vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found (11 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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“You might not think that in a minute. I also come bearing bad news. Don’t kill the messenger, okay love?”

“Besides the fact that it is impossible to kill you, you know I would never do that. Spill. What’s going on?”

“It seems the florist had the wrong day for the wedding and tried to deliver the flowers today. Helena straightened it out, though. The dresses won’t be ready until tomorrow morning at 10:00 and the priest wants to meet with you and Sebastian tonight to do some marriage counseling.” I’m not too worried. Aidan can fix everything if we need it. I’m more worried about the counseling.

He laughs at this last bit, so do I. The poor priest. If he only knew he was counseling two vampires he would have an angry mob waiting for us. 

“I’ve been to see Basilio again. He wouldn’t talk to me, claimed he was in a meeting with some international dignitaries.” Aidan’s eyes shimmer with fire.

“He said he would have some news for me when he comes to the wedding. He had better,” I say, feeling my own pique rise.

Aidan summons coffee for me, effectively changing the topic and I smile at him.

“Thank you, Aidan. You spoil me.”

“I love to spoil you. You’ve never let me do half of what I’ve wanted to and I miss doing it for Manda. What are your plans for the day?”

“I was planning on going into the city to pick up dresses and check on the florist but now I don’t have to. I am not sure what I have to do until we meet with the priest. What is Sebastian up to?”

“He is in the city with Julian. They are arranging things for a small reception to take place here after the wedding. Since the King is going to be here they decided to make it a bit more formal. I’ve offered repeatedly to Helena to summon and create things for the wedding but she wants this done the old-fashioned way and is punishing everyone in turn.” Aidan sighs and I giggle. He is so funny when he pouts.

“That’s a good idea. I hate the idea of seeing Basilio again. What are your plans for the day, Aidan?”
“I thought I would tag along with you until you are otherwise detained. It is my last Lilith Goodwill day. Tomorrow you will be Mrs. St. John,” he says with a smile. But I see through it.

“Oh, Aidan. Don’t be sad today. I love you too much and I will have to cry and that will bring us both down.”

“I am trying, Lilith. It’s not just your impending name change, it’s all I want to do with Manda. I want to marry her. I want to make love to her. I want her to have the day you are having. I miss her, my heart feels torn open. You came through Hell, literally, and it gives me hope that somehow she can too. So I am clinging to you.”

“Aidan, we will find her. If I have to stake Basilio myself, I will.”

“Enough of this talk for a little while. You haven’t had a carefree day before your wedding and you should be enjoying the preparations. Let’s pop into the city and get you some new Italian shoes?”

“Ohhh you know how to tempt a girl! Let me get dressed. I’ll need to tell someone that I am leaving.”

“Let me tell Helena for you, love. I will be back to collect you in ten minutes so hurry. I don’t want to waste a minute with you today.”

He transmanifests out of my room and I hustle around. I don’t trust him not to pop back in while I am still dressing, just for mischief’s sake, so I hurry to put on a cute little dress and some pumps. A little makeup and of course I have to brush the fangsters. I am still brushing my teeth when Aidan pops back in.

“Aren’t you ready yet, Lilith?”

“Almost,” I say around my toothbrush.

He smirks, and I know he had intended catching me off-guard.

Finished, I grab my purse, he grabs my hand and we drop into the retail area of Florence. I haven’t seen much of the city so I am busy looking around. Aidan keeps hold of my hand and we stroll around talking and looking at the sites. I need some retail therapy after last night’s excitement and with the consistent maneuvering of the King. I am getting a little pre-wedding jitters too, if the truth be told. 

Aidan is great to shop with. He politely tells me what he really thinks of my purchases and he has great taste. He never complains about holding my bags and he will spend hours with me, shopping. We talk the whole time. It has been ages since we have spent this much time together. I have really missed him. His mood improves by the hour as he absorbs my enjoyment and the good humor around us. Around four o’clock we stop at an outdoor café so I can have some coffee. I have collected a huge amount of shopping bags. It is almost embarrassing. Note, I say almost. After my coffee we decide it is time to go home. It is almost five and Sebastian and I have to meet the priest at six-thirty. He is meeting us at his parish church, which is closer to the villa.

Aidan gathers up the bags and takes my hand and pops us back to the villa. We land in the courtyard. I think he knew Bast would be waiting for us there. Everyone is sitting together having a glass of wine. 

“Cherie, you have been most busy. Did you buy everything you saw?” Sebastian asks as he surveys all the packages.

“Almost. Aidan got me to go by saying the magick words ‘Italian Shoes.’ It kinda went downhill from there.” Sebastian nods at Aidan and I realize I’ve been handled. Then again, I think of the lovely afternoon I had and decide I got the better deal. I could have been here fussing and worrying about the wedding.

“Sit down, ma petite and have a glass of wine. Thank you, Aidan, for entertaining her all afternoon,” Sebastian says. I snort and they all know that I know what happened.

“It was my pleasure.”

“Did you get everything settled, Bast?” I ask.

“Yes, Jules and I got a caterer to tend bar and a string quartet to play. The King is supposed to be arriving sometime tonight. Our hosts have kindly made up the other bungalow at the other end of the property for him.” We didn’t use it because it was so far away, but it is perfect for the King.

“I wish he were staying in the city or better yet driving back after the wedding,” Aidan growls. “I went to see him again today and he refused me. He is walking a very fine line right now. He had better have something to tell Lilith.”

“If he does have any information, we’ll get it out of him, Aidan,” Julian soothes. 

“You and Sebastian have to go to pre-marriage counseling, you should get going. Shoo!” Helena says.

Helena sends us on our way. Two BMWs stand in the circular driveway under the trees. Rented to use while we are here. We take one of the Beemers now. Cars are one of the few places that are completely private for us. Vampire hearing is so good you never can tell what is being overheard at home.

Sebastian takes my hand while we drive down the country road on our way to the small parish church of Father Benedetto. The countryside is ablaze with the sunset. All the fields with their crumbling ancient stone walls add to the patchwork feel of the scene. We get to the church ten minutes early, but the good father is ready for us. He is a gentle man and speaks excellent English, which is good since I speak almost no Italian and Sebastian speaks only a little more than me. He serves us a glass of wine and asks us a lot of questions about each other. When he is satisfied that we know each other sufficiently he asks us why we want to get married.

Sebastian hesitates, thinking of his answer.

“I want to spend the rest of my days loving and caring for this woman. She makes my life whole. Without her I am less than half a person,” Sebastian answers humbly.

The priest is moved and so am I. I have a hard time finding a steady voice to answer.

“I am honored that Sebastian wants to share his life with me. He makes me happy and we love and respect each other. Those are things to build a marriage on. I feel safe and complete when I am with Sebastian. I feel right.” I can’t go on. 

How do you say you feel like you are home? I look at Bast and my lip trembles and I grasp his hand.

“I love you so much. How do I explain how complete that makes me feel?” I ask.

“I think you just did, Miss Goodwill,” Father Benedetto says with a smile. “You two pass as far as the true love part goes,” he says with a smile. “Do you go to church? You need to feed your souls as well as your hearts.”

“We need to spend some more time in church, Father. Lily’s schedule has made it difficult for her to attend mass on Sundays, but that has changed recently.”

“Let’s see that you do. I think you two will be fine. Go with my blessing. I will see you tomorrow evening. Bouno notte.”

“Good night, Father,” Sebastian says. “Come, cherie. You must be getting cold. Let’s get in the car and turn the heater on.”

“Thanks, Bast. I love you, honey.”

“As I love you.”

When we get back to the villa, we find everyone in pretty much the same position as we left them in. Helena and Hannah have wraps on and I go to the bungalow to get mine. When I get back Aidan has summoned a patio fireplace and has lit a fire. Sebastian sits on a bench with pillows so I sit next to him. But that isn’t close enough so he pulls me onto his lap. I snuggle in to his chest and he wraps his arms around me. We are completely pathetic. That sappy couple. Even Aidan has a sense of humor about us tonight.

“Did the priest say that two people that have sex as much as you two can’t get married?” Hannah asks.

“Very funny, Hannah,” I say.

“No, he only said people that yell as loudly as Miss Lily can’t get married,” Andrew says.

“Andrew, you are one to talk. And I quote ‘Oh Liam, Oh Liam, please yes, oh God yes’,” I say.

Everyone starts laughing and Andrew sits up straighter while Liam ducks his head. Poor Liam, he is a bit more modest than our Andrew or maybe he hasn’t adopted our earthy vampire humor yet.

“Any luck today, Hannah?” I ask.

“No,” she says and sighs. I can tell it’s getting to her.

“You need to take a day off tomorrow, Hannah, love. I’ve got feelers everywhere. I know we’ll find her but you need a day to relax,” Aidan says. Everyone is quiet. We know what this time not searching for Manda does to Aidan. For him to insist on Hannah relaxing he is giving a true gift from the heart. Guilt overwhelms me whenever I think about what she might be going through. Especially after seeing that picture on Tumblr. Julian pulled me aside earlier and said the account had been traced from an IP address in Italy. Julian had someone there to check into it and they found an empty apartment. The place had been wiped clean. Another dead end.

      The group gently eases back into conversation and we spend a pleasant hour talking about our days.

      “Lily, we need to put away all those purchases you made today,” Sebastian whispers in my ear as he licks it, making me squirm in his lap.

      “You’re right, Bast, we should go take care of those right away.”

      “You two aren’t fooling anyone,” Hannah says. “We can hear every word you are saying.”

      “Then pretend you can’t,” Sebastian says and winks at her.

      He stands up lifting me from his lap and carries me to the bungalow. When we get inside he lays me gently on the bed and takes his clothes off. I quickly unzip my dress and take off my shoes. I left my panties for Sebastian to take off. He soon has his mouth on them and takes them off with his teeth. By the time he is done he is showing fang. Yummy!

      He moves his way up to my neck and starts nuzzling me and nipping my neck with his fangs. I moan his name and he moves his hand between my legs while he sinks his fangs into me, drinking hard. That’s all it takes to send me over the edge. I have my hands all over him, clawing his shoulders.

      “Lily, I want you so bad, are you ready, cherie?”

      “Yes, Bast,” I whimper.

      He enters me as he bites my shoulder again. It sends me into another orgasm. He moves rapidly, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body. My fangs are out and I am nipping at his neck. He is saying my name over and over again. I hold back until he is on the verge of coming and then I bite him back sending him spiraling. He actually yells in French. 

      When he looks down at me, I have the biggest grin on my face. I have made him yell for a change. He looks dazed in the moment of afterglow. I love seeing him like this. I hold him close and he lowers his head to my breasts and snuggles in. We lay like this for a long time. 

      “I guess we should get dressed and join the others to wait for the King,” he says from between my breasts.

      “I suppose,” I laugh.

      “What’s so funny?”

      “It tickles when you talk from there.”

      “How about this, does this tickle,” he says as he sucks and licks one of my nipples.

      “Uhmmm… yeah… that feels perfect, Bast,” I say with a hoarse voice.

      “I thought so.”

      “Now quit that or we will never leave this bed.”

      “You’re right. I couldn’t resist though. They are the most perfect breasts I have ever seen,” Bast sighs.

      He gets up and reaches for my hand to help me off the bed. We slowly get dressed mixing in a lot of kissing. By the time we dress we are so hot and bothered we are ready to take our clothes off again. We leave the bungalow hand-in-hand to walk back to our friends.

      “I can’t believe you made Sebastian yell, Lily,” Hannah says. 

      “In French, no less,” Julian says.

      “You two put on quite the show for us,” Aidan says with a twinkle in his eye.

      “I’m sorry,” I say to everyone.

      “Nonsense,” Julian says. “It’s been what, twelve hours since you were last together? You must have been in withdrawal,” he teases.

      “It’s the eve of their wedding. We can cut them some slack,” Helena says.

      “Yes, but it is like this all the time,” Liam teases. “I can hardly wait until the wedding night.”

      “I think I will pop out tomorrow night. I don’t have ear plugs that strong,” Aidan says and he winks at me.

      I am glad to see he is in a good humor about it. It used to upset him greatly. It seems spending the day together had a balmy effect on my friend. Good vibrations feed him like nothing else can. I know deep down he never stops thinking of Manda. None of us can really forget that she is missing. 

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