vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found (7 page)

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“No way, ma petite. No! Absolutely not,” he says while shaking his head and his hands up in front of him like he is expecting to defend himself.

“Sebastian, I love this dress. It is an Italian designer and it looks good on me.”

“That is the problem. It looks too damn good on you.”

“Sebastian, when has that ever been a problem?”

“Woman! Please listen to me.” 

Armand is trying to cover his smile. I walk up to the register.

“I’ll take this dress please. I’ll change after you ring it up.”

“Excellent, signora,” the clerk says. I can hear Julian and Aidan trying to calm Sebastian down.

“…you’ll just make her more determined… you know you are throwing up a red flag when you called her ‘woman’… she is stubborn,” the men whisper to Bast.

      Armand has the clerks and the help he brought bring our purchases to the boat, and we return to the King’s. The mansion is a hive of activity. Florists and caterers are everywhere. The orchestra is warming up. We have just enough time to go upstairs and get ready.

      “Cherie, let’s take a shower and get rid of the smell of the city,” Sebastian says.

      I know what his true intentions are and I don’t mind a bit. We climb in the shower and make love until we are pruny. Then we really have to hurry and wash up afterwards. Laughing, we get out and dry off.

      “I love you, Bast, even if you are full of ulterior motives and are stubborn as an ass.”

      “I only wish to remind you to whom you are intended, ma petite.”

      “Oh darling, I could never forget that. I told you, I am playing a delicate game and I love you so much. I had to fight a laugh when Aidan pushed Basilio in the water today.”

      “Yes, I need to thank him again for that. Did Basilio really think we couldn’t hear him? The bastard. I heard every word he said. What did he do under that blanket?”

      “He just put his hand on my leg.” I shudder from the memory of his cold, clammy hand. “He didn’t get a chance to do anything more than that, thank the Goddess.”

      “Son of a bitch. I swear I will let Aidan take him out. He wants to, you know. He’s spoiling for a fight and he is certain the King has information about Manda that he isn’t telling us.”

      “He mustn’t. It would cause an international incident. We would be responsible. And we would never find out what he knows about Manda.”

      “I know. We had to talk him down today when we were shopping. It wasn’t easy. I can only imagine the thoughts he has had about me. I’m glad it would have caused you pain if he killed me or I would have been gone a long time ago.” Sebastian laughs.

      “Oh, please don’t laugh about something like that.”

      “Well it’s true. I guess I shouldn’t laugh about it though. I think that Helena has put enough protective spells on me that Aidan can’t take me out too easily, but I’m not sure. I don’t want to test it out.” 

      “I believe his frustration with Basilio is because he has knowledge about Manda that he’s not sharing with Aidan. Add the insult of your and my relationship and he has a short fuse.” Sebastian sobers up.

      “Let’s just get ready and try to get through this evening, Bast. Basilio said he wants to show me off tonight.” He growls and shows fang. 

“I hope he knows that he is going to have to do that while I am attached to your arm because I plan on being glued to you,” Bast murmurs in my ear.

      “Good. Help me zip up my gown and tie the corset.”

      Sebastian moves in behind me and kisses the back of my neck. He slowly zips me up. Then he laces my corset expertly like a man who spent many years unlacing them. He turns me around and starts kissing me and before long every one of my nerves is on fire. We are interrupted by a knock at the door. Sebastian opens it and scowls when he sees Aidan with a black velvet box.

      “Before you say anything, Sebastian, I am giving each of the women a gift tonight. It occurred to me that none of them might have brought jewelry with them for a ball. I come bearing Lilith’s gift.”

      He opens the box and inside is a pair of tear drop diamond earrings and a stunning diamond necklace. Of course it will go perfectly with my dress. Sebastian can’t say anything because each of us got a gift from Aidan, not just me.

      Aidan hands me the box. He puts the necklace on me. I insert the earrings and Bast and Aidan look at me while I look in the mirror. The jewelry is exquisite.

      “Thank you so much, Aidan. It sets off my dress perfectly.”

      “And your eyes, love. The diamonds make them sparkle all the more.”

      “Aidan, I want to thank you again for your help today with Basilio. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in a long time. It was very hard not to clap when he fell in the water,” Sebastian says.

      “I wanted to kill him. I still want to kill him. When he touched you and the things he said to you… he thinks of women as if they are toys and only he is entitled to wind them up. He might have an important clue about Manda but doesn’t care to share anything with us. If I could torture it out of him I would but I think he would like it.”

      “But you mustn’t. We only have one more day to get through, Aidan. I plan on asking him about Manda tonight. Let me work my wiles.” Sebastian starts to speak but I hold my hands up. Aidan looks concerned and guilty. 

“I need to do my part too and I have an advantage here that I should use. Then we will be on our way. We’d be staked if the King were to be killed. We would be hunted down by every usurper to the throne since we could then claim it,” I remind them.

      “That is the only thing stopping me. You are like family to me and I don’t want any harm to come to any of you,” Aidan says, taking my hands and squeezing.

      “Thank you my dear, dear friend.”

      I give him a kiss on the cheek and he closes his eyes. “Oh sun and sky, Lilith, I must find her,” he whispers.

      “I know, dear heart. I know.” I clear my throat of emotion. “You look smashing in your tux, Aidan. Will you and Sebastian escort me down the stairs? I think I am ready now.”

      “It would be my honor,” Aidan says. Sebastian watches us. His vampire hearing means he’s heard Aidan’s painful admission. His eyes crinkle at the edges then his brow furrows.

      “Come, cherie,” he says softly.

      We meet the others in the hallway. Hannah is in a red dress and is wearing rubies. Diel treats her like hand blown glass. Hannah is the smallest among us but the first to want to fight and kick ass if it’s called for and sometimes when it’s not. Fiona, Finn and Hades are being spoiled within an inch of their lives by their uncles Liam and Andrew. 

Helena wears a green and black dress with the emerald necklace that Aidan gave her. Everyone is striking, the men and the women. I think I am the luckiest. I am a sucker for accents and I have my zing and zang. Bookended between Aidan and Sebastian is like being stuck between bolts of electricity. If only I can keep them from striking Basilio long enough to find something out about Manda.






      We descend the stairs in a phalanx of glittering gems and stunning attire. Armand is at the bottom of the grand staircase waiting for us. 

      “If you will follow me, the King is greeting guests in the ballroom. He would like Miss Goodwill to join him in the receiving line,” Armand says with hooded eyes, discreetly checking me out.

      “Miss Goodwill’s fiancé will be joining her,” Sebastian says coolly.

      “The King, I’m afraid, requested just Miss Goodwill as she is hostess tonight. The rest of you may go through the line and then attend the ball. Please enjoy yourselves.”

      Sebastian and Aidan pull me aside.

      “Do not go anywhere with Basilio alone, cherie. We will be watching all the time.”

      “I will turn into a beetle again, Lilith, so if he tries to take you somewhere I will be with you,” Aidan says.

      “He’ll notice your absence, Aidan. You have to put an appearance in at least,” I say. “Hopefully, it’s just the receiving line and a dance or two. He can’t expect me not to dance with my fiancé, can he? That would be ludicrous.”

      “Hurry up, dears, this looks suspicious…” Hannah mumbles under her breath as she passes us by.

      We quickly follow her into the ballroom and when everyone else gets in line to greet the King, I step to his side. He acknowledges me with a kiss to the cheek and a squeeze of my hand. 

The room is full of lilies of all types and colors. The scent is amazing and it’s obviously a tribute to me. There is a small string ensemble playing waltzes and traditional pieces based on the age of the guests. Refreshments are served at a bar on one side of the room and tables are set up for people to sit and talk. Candles cover every square inch of available space, the tables, in sconces on the walls and in a giant chandelier making the ballroom look like it must have when it was first used. 

      By the time my family reaches us I can hear Sebastian cursing under his breath. I have to reach for the little bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse that I am using.

      “I had hoped you would have been here sooner, bella. I wanted to show you off as people came in the door,” Basilio says. Always maneuvering. Now laying some guilt on me.

      “I apologize, Basilio, Sebastian was busy entertaining me,” I say with a sly smile.

      Basilio bursts out laughing. Damn. I was hoping that would make him think twice about his intentions. He is incorrigible. He could care less who I sleep with as long as I sleep with him. I hear Bast mutter an oath. I can no longer see Aidan. I look down and see a tiny beetle on my waist. So plan B was in play.

      The King continues to greet guests and introduces me. He refers to me as his special friend, Miss Lilith Goodwill. Sebastian fumes off to the side. Several people comment on my eyes. The King heaps generous compliments as well. I am getting nauseated. Soon all the guests have been introduced. Basilio gathers both my hands, focusing his best mesmerizing gaze on me. Hmm, no voltage. I wonder if that is another perk of my wolfie side.

      “Lily, would you honor me in a dance?”

      “Of course, Basilio.”

      On the dance floor couples clear in a wide swath for us. Over the gasps and whispers, I hear Sebastian ask Helena to dance. The music starts, a waltz, and the King and I begin to dance. He is an excellent dancer. I am swept up in the music and smile at him. He gives me one of his most charming smiles. Now is my chance to question him about Manda.

      “Bella, I must have you,” he whispers in my ear. 

      “I’m not available, Basilio,” I whisper back.

      “But I am King, no one refuses me.”

      “I just did, Your Majesty.” I try to look poised and unconcerned. It helps to have a djinn on your side.

      He laughs. At least he is keeping a sense of humor about it.

      “You are so beautiful,” he murmurs and then kisses my neck.

      I pull my head away slightly trying not to cause a situation. 

      “Ahh, you smell and taste delicious. This is not fair, bella. You must sleep with me. I have never begged a woman to share my bed but you may be the one.”

      “It pains me to tell you no. Did you consider that you want me because I am not available?”

      “I could have him taken out with one word you know,” Basilio says coolly.

      “Then I would never be yours. I could never forgive such brutality.” Ruthless yet beautiful. 

      “That is what I like about you. You are so unique, my bella, my beautiful girl.” He sighs.

      “For having integrity and fidelity?”

      Basilio shrugs. Very contented and secure in his behavior.

      “Basilio, as much as I love your country and your company, I have an ulterior motive as well.”

      He looks at me, measuring me. His hand tightens around my waist, almost painfully, displaying his disappointment. He must think I am like everyone else wanting something from him.

      “And what would this be, Lily?”

      “I have a dear friend who went missing in Milan a few months ago. She was human at the time.”

“Was human?”

“Zoe, our past Queen, had her turned and she disappeared. We think she is still in Italy, against her will. I desperately want to find her.”

      Basilio cocks his head and looks at me. I mean really studies me for a minute before commenting.

      “I will look into it. Everyone is supposed to register new vampires with the court. I will see what I can find out and let you know at the wedding, bella. Think about what I want too. It would be a fair trade. One night for information.”

      “I would consider a favor, no deal.” I smile at him.

      “Oh, bella, you can be sure I will come up with something now. If only to be in your good graces.”

      The music ends and Sebastian is there to step in. He trades the King so that Basilio will have to dance with Helena or out and out snub her. It is the perfect move.

      “I swear I will kill him, cherie,” Sebastian growls.

      “No, Bast.” Basilio has just threatened to have Sebastian killed so that I would be the King’s. We are leaving tomorrow. We only have to get through tonight. Two alphas marking their territory and Basilio’s on home turf. “Besides, he has promised to look into Manda’s disappearance. So we need to give him time to tell us what he discovers.”

      “If we can get through tonight,” he answers.

      I feel my lady bug settle near my cleavage – when I look down there is a beautiful butterfly – amazing, the same color of my dress perched like a broach. The perfect accessory.

      “We will, and then we will be on our way to our wedding, my love,” I say smiling at him.

      He kisses me long and hard. I notice the King watching us and it makes me feel dirty. Great. I need my handi-wipes. At least some hand sanitizer.

      “I know that look. Let’s go get you some wine and you can use the hand sanitizer you have in that tiny bag. Come, cherie.”

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