to her with a finger and a smile, and pushed his pants down, revealing black boxer briefs that looked as soft as a second skin. His erection strained inside them, stretching toward his waist band. She stepped toward him, already craving him, wondering how he would move inside her.

“You look like a kitten approaching her first bowl of cream,” he said.

She dropped to her knees before him, not bothering to answer. She palmed his length, marveling at the bulk of him. Liam let his head fall back as she touched him, and groaned low. Those carnal tones spurred her on and she slid her fingers under his waistband, luxuriating in the feel of manly skin. His hand tangled in her hair, caressing her. But as soon as she pulled down his boxers and licked him, his grip tightened and he tugged.

She took him deep into her mouth and gave thanks for men who loved to pull hair. Right now there was almost nothing she could imagine liking more.

“Christ, Kate,” he muttered, clenching his glorious ass. “You’re no kitten. You’re a hellcat.”

Giddy from his response, she smiled. And then as he watched, she licked him from balls to tip, drinking him down. Nuzzling the skin near his sac, she breathed deeply, smelling soap and just a hint of excited sweat.


Sensing him so close, she latched her hands around his thighs and took him to the back of her throat. Liam groaned and reached under her arms, gently tugging. His balls tightened and his thighs flexed. She had no choice but to release him and stood up, pouting.

“I wanted you to come in my mouth,” she said.

He ran his thumb over her lip and kissed her hard, biting her flesh. “Not yet. You don’t even have your clothes off and I need to see you come first. All I can think of is you coming, over and over.”

Liam kicked off his shoes, pants and socks. He had the body of a god and obviously took care of himself. His slim waist, tapered hips and amazing pecks had her drooling. His biceps and quadriceps made her dream. And his cock, well, that lengthy miracle just made her ravenous.

He stepped around her, yanked back the comforter, and sat on the bed. He made her stand between his legs and began to work on her shirt, lifting it over her head. He brushed his large fingers over her ribs and she sucked in a breath. She’d always been nervous about exposing her curves, but Liam made her feel like a goddess.

There was nothing in his eyes that made her feel heavy or less than perfect. His hunger made her brave, it made her want to display everything to him. To show him parts of herself she’d never shown anyone before. Her tummy flexed when he touched her there and for the first time she didn’t regret her extra padding. He continued to run his hand over her skin, as if wanting to banish all her insecurities.

“You take my breath away,” he said.

Emboldened by the compliment, she reached behind and unclasped her bra. His gaze dropped to her breasts and his pupils dilated. She quickly unbuttoned her jeans and stripped out of them, kicking off her shoes. Clad only in old purple leopard-print panties, she straddled him on the bed and he wrapped his arms around her.

He throbbed against her pussy as she ground against him. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked.

Kate let out a moan and arched her back, but he held her firm. He seemed to grow even more under her, his cock touching her tummy. Wishing she’d removed her panties as well, she swiveled her hips and felt her moisture soak the thin layer of cotton. Liam tended to her breasts, reaching one hand between them while the other felt between her legs. He let go of her nipple with a pop and grinned at her.

“So wet. I fucking love it.”

Perspiration began to take hold. She ran a hand through his hair. “It’s what you do to me.”

His grin disappeared and he looked at her through somber eyes, ones that didn’t miss the intensity of the moment. He made her wet, he made her want. He drove her out of her mind, and they both knew it. It was a relief to admit it to herself, and to him.

“Yes, well,” he said. “You have that effect on me, too.” He took his rigid cock and slid it over the crotch of her panties.

Already reaching the breaking point, she dropped her head onto his shoulder and sighed. He let out a chuckle and angled his head so he could connect with her breast again. She held on for dear life, rocking against him and watching as he ministered to her body. He seemed to understand exactly what sorts of touches she required. He licked gently at her nipples, bringing them to stiff peaks, then closed his mouth and applied more pressure, sucking until she cried out. Just when she thought this oral caress could not make her squirm more, he bit down and dragged his teeth along the distended tips.

Before long, Liam’s hand snaked around her hip and down into her panties. He danced his fingers over her ass, allowing his middle finger to tease a path between her cheeks. Lower and lower he moved, moving around until he’d gone so far he could play with her clit. Tapping and circling, he stimulated the little nub. Kate moaned and pressed her ass against his hand, wanting more of him. Wanting him inside as well as out.

With his free hand he made her look at him, then penetrated her with his other finger. With an aching slowness, he pressed deeper into her, scoring her insides and making her bite her tongue in mad lust.

“Fuck, you’re making me insane,” he said.

“Wanna feel it where it counts?” she teased.

He let out a deep breath as he finger-fucked her and then removed himself on a wave of new moisture.

“Oh,” she whimpered, lamenting his loss.

“Don’t worry, gorgeous. I’m not done.” Liam rolled her onto her back, and she felt the warm covers cushion her. Her legs hung over the side of the bed and he knelt before her, between them. He walked his fingers up her legs, winding up to her panty elastic. As he reached her pussy he teased her, swiping his thumbs over her swollen mound. She arched her back, her nipples reached for the sky and he rewarded her by giving them a hard tweak.

“Do you like that, baby? Do you like how I touch you?”

Her only answer was to thrash on the bed.

“I can do you one better, Kate.” He slid his hand back down her torso, claiming each inch of skin, and hooked his fingers in her panties. He slowly pulled them down her legs.

Kate raised her head to watch. No sight was quite as intoxicating as watching Liam lick her pussy. The look his face had already proven a game-changer for her.

Once he’d dropped her panties on the carpet, he spread her legs and inhaled. She hadn’t waxed in some time and hadn’t even shaved because he seemed to appreciate her little thatch of auburn curls last time. He smiled and touched a reverent hand to her lower lips, stroking them gently. And with every caress, his eyes showed his consuming interest, and then narrowed with obvious pleasure.

He looked at her as if he’d never seen such a perfect woman before, and it made her feel cherished and alive.

“You have a beautiful pussy, Kate.” Liam dragged a finger through her seam. “I see how it clenches and flutters whenever I touch you.”

“Liam, please.”

“I’ve been dreaming of tasting you again. Everything tastes like ashes compared to you.”

Before she could respond, he lowered his head and slid his tongue inside her. He explored each sensitive nook and cranny, then spread her legs wider, keeping his strong hands clamped on her shaking thighs. She dug her hands into his thick hair, needing to hold onto something as the swirling cyclone of delight ravaged her core.

Liam flicked his tongue against her clit, his hungry noises punctuated by the odd groan. She wiggled under him, pressing him even closer, as her orgasm signaled her in the distance, warning her of its imminent arrival.

He glanced up, sensing how close she was, proving his intuition as a lover. He latched onto her, sucking and sucking, raking his fingernails over her bottom. The cyclone inside her rampaged, flattening everything around it. His tongue laid waste to her and she cried out his name. She held on like a sailor facing an oncoming storm.

As Kate imagined what it would feel like to have him thrust his cock inside her, the storm arrived. She came and her sightlines went black. All she knew were shudders and sweet agony and the sheer devastation of the cyclone razing her world.

Part of her prayed he’d stop, the pleasure was almost too painful. The other part of her exulted when he failed to do so.

He lapped at her, his tongue flat and greedy. And just as her body quieted, the storm reared its head once more, threatening in the distance, intent on ravaging her again.

“Liam, please stop.”

He arched a brow and tormented her clit with his finger. “Really?” The bastard then grinned at her.

“Are you crazy? Of course not!”

Clearly amused by her response, he buried his face in her pussy once more, sucking her lips into his mouth.

“Oh, Jesus. Jesus, shit.

He laughed against her skin. “What a sacrilegious little hellcat.”

“Should I…be praying instead?”

“Oh, you might wanna pray.” He rose off her and reached for his discarded pants. He pulled out his wallet with one hand, keeping his other hand on her body, stroking her thigh, tickling her pussy, sliding a finger inside her and then teasing her. He produced a condom, ripped off the wrapper with his teeth and quickly rolled it on.

Kate eyed his impressive package and waited for the imminent onslaught. Instead, he surprised her by picking her up in his arms and carrying her over to a large dresser in the corner. He set her down before the sturdy piece of furniture and bent her over it. There was a beveled mirror attached, the kind with three panels. She looked into the mirror and saw not one, but three, Liams behind her, each of them red in the face and breathing heavily, like a bull preparing to charge.

“Hold on,” he commanded.

She reached for the sides of the dresser but the surface was too wide. It was all she could do to grip the top, her fingers laid out flat.

With one determined thrust, Liam drove inside her, grunting her name. She felt herself stretch with the wonderful invasion, her nerve endings waving flags of surrender as he plumbed her pussy. He moved so easily in her, as if he belonged there. She didn’t even have to try to clench as he thrust. Because of his girth, she naturally tightened around him, and he moaned in what could only be satisfaction.

“Fuck, Kate,” he spat, curling over her. “Shit, woman, what you do to me.”

He picked up his pace, swiveling his hips like he wanted to punish her. She clutched at the dresser top, but moved with such force she couldn’t get purchase. Her hands moved and squeaked over the polished surface, but she didn’t care if she left streaks. All she could think about was how Liam filled her, moved her, consumed her with his touch. He owned her body already.

As another orgasm barreled toward her, he clutched her hair in his fist. Tugging, but not too hard, he made her look in the mirror.

“Watch while I fuck you. I want to see your face when you come all over me.”

She caught his intense and fierce gaze as he voiced his demand. Three Liams stared down at her as if they wanted to devour her. His jaw, dotted with stubble, clenched. His brow was furrowed. And there was a wildness in his eyes that drew her in as much as it terrified her.

A man with demons. She suspected he’d only allowed her to glimpse one or two of them so far. Seeing him in this primal state, so virile yet vulnerable, made her want to please and comfort him. God help her, she wanted to know more about him, needed to know everything, and wanted to share herself with him in return.

This wasn’t just a quick, careless coupling. No one night stand. Something big was happening here.

But she couldn’t contemplate that now, not while he touched her with such savage grace. Caught up in his own rapture, Liam threw his head back and pounded away at her. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the delicious friction. So animalistic, yet so sweet. But just as her womb began to flutter again, he withdrew.

She opened her eyes and almost cried out from the loss. “Liam?”

“I’m right here, sugar.” He grabbed at her hips, held her tight, and re-entered her with a mighty thrust that made her see stars. As she cried out her ecstasy, he withdrew and plunged back in, over and over, each thrust deeper than the one before. Still grasping her hair, he slapped her ass and everything inside her vibrated. He seemed to grow harder and heavier inside her, and her body hummed and sang and bloody well shrieked its delirium. She came again in a fireball of lust, and had to cover her mouth because of the strange sounds erupting from it.

He slammed into her one last time, shuddering and shaking, then collapsed onto her back and kissed the nape of her neck. He didn’t release his hold on her hair, but loosened it, gently massaging her scalp where he’d tugged it.

“My God,” she managed when she found her voice.

He chuckled behind her and nipped her shoulder. “Jesus, Kate. That was unreal.”

BOOK: Vice
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