vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found (24 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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“My man parts are what got her pregnant. I’ll guard them with my life.”

“Watch it, Bast. I could put you on the couch,” I growl.

“Easy, cherie. You feel any way you want to. Your body is going through major hormonal changes hourly. It’s to be expected.”

I start crying.

“Why are you so nice to me?” I sob. Aidan is looking at me like I am an alien. Sebastian wraps me in his arms.

“Shh, shh, ma petite mamman. I love you, that’s all there is to it. I will always love you, no matter what.”

“The mammas go through many changes. It’s normal. Read the book about pregnant women, Signor Aidan. It tells you everything,” Matteo says while nodding and smiling at me.

“I have a copy for fathers I will let you borrow after I’m done, Aidan,” Sebastian says.

“Already read it. Let’s get these two beauties settled so we can make the tunnel and get back to Alessandro. I want to know what he has found,” Aidan says.

At this point I am the only one who hasn’t read it. I can’t even find my copy. I expect that Helena or Hannah has “borrowed” it.

Matteo gives me a brief tutorial on the smart board and I think I have the hang of it. I’ve stopped crying and am tired, but I want to get some planning with Manda done.

“What kind of dress do you want? It is so important.”

“I’ve been thinking about it. I’d love a Laura Zhang. I love her designs and I modeled for her once. I know she’d do a dress for me but no way would it be in time. She’s booked two years out unless you’re somebody special,” Manda says wistfully.

“I think we can manage it. We have unlimited funds from Aidan that we may be able to pick something she has done. Let’s call her.”

I hand my cell phone to Manda.

“I don’t have her number…”

“Not a problem. The woman who did my dress was friends with Laura and we got to know each other a little. I have her card in this book somewhere…” I search through my book containing all the business cards I had collected. 

“I found it,” I say pulling out a plain linen card, handing it to Manda.

“I’m using you as a reference.”

“That’s fine. Call her.”

Manda puts the phone on speaker so I can hear. Laura picks up.

“Lily Goodwill, it’s good to hear from you,” Laura says. “How did the wedding go?”

“It was beautiful, Florence at sunset with candles and flowers everywhere. Simply magickal.”

“I so rarely get to hear how the weddings go. I love it. Yours sounds so romantic.”

“It was romantic. The room glowed with love. Very small ceremony but it was a dream come true.” I hear Laura sigh.

“I will have pictures and video soon.”

“Oh, good. I’d love to see some photos. Always need inspiration. Enough about me. What can I do for you today?”

“Laura, I have a problem. Do you remember the model Manda? She modeled for you once.”

“I do. She’s gorgeous and everywhere. I’d love to have her again.”

“Hi, Laura, it’s Manda.”

“Hi Manda, how have you been?”

“Just fine. I have a problem though. I’m getting married as soon as possible and I want to wear a Laura Zhang dress. Money is no object. But I do want it white or cream. I’m a bit traditional.”

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ve got about six dresses here that are going into the next show in two weeks. I’ll sell you one for twenty thousand if you model it in the show.”

“Ohhh, yes! I would love to. Can I come by tonight to look at them?”

“Are you both in New York?”

“Yes, we came to do some shopping and planning,” I say, winking at Manda.

“I would love to see you both. Can you make it eleven pm?” she asks. “I have a charity function I have to go to.”

I nod at Manda.

“Yes, we can. We’ll see you then.”

“Ciao,” Laura says and hangs up.

“We have to clear it with Sebastian and Aidan. They should be delighted because there is no way Giulia could follow us to New York City in a flash like Aidan does.”

“I’m a little afraid, Lily, about being around so many warm-bloods without Aidan,” Manda confesses.

“It was hard for me at first too. We’ll make sure you feed before we go. I have to feed too. Maybe Aidan can bring us dinner in. I think that would be best until Giulia is taken care of.”

Manda and I head for the dining room or command central as it is being called now. I’m surprised to see Alessandro lay out on the table. He is a mess. The front of his shirt is shredded and his face is a swollen mass. 

“Did she do this to you?” I ask, startling everyone but Manda.

“No, one of her henchmen. He was huge and came out of nowhere. But now we know she is working with others. This ups the ante,” Alessandro says through a split lip.

“This may not be the best time to ask this but we might as well get it over with, Manda.” No way am I taking this on by myself. “Manda and I have an appointment with Laura Zhang this evening at eleven o’clock east coast time.” Sebastian eyes me suspiciously.

“Just what are you up to and what exactly are you asking, ma cherie.”

“I wasn’t aware I was up to anything or that I needed your permission.” I bristle at his high-handedness.

“Ma petite, you do not need my permission. You do however need an escort where ever you go. New York City, huh, you looking at wedding dresses with Laura?”

“Yes, she’s agreed to sell us one of her new line no one has seen yet in exchange for Manda modeling it in a show.” I cross my fingers behind my back.

“I can see you crossing your fingers in the mirror, Lilith,” Aidan says and laughs.

I scowl and realize I will have to move on to my second request.

“Manda and I need to eat before we go. We were hoping Aidan could dazzle a couple people and bring them here for us.”

“Not a problem on the food. Now let’s talk about the trip to New York,” Aidan says. “I assume you need me to take you since it is in two hours?” This is such a far cry from the Aidan I first met who hated all “blood sucking parasites.” Now he express delivers dinner.

“Yes, honey, if you would,” Manda says.

“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Aidan says, sidling up to Manda and kissing her neck. Sebastian grins at Manda’s embarrassment.

“I’ll go too, cherie. You need someone in the room with you and I assume you don’t want Aidan to see the dress?”

“You are correct,” Manda says as she extricates herself deftly from Aidan’s roaming hands, giving him a sidelong glance full of promise. Aidan grins.

“This would be good. The Signoras would be out of harm’s way. We could focus on Giulia,” Alessandro says as he sits up, almost healed. He needs some blood as well as Manda and me. “If I could hunt with you, Aidan, I need to replenish from my injuries.”

“Of course. Let’s go now and get you fed, as long as you don’t kill your dinner. We can bring two people home for the girls to feed on.” Alessandro nods his assent.

Aidan reaches for Alessandro’s hand. Alessandro doesn’t know what to do with it so he shakes his hand and just like that, Aidan pops them out. I almost feel sorry for Alessandro. But Aidan gets too much energy and enjoyment from surprising people.

Matteo stares at the spot they just stood in.

“Matteo, Alessandro will be fine. I travel with Aidan all the time. We all do,” I say.

“It is impressive. I would surely like to experience it once.”

“I’m sure Aidan would take you somewhere,” Manda says.


“Senza problema,” Manda says. Matteo high fives her and she grins. “I remember a little bit from modeling in Milan and Rome.”

“I thought you looked familiar,” Matteo says. Manda just smiles.

Aidan comes back with two glamoured males. I wipe down the neck of one of them and sink my teeth in. When I drink about a pint I relinquish him. Manda is done too. Aidan pops them out. Matteo is giving me a funny look when I throw out the handi-wipe and grab my hand sanitizer.

I sigh.

“I have a problem with germs. Especially with the baby coming I want to be extra careful with how and who I bite.”

“Ahhh…” Matteo says. “I wondered. It makes sense. Often I can’t stand the taste of the skin of my dinner. I imagine those don’t taste any better though?”

“At first, but then the blood hits me and everything tastes wonderful.”

“I think you have converted me, Signora. Where can I get those?” Alessandro asks. I light up from the inside. A comrade in arms!

“I have boxes of them. I’ll give you some. Yay! I knew someone, someday would see the light.” Bast laughs and holds me from behind, rubbing my tiny but growing baby bump. Aidan manifests a carton of handi-wipes.

“Okay, I have to change if we are going to see Laura. I think I will wear something from our trip. Manda? You look gorgeous already,” I say.

“Thank you, Lily. It was all Aidan,” she says while grinning at her intended.

“I had a beautiful canvas,” Aidan says with his eyes glued to Manda. They are disgustingly sweet.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell everyone.

“I’ll go with you, cherie. Remember, nowhere on your own,” Sebastian gently chastises.

“Thanks, Bast. I forgot.”

“Aidan has fixed the window in our room and now we have bullet proof windows throughout the house.”

I sigh. I’m so thankful to everyone helping us but I am feeling a little claustrophobic and now the windows won’t even open.

“I know that sigh. You are feeling trapped. It won’t be like this forever and while we are like this I promise to have Aidan take you out from time to time so you don’t go stir crazy.”

Smiling, I lean into Bast’s side and we walk to our bedroom.

I dress in one of my Italian designer dresses and some Italian shoes. I add some nice jewelry and fluff my hair with my fingers. I am standing sideways in the mirror and realize that my baby bump is showing in this slim fitting dress. Yay! I’m so excited to experience this. I will have to do some serious shopping tomorrow since the pregnancy will be so short, I’ll need clothes soon.

Sebastian startles me when he holds me from behind. He nuzzles my ear as he entwines his fingers with mine over my belly.

“Lily, you are so beautiful.” His voice is hoarse and full of emotion.

“Thank you, Sebastian. For this baby, for this beautiful life. I love you.”

Sebastian answers me by turning me in his arms and kissing me deeply.

“You have only to ask and I will move heaven and earth to get it for you, cherie.”

“I only want you and our child,” I say as I nibble his ear.

“Lily, I want to make love to you but you have to go. Merde, I will not be able to walk out of here for a minute. You’ve, uhm, moved me.”

I can’t help but laugh which makes Bast growl. It seems to help his situation though as he is focusing on something else but me. I take his hand and lead him out of our haven and into the front foyer. Manda and Aidan are waiting for us. We take hands and land in New York City. Sebastian grabs a cab and we head towards the fashion district.

“I can’t believe we are here and are going to be getting a dress from Laura Zhang,” Manda says as she hops in Aidan’s lap. 

“How are you doing, Manda? Did eating help?” I didn’t want to bring her hunger up but I had to know before we met Laura.

“You know, it’s a nagging feeling but not overwhelming. I think I am going to be good.” She smiles at us all. That’s a relief. I won’t have to keep her from eating Ms. Zhang.

“Here we are,” I say as we pull up to the brick building with lots of windows. “Aidan, you can go and feed while we go upstairs. We’ll call you when we are ready.”

“Well, I guess that’s my cue to hit the road.” He gives Manda a chaste kiss and pops out. Bast pays for the cab and then takes both our arms and heads toward the door.

We go up a service style elevator and when it opens it is onto a scene of chaos. All Laura’s assistants are working hard. I have a feeling that New York’s upcoming fashion week has something to do with it. A harried woman comes up to us.

“Are you even supposed to be here? What? Did you just wander off the street and think you could get in?” she snarks. I step up to her.

“We have an appointment with Laura. If you would get her that would be appreciated,” I say in a pleasant tone. Not feeling pleasant at all.

“I’m not your errand girl,” she spits out. “And it’s Ms. Zhang.”

I see Laura coming up behind the woman with a grimace on her face.

“Laura.” The nasty woman instantly changes to a huge smile. “It’s so good to see you again,” I say as we do the obligatory cheek kiss.

“Selena, if I ever hear you talk to one of my appointments and dear friends like that again you won’t be able to get a job mending clothes at a dry cleaners.”

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know who they were…”

“Of course you didn’t and that is precisely why you shouldn’t have unleashed your mouth on them. I’m sorry, Lily, it’s hard to keep good help. Plus everyone is stressed over the upcoming show.” The woman slinks off with her attitude tucked away.

“No need to explain. You remember Manda? She’s the bride to be.” I smile as I drag Manda forward.

“Of course I remember her. You are just ravishing. I can’t wait to see the dress on you. Lily, this must be your husband and not Manda’s intended?”

“Laura, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, Ms. Laura Zhang.”

“It is my honor to meet you,” Sebastian says as he shakes her hand.

Laura looks at me and fans herself.

“French too? Gorgeous wasn’t enough for you?” she asks.

Sebastian tucks his head, embarrassed, and I laugh.

“Oh my goodness, Lily, is that a baby bump? Oh I have a ton of maternity clothes to give you as a baby present. You two don’t waste much time do you?” she says and squeezes me.

“How could I keep my hands off her?” Bast asks as he kisses my forehead.

“This is so romantic. I have to see pictures of the wedding when you have them. Email me a few. I just wish you had picked one of my dresses so I could use it for an ad. You two are such an attractive couple.”

“Well, wait til you see Aidan and Manda together. You could easily do an ad with them.”

“Could we, Manda? I would love to meet your fiancé.”

“I’ll call him to join us after we see the dress. I don’t want him to see it until our wedding day.”

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